Nancy shares with Richard an introduction to the Jungian Archetypes.
Richard and Nancy recount key moments from their recent move.
Episodi mancanti?
Nancy and Richard are thrilled to kick off the next season of Divine MF! In this episode they announce a slight format change to the show, and give a behind the scenes glimpse of their recent nuptials!
Nancy and Richard discuss how to cultivate yang energy when its needed.
Nancy and Richard are back in the continental US, and talk about acceptance, and how it differs from tolerance. Spoiler Alert: we didn't get to hear a Taylor Swift song, and we accept it.
Still in Puerto Rico, Richard and Nancy stumble upon an oceanfront wedding ceremony, which spurs a Yin/Yang dialogue about weddings and marriage.
Nancy and Richard kick off a new season of Divine MF from a resort in Puerto Rico, where they discuss maintaining balance in a Yin place.
Richard and Nancy highlight the yinest and yangest moments of the classic film, "Bull Durham"
Nancy and Richard discuss the consequences of life in need of yin energy.
Nancy and Richard explore the concept of Balance via the Tao Te Ching.
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Investigating the imbalances that cause breakups: yin-yin, yangyin, yang-yang.
Nancy and Richard dialogue through some yin/yang comparisons, including how a yin/yang hosts a party!
Ready to develop your unique yin/yang balance?
Richard and Nancy explore the distortions of the Yang perspective. Why expressions of masculinity are not the Divine Yang.
Ready to bring your True Yin/Yang balance to the next level?
Start Your Journey
Nancy and Richard explore the misperceptions of Yin energy, and offer five steps to re-direct towards the divine feminine/centered yin.
Embark on a 12-week private program with Nancy or Richard to help you live your life with your True yin/yang balance. Free 30min consult to start: Begin My Journey
Nancy and Richard explore what is at the root of mansplaining and nagging from the awakened yin/yang perspective.
Richard and Nancy discuss the regenerative way to improve Self-Image.
Nancy and Richard offer a working definition of Yin and Yang, and illustrate their experiences learning to express them in a way that was in alignment for them.
Note: The expressions of masculine and feminine depicted in this episode are simply expressions. There are infinite expressions in the universe, and each one is celebrated in consciousness. There is no intention to sway any person from an expression that is in alignment for them.
Nancy and Richard introduce themselves and the intention of this podcast: to explore the divine masculine and divine feminine in a conscious relationship.
Please Note: These discussions operate from an understanding that all beings contain both masculine and feminine aspects. This podcast is simply an exploration of these concepts, and are not intended to combat any other expression of masculine or feminine. There are infinite expressions in the universe, and all are celebrations of consciousness.