Join Gina and her special guest, Dr. David Rendelstein, leading wellness and weight loss expert, for a frank talk about maintaining physical health during difficult times and why NOW is the time to take control of your health. Dr. Rendelstein is a living testimonial for weight loss, even during difficult times. He lost 100 lbs. in 6 months and now helps his client's do the same. Special giveaway: Take the ThinTest to discover your barriers to losing weight and keeping it Help change the paradigm of divorce and spread peace to more families. SUBSCRIBE, RATE/REVIEW, SHARE with a friend. GET IN TOUCH: *** for legal/mediation consultation *** for coaching and mentoring support ***Facebook Group: Divorce with Heart
WOW! This episode is powerful. Join Gina as she breaks down some top reasons WHY you should settle (or at least seriously consider it). She speaks with tenacity, compassion and love for her listeners and from a place of raw beautiful honesty to help protect their futures. A definitely "must listen" for anyone going through a legal process.
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8 months ago, she was getting married... She was a stay at home mom of a beautiful little at home was good, going along as planned. 3 Months ago, life changed. She was out on the street, no money, no job, no fiance, and about to embark on a "battle" for custody. The break up was like getting hit with a Mack Truck. But she didn't stay down! she got up stronger than ever; She dropped the sword and started a new fight: a fight for peace. On today's episode hear all about how she did, what it was like, and how she feels now, as I interview Ashley, from California.
Did you know your thoughts and feelings are transmitted in your conversations and through your interactions, even when you're not aware of them. That's right. When we interact, we not only convey and transmit intended information and ideas, we also convey and transmit subtle information that we may not even be aware of. It's your vibe. Your vibe that emanates from your heart carries with it encoded information about your overall thoughts, feelings, and state of being. So if you think angry thoughts all day, and feel guarded or defensive, your vibe will transmit that to whoever you are interacting with. Tune in to explore some ways to mind your energy, Check your Bags and shift into what you really want your vibe to be.
For support with techniques and to practice elevating your vibe, join the membership portal at www.divorce To dive deeper and change your experience, heal your heart, and breakaway from damaging relationship patterns, go to to talk with Gina about personal coaching support.
Access schedules, sports, instruments, homework, activities, vaccinations even.... all these things come to mind when I think about communication and back to school. What do you do when your communication is strained? What do you do when you can't talk to your Ex or STBX? How do you navigate all that needs to be done to protect and promote your children's best interests? Gina dives in to explore communication tips and tricks to help you stop fighting and start peacemaking and problem solving, instead. There's always room to add more heart and to learn how to communicate coherently. Find out in this episode.
For more tools and support from Gina, join the membership portal at www.divorce; or for private coaching book a call at
If you're like most people in the midst of a breakup, it can feel like your world has been turned upside down. It can feel like your guts have been ripped out of you. It can feel like you have no sense of control and like you're just spinning further and further out of control. Good news ... first, you're not alone. Second, none of that is true. The truth is that you do have power to change things, and you do have power to feel in control and secure again. Today we'll explore an essential ingredient to your success: learning to become a responder instead of a reactor.
Ask questions and share stories in the Facebook group: Divorce with Heart. Follow Gina on Instagram @ginamariedeprima -
No joke, does this idea seem like a pipe dream? Like chasing down a unicorn? How can it be, if you (and your ex) both want "what's best for the kids?" Holidays, graduations, weddings, funerals ... these are all times that you will most likely be around your ex again. And these are all times, that your kids and family will be embarrassed and feel awkward ... if you don't get COMMITTED to actually doing and being what's best for your kids, instead of just setting a goal to do it. There's a BIG DIFFERENCE between Commitment energy and Goal-seeking energy. In this episode, begin to figure out where you're really at, before it's too late.
Stay connected, ask questions, and share stories: in the Divorce With Heart Facebook Group. Follow Gina on Instagram @ginamariedeprima
The legal system can seem unfair especially when you don't understand what's going on. Effective communication with your lawyer can make all the difference. This week Gina continues to explore communication with the other attorneys as well as your own, so you don't make the same mistakes that so many people do. And if you find yourself having to sit through mediation or co-parenting sessions with your ex, don't worry, Gina explores communication tips for that too.
To stay in the loop: * join the Facebook Group- Divorce With Heart * Get your FREE guide to Healing through Divorce or Choosing the right Lawyer, by subscribing to the email list at * Get more tools and strategies to help you experience a better breakup at membership portal
If you're going through a divorce with kids or in court fighting for custody and other parental rights, then you don't want to miss this week's show. Learn the difference between a law guardian, an attorney for the child, a guardian ad litem and a custodial evaluator and discover what you should do when communicating with other players, and how to prepare your kids for what's to come.
To stay in the loop:
* join the Facebook Group- Divorce With Heart
* Get your FREE guide to Healing through Divorce or Choosing the right Lawyer, by subscribing to email list at
* Get more tools and strategies for a better break up experience at membership portal.
Divorce is a life transformation. Your life is changing and will change no matter how you feel about the situation. It's inevitable. Before you can call in and create a better version of your life, of your family--after divorce, you have to make space for something new to appear and grow.
In this episode, Gina explores some helpful detox and space clearing tips to help you wash away the old and make space for your new life. Also enjoy answers to listener questions recieved in January through the Divorce With Heart facebook group.
Grab your FREE GUIDE to Winning the Emotional Battle of Divorce => *Please leave a REVIEW in ITUNES if you enjoy the show. 1 reviewer will be randomly selected per month and gifted with one month of free access to Divorce Intelligence™ (basic training) For help and support on a more personal level, book a call with Gina at
You've worked hard at crafting a parenting schedule, maybe you've even been following it for a while now and there haven't been any issues. And then it happens....your teen flexes their independance, and tells you that they don't have to go anymore...that they don't have to follow the schedule. What do you do?
What do you do, if you are the parent being rejected? What shouldn't you do because it almost always makes it worse? Get answers to these questions and better handle the situtation with Gina's guidance in today's episode.
Grab your FREE GUIDE to Winning the Emotional Battle of Divorce => *Please leave a REVIEW in ITUNES if you enjoy the show. 1 reviewer will be randomly selected per month and gifted with one month of free access to Divorce Intelligence™ (basic training) For help and support on a more personal level, book a call with Gina at
Visions control everything. It's your vision that makes or breaks your future and your daily decisions that make or break your vision. Creating the right vision for the future can serve as a roadmap. It can provide context for how you live life, where you operate from, and how you make informed decisions and judge your success.
In this episode, Gina guides you through the process of taking personal stock and creating a vision for yourself. It's been said that divorce is not the end, it's a new beginning; a chance to start over and begin again, to create a life full of intention and purpose. In this episode gina helps you clear out the old, so you can be more renewed. Join Gina as she explores the important topic of VISION. Sign up for the Divorce with Heart email list here:
Healing is a choice! A broken heart produces feelings of hurt, anger, frustration, sadness, stress, jealousy, resentment and a whole lot more. So, you a have choice. Do you let it be? Knowing it will only fester and get worse? Or do you choose to TAKE ACTION and HEAL!?
Choosing to heal is choosing to envision a better self, a better life, and a better future for yourself. Choosing healing means you can create a healthier divorce experience, and a healthier, happier life for you and everyone else involved.
In this episode, Gina guides listeners on what it means to choose healing and what simple steps you can take right now to begin the healing process and start living your vision for a whole and happy life. Join the Email List at
Are you feeling angry and frustrated with your ex's new significant other? Is it bringing out the worst in you? Don't worry, that's normal! But it's not healthy or beneficial for anyone involved!
In this episode, Gina expands on the topic of Growing Through Gratitude, this time confronting the step parent issue! You won't want to miss this episode! Gina explores the frustration and anger directed at the new stepmom or "girlfriend," how to move past the pain and into gratitude!
This episode also features a listener Q&A and energy reading! Join Gina and learn how to grow through gratitude and be the bigger person!
YOU JUST WANT PEACE & HAPPINESS! BUT YOU'RE SO ANGRY! In order to reach the point of peace & happiness, you need to forgive. BUT IT'S SO HARD!!! So how can you overcome those negative feelings and start down the path to forgiveness? GRATITUDE.
Gratitude is essential to peace and happiness and future life. Your future depends on the choices you make today. Gratitude can help you heal the emotions that left unchecked cause you to say or do things that you wish you could take back. Gratitude can change your life! In this episode, Gina is covering gratitude! How to get it, create it, and grow it!
Consumed with anxiety about telling your friends and family about your divorce? Confused about when and how to tell them? Worried about their reactions? It's normal. But it's not necessary. In this episode, Gina shares tips for knowing when the time is right, deciding what to say, how much information to divulge, and how to help others understand how they can best support you during this turbulent time of transition. Join Gina as she shows you how to conquer your anxiety, manage those difficult conversations, and put the focus back on the future! YOUR FABULOUS FUTURE!
You know what's at the bottom of irrational decisions, senseless illogical decisions!? IT'S FEAR!
It’s got you so worried, that you can't think straight. You're out of your mind crazy.
Unable to sleep. Unable to eat. Unable to relax. Even breathe.You feel nuts. Like life is spinning out of control and like you're about to lose it at every turn.That’s the feeling of fear. And when you feel like that, you don’t listen. You don’t hear things around you. You don’t hear good advice and direction and sensibility. You hear only your own voice. The voice of irrationality.
You CAN begin to trust again!
You CAN regain your center of control!
You CAN have peace in your life again!
In this episode, Gina is talking about how to fall in love with FEAR to become FEARLESS! She’ll give you solid tips for conquering your fears and learning to use them to your advantage so you can regain control of your life and stop letting your divorce be your master.
In this episode, divorcing parents can learn to untangle the emotions that keep them from reaching a fair agreement over the custody/parenting schedule.
Come on we've all seen them, the World's Greatest Mom, or the World's Greatest Dad awards. And yes, of course, we all think we are the greatest, right? Maybe we've even received a mug or two. But are we really? Are we really our child's greatest cheerleader? This week we explore more about what coaches wish you knew, and the interplay of your kids' activities and your co-parenting schedule.
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