Quint and Allie talk through whether to utilize an employer plan (like a 403(b)) or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Quint and Logan talk about the overall market and whether or not it is overvalued.
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Logan is joined by a special guest, Vinson Bunting, to talk through the key terms and tips you should know before you get a mortgage.
Logan and Allie talk through what to save for first.
Logan and Allie talk through balancing saving and spending when you have already built a decent nest egg.
Allie and Logan talk about when to take Social Security and how to plan for that in advance.
Quint and Logan talk about one of the most important words in the DIY steps “No”.
Quint and Allie wrap up 2024.
Daniel and Allie talk about having real estate in an IRA.
Logan and Allie talk through how to set up children for financial success.
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