
  • Geryah interviews Dianna Santos of cyberscentwork.com on how to get started with cyber scent work with any dog. Dianna is the president and co-founder of Cyber Scent Work Inc. She has been training dogs since 2011 and specializes in reactive, sensitive, and aggressive dogs. She is a lover of scent work and presides over multiple online dog training programs and organizations. These include Online Dog Training University, which has three different divisions: Scent Work University, Dog Sport University, and Pet Dog U. These are all online dog training platforms designed to help people achieve their dog training goals. During the podcast interview, Dianna discusses the Cyber Scent Work origin story, how to get started in Cyber Scent Work, the target audience for Cyber Scent Work, to include the Cyber Scent Work Shelter Program, some early-stage Cyber Scent Work success stories, and next steps for handler/dog teams to start Cyber Scent Work.


    00:00 Intro 

    01:11  Dianna Santos’ background /Cyber Scent Work Origin Story  

    09:20 Getting Started in Cyber Scent Work 

    13:32 Target Audience for Cyber Scent Work 

    18:04 Cyber Scent Work Shelter Program  

    21:23 Cyber Scent Work Success Stories 

    23:55 Next Steps to Start Cyber Scent Work / Dianna Santos Contact Info

    📒 Show Notes/Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    ✍ Blog Post:

    Purchase our prints 📷  here: https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    🔗 Check out my last nose work training video: https://youtu.be/8Vm8201tRRE

    🔗 How to Prepare an Odor for (K9 Nose Work): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J1GSjT70dU&t=0s

    🔗 Learn how to introduce the odor training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM&t=0s

    🔗 Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_InL0LM&t=0s


    📲 Connect with Dianna Santos Online & Social Media


    Facebook: @cyberscentwork

    Instagram: @cyberscentwork

    Contact Dianna: dianna@cyberscentwork.com

  • Geryah interviews Sara Brueske of zoomdogtraining.com on how to get started with dog sports. Sara is a dog sports coach who specializes in developing unique training plans and problem-solving for teams that play in all dog sports. Clear communication and utilizing motivational training is her priority as well as ensuring that both the dog and handler are having fun. Sara and her twelve dogs compete and train in a variety of sports including disc dog, agility, obedience, protection sports, nose work, and dock diving. Sara discusses dog breed considerations, events, training & conditioning, equipment, and tips/advice for those who want to start now with dog sports.


    00:00 Intro

    01:00 How Sara got started in dog training

    05:30 What are Dog Sports

    09:25 Are some dog sports more regionally popular?

    13:22 Sara’s Dog Training Philosophy

    14:29 Barriers to entry for varying dog sports

    16:51 Training Dock Diving

    17:59 Conditioning Dog Sports

    24:56 Rescue / Foster Dogs

    26:05 Dog Placement Strategy

    29:26 Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

    32:22 Dingle Days Rapid Fire Questions

    📒 Show Notes/Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    ✍ Blog Post:

    Purchase our prints 📷 here: https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    🔗Check out my last nose work training video: https://youtu.be/8Vm8201tRRE

    🔗Learn how to introduce the odor training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM&t=0s

    🔗Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_InL0LM&t=0s


    📲 Connect with Sara Brueske Online & Social Media

    The ZoomDog Life Facebook Group


    Fenzi Dog Sports Academy


    Consider the Dog


    Facebook: Sara Brueske

    Instagram: @zoomdog








    🎙️Subscribe to the Dogs Are People Too Podcast & Listen Everywhere!

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Geryah Dingle interviews Tori Mistick of wearwagrepeat.com about what it takes to be Instafamous in 2021 and pro tips to make Instagram-worthy dog content. With the influx of humans welcoming dogs into their homes during this pandemic and the recent changes to the Instagram algorithm, Tori discusses some of her thoughts on feed posts, stories, the Explore page, IGTV videos, and Reels. The interview also touches on some of Tori's work as an influencer, educator, podcaster, and founder of the award-winning dog mom lifestyle brand Wear Wag Repeat and her passion for amplifying women's voices in a way that embraces diversity; compassion, and a love of dogs!


    00:00 Intro

    01:12 Tori’s Background 

    03:10 How can pet parents create Instagram-Worthy content?  

    05:15 Tik Tok Example of authentic, honest content  

    06:30 Types of Instagram engagement/interaction (likes, comments, share, save) 

    10:26 What type of content works for pet industry/user accounts, specifically? 

    12:00 What should you post in your Petfluencer Instagram Reels? 

    13:30 Instagram infeed posts vs. stories vs. IGTV    

    16:30 How to use carousel posts effectively to “stop-the-scroll!” 

    18:30 Is Instagram too much work to maintain and curate?    

    19:41 Instagram Hacks to save time and be strategic about your posts

    23:08 Using Instagram to support rescues, animal welfare, and awareness 

    24:26 Using Instagram to work with brands as a Petfluencer

    27:10 Dingle Days Rapid Fire Questions  

    32:00 The Wear Wag Repeat Society overview 

    📒 Show Notes/Resources 📒 

     ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1 

    Blog Post:

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    Purchase our prints 📷 here: https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    🔗Check out my last nose work training video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM&t=0s

    🔗How to Prepare an Odor for (K9 Nose Work): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J1GSjT70dU&t=0s

    🔗Learn how to introduce the odor training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM&t=0s

    🔗Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_InL0LM&t=0s


    📲 Connect with Tori Mistick Online & Social Media

    Tori’s membership: https://wearwagrepeat.teachable.com/p/society

    Tori’s Freebie: Instagram Workflow: https://wearwagrepeat.com/igworkflowfreebie/

    Blog: www.wearwagrepeat.com

    Podcast: www.wearwagrepeat.com/podcast

    Shop: www.shop.wearwagrepeat.com

    Online Courses: www.wearwagrepeat.com/courses

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/tmistick

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/wearwagrepeat.

    Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/tmistick


    Resources Mentioned:

    ➡️ Subscribe to Huskies In The Hatch Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/huskiesinthehatch?sub_confirmation=1


    🎙️Subscribe to the Dogs Are People Too Podcast & Listen Everywhere!

    Disney’s Dog Food: https://amzn.to/2NSOd9m

    Disney’s first frisbee: https://amzn.to/3aNJOgY

    Disney’s first grooming brush: https://amzn.to/3sobNd3

    Disney's Outdoor Gear: https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tt=cl&merchant_id=f710da35-5850-4b3c-a29f-d26606e87382&website_id=3a4b0be9-44a4-4f4f-ad36-44b02edb4bb4&url=https%3A%2F%2Fruffwear.com%2F

  • Geryah interviews Tina Spring of sithappens.us about how to prevent dog bites with children and overall canine safety. With the influx of humans welcoming dogs into their homes during this pandemic, Tina dives into some of her thoughts on how one should behave around a dog and some of the things one should consider when children are in the household. The interview also touches on some of the work Tina has done with Doggone Safe and the broader canine safety community, behavior and some  training resources for pet parents. Tina owns Sit Happens Dog Training & Behavior, LLC. She is the co-host on the Your Family Dog Podcast and creator of 90 Days to the Perfect Puppy, Long time Family Paws Educator, and SE US Coordinator for Doggone Safe, an international dog bite prevention and victim support organization.

    📒 Show Notes/Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70n...​

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    ✍ Blog Post: www.dingledaysphotography.com/blog/dogsarepeopletoopodcast/episode9

    Purchase our prints 📷 here: https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/​

    🔗Check out my last nose work training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyV...​

    🔗How to Prepare an Odor for (K9 Nose Work): https://youtu.be/1J1GSjT70dU​

    🔗Learn how to introduce the odor training video: https://youtu.be/7OMyVbuMnkM​

    🔗Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_...​


    📲 Connect with Tina Spring Online & Social Media








    🎙️Subscribe to the Dogs Are People Too Podcast & Listen Everywhere!

  • Geryah interviews Monique Renee of silverpawstudio.com about how to be a pet photographer in a post-pandemic world. They discuss new ideas, sessions, business practices to reach a remote audience, and tools for pet parents who want to continue “Telling their tales with tails.” They also talk about the explosion of pet adoptions in 2020 and how pet photography helps provide reach for organizations, such as the Animal Friends Alliance. Monique (Furtographer) is the owner of Silver Paw Studio in Northern Colorado. Her mission is to empower you to tell all your Tales with Tails through photography and videography. Silver Paw Studio emerged from her nearly 15 years in the veterinary industry fused with her experience as a “people” portrait photographer. Every week Monique volunteers to photograph adoptable animals at Animal Friends Alliance. A member of heArtsSpeak, she also volunteers for special projects at other shelters and rescues throughout the country. Bailey, her fluffy little mix dog, Bruno & Ingrid, the finches, and salt water and fresh water fish all share their home with Monique & Steve in beautiful Loveland, Colorado. Monique speaks at local and national conferences, hosts the podcast Tales with Tails, posts new pet photography-related videos on YouTube, started the NoCo Pet Pack group, and can spot a pupper from 1000 feet away in any setting.  


    [00:00]  Intro

    [04:13]  How the Silver Paw Studio /Dingle Days Connection Happened

    [05:52]  What made Monique want to transition from the veterinary space to the pet photography space?

    [08:21]  Monique’s experiences as a pet photographer and some of the things newbies need to think about when getting started.

    [09:21] The top three things to think about before you ever pick up a camera 

    [09:26] Safety 

    [10:11] Dog behavior 

    [10:43] Patience  

    [12:27] Pet photography pros and cons (studio environment vs. the great outdoors

    [15:01] Working with distractions 

    [15:51] How to prepare for first pet photography shoot 

    [17:08] Pet photographers making the client feel comfortable 

    [17:43] The importance of exercise 

    [20:23] Changes due to COVID environment

    [22:57] FaceTime Virtual photo sessions 

    [26:07] Pet photography Rapid Fire Questions 

    📒 Show Notes/Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    Blog Post: www.dingledaysphotography.com/blog/dogsarepeopletoopodcast/episode8

    Purchase our prints 📷 here: https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/ 

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dingledaysk9institute.com%2FK9ScentWorkScoreSheet&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW9CZVcxSXhaWkNaSmJYVk15cTdmREhIaGE5UXxBQ3Jtc0tuNkZQM2gyMU40STl5SDBucTMwLThtakdsVW5BOEc0YmRGZmpQbnphWlpIS0VmelljUmVwQWMwaWlyRy1mZWJEdXZCOHItUlo2OTdxbVNwZmd6cERWVjhYRzROYlRDQklCVG81VWs4TjFadXI1UkRRYw%3D%3D&v=zfVjLMeMvwQ


    📲 Connect with Monique Renee Online & Social Media

     Tales with Tails Podcast here: https://anchor.fm/taleswithtails/ 

     Photography tips and pro-insights: https://www.youtube.com/c/SilverPawStudioFortCollins

     Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/silverpawstudio/

     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/silverpawstudio/

     Join The Pack Bulletin: https://bit.ly/THEpackbulletin

     Join Pro Pet Photographers email group: https://bit.ly/petphotobiz

    📺FaceTime Photoshoot | Virtual Portrait Session: https://youtu.be/swwd0ug4UEA

  • In this episode, Geryah Dingle discusses the AKC Virtual Home Manners Title, and how you and your dog can earn a title from the comfort of your own home with a little time and $25. With all the disruptions that came with 2020, the dog training industry was no exception. Many families welcomed a new pet in their homes during the pandemic, and AKC designed the VHM title so that handlers could teach their dogs manners while maintaining social distancing; many of the behaviors are very similar to the ones exhibited in the Canine Good Citizen test which requires in-person testing.


    [01:25] So what is the AKC VHM title?

    [01:50] So there are two levels: the puppy and the adult division.

    [03:11] So number one, the owner pets and then grooms the dog.

    [03:45] Number two, you want to be able to sit on command with no lure.

    [04:00] The third command is down. You want to be able to put your dog in the down position on command and with no lure.

    [04:10] Number four is you want your dog to be able to show that he can come when called indoors from about either 20 feet or from a completely separate room.

    [04:50] Number five is manners related to food. You can choose two different options, basically you as the owner, having a snack, and basically, your dog's not harassing you trying to get food from you.

    [06:05] Number six is your dog's behavior as it relates to the doorbell, knocking or greeting a real or imaginary guest.

    [06:30] The next behavior, number seven, is teaching your dog to go to their place or their crate, and then they have to stay there for one minute.

    [08:13] Number eight is about demonstrating a relationship. So you have four options for this one.

    [08:45] Number nine is you and your dog being out for a walk. Well, you don't have options per se, but you have to do both of these behaviors. So you need to be able to place a leash on your dog, and they need to act calmly before exiting the door.

    [10:15] Next is number 10, exercising outside with a family member or an owner. And then you get to choose here. So you can choose a simple game of fetch or catching a disc or a toy.

    [12:35] So who's the best fit for this title? Well, AKC markets the VHM as a warm start to future competition. So in one of their initial press releases, the AKC described the Virtual Home Manners program as a perfect lead-in to AKC STAR Puppy and its popular Canine Good Citizen programs, which require in-person testing.


    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    Purchase our prints 📷 here: https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    ➡️For a list of evaluators who do virtual testing for tricks and virtual home manners, please email cgc@akc.org

    ➡️ learn more about the Virtual Home Manners Program, see:  http://akc.org/virtual-home-manners/

    Forms for Titles can be found here:


  • Are you looking for some cool gift ideas for dog lovers? Well, in this episode, I share my top fur baby Christmas  gift ideas for every budget. Let’s get after it! With the holidays in full swing, that means, maybe, it’s time to shop for others and maybe even pick up a few things for yourself and dog.

    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    1. Miles Tactical Cobra Buckle Collars 


    2. Bark Box 


    3. Fitbark 2 dog activity and sleep monitor  or Fitbark GPS


    4. The Farmer’s Dog


    5. The Julius K9 harness



    [0:55] Miles Tactical Cobra Buckle Collars 

    [3:03] Bark Box 

    [6:07] Fitbark 2 dog activity and sleep monitor  or Fitbark GPS

    [9:30] The Farmer’s Dog

    [11:58] The Julius K9 harness


    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    Check out my last nose work training video:  https://youtu.be/7Mwk9tknY-g

    Check out my most popular nose work training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM

    How to Prepare an Odor for (K9 Nose Work):  https://youtu.be/1J1GSjT70dU 

    Learn how to introduce the odor training video:  https://youtu.be/7OMyVbuMnkM

    Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_InL0LM

    🎙️Subscribe to the Dogs Are People Too Podcast & Listen Everywhere:

    🎧 Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast…

    🎧 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1fOpAT4…

    QUESTION —Let us know what you’re getting your fur baby for Christmas this year? 


    🌍 My website / blog - https://www.dingledaysphotography.com/

    Who Am I: Hi, my name is Geryah Dingle. I started training dogs in 2017 when I decided to make my passion a reality. At the time, I purchased my first subscription for Adobe CC and began filming, editing, and posting training and pet photography videos with my GSD, Disney, on my YouTube channel: Dingle Days. I train dogs and teach people in order to enable pets to best share in our lives. 

    NOTE: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!

  • No one wants to be the handler with a dog that showed up to game day ill-prepared. In this episode, I explain how you can set up an AKC Scent Work Novice practice area to prepare you for your next trial better. When getting started with scent work trials, aka “competitions,” one must first understand that there are two scent work trial divisions: 1) the odor search division where the dog searches for odor of essential oil and (2) the handler discrimination division. These are go/no-go events. So, you either qual or you don’t. You’re looking to the dog to communicate to the handler that the scent has been found. This indication is referred to as “a change in behavior” (i.e., pawing, lie down, nose to target, something like that). You can pretty much train for this anywhere, and I explain to you referencing some equipment lying around your house. 


    [01:06] Introduction to staging the search area

    [1:07] Scents

    [1:40] Containers 

    [2:20] The arrangement

    [3:15] Spacing

    [3:50] The boundaries 

    [5:00] The number of hides 

    [5:30] Calling your alert 

    [5:48] Time limit 

    [6:30] Distractions


    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70n…

    Blog Post: www.dingledaysphotography.com/blog/dogsarepeopletoopodcast/episode5

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com…

    Check out my last nose work training video: How to setup an AKC Scent Work Novice Practice Area - YouTube

    Check out my most popular nose work training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM 

    How to Prepare an Odor for (K9 Nose Work): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J1GSjT70dU

    Learn how to introduce the odor training video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyVbuMnkM

    Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_InL0LM

    Purchase Your Nose Work In a Box Kit today!

    http://systematictraining4dogs.com/no… - website

    https://www.etsy.com/listing/77085906… on Etsy

  • Geryah discusses how your dog’s behavior is often a reflection of you. Yes, that’s right! You get out what you put in. Whether your dog is energetic or chill, a worker-bee or a couch potato, a loudmouth or quiet pooch, a worrywart or an easy-breezy, a cuddly doggy or a distant friend, a buddy buddy or an aggressive mind - your dog’s behavior is often a reflection of you and a few other factors too. During the talk, Geryah highlights a University in Budapest’s study that asserts, “a dog’s personality is not fully set in his genes but is also affected and shaped by his life history, living conditions, his owner’s nature and characteristics, and the social and educational interactions he has with his owner.” People can generally summarize a dog’s personality traits in a few categories that measure calm, trainability, sociability, and boldness.

    Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201307/life-history-and-owners-nature-shape-dogs-personality


    [0:30] The question of dog behavior

    [1:45] Case study on dog behavior and environment

    [4:00] Dogs being in-tuned to their humans

    [6:45] Dog personality trait

    [8:45] History, living conditions, owner’s nature and characteristics, and social and education interactions of the dog’s owners

    [11:00] Looking at the other end of the leash

    [12:00] Shaping behaviors with positive reinforcement

    [14:00] The importance of communicating with your dog

    [17:00] Calmness, trainability, sociability, and boldness.

    [19:00] The importance of reinforcing the behaviors you like

    [20:00] The importance of getting to know what works for your dog

    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70n…

    Blog Post: www.dingledaysphotography.com/blog/dogsarepeopletoopodcast/episode3

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com…

    Check out my last nose work training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMyV…

    Learn How to Edit Instagram Photos Here: https://youtu.be/jMOVId6_dv8

    Purchase our prints 📷 here: ➡️ https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    How to Prepare an Odor for (K9 Nose Work): https://youtu.be/1J1GSjT70dU

    Learn how to introduce the odor training video: https://youtu.be/7OMyVbuMnkM

    Learn the Best Dog Training Apps Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVv1_…

    🎙️Subscribe to the Dogs Are People Too Podcast & Listen Everywhere:

    🎧 Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast…

    🎧 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1fOpAT4…

    🎧 PocketCast: https://pca.st/7j2z5f0u

    🎧 Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/dogs-are-pe…

    🎧 RadioPublic: https://radiopublic.com/dogs-are-peop…

    🎧 Anchor: https://anchor.fm/geryah-dingle

    QUESTION — Have a question about dog obedience, pet photography tips & tricks, AKC competitions or Anything Else? Post in the comments section of this video!


    🌍 My website / blog - https://www.dingledaysphotography.com/

    Who Am I: Hi, my name is Geryah Dingle. I started training dogs in 2017 when I decided to make my passion a reality. At the time, I purchased my first subscription for Adobe CC and began filming, editing, and posting training and pet photography videos with my GSD, Disney, on my YouTube channel: Dingle Days. I train dogs and teach people in order to enable pets to best share in our lives.

  • Geryah interviews Charlotte Reeves of Learnpetphotography.com about how to simplify pet photography for dog owners. Charlotte is an award-winning Australian photographer based in Brisbane. Her style incorporates creative use of natural light, location and expression to produce vibrant and emotive work. Addicted to creating lightbulb moments for students, she has been teaching pet photographers since 2013.  She relishes simplifying tricky concepts, and helping people achieve their goals by making learning fun, practical, and positive. You can find her at learnpetphotography.com.


    [00:50] About Charlotte Reeves

    [04:23] Getting into digital photography & editing

    [06:46] Charlotte’s camera recommendations

    -The difficulty of shooting dogs in motion

    -The autofocus tracking is one of the most critical aspects of the camera you choose

    -You need a wide range of auto focus points for your compositions & tracking across the frames

    -You need lots of frames per second (ex. Canon 5D, Canon 7D, etc)

    [10:45] Eye autofocus as a tool for shooting dogs in action

    [11:40] Creating variety with lens choices

    -70-200mm zoom benefits (portraits, distance, including landscapes, capturing action)

    -24-70mm as a workhorse zoom

    -Fixed focal length lenses (35mm, 135mm, 50mm)

    [14:30] Canon vs. Sony ecosystem as a starter camera

    [15:20] Shooting with a manual exposure & choosing settings

    [17:45] ISO as the “utility setting”

    [18:00] Other Camera Exposure Modes (Shutter Speed Priority (TV), Aperture Priority)

    [20:30] The 70-200mm characteristics & distance advantage

    [24:40] Working with the Light

    [26:00] Main “rules” when shooting portraits of your dog

    -Always try to face your dog towards the light source (this will help with getting catch lights in your dog’s eyes)

    [27:00] Using Lightroom & Photoshop

    [30:30] About learnpetphotography.com

    -Starting with writing e-books

    -Teaching in “barker” workshops

    -Mentoring around the world

    -Hosting online courses

    [34:45] The “Lightning Round”

    -The toughest part about being a pet photographer

    -Favorite pet photography resources

    -Thoughts on the future of the current Instagram Dogs trend

    -Does your equipment matter for taking photos

    -What advice would you give your younger former self just starting out in pet photography


    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    Purchase our prints 📷 here:

    ➡️ https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    📲 Connect with Charlotte Reeves Online & Social Media

    Website and blog: www.learnpetphotography.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/learnpetphotography

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/learnpetphotography

  • Geryah interviews Teresa Hatcher of systematictraining4dogs.com about K9 Scent Detection Work as a performance sport and how her “NoseWork in a Box kits” aid pet parents who are wanting to train their dogs at home and on-the-go. Teresa is a professional dog trainer offering private lessons in agility, tricks,  rally, obedience,  behavior modification and scent work.  She grew up training neighborhood dogs and horses for a few years and then spent 20 years working with a huge variety of exotic animals in the zoos, before returning to her first love- working with dogs. After learning about nose work,  she tried to find a complete kit to train her dog,  but was only able to find small travel kits... thus was the inspiration for "Nosework in a Box: Everything you need to train your dog from novice to advanced scent work!"


    [0:30] About Teresa Hatcher

    [02:57] What is Nose Work In a Box?

    -Getting into Scent Work

    -The problem with the other products on the market

    — The benefits of the Nose Work In a Box kit

    [04:40] The contents of Nose Work In a Box

    [09:30] Unpacking your box

    [12:15] Hot vs. Cold (build value to odor)

    [12:36] The first Nose Work In a Box prototypes

    -New travel kit / product evolution

    [15:00] Nose Work as Cross-Training

    -Agility dogs & scent work

    -Baby Dogs & scent work

    -Older dogs & scent work

    [17:09] The joy of scent work

    -Teaching your dog to search “Up”

    -Asking your dog to “solve the puzzle”

    -Avoiding pattern recognition

    [19:45] Scent Work is really easy!

    -Three steps


    -Obedience to odor

    -The Alert


    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    Purchase our prints 📷 here:

    ➡️ https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    Connect with Teresa Hatcher Online & Social Media

    Purchase Your Nosework In a Box today!

    http://systematictraining4dogs.com/nosework.html - website

    https://www.etsy.com/listing/770859065/nosework-in-a-box?utm_source=OpenGraph&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share&fbclid=IwAR20Vgsp5bZl5oJsCuL8QfvWaWc7mn09CCm_KkI7COcLacl5EdRMqcR2nZE - on Etsy

    @k9scentwork - on Facebook

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83L01bA7ADU&feature=youtu.be - Product Review on YouTube (Family First K9)

  • Geryah interviews Jeremy Mclaughlin of Family First K9 about how to get started in AKC Scent Work for beginners and some of the biggest pitfalls new pet parents make when getting started with scent detection. Jeremy is owner of Family First K9. American Kennel Club (AKC),Canine Performance Events (CPE) and National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW™) judge. Drug beat evaluator. Training Director of Bluegrass Working Dogs, a club that trains and competes in Working Dogs of America (WDA), Protection Sports Association (PSA) and American Schutzhund. Lifelong dog sport competitor.


    [00:54] About Jeremy Mclaughlin

    [06:30] American Schutzhund

    -The space requirement for training

    [08:30] AKC / CPE (What’s the difference?)

    -What to choose?

    -Flexibility on errors

    -Junior handler appeal

    [14:30] Taking on a digital apprenticeship

    -Misinformation online

    -The stages of training scent work

    -Rushing thru the imprinting stage

    -Build value to odor

    -Must train with multiple reps

    -The importance of the early stages

    [16:30] Using the Family First K9 Odor Imprinting Tubes

    -Progressing thru to the shell game

    -Building confidence with the tubes

    -Don’t rush the alert/final indication

    -Understanding the dog’s body language

    [18:30] Scent Work has to be fun

    -Balance obedience with the need for intensity

    -Novice vs. Advance and beyond

    -Training Multiple rooms, multiple odors, multiple distractions

    [23:15] How long does it take to train scent work?

    -Discussing consistency and the pillars of dog training

    -Shaping the indication

    -100% is not guaranteed

    -Jackpot the behaviors you like

    -Discouraging the aggressive alert/indication

    -Let the dog problem solve

    [27:40] Diversity your training experience

    -Generalizing the behavior

    -Boxes or odor imprinting tubes?

    -The “Yard Sell Environment” of Scent Detection

    -Avoiding the box crushers for multiple sport dogs

    -Proofing with the bases of the scent tubes

    [33:15] Where to get Odor Imprinting Tubes

    -How to make your own imprinting tubes

    [36:47] Thoughts for the scent work beginner

    -Rewarding at source method


    -Find a trainer

    -Online training in-context

    -Randy Hare method of detection

    -KAS method with Flavio Falkao

    -AKC Workshops


    📒 Show Notes and Resources 📒

    ➡️ Subscribe to Dingle Days YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70ngl2ctUfcushOKgsPt1Q/?sub_confirmation=1

    🎯FREE K9 SCENT WORK SCORE SHEET! ➡️ https://www.dingledaysk9institute.com/K9ScentWorkScoreSheet

    Purchase our prints 📷 here:

    ➡️ https://dingledays.darkroom.tech/

    Connect with Jeremy Mclaughlin on Social Media

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpbLJD16ScBadE_eyXVxXg -on YouTube

    @bluegrassworkingdogclub - on Facebook

    https://www.patreon.com/familyfirstk9 - on Patreon

    @familyfirstk9 https://www.instagram.com/familyfirstk9/ - on instagram

    https://familyfirstk9.net/ - website

    If you would like a set of odor tubes email Jeremy at Training@familyfirstk9.net for more information.

  • Welcome to the Dogs Are People Too Podcast Pilot Project explainer, introduction, and teaser episode with Geryah Dingle. Geryah discusses the premise of the Dingle Days podcast and some of the topics to look forward to in the areas of K9 Scent Work, Pet Photography, and the latest and greatest in Pet Technology. With the goal to enable pets to best share in your lives, she discusses applying the Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hours rule to dog training in order to fuel individual mastery, as well the importance of leveraging creativity and training aids to streamline the dog training process. Listen to Season 1 starting September 2, 2020 on your podcast app of choice! New episodes published every other week.
    Links/Special Thanks/Credits
    Dingle Days YouTube Channel: 
    Show Photo - Dingle Days Photography & Video
    Producer- Geryah Dingle