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ืื ืื ืืื ืืฆืคืืช ืืจื ืืืชื, ืืืื ืกื ืืขืจืืฅ ืืืืืืื "ืืืืืืชืจ - ืืคืืืงืืกืืื ืฉื ืืฉืจืื" ืืืืฆื SUBSCRIBE - ืคืจืง ืืืฉ ืืื ืืื ืืืืฉื!
ืฆืืืื: ืืืื ืืืฉืข
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ื ื ืืฉืืื ืืืืืื ืืืชืืืช ืืจืฉืืื ืืื.
A Podcast which discusses the things happening around us, in our own special way.
please send your emails to: [email protected] -
New Hemp Times- Covering the Global Cannabis Bonanza is a new media production of the International Research Center on Cannabis and Health (IRCCH). Imagine a professional comedian, a cannabis expert and a therapist walk into a "coffee shop".......... Combining intelligence, humor, and the absurdity of the global cannabis bonanza, comedian Barnes and researchers Marcu and Roberts provide insight into cannabis today. They are lively, informative and address issues that people need to know about weed. Regular features will include High Science, Cannabis Fake News, Cannabusters and Karate Sandwich โข. Premium members will have access to video and audio real-live feeds via Patreon. Who knows what his going to be said or done with these unlikely three.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
A selection of our favourite articles from The Spectator magazine, read aloud by their writers.
Wake up with Jomboy, drink your coffee and get some bite-sized stories about baseball players and some tidbits from books.
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The ultimate satire news show in all of podland. The boys get to grips with the news via five teasing questions, which take them down paths few dare tread.
ืื ืื ืฉืจืฆืืชื ืืืขืช ืืืจ ืืื ืืขืื ืืฉืืื: ืืคืืืงืืกื ืขื ืืื ืฉืื ืืื ืืขื ืืื ืื ืืชืขืฉืืืช ืืืืืืจ
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News. Pop Culture. Politics. Weird stories. EVERYTHING that happened during the last week. Comedian Ben Gleib catches you up on it all, while making fun of basically everything. Some people tell him this podcast is the way they prefer to get the news. He thinks these people are geniuses. Sometimes he's joined by celebrity guests like comedians, actors, politicians, Four-Star Generals, and his parents. But mostly he talks to himself. If you've been in a coma for the last 7 days, this podcast should not be high on your list of things to tackle.
Join the #braintrust -
Host Elan Morrison breaks down the news of the day with his unique and humorous takes. He'll make you laugh, he'll make you mad, but all he really wants to do is make you listen and help the country come together in truth.
The Brilliant Comedy of Jim Gossett as heard on FistfulOfRadio.Com and at the NewsmakerLine Comedy Shows (NewsmakerLine.Com).
Telefonbuch Spontan mit Marcel Kueck. Jeden zweiten Freitag öffnet Marcel sein streng geheimes Telefonbuch und spricht mit seinen Kontakten 25 Minuten lang über Gott und die Welt. Damit das nicht langweilig wird, greift Marcel auf Kontakte zurück, die etwas zu erzählen haben. Von der gehänselten Profiwrestlerin über den erfolgreichen DSDS Gewinner bis hin zur erblindeten Visagistin. 25 Minuten Zeit? Verbring sie mit Marcel!
Transform your daily commute into a journey of learning, discovery, and entertainment with the "Commute Companion Podcast"! ๐ Whether you're driving, cycling, or on public transit, we bring a diverse blend of content to make your travel time more enjoyable and productive. ๐Dive into engaging episodes spanning across genres like News, Technology, Comedy, True Crime, and Personal Development, to keep you informed, entertained, and inspired, as you navigate through your day. ๐ง Our concise and captivating content is designed to suit your on-the-go lifestyle, ensuring you arrive at your destination feeling enriched and enlightened.Tune in to the "Commute Companion Podcast" and elevate your commuting experience! ๐ Subscribe now and turn every journey into an adventure of knowledge and entertainment! ๐ฑ
FALSE POSITIVE: This podcast, starring Dana Discordia, Dan Lobel, Gaye Lirot and producer Adam Hiniker is a politically incorrect weekly roundup of today’s politics. Each of the 3 hosts brings a unique view of politics in the age of Trump.