
  • Chronic migraines can be insufferable to live with. Western Medicine has their own views and interventions for Migraines, and Chinese Medicine has an entirely different way of understanding and treating them.

    In today's episode I'm speaking with Dr Mg Mccullough on her own history of Migraines, her recovery, and her treatment approach for her own patients that experience Migraines.

    We talk about the importance of building health resources through diet, how emotions and past traumas can affect the development of Migraines, and how a person can start to recover and rebuild themselves.

    MG lives in the United States, and you can find out more about her work via her website:


    This is her FREE helpful resource guide for Migraines:


    We also mention her course "bleed to heal"


    And if you want more ideas around healthy living and food please check out the amazing books by Ann Cecil Sterman and Andrew Sterman:


    Love Karina x

  • This term is used very liberally in the yoga verse, but what does it actually mean to claim this title?

    In today's bonus podcast episode, I get into this, and so much more, with the amazing Grace Tempany.

    A powerful Irish presence in our yin yoga global community, Grace Tempany is a Senior Teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals, a Trainer Pro and Mentor, specialised in yin, functional yoga, and trauma-informed somatic practices.

    As a trainee psychotherapist, her lens is inherently person-centred. As a former secondary school teacher, the art of teaching has been her bedrock. Her teaching is built on the foundation of inclusion.

    Since she started teaching yoga ten years ago, she has dedicated her practice, research and teaching to providing the most accessible space for everybody to practise being in their bodies, and learn to gain a deeper connection with themselves, their truth, their voice and their own unique and personal journey. She marries pedagogical expertise, lived and felt experience as knowledge, and the most up-to-date research from the yoga, education, and therapy worlds.

    She created her own school of yoga because she believes in a deeper and more well-rounded yoga education. She knows that deep thinkers and old souls looking for retreats are yearning for more depth and integration opportunities. And she listened to to the soul whispers nudging her to create a home for many others out there who have yet to find theirs within the yoga community.

    In 2023 ISFYT: The International School of Functional Yoga Teachers was born. In the making for at least the last 3 years, it will no doubt continue to evolve for many years to come.

    Check out Grace's podcast:

    "Fallen from Grace: reluctant conversations"


    And check out Grace's amazing work with her yoga school:


    I hope you enjoy this bonus episode.

    Love Karina xx

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  • 🎙️In episode 12 of the Dr Karina Smith podcast, I am speaking to the wonderful Kendall Satie. Kendall is a Melbourne based Osteopath with a passion for working closely with patients to get them back to doing the things they love to do. With many years of experience as a Remedial Massage Therapist, heavily influencing her assessment and treatment style, she loves balancing the two modalities to provide a thorough and holistic treatment.In this episode we have a great conversation about how Kendall feels for healthy tissue, through palpation and assessment.We discuss ideas around "the melt" in yin yoga, what inflamed and dehydrated tissue feels like, and how to take really good care when hydrating your body. Kendall practices across two locations in Prahran and Albert Park...with exciting new things to come in Seddon!Stay tuned for upcoming sessions at "The Body Folk" in Seddon very soon.

  • 🎙️In episode 11 of the Dr Karina Smith podcast, I am speaking to the one and only Dominique Salerno. Dominique founded the infamous Australian Yoga Academy here in Melbourne, and has been teaching public classes and training you teachers for over 20 years.Amongst many of her yoga passions, is the practice of Pranayama. This ancient medicine of utilising the breath, is probably needed now in the world more than ever before. Dominique's catch phrase is "When you own your own breath, nothing can steal your peace." We have a brilliant conversation about her origin story, how Yoga has been the anchor in her life, especially through extremely difficult times, and how the breath truly is the magical tonic we all need. Dominique runs 50 hour Pranayama training for yoga teachers, allied health professionals, and anyone who wants to learn to yield their natural breath inheritance. All trainings can be found at her website: https://dominiquesalernoyoga.com Do you practice Pranayama? How has it benefited you?

  • In episode 10 of the Dr Karina Smith podcast, I am speaking to the fantastic Johannah Ashley.

    Long-time Acupuncturist and student of Classical Acupuncture, Johannah runs a Chinese Medicine clinic in regional Victoria Australia, where for the past 6 years she has committed to practicing the compliment channels of Classical Chinese Medicine.

    These are the channels of Acupuncture written out of History, that have been brought back to the modern Era by the teachings and tremendous education efforts of Master Jeffrey Yuen.

    Often described as the "jewel of the medicine" is the skilful art of pulse taking and diagnosis.

    We have an amazing conversation about the mystery of this practice, and how to begin navigating your way into this medicine, especially if you are new.

    Johannah is also a qualified Qi gong teacher, and regularly offers classes.

    Check out the classes and her clinic here: https://www.iyashi.com.au/qi-gong/

    The two of us are facilitating a retreat in Daylesford Australia in 2024, for practitioners of Classical Acupuncture to come together, learn, grow, and deepen our skills within the growing community.

    To find out more: https://www.drkarinasmith.com/events

    If you enjoy this episode, please consider leaving a rating or review for the podcast.


    Karina x

  • In episode 9 of the Dr Karina Podcast I am speaking with the notorious Michael Max.

    Anyone practicing Chinese Medicine would be aware of Michael's long running podcast "Qiological"; a beacon of support and inspiration to all us practitioners doing our thing in our own little corner of the globe.

    Michael has a wealth of knowledge to share, and has conducted over 300 interviews with some of the most incredible practitioners alive today.

    In this episode the mic is turned, and I get the enormous privilege of asking Michael all about his journey to Chinese Medicine, what he has learned over his career, what are his favourite ways to tap into inspiration, as well as his advice for new grads entering the profession.

    We have some great laughs, some fabulous epiphanies, and enjoy real talk about our medicine.

    I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

    If you want to hear more of Michaels episodes, head over to Qiological:https://www.qiological.com Karina xx

  • Are you actually hydrated?

    How do you know?

    What signs and symptoms does your body display when you are dehydrated?

    What kinds of foods/spices/lifestyle choices might you be making that are contributing to dehydration?

    In Chinese Medicine, proper hydration is one of the most important factors for health, disease prevention, and recovery.

    The fluids of your body are so important, and most of us are consuming all kinds of foods that are damaging these fluids.

    If the fluids of our body are in deficit, we are more prone for things like: migraines, joint degeneration, organ issues, digestive tract issues and so much more.

    I have learnt so much about this topic from my teacher Ann Cecil-Sterman, and in this episode I am sharing some of the powerful pieces of health advice I have learned from her this year.

  • In epiosde 7 I am speaking with the powerhouse that is Mandy Gratzer. Mandy is a Perth based Acupuncturist who is passionate about helping new graduates enter the profession with knowledge, guidance and power. At the age of 18, she moved from Kununurra to Perth to study an Advanced Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Perth Academy of Natural Therapies. After graduation Mandy promptly travelled to Hang Zhou, China where she completed an Internship under the supervision of numerous dual trained Doctors at the Hang Zhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (and may have eaten a chicken foot or two!). This provided the best opportunity for bringing together the knowledge of the course in the most idyllic setting; laying the foundation for melding the theory and practice together. The Hang Zhou hospital integrates TCM and mainstream western medicine, allowing all interns the experience of working together for the greater good of the patient. As a result, this provides Mandy with the knowledge and experience to work holistically alongside standard Western health practices here in Australia. Upon completion, she moved to Darwin (her original home town), in order to set up a clinic in a town that she loved. After building a strong client base in Darwin, in 2007 an idea to share Chinese Medicine far and wide saw Mandy take her services to rural areas, developing regular clinics in Katherine & Kununurra. Those clinics ran for six years assisting 100’s of rural residents to achieve better health outcomes otherwise not available to them. Mandy serves on the WA State Committee of the Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association and has spent the past 12 months building a mentorship program to support the next generation of acupuncturists with a course designed to help guide them through the beginnings of practice, titled A Guide to Setting up Clinic. You can connect with Mandy either through her podcast "the acupuncturists Biz Hub" or her website: https://hello.acupuncturistsbizhub.com/

  • In Episode 6 I am speaking with the wonderful Jarryd Harvey. Jarryd is an extraordinary Chinese Medicine practitioner, with an interest in classical acupuncture and a powerful personal story of his own healing journey. Jarryd and I discuss our shared interest into the world of classical acupuncture, and our observations of the connection between emotions and health.

  • In episode 5 I am speaking with the divine Heidi Trigar. 

    Heidi is well known in Melbourne and the east coast of Australia for her celestial kirtan events. 

    Not only does Heidi have the voice to hold the space, she is also a remarkable yin yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer. 

    In this episode Heidi shares her movement history from dance to yoga, and how yin yoga opened up the real possibility of feeling safe to truly surrender, not only on her mat, but in all areas of her life. 

    Heidi has been exploring ways in which to bring ancient techniques of mantra, mudra, and meridians into her teaching which she shares here with the listeners. 

    You can find out all about Heidi's classes, upcoming kirtans, workshops and retreats through her website: https://www.heiditrigar.com 

    In this episode we also referenced the bone picture gallery on Paul Grilley's website which can be found here: https://paulgrilley.com/bones

  • In episode 4 I am speaking with the amazing Gabrielle Harris; yin teacher, teacher trainer and author of some of the most exquisite yoga books available at this current time.   

    Gabrielle has so many wise nuggets to share with the listeners about developing their yoga teaching skills; especially in the realm of language and words, giving the room lots of space and silence, honing your sequencing craft, and so much more.   

    Gabrielle is the author of the phenomenal book "The language of Yin", and more recently "The inspired yoga teacher", with a third book on the way. 

    You can find her books on amazon, and you can connect with Gabrialle through her website: https://gabrielleharrisyoga.com

  • In Episode 3 I am interviewing the wonderful Angela Lane.   Beloved Melbourne based Shiatsu and Acupuncture teacher and practitioner, Angela holds a wealth of philosophical and practical knowledge.

    Having started her journey as a nurse, she transitioned into the healing arts, which took her all the way to Japan studying martial arts and archery. Her story is rich and insightful. The foundation of good health and connection is a well nourished Shen/spirit, and Angela speaks to this beautifully.

    From working in the emergency department, to karate and archery in Japan, to becoming a teacher at two of Melbournes most renowned Chinese Medicine colleges, Angela has a wonderful tale to tell.

  • Solomon Petrovski is a qualified Gestalt psychotherapist, Neuro Linguistic Programming success coach, university lecturer, and a 7th Dan in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu practitioner (the guiding martial principles of nature and human law) with over 15 years of experience in aligning individuals, couples, families and businesses worldwide with their personal and professional goals.  Solomon has worked with individuals, couples and families both in the public and private sector, guiding them through times of situational stress/anxiety through to severe crisis and long-term depression through his work at https://www.themindninja.com.au

    In this episode we talk about the importance of self-care as the secret to longevity in clinical work. Solomon also shares his solar powered concepts in how to work with people and become energised, rather than burned out.

    It is an inspiring and electric conversation that probably warrants more than 1 listen.

  • As the infamous Paul Grilley states "every bone in every body is different. What is easy for one skeleton, is impossible for another".

    When it comes to yoga, any kind of yoga, any kind of movement really, it is crucial to understand that at the core of every human being, is a unique set and structure of bones. When we can truly appreciate this fact, I think we will be moving ever closer to real relationship with the body, the self and the heart, rather than sitting in constant discouragement or self critique about the ever elusive notion of "one day I will get there in my practice".

    For more on skeletal variation, visit my website drkarinasmith.com and use promo code SAVE10 to get 10% off online courses. 

  • In the current climate of extreme polarity I talk about whether or not it is possible to find truth, absolute truth within a world of dualism. If there can be different perspectives, in-fighting and war, is anybody right? Does anyone have access to truth in the world of seperation? 

    Absolute truth is different to "your" truth or "my truth." I also share my own personal journey of spiritual seeking and how I came to rest upon the teachings within A Course In Miracles and how I use that a framework to manage being in this crazy world and how to navigate my own grievances and ego bindings. I hope you enjoy my musings. 

    Thank you for coming on this journey with us through season 1. We have lots of amazing guests and topics for season 2 coming very soon. Take care. Love Karina and Robbie.

  • Ava is a Melbourne based acupuncturist working out of her clinic elk and Me in Thornbury. Ava has a background in massage and has studied extensively in the areas of TCM, five elements and esoteric acupuncture. In this episode we take a beautiful stroll through the five elements; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. 

    Ava talks about the kinds of characteristics, responses and emotions you might observe in different patients as their constitutional element calls for healing and re balancing. 

    To find out more about Ava you can visit her website at https://elkandme.com.au/practitioners/ava-roubin/  

    To find out more about five elements here are some links recommended by Ava: www.5element.com.au norafranglen.blogspot.com

  • Language, pace, and how to set up an environment that is conducive for a deep and quiet practice. 

    Sometimes at the beginning of a yin yoga teaching journey we can bring all of our yang yoga language in with us, but the action based language of yang yoga does not really support the passivity and vibration of yin yoga. 

    Part of the teaching journey is therefore to slowly review our words and the pace in which we speak in order to match the energy of the room that we are teaching.

  • What happens when we combine the acupuncture interventions of Chinese medicine, with the physicality of yin yoga practice? This is exactly what Bridget Hunter and her business partner Jane Ferguson have done with their amazing workshops "Yin and Pin". 

    Bridget is about to complete her studies in Chinese medicine, as she shares the journey of Yin and Pin and has been teaching yoga in Australia, the United States and South-East Asia for ten years. Having left the corporate world, teaching both Yang and Yin Yoga styles provides a sense of balance and harmony. She started studying a Bachelor of Health Science Chinese Medicine in 2016 and furthered her studies at Nanjing Fo Shou Tang TCM Hospital in China. In 2017, Jane and Bridget have been offering their seasonal workshop at yoga studios around Victoria for some time now. 

    In this conversation Bridget shares with me how this offering created a place for more community style acupuncture to be accessible without the need to set up a fixed location, and also how the combination of the two practices has been so well received by their attendeeds, that they come back every single time for more!

    Instagram: @yinandpin
    Facebook: @yinandpin

    To follow Bridget:   
    Instagram: @gateofhope_chinesemedicine   
    Email: bridget@gateofhope.com.au  

  • What comes up for us as yoga teachers when there are long periods of silence in the class we are teaching... does it make us feel really uncomfortable? Do we love it? And do you feel really different when you are the student in a yin class and there are long periods of silence? Just how much talking, is too much? 

  • Alma is a counsellor and yoga teacher specialising in trauma sensitivity, yin yoga, somatic healing, and helping her clients to better understand their nerous systems and trauma responses. She has done extensive training in counselling, drug and alcohol support, trauma sesitivity yoga, polyvagal theory and much more. 

    In this episode Alma helps to explain the different levels of the nervous system and how each much show up as different signs and symtpoms in a person when they are feeling triggered. 

    We also talk about how this might be relevant in a yoga class when students are having an emotional response during the practice and how we as teachers can best support them. Alma also guides us through an amazing "back body" meditation as askill for therapists and teachers to use when they are holding space and needing to regulate their nervous system. 

    You can connect with Alma through her website almabrock.com.au 

    Alma also recommends the work of Dana Deb for those that might be interested in learning more about polyvagal theory: rhythmofregulation.com