Blake and Bonnie come back from their summer hiatus to mock Blake as he turns the big 5-0 with Bonnie asking him non-stop invasive questions that imply that he's very, very, very old. In exchange, he gets to ask her one big uncomfortable question. Naturally, he waffs on all his hard questions, gets very optimistic, misty-eyed and sentimental, and Bonnie, once again, is the perfect nice one. The end.
Oh, and happy birthday, Blake! Party is in NYC, June 30, 2023@6pm, @The Long Pour, E 12th Street. Come buy Blake a drink! Or post comments or send greetings to info@drinkingwithyourex.com
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Arty by Emily Taylor
Ever been in a relationship and thought "man, this guy should go to therapy?" Ever been in a fight with your partner and he said "you should definitely be in therapy?" Dear God, how do you even bring that up in a relationship (or hear it from your partner) without being angry, defensive, accusatory and kinda mean? #BonniesLoveLanguage #DroppingTherapyBombs #BitchBCrazy #RegressiveManBoyFTW
Blake and Bonnie are committed therapy enthusiasts but use this episode explore what therapy is, how to find a good therapist and what is the best (and definitely the worst) way to encourage someone you love to seek professional help. Bonnie favors the FBI interrogation/accusation approach while Blake compares that to pushing someone down a flight of stairs while yelling at them. #LEOKink #PeoplePayMore4That #ButWithLove
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Missing episodes?
Do you really think Blake and Bonnie are as clever and funny as they sound? Do you also believe that unicorns and effective politicians are real, too? #IveGotBadNews4U #DontSitOnUnicorns #OrPoliticians
Blake and Bonnie invite Jamey Young, their immensely talented sound engineer onto the show to talk about crutch words, being an audio voyeur, whether Blake uses the phrases "candidly" and "I'm just being honest" as a way to deflect from answering the questions (Spoiler Alert: #Yup), what it's like to listen to two weirdos emotionally eviscerate themselves every week, why more podcasters should hire Jamey and whether being in a long-term relationship is any easier than being single. #SexIsBetter #AloneTimeIsMeTime #BlakeIsWeak #BonnieIsBest
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
When is dating younger than you TOO young? When is dating older than you TOO old? Is that even a useful question to have? After 40s, is age really anything but a number? #MayDecember4Lyfe #RIPowerAaliyah #EmotionalMaturityIsAThing
Act your age, not your shoe size, yo.
Blake and Bonnie giggle and snark their way through exploring what might be the "rules" for dating folks older and younger. We learn that Blake was an uncomfortable cradle robber and Bonnie was semi-ethical jailbait. Now they both have specific preferences that promptly get thrown out the window when amazing humans of any age agree to date them. #OldFashioned #PowerGames #DontBeADick
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Did you know that the study of physical, mental and social changes in people as they age past 40 years is called GERONTOLGY? #Ouch #ButIMoisturize
Your social circle can be kind of small and focused once you've crossed over into your 40s/50s. Beyond dating options, sometimes you need/want/fear to just meet new people and establish new relationships. This desire can feel as daunting as crossing the gym room floor to ask your crush to dance in 7th grade. #ILikeYourBraces #GetJiggyWitIt
Blake and Bonnie talk about how friend groups can change with The Great Coupling Up, and how, as a species, it was sooo much easier to make new friends in high school/college. Dating at work can be just as harrowing as dating apps, but with much dire consequences for ghosting. #AwkwardHRMeeting #LoveContractsFTW
Finding your people when you're over 40 can and does feel like a PhD level of social skills, and we're all regressive weirdos, no matter what age it seems. Blake offers concrete, therapist-approved suggestions and Bonnie offers solidarity with The Awkward and snark. #BeMyFriend #Nerds4Blake
Audio Engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
What information is appropriate to share in a new dating relationship and what details should be kept private until the divorce attorneys are involved? #NotARealBlond #MemberOfHairClubForMen #Furries4Lyfe
You CAN unload all the messy details of your life on the Tinder profile, but should you? How about that one first date where that guy just word-vomited in intricate detail about his imminent bankruptcy, online clown porn addiction and emerging estrangement from his cold and withholding mother? #WordVomitIs4Lovers #AcceleratedIntimacy #WantToMoveInWithMe
Blake and Bonnie discuss how and when to disclose about topics ranging from employment, money, medical issues, kink, gender identity, sexual orientation, COMBO LOCKS, trauma-bonding and more - examining that fine line between appropriate and uncomfortable. #IHeartUncomfortable #ComboLock #ImAnOpenBook #TMI
Sound Engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Blake and Bonnie are sponsoring a live event today at the 2023 SXSW Music Festival. Come see the amazing showcase at BLK Vinyl from 11am-4pm, March 16, 2023. All proceeds from the event will benefit The Sims Foundation. Please donate today to help musicians and their family have access to quality mental healthcare. www.simsfoundation.org/donate/
While Blake and Bonnie are inflicting themselves on a live audience, Drinking With Your Ex is bringing back a popular (and funny) episode from Season 1.
Throwback Thursday Presents: Red Flags
LOST EPISODE #5 RECOVERED! Red flags, warning signs, irritating ticks, temporary restraining orders, adorable little foibles and complimentary personality disorders! Dating is a constant process of getting to know a person while also reading the signs; sometimes we run away from the flashing red lights and sometimes we are the bull running straight toward the red flag. #Ole #ThoughtItWasACarnival
In the newly restored, lost, missing Episode #5, Blake and Bonnie discuss their personal red flags and offer some sage, wise, kind and totally non-judgmental advice for spotting red flags for the rest of us. #JudgeyBitches #Takes1toknow1 #ImFineThankYou
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor -
Remember that guy that love-bombed you, then gaslit you and then ghosted, but lurked on your IG until coming back once your relationship status changed? #DickMove #ZombiesLive #NewPhoneWhoDis
Was he a true blue DSM-V TR diagnosable narcissist or just a mediocre a##hole? #NotMutuallyExclusive
How can you tell the difference? #ItsProbablyBlake
Blake and Bonnie explore the definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and how narcissistic behavior plays out in all walks of life, not just dating. They propose basic litmus tests for your dates (and yourself) to help answer whether you are dating a narcissist or whether you ARE the narcissist. #TakesOneToKnowOne #NarcissismIsSelfCare #ItsProbablyBonnie
Audio engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Pornography is a wonder of modern life and dating; until it overtakes your life and you have the tax man, divorce lawyers and federal agents beating down your door to confiscate your modem and self-respect. #AllThingsInModeration #ClearMyBrowsingHistoryWhenImDead
Blake and Bonnie wander through the sticky subject of porn habits, communicating kink and desires, "healthy" self-love and how to program your Combo Lock to have multiple users as opposed to only one-death-gripped ritual involving solving Pi to the 17th decimal. #Porno4Mathletes #Blake@OnlyFans #PiIs4Lovers #IHeartPi #OneHandWonder
BONUS: Listen to a short interview with Mark Bond, creator of TwinkleToes Productions, discuss their new radio play podcasts with Blake. They discuss banana cult orgies, manic episodes and shitty wizards.
Audio Engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor -
From the schoolyard to the bedroom, Us Clever Monkeys (aka human beings) are gonna fight. As we've creaked into our 40s, we've (hopefully, #maybe) evolved past throwing things and restraining orders and now are trying to learn how to argue, disagree, express negative emotions constructively and other PhD-level adulting skills with our romantic partners. #ButILikeToCuss #UrNotTheBossOfMe #Lame
What are the Rules of Fight Club when you're fighting with a loved one? How do you know how to learn and evolve when you were raised in the emotional equivalent of gladiator games? #TherapyDude
Isn't the point of a fight to win? #DontBeALoser #ImAlwaysRight #YouShouldntBeAngry
Join Blake and Bonnie as they explore the rules of fighting fair and the ways in which arguments can go horribly wrong, and try to benefit from their somewhat successful years of therapy on how best to do that awful human thing - communicate. #AlsoLame #IdLikeToSpeakToAManager #MFisALoveWord
Audio engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
WELCOME BACK! Blake and Bonnie kick off Season 2 with an honest (and revealing) exploration of what exactly is love-bombing and how do you know if 1) you're doing it to someone #StopItPsycho or 2) Someone is doing it to you #RunAway
Love Bombing is one of Blake and Bonnie's 4 Horsemen of Emotional Manipulation, so tune in and join the conversation about lavishing a loved one with attention, affections or gifts in order to manipulate them into your psychological slave. #FunTimes #JustAnotherTuesday
Audio Engineering by Jamey Young
Art Design by Emily Taylor
A Very Special Bonus Holidaze Episode for our DrinkingWithYourEx listeners! Blake and Bonnie have some words of wisdom to share about navigating the holidaze season. Should you go to your smug married friend's Xmas party? Do you really like tube socks and Victoria Secret's smelly lotion? How about looking for a soulmate on Tinder on Xmas Eve?
#WeirdQuasiSexyGiftsFromStrangers #SocksMeanLove #ItCouldTotallyHappen #NeverGonnaHappen #ChooseMentalHealthcare
The holidaze season can epically suck (#ThanksMom) or it can be an exploration of the joys of single nerd life (#LOTR4Evah). It's best to make those choice with really, really, really good single malt scotch. #Dalmore15
Audio Engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Producer - Melissa Roth
Dating gurus across the internet enjoy a multimillion dollar empire by promising to tell people how to get their ex back. Blake and Bonnie reveal the SECRET for FREE, in their final episode of Season 1. Tune in NOW to learn the very, very, very secret, completely foolproof, way to get back your ex after they've left your ass in the dust for some very good reasons that you are not currently emotionally stable enough to look at or address and instead you've decided to tune into strangers on the internet for FOOLPROOF advice on how to make a person who left you come back into your life, ostensibly, out of love. #YeahRight #BadIdea #DontDoIt #WeTakeCreditCards
After sharing with their listeners FOR FREE the amazing and true SECRET to getting your ex back, Blake and Bonnie recap their thoughts, feelings, and fond moments of snark from the inaugural season of Drinking With Your Ex. #Memories #NotEnoughForRestraingOrder #FunRight
Season TWO will launch in November 2022 a well as lots of new fun, new snark, new topics and NEW hosts (JK, Bonnie hasn't and won't murder Blake, swear), so subscribe and share with all your friends and enemies!
Sound by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Giving up on dating can definitely be a sign of good mental healthcare. Does that mean you've condemned yourself to die alone until your dachshund or sphinx cat gnaws on your rotting face? Maybe #YouKnowWhatYouDid #FeedMrWhiskersOrElse
Does giving up meant that you've just taken a break from the swirling lies, deception, gaslighting and sheer time-wasting of modern dating to do something more important in life, like liking yourself and choosing high self-esteem? #Maybe #HeresHoping #Guurrrrl
In this episode we learn that the last woman to go on a date with Blake has now sworn off dating forever (sorta true, but totally how Bonnie sees it). We also learn about the four different types of folks who "give up" on dating and whether that requires a celebration of good life choices or a one-way trip to the psych nurse. #positivity #hashtaghacks #evillaugh
Sound by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Red flags, warning signs, irritating ticks, temporary restraining orders, adorable little foibles and complimentary personality disorders!
Dating is a constant process of getting to know a person while also reading the signs; sometimes we run away from the flashing red lights and sometimes we are the bull running straight toward the red flag. #ole #ThoughtItWasACarnival
In the newly restored, lost, missing Episode #5, Blake and Bonnie discuss their personal red flags and offer some sage, wise, kind and totally non-judgmental advice for spotting red flags for the rest of us. #JudgeyBitches #Takes1toknow1 #ImFineThankYou
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
You're NEVER too old for sex, but sex does change once you get...older, right? #FlatteringLighting #ArthritisMedication #AssPlayIsOnTheMenu
Lucky Episode 13: Sex After 40 covers combo locks, econo-size bottles of lube, "accidental fetish finds," tossing of salads on the first date, using tongues and toes if hydraulics ain't working just right, why blindfolds are the new Viagra and communication skills that fall way short of actual words. MUST BE REALLY HIGH TO RIDE THIS RIDE and we do recommend updating your will and notarizing your medical Power of Attorney before swiping right. #PullMyPlug #OnlyIfUrIntoThat #MedicalKink4Lyfe #SafetyThird
Blake and Bonnie snicker, snark, giggle and gamely try to offer a Primer To Sex Over 40 for those of you living through the experience, those of you just getting back into the game, and those of you just bringing popcorn and score cards to admire the train wreck. #Blindfolds4Lyfe #FunnyAF #ItHappensToAllOfUs
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
When you've reached the ripe old age of "Over 40," you've accumulated (and hopefully survived) your fair share of toxic relationships. Should you try to be friends with your toxic ex? Should your new honeybunny be forced to endure your toxic friend who gets belligerent at the bar? How to delicately explain that The HILLS HAVE EYES was more of a family home movie than a Hollywood horror flick? #NotGoingHome4TheHolidays #TrustMeOnThis
Blake and Bonnie explore dating through the sad but true reality of toxic relationships and how to navigate trying to forge something new and something better when some of these relationships (Toxic Exes, Toxic Friends, Toxic Family) are Package Deals.
Sound Engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
How has dating, sex and drinking changed through the ages? Pretty sure you had different dating and sex habits and goals when you were a teenager compared to dating in your 40s. #OrMaybeNot #HeresHoping #DontJudge #YoureNotMyMom
Join Blake and Bonnie as they snark and giggle their way down Amnesia Lane as The Ghosts of Sex Lives Past and try to recall what they were drinking, who they were dating, and how they were f*@$!^% in their teens, 20s, 30s and 40s. #OuchMyHip #RememberWhen #NoVideoEvidence
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Single? Over 40? Feeling a little salty about that? Does dating over 40 mean that you've got an assigned seat at the back of The Losers' Bus and all who know you should ring a Shame Bell and whisper "bless his heart" when you walk into the room?
What does it mean to be a failure? Are you a failed human? Failed at life? Failed at "successful" long-term romantic and sexual relationships? #Maybe #ThatLastOne #Spinsters4LyfeBlake and Bonnie talk through what it means to be single and over 40, living the cis het life and where, exactly, we have failed. #BadHousekeeper #AuditingClowns
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
Having "sexual relations" with other sentient human beings when you are over the age of 40 and still insisting that you, them, he/she/they are "doing it with No-Strings-Attached" is truly just a blatant lie to yourself, your partner, and continues to grow a culture where the grown-ass adults compete to see who can treat the other one more like a disposable sex doll. #FightMe #YouKnowImRight
"No-Strings-Attached" really just means that you are an emotionally insecure and closeted (or openly) sadistic human in desperate need of therapy to address your attachment issues and cold/with-holding mother. #KnowThyself
Blake and Bonnie hold nothing back when describing exactly what lies relationship statuses like "No Strings Attached" or "Friends With Benefits" are and how they reveal the shortcomings (huh huh) of all of us supposed-adults.
***Sure, it's possible to have a respectful, caring and loving short-term sexual relationship with another adult that involves clear boundaries about long-term emotional goals and expectations. But be real - that's not what you did with that girl/guy/Tinder-connection that you hooked up with 5 times and then ghosted.*** #ShutYourFace #DefaultToBasicHumanDeceny #GrowThaFUp
Sound engineering by Jamey Young
Art by Emily Taylor
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