This Undivided Life Podcast will give you real advice to help make life whole again. Join Troy Mclaughlin, co-host Scott Perkins and guests as we talk real life. We bypass simple platitudes and the generic “just love yourself” gibberish, and dive headlong into the challenges pulling us a million different directions. Life is fractured; from your calendars chocked full of commitments, to the black hole of entertainment in the palm of your hand, and the constant buzz of iPhone alerts. For most of us, the hum of anxiety is always present. You struggle to keep up with life’s frenetic pace, social media’s comparison game, or the far-fetched promises of our consumer culture. You feel divided, out of sorts, maybe even broken because of past experiences. Here’s the good news, we’ll talk about ways to combat those feelings; things you can do, habits to break or create, and practices to put in place. If you’re looking for gurus, quick fixes, or hacks, this is not the show for you. If you’re looking for fellow sojourners, people on a similar journey, you’ve found your show.
We have been on a relentless journey for over a decade to live whole hearted and connected to God and others (actually connected). As a byproduct of this journey, we became life coaches (by accident) in 2018 and have now worked with over 32,000 believers. We have committed to documenting what we've learned in our lives as well as what we've learned from our clients and that's why we started the Alive & Free Podcast...to offer whatever we can to other believers that don't want to settle for mediocre connection in their lives and relationships. We cover conflict, pain, forgiveness, addictions, coping, sin, codependency, as well as many other topics. Welcome to the conversation.
Feel at PeaceAbide is a non-denominational biblically grounded meditation app where you can experience peace and progress in your relationship with Christ. It’s the most trusted place for busy Christians, like you, to connect to God. By providing a safe & still place where you can listen to a trusted friend in an environment without condemnation, you can feel at peace. Biblical Affirmations can help you center yourself on the truth found in God's word. Each biblically grounded affirmation begins with deep breathing, includes 6 affirmations with gentle music and ends with a heartfelt prayer.
When you download the Abide App, not only will you gain access to our premium ad-free content, you can customize your content. We meet you where you are at and point you to the best meditations and sleep stories we genuinely believe will help you grow in your relationship with God. For a 30 day free trial, your trusted friend for meditation is right here: https://abide.com/peace -
Truth or lies?
What we believe informs our actions, and actions have outcomes, whether good or bad. Believe it or not, even to life or death! So let's cut to and through the lies that cost us - replacing them with truth - and see life transformed for the better!
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 -
*** TOP 10% Globally Ranked Podcast ***
Hey, I’m Misty. A mom of 4 (from 4-17), wife, and lover of all things Jesus and the Bible. For YEARS I tried to find peace and calm in the midst of my chaotic life... both internally and creating it in my home.
I created ALL THE STRUCTURE in my home,the most elaborate schedules, read multiple books thinking I just needed to be more, invested in counselors, holistic living, and spent most of my days trying to control everyone around me. All of this left me feeling angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and sad at the harm it had caused in my relationships with my children, my husband and God. I knew I could never be and do enough.
I finally realized that if I was going to experience the peace and calm I read about in God’s word, that I needed to know what true emotional stability looked like, I needed to know what the bible said about emotions, and I needed to partner with God in all of it. I knew I couldn’t afford to let the world tell me what my emotions should look like and how I should handle them.
Using years of Christian ministry leadership training, self-coaching tools, deep connection with God and the Bible itself, I created a method that helps me be intentional and effective in this area of my life. The Lord and I have never been closer and He has walked me through so much healing and growth using the method I created. Doing this work has been life changing and I’m excited to share it with you!
If you are ready to control your emotions instead of them controlling you…
Have peace in all areas of your life, even in the midst of turmoil…
Have simple tactical tools to help you do all of that rooted in the Bible itself…
Results that are undeniable like closer relationships with your loved ones, feeling more level and consistent, and deep trust and confidence in God - this podcast is for you!
Grab yourself that sneaky snack and let’s dive in!
We’re creating Christ-centered legacies. You and your family will never be the same.
Next Steps:
Coach 1:1 with Me: https://mistymcfadden.com/work-with-me/
Free 30 Days of Gratitude Journal/Prayer Prompts : https://mistymcfadden.com/cultivating-gratitude-freebie/
Visit the Website: www.mistymcfadden.com
Email Us: [email protected] -
Are you confused and feeling like you’re not in control of your own life because your husband is isolating you from everyone?
Does the thought of escaping your marriage leave you feeling guilty and ashamed even though you are no longer safe?
Are you in the process of divorce and you have no idea what your parental or financial rights are?
Welcome sister, to She Wears Armor! This podcast is dedicated to growing a safe community of Christian women who encourage and build one another up! Lean in as I teach you practical strategies to navigate your high conflict divorce and show you ways to cope with your current situation, as well as prepare for your future personal relationships and finances.
Hey y’all! I’m Heather Laughter, a wife, momma to 6, Jesus lover, and advocate at heart.
I had my own traumatizing journey with a narcissistic sociopath and ended up in a family court system that was scary, confusing, and overwhelming. I was totally alone, hours from family and had no friends because I had been isolated from everyone. It took me about 7 times to actually leave my abuser for good.
Eventually I began my work as a family law paralegal which allowed me to walk others through the same broken system while gaining valuable inside information.
And now, God has led me to coach you, because I understand the pain, uncertainty, and struggles you are facing as a victim of high-conflict divorce. I want to share with you what I have learned about being part of a loving community, being resilient and finding true healing through Jesus after surviving an abusive relationship.
If you are ready for valuable insights to the inner workings of the flawed divorce system, gain a healthy community of support and encouragement, and be equipped with healthy coping strategies with a Christian perspective that will give you the relief you are looking for, join me on this journey of healing, recovery, and faith.
Together, we’ll navigate the challenges, find strength in our shared experiences, and emerge victorious, wearing God’s armor that empowers us to face life’s battles with resilience and grace. Welcome to a community where you are seen, heard, and supported. Put down your shame and take up your shield, it’s time for freedom! -
Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast is committed to walking with you on your journey of awakening and psychospiritual development. Host Josephine Hardman, PhD is a certified intuitive healer and Akashic Records practitioner and teacher (and formerly taught English, writing, and Shakespeare at the college level for 9 years). Inner Work features illuminating discussions and interviews on spirituality, self-development, inner healing, and manifesting the truly abundant and aligned life you dream of.
Each week on the Bart Ehrman Blog Podcast, John Mueller will read two posts from the Bart Ehrman Blog – the first will be a post from the not too distant past, and the second will be from the blog archives (one published roughly the same calendar week but from years 2012 to 2016).
The Bart Ehrman Blog was created in 2012 to raise money for charities devoted to fighting poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Each week, Dr. Ehrman publishes 5 or 6 posts (approximately 1000 words each post) providing his insights, opinions, and illuminations on important issues and topics pertaining to the Historical Jesus, the New Testament and Early Christianity. To stay current with all of Dr. Ehrman’s new posts, to read any of Dr. Ehrman’s previous posts, to comment on any of his posts, to read Dr. Ehrman’s responses to comments, and to access other features of the blog, you must become a member of the Bart Ehrman Blog. Cost of membership is minimal (less $4 for a monthly membership or less than $25 for an annual membership) and ALL PROCEEDS from membership go to charity. To join, go to www.ehrmanblog.org
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is a renowned scholar of the Historical Jesus, the New Testament, and Early Christianity; he is the recipient of numerous academic awards, grants, and fellowships; he is a frequent lecturer, debater, and media pundit; he has authored more than 20 books including five which made the New York Times Best Sellers List; he is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; and among numerous other accomplishments, he is an incredibly great guy. -
Rise on Fire is a ministry assigned to ignite a fire of Spirit & Truth around the world. God is calling us back to the walk of Yeshua with no more excuses. We are free from the traditions of men, led by the Truth and empowered by the Spirit.
GET INVOLVED: https://linktr.ee/RISEONFIRE
For more teachings, or to contact us please visit: http://www.RiseOnFire.com -
Who doesn’t want a better life? April Osteen Simons, shares positive, hope-filled, practical insight on becoming a better YOU in every area of your life--mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. If you want this year, this week, this day to be happier, healthier, more successful and better than it’s ever been, this podcast is for you!
Total health encompasses more than just physical wellbeing; it includes factors like family life, the health of our relationships, spirituality, and the way we see our relationship to the rest of the world and to others. In this show, Dr. Lenzkes and his guests discuss these factors and share stories of heroism, compassion, and healing along the way. Being a medical doctor, Dr. Lenzkes has made a commitment to helping people, and he firmly believes that this commitment extends into every aspect of life.
Get ready to have your consciousness expanded! Adventures in Mysticism podcast shifts paradigms, blows minds, and lifts veils through the sharing of Leah and her guest’s stories of their supernatural experiences.
Host, Leah Grant, is a Spiritual Guide, creator of Ecstatic Meditation™, and is certified as a Master Medium, Master Psychic, and Master Coach. Leah is the Founder of Spiritually Architect the Future - an immersive and odyssey that prepares, activates, and fortifies participants to step into their role as designers of a positive, high-frequency new world.
You are not crazy. You are here right now, on this planet, during this pivotal time in the history of humanity for a reason. Listen to Adventures in Mysticism to know you aren’t alone. Listen to resonate with the frequency of the phenomenal experiences. Listen to immerse yourself in amazing spiritual journeys. Then share with others who are on the path of expanding their consciousness.
If Adventures in Mysticism has made you smile, feel warm or intrigued you, please leave a five-star review! They act as mile markers to assist others on their spiritual journey to find their way here.
Visit www.adventuresinmysticism.com for more opportunities to expand your consciousness. -
Two friends. Two pastors. Two theologians explore the greatest questions of life and the mystery of God. In each episode, Dr. Wes Arblaster and Dr. Ethan Smith probe a question of spiritual life in conversation with Scripture and figures from the first 1000 years of the church. In the process they discover that the God Christians worship is more mysterious and compelling than we ever imagined.
IKOfon er en podkast for deg som jobber med kirkelig undervisning - som ansatt eller som frivillig medarbeider. Gjestene i podkasten til IKO - Kirkelig pedagogisk senter er forskere, forfattere og andre som kan formidle noe om kirkelig undervisning. Annbjørg Dalland og Asbjørn G. Håkonseth snakker med dem om bøkene og utgivelsene deres.