添加私人情感分析师微信xfssq24,解决更多情感难题。关注微信公众号xfssq520,每天获取更多幸福绝招。不管天有多黑、路有多远,我们陪你蜕变、陪你收获幸福。 -
The Huntington’s early American historical collections are important resources for the study of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, the drafting of the Constitution, and the Civil War. Among the holdings are hundreds of autograph letters written by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as the manuscript of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. The Huntington can also claim the largest collection of autograph manuscripts of Abraham Lincoln west of Illinois. In conferences, seminars, and lectures, curators and visiting scholars discuss their subjects in depth.
【上山之声荣誉出品】资深心理学家刘铁征独家创意!在催眠中与自己对话!网上 最专业的催眠类节目!千万次点击,千万次选择!错不了!——每周三《催眠故事汇》最新节目首发公众号:上山之声
‖◣漫生活◎早安心语◢‖ 最文艺、最清新、最励志的早安心语。用最精致的话语,最温暖的声音,和您一起开始美好的每一天... 这里有你想听到的主播的声音,这里可以为你私人定制一首你喜欢主播的早安闹铃~~
与你分享那些温暖、感动,让我们充满力量的文字(微信公众号:晓夜时间 新浪微博:一丛蓝)
黄庭禅创办人张庆祥如此说 :幸福在哪里? 幸福就在你心里!只要能从内心感觉到自己很幸福,不论目前的境遇,你便能享有真正的幸福快乐!怎样才能有幸福的感觉?古圣先贤已把方法归纳为「心理、 生理、事理」,若这三个方向都圆满~幸福~就这么简单!
2013年9月、横浜でおこなわれた「脳の活性化」をテーマにした四姉妹との対談です。四姉妹、もちろん本当の姉妹ではありませんが、メイ・ウシヤマSBM研究所の学術フェローである大倉多美子先生(長女、薬学博士)、藤井まり先生(次女、国際的精進料理研究家)、劉 効蘭先生(三女、医学博士)、飯島晶子先生(末娘、朗読家)のハイセンスな四人で結成された愉快なお仲間です。SBM Web Radio 四姉妹URL http://sbm.3dweb.biz/
Hosted by award-winning author and Writing Coach Annika Spalding, this podcasts invites you to embrace the wisdom of your past to create a better future.
I want you to stand in your truth, express yourself with confidence and activate your greatness.
So tell me, what's your story? -
Healthy Living from Azure Standard is a podcast about health, healthy living and of living a life of abundance. Azure Standard provides the best quality organic, non-GMO produce and products and delivers them throughout the USA. We share ideas, articles, recipes, and great information and resources to help you and your family live a healthier, happier and more abundant life. Azure Standard… it's how we feed our families.