Dr.Jared discusses some strategies to crack interviews and land jobs. The students around the world would benefit from the notes we gathered when we met him on the sidelines of the conference. We converted our notes into the podcast format for all our listeners.
Dr. Buckley in an email interview with Talentsumo laid out strategies for job searches that will give an edge to the students in the ever-changing job market. Whether it is smart preparation or anticipating changes in the hiring patterns, there is surely something for everyone to implement in their own careers!
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Amazon conducts a very rigorous interview process, and only a few people get through the door. Software engineering interviews are notoriously hard. But there are other careers options that are relatively easier and available for graduates or MBA professionals. We connected with York-MBA graduate Shiv Ghosh via email and convinced him to tell us the most frequent questions that can help students crack the operations role.