Greeting, Earth Enthusiast!
Dive deep into the world of women trailblazers in the oil and gas industry! 💪🔧🌍 From breaking barriers to driving innovation, these incredible leaders are transforming the energy landscape. Don't miss out on their inspiring stories and invaluable insights! 🎧✨
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Spotify : https://bit.ly/earthex-seguisc
Stay tuned for the next episode!
Human Resources
SEG UI SC 2024
#EvolvingConnection -
Study Abroad (2) : Preparation for Master’s Degree and Explore Geoscience with Oil & Gas Management Student
Greeting, Earth Enthusiast!
Studying abroad is everyone's dream and is a great opportunity to enrich one's knowledge in terms of personal growth and development, quality of education and career, adjustments to study the culture of the country to be addressed and much more.
This podcast episode will also explore insights and providing a comprehensive overview of this dynamic field through the personal experiences of a student engaged in Strategic Management of the fuel and energy complex in the transformation of energy markets in Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. So, are you the next who will study abroad?
Listen exclusively and tap play on our Spotify & Anchor
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See you on our next episode!
Human Resources
SEG UI SC 2022 -
Episodi mancanti?
Greeting, Earth Enthusiast!
Studying abroad is everyone's dream and is a great opportunity to enrich one's knowledge in terms of personal growth and development, quality of education and career, adjustments to study the culture of the country to be addressed and much more.
This podcast episode will also explore experiences, insights and perspectives regarding applied geoscience at RWTH Aachen University and activities while in Germany.
So, are you the next who will study abroad?
Listen exclusively and tap play on our Spotify & Anchor
spotify : https://bit.ly/earthex-seguisc
anchor : anchor.fm/podcast-seguisc
See you on our next episode of Study Abroad! -
Greeting, Earth Enthusiast!
The International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) is the primary cross-disciplinary technical gathering in the Eastern Hemisphere that centers around sharing and promoting the latest technological advancements, effective methodologies, and diverse initiatives intended to highlight the significance of the value chain and optimizing the value of assets.
Here everything you need to know more about IPTC program, you can gain your knowledge about the process of registering for the IPTC program and becoming a delegate, as well as to gain insights into the experiences and lessons learned by those who have participated in the IPTC program.
Listen Exclusively and tap play on our Spotify & Anchor
Anchor : anchor.fm/podcast-seguisc
Spotify : https://bit.ly/earthex-seguisc
Stay tuned for the next episode! -
Greeting, Earth Enthusiast!
The Willow Project is a controversial oil drilling project in Alaska’s North Slope by the giant United States (US) energy company, ConocoPhillips.
Here everything you need to know more about The Willow Project, you can gain your knowledge about the controversial oil-drilling venture, how can affect environment especially climate critical, and its effect for the world.
Found out more in our EarthEx Podcast episode special Willow Project with Azzam
Auliarahman, Head Department of Environment BEM UI 2023, Geophysics student at University of Indonesia!
Listen this episode exclusively on Spotify & Anchor via the link below :
Anchor : anchor.fm/podcast-seguisc
Spotify : https://bit.ly/earthex-seguisc -
Kampus Merdeka : Let's Prepare Your Steps
Are you ready for MBKM?
MBKM stands for Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Program created by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
From this podcast episode, you’ll learn many things about MBKM programs like how the registration mechanism works, the people we find while on the mining program, and the experience we gain.
Equip yourself for MBKM by listening to EarthEx podcast episode with our special guest Muhammad Salman, geology student at the University of Indonesia.
"Enhance Your Potential Through IISMA"
Greetings, Earth Enthusiast!
Did you know what is IISMA?
What you'll need to apply for IISMA?
What are the benefits of joining IISMA?
IISMA is one of the Kampus Merdeka programs that aims to fund Indonesian students for mobility programs at overseas universities.
From this podcast episode, you'll find out about what IISMA is, how the registration mechanism is, the culture of the country where we study, and what experiences will we able to gain!
Mark your reminder for our podcast with Sherina, Geophysics student at Universitas Indonesia who is currently studying abroad at Yonsei University, South Korea!!!
Listen exclusively on Spotify & Anchor via the link below:
Apple: EarthEx
Anchor: anchor.fm/podcast-seguisc
Spotify: https://bit.ly/earthex-seguisc
Greetings, Earth Enthusiast!
On this podcast episode we will have an insightful conversation with Lisa Syahnidar about her Student Internship experience in Pertamina EP Company. Accompanied by Ahmad Mufid as our host, we will also discuss about the requirement to apply the program and her student internship experience.
Ready to explore?
set your earphone, and enjoy!
Thank you for listening to this EarthEx. On this podcast episode we will have a good conversation with Darin Alya Khairunnisa Rizdinanti about her experience after become one of the delegates from Indonesia to join Chevron Student Leadership Symposium Program. Accompanied by Kholifatun Nisa as our host, we will also discuss about their tips and tricks to get the scholarship and also how to write a good essays as a requirement to apply the program. Hope this podcast will inspire you, enjoy this EarthEx.
Thank you for listening to this EarthEx. On this podcast episode we will have a good talk with Ishaidir Siregar and Desta Suci Fitriani about their experience after coming second place in the Pacific Region competition and became one of the delegates team from the Pacific Region to be competing on SEG Challenge Bowl World Finals 2021. Accompanied by Kholifatun Nisa as our host, we will also discuss about their tips and tricks on how to win the game. Hope this podcast will inspire you, enjoy this EarthEx.
Thank you for listening to this EarthEx. On this podcast episode, we will discuss with William Jhanesta about how he complete his Bachelor Degree in Geophysics for just 3,5 Years. Accompanied by Kholifatun Nisa as our host, we will also discuss about his journey in competition and research and also some tips and tricks about it. Hope this podcast will inspire you, enjoy this EarthEx.
Thank you for listening to this EarthEx. On this episode, we wil have a nice conversation with Kak Alzaid Ponka. Accompanied by Kholifatun Nisa, we will disscus about how to write a good essay and paper, some tips and trick to write, and also a bit about Essay Nusantara, a platform to learn essay writing. Hope this podcast will inspire you to write, enjoy this EarthEx.
an episode to thank you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, EXPLORERS for all your attention since our very first episode <3 2020 is such a blast!
Nothing can stop us from exploring and learning new things.
for a thankful gift, let Onit tell you this popular and unpopular secret of geophysics field and make you think there's still so much to explore!
are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!
We hope that our podcast contents be useful
and we wish that y'all always be healthy and happy for the following time
p.s I'm so sorry for the noises):
- UC Riverside. Geophysics
- Dr. Mary Dowd. (2020). Where Can a Geophysicist Work Other Than the Oil Industry?
- TEXAS Geosciences. What can I do with a major in Geophysics.
- University of Pittsburgh. Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences: Careers.
- Rencanamu. Geofisika
Some months have passed by, Have you missed something?
[Things You Have Missed] is here to summarize some warm topics that emerge in these past months for you! TMI? TMI!
For our November 2020 Issue, Onit will summarize these topics:
the First Tracked Earth’s-boomerang-quake in the Ocean (Aug 2020)'Back-propagating supershear rupture in the 2016 Mw 7.1 Romanche transform fault earthquake' by Hicks et al. is published in Nature Geoscience.
Injection-induced Earthquake (Aug 2020)Virginia Tech. (2020, August 6). 'What's in oilfield wastewater matters for injection-induced earthquakes'. ScienceDaily.
Ocean Thermometer: A seismic Inovation (Sept-Oct, 2020)“Seismic ocean thermometry” by Wenbo Wu, Zhongwen Zhan, Shirui Peng, Sidao Ni and Jörn Callies, 18 September 2020, Science.
Discussion forum link we have promised: “Undersea earthquakes shake up climate science”
are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!
this is a clickbait
“Sp.” commonly used as specialist degree.
what geophysics field you can be specialized in or study through? what kind of speciality will be your “X”?
EarthEx’s [Geophysics Sp.X] is a series about geophysics specialization/study. We’ll specially invite some amazing guest to share and talk about their knowledge and experience while finding their “X”
Our third part will be boiled with geothermal talk and lots of interest! because our guest, kak Dhara of geophysics UI’15 is a geothermal enthusiast and has lots of experience in lots of geophysics interest. get ready to be wow-ed with Anzal as our host.
are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!
p.s please tell us your feedback by dropping a voice message in our anchor page. We’ll really appreciate it and be thankful if you do💚
EarthEx Team -
“Sp.” commonly used as specialist degree.
What geophysics field you can be specialized in or study through? what kind of speciality will be your “X”?
EarthEx’s [Geophysics Sp.X] is a series about geophysics specialization/study. We’ll specially invite some amazing guest to share and talk about their knowledge and experience while finding their “X”
For our second part, we have a seismic enthusiast as our guest, Kak Nadaa Daneshara. Hear more on this profound talk she had with our host, Anin!
are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!
p.s we’re sorry for the audio quality, but we wouldn’t let you down with our talk. so, cheers!
p.s.s you can also tell us your feedback by dropping a voice message in our anchor page. We’ll really appreciate it and be thankful if you do💚
Regards, EarthEx Team
is that true?
By comparison with geophysical exploration for oil, geophysical prospecting in mining is of limited scope, both areawise and dollarwise. To begin with, geologic exposures are abundant in many mining districts, making the application of geophysics unnecessary. Exploration targets in mining are usually so small by comparison with the promising area that blanket exploration becomes too costly if not impossible.
-Heiland, C. A. 1948. How Can Geophysics Be of Better Service To the Mining Industry? Geophysics, 13(4), 529.
On this episode, our EarthEx guest, Kak Ratu, will also share her intership experience in PT ANTAM Tbk and her volunteering experience with our host, Anzal.
so, what would Kak Ratu thinks about Geophysicists Prospect in the Mining Industry? let’s hear it out!
are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!
“Sp.” commonly used as specialist degree.
Geophysicists apply the principles and concepts of physics, mathematics, geology, and engineering to the study of the physical characteristics of the earth and other planets. As a geophysicist, you would measure gravity and magnetic fields, seismic waves, temperatures, and natural electric current.
Specialization is significant early on—when applying for jobs—in geophysics. Initial specialization is important because it leads to five years of learning that particular aspect of the field. Learning about new specialties often happens gradually and unconsciously.
-The Princeton Review. 'Career: Geophysicist.'
so, what geophysics field you can be specialized in or study through? what kind of speciality will be your “X”?
In this [Geophysics Sp.X] series, EarthEx will have some amazing guest to share and talk about their knowledge and experience while finding their “X”
On this episode, Onit and Anin will have a nice talk with EarthEx first guest, Kak Icha and Bang Muzza regarding this topic!
also, please look forward for the next upcoming part!
are you ready? set your earphone on, and enjoy!
In an area stretching from Africa to South America, Earth’s magnetic field is gradually weakening. This strange behaviour has geophysicists puzzled and is causing technical disturbances in satellites orbiting Earth. Scientists are using data from ESA’s Swarm constellation to improve our understanding of this area known as the ‘South Atlantic Anomaly.’
Jürgen Matzka, from the German Research Centre for Geosciences, says, “The new, eastern minimum of the South Atlantic Anomaly has appeared over the last decade and in recent years is developing vigorously. We are very lucky to have the Swarm satellites in orbit to investigate the development of the South Atlantic Anomaly. The challenge now is to understand the processes in Earth’s core driving these changes.”
-ESA. May 20, 2020. 'Swarm Probes Strange Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field That Has Geophysicists Puzzled.'
In this episode, Onit will share us some info about Earth's Magnetic Field Anomaly.
are you ready? Set your earphone on, and enjoy!
A pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was first reported to the WHO Country Office in China. The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020. Later, on 11 February 2020, WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19.
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic starts to define a global health crisis and begin to set some crisis in another field as well, including in geoscience fields.
In this episode, Anzal will share us some info about How COVID-19 Affect some Geoscience Fields.
are you ready? Set your earphone on, and enjoy!