Start your week off right by listening to my short and sweet Words of Motivation.
Living with a chronic illness can be exhausting. When you don't feel great, it can be difficult to find a positive outlook on your life. I hope that my words help you find the bright side through whatever you're going through.
It's a new week. Smile. Good things are to come. If you enjoy my podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
Xoxo Lauren
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I have not been glutened a year! It's funny because on the day this happened, I told my friends how I have been so grateful! Here's the story, how I handled the situation, and what I learned from it. I hope you learn something too. <3
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XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube @eatglutenfreewithmeIG @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast Eat Gluten Free With Me -
Episodi mancanti?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a gluten detection dog to help you along your Celiac journey? I know I sure have, and I know you have too, because I receive so many DMs asking me how to go about the training. Unfortunately, that is not my area of expertise, so I decided to bring on Kendra from @sukipwd as a guest!
Kendra is the creator behind the account @sukipwd on IG and TikTok. She has been working with a trainer since May 2020 to train her dog Suki to be a gluten detection doggie! Today, we're chatting about the truths of what it is actually like to train your dog for gluten detection. I hope you enjoy!
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XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube @eatglutenfreewithmeIG @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast Eat Gluten Free With Me -
If the answer to this question was, yes, you're not alone. In this podcast episode, I am going to be covering all the possible reasons of why you may still be feeling sick after starting the gluten-free diet. We will also discuss tips and tricks to improve the gluten-free diet you are currently on to make sure it's 100% celiac friendly!
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XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithmeIG: @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me -
When I was first got diagnosed with celiac disease, I was only 18. The things that stressed me out at the time were pretty minimal. Now at the age of 24, life has begun. I run a solo business, I have bills to pay, I've been in toxic relationships, I am going through mid-20's transitional "finding myself" period. Overall, I have issues that I stress about on the daily. I slowly noticed that as stressors started to increase, so did the regularity of flare-up's.
In today's episode, I am going to be sharing how stress has affected by autoimmune disease health and the things I do to help minimize my stress levels.
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XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithmeIG: @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me -
Having the motivation to take care of yourself when you have an autoimmune disease isn't easy when you feel like your body is fighting against you. You feel like you're doing everything in your power to make your. body feel amazing, but you're still so ill. It can be so defeating.
This is why I am coming at you with words of motivation. I know how difficult it can be to find those words in your head with all the pain you're experiencing and to push yourself to keep going. Sit back, relax, and take in this episode. I hope you leave here feeling like you can tackle anything that comes your way!
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Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithmeIG: @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me -
I have suffered from an eating disorder for much of my life. It was something that started while I was in high school and has followed me until today. I tried to not let it overtake my life, but it severely worsened when I got diagnosed with Celiac, IBS, and Crohn's Disease.
Food was causing me so much pain, that I thought if I ignored it, I would feel more like myself. It worked for some time, but left me not solving the root issues of my health and left me with a poor relationship with food.
In today's episode, I discuss the entire story of my ED, how I was able to overcome it, and answer questions many of you have asked me to share my experience with. Please don't feel ashamed to get help. There is a way out and you're not alone.
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Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
Podcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me
When someone with Celiac Disease consumes gluten, the experience is different for everyone. Why? Because there's a range of severity of symptoms that occurs depending on the person. Today, I am sharing what happens to me when I consume gluten. I share my most recent gluten contamination stories, I discuss what my symptoms are and how my symptoms have changed over the past 6 years since I was diagnosed, and I share some spicy secrets that I probably shouldn't be discussing on the internet...shhhh.
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Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithmeIG: @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me -
No one will comprehend the intricacies of your personal journey with an autoimmune disease quite like you do. No one can fathom the depths of pain you have endured as intimately as you have. It's possible that you long for empathy from a friend or family member, only to find them incapable of truly comprehending the magnitude of what you've been through. Perhaps they unwittingly make remarks about your condition that wound you deeply, unaware of how profoundly your diagnosis has reshaped your identity and outlook on life. Today, I share with you a story that illustrates that unless one has experienced Celiac Disease firsthand and triumphed over its formidable health challenges, they can never grasp the reasons behind our actions, behaviors, and unique perspectives on life.
If you enjoy my podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithmeIG: @eat.glutenfreewithmePodcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me -
Has the question "Why is this happening to me?" or "Why did I get diagnosed with Celiac Disease?" ever run through your head? I have had the same thoughts, but the reality is that you're never going to find your answer because it doesn't exist. Today, we're talking about mindset. Mindset is key. Viewing your diagnosis in a negative light and searching for answers you won't ever be able to attain is moving you in the opposite direction of healing. So let's chat! Let's talk about switching your mindset to be more positive and find optimism within your Celiac Diagnosis.
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
Podcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me
Saying goodbye to gluten is something many people who get diagnosed with Celiac Disease struggle with, whether you're asymptomatic or symptomatic. I will guide you through ways I was able to ease into the new lifestyle with no regrets. I am 6 years gluten-free and I am never looking back!
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
Podcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me
The Gluten Free and More Magazine was the first resource I reached when I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease to help me along my journey. It holds a special place in my heart. I invited Colin O'Neal, the president of the Gluten Free and More magazine, to talk about his journey with Celiac Disease and all the resources his magazine offers to help those battling against Celiac Disease and other food allergies. From recipes to new gluten-free products and brands to beauty products that are certified gluten-free and baking conversions, this magazine has SO much to offer the Celiac community. We have some exciting things in the works, so be sure to give the magazine a follow using the tags below.
YouTube - @glutenfreewithme3652
IG & TT - @glutenfreeandmoremag
Subscribe to the magazine here: https://glutenfreeandmore.com/gluten-free-and-more
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
Podcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me
Welcome our first Celiac guest, Sarah from @celiacsarahexplores, on IG and TikTok! Sarah was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2021 at the beginning of her traveling journey. Instead of letting her new diagnosis hold her back, she learned how to live with her diagnosis while doing the one thing she loved, traveling. In 2022, Sarah since traveled to 13 countries with Celiac Disease. She is a true icon and a reminder that you can go anywhere, no matter your dietary restriction.
In this episode, we discussed the following:
How to get over the fear of traveling with Celiac Disease
Which countries are the most Celiac friendly and which are not
How to find where to eat out internationally
How to overcome a language barrier when traveling
How to prepare for airline travel + flights that provide meals
What accommodations are best when you are traveling internationally
If you want to hear more about Sarah's travels with Celiac Disease, you can check out her social media channels below!
IG & TikTok - @celiacsarahexplores - Traveling with Celiac Disease
IG & YouTube - @kjandsarah - Traveling Reviews
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much! XoXo Lauren
TikTok & YouTube: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
Podcast - Eat Gluten Free With Me
A type of Celiac Disease that the gluten-free diet can't heal? This rare occurrence is called Refractory Celiac Disease. In this episode, we go over who is a risk for this type of Celiac Disease and the signs and symptoms that you should look for. I have been tested for refractory Celiac Disease, so I understand the process of getting tested and I am sharing all the tea with you. If you think you may have this type of Celiac Disease, I encourage you to ask your gastroenterologist for more information.
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much! XoXo Lauren
TikTok: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
YouTube: Eat Gluten Free with Me
Podcast (Spotify + Apple Podcasts): Eat Gluten Free with Me
Have you been struggling with your weight post-diagnosis of Celiac Disease? You're gaining weight and you're not sure why? Is this a healthy weight?
All of these questions are answered in this podcast. It will help you understand why this weight gain is occurring and how to handle the changes with your body. I also share my experience with body dysmorphia and an eating disorder that Celiac Disease led to me develop.
More than sharing my experiences with you, I provide steps that you can take to overcome these hardships because I know it's not easy. Stay positive my love. Good things are coming your way. I hope you enjoy.
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much! XoXo Lauren
TikTok: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
YouTube: Eat Gluten Free with Me
Podcast (Spotify + Apple Podcasts): Eat Gluten Free with Me
When you first get diagnosed with Celiac Disease, you feel lost and confused and don't know where or who to turn to. Please take a deep breath for me. Everything will be okay. What you are experiencing is normal. You are going through a significant lifestyle change, and all your doctor told you to do was eat gluten-free, right? BUT you don't even know what gluten is, do you?
In this episode, I am going to break down everything for you. From the most simplistic parts, such as what are gluten and Celiac Disease, all the way to the minuscule details you will be grateful to know now at this point in your diagnosis journey. Hold onto your hats because we will be covering a LOTTTTT of information. It will help you so much in the long run, trust me.
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TikTok: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
YouTube: Eat Gluten Free with Me
Podcast (Spotify + Apple Podcasts): Eat Gluten Free with Me
This podcast is an honest and vulnerable inside peak into my life. It does not have to do with Celiac Disease, IBS, or Crohn's. It has to do with life outside of my diagnosis. Starting my own business, my trip to Hawaii, and the personal growth I have experienced as an individual this year. This is outside the regular content I share, but I thought you would be interested in hearing how life has really been lately. I share things I never expected to share with anyone but myself because I recorded this episode with the intention of it only being for me to listen to. All the feelings and emotions are truly raw. I hope you enjoy it!
Link to join the free Celiac Disease Support Group: https://meet.google.com/hmc-oxyr-pyn
Bad days are inevitable when living with Celiac Disease, but these days make us so strong. In the moment, we don't always see it this way. We fight battles we don't always want to. We wonder why we were given this life. Here's the thing, this is your life. There is no escaping it, nor should you want to. A life well lived is one where no matter what is thrown your way, you embrace it and make the best of all moments (even the bad times).
This episode covers the importance of embracing the bad times and soaking in grief. People always tell us that it is not okay to cry. It is not okay to be weak, but they were not given our life and pain. Embrace the emotions you are going through. Then develop a game plan of how to get out of this cycle.
When having Celiac Disease, I often feel comforted when others tell me they are not doing well. It helps me validate my feelings, that it's okay not to feel great all the time and that I am not alone. That is exactly the purpose of this episode. I am human. I struggle. I am in pain, but this cycle of pain is not one you should dwell in forever. I will be sharing the tips I used to escape a life of negativity that surrounded my diagnosis so that you can live a happy life even when things get complicated.
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
TikTok: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
YouTube: Eat Gluten Free with Me
Podcast (Spotify + Apple Podcasts): Eat Gluten Free with Me
Halloween is here! To me, it's the best season and maybe the best holiday of the year, but as someone with Celiac Disease, it can often be hard to feel included. Why, you may ask? Because a large part of the holiday revolves around eating, candy specifically. And as you may know, not all candy is gluten-free.
To avoid feeling lonely, isolated, and left out during this holiday, I have created a game plan for you! It's time to sit back and enjoy Halloween this year! If you have questions on what candy is and is not gluten-free and how to prepare your child (of any age) to prevent them from getting sick on candy this year, this episode is for you!
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
TikTok: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
YouTube: Eat Gluten Free with Me
Podcast (Spotify + Apple Podcasts): Eat Gluten Free with Me
Saying goodbye to your pre-Celiac Disease life filled with memories of your favorite foods and favorite restaurants is very difficult. Doctors don't discuss with patients that grieving the past is part of the healing & growing process.
You have entered a new chapter of your life. Healing.
This quick 10-minute talk will give you the steps to gain back your positivity and motivation to move forward from your past life and be open to making new memories and experiences while being gluten-free.
It's not easy and takes time, but allowing this transition to happen will lead you to a happier and healthier life. Don't long for what you once had, be excited about the new life and healing journey in front of you.
If you enjoyed this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you left a written review! Thank you so much!
TikTok: @eatglutenfreewithme
IG: @eat.glutenfreewithme
YouTube: Eat Gluten Free with Me
Podcast (Spotify + Apple Podcasts): Eat Gluten Free with Me
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