How does the mantra "we have no time" influence our environmental agendas? Who is we in “we have no time"? The author of Gaia theory, James Lovelock, claims in his latest book, Novacene, that humanity has passed the tipping point and that only AI’s superintelligence will act with Gaia to keep the life going. Arne Næss’s motto, on the other hand, has been “It’s never too late”. Who is right?
How do we reach an ecological self? Do we need to practice tai-chi, go vegan or take magic mushrooms? In this episode we discuss the strategies of transcending the egoistic self. We also probe the question whether it’s always benign to be ONE with all living beings.
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Is the green "groupthink" necessary to save the planet? Or does it make us into fundamentalist eco-freaks?
With Nina Witoszek and a group of Arne Næss Master Students at the Center for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo (UiO). They are joined in the studio by participating producer David Chocron.