Marc Prud'hommeaux explains how you can get started building Android apps in Swift, what's the future of the Swift on Android working group, and what's FOSDEM.
Marc Prud'hommeaux (@[email protected]) - MastodonMarc Prud'hommeaux | [email protected] — Blueskymarcprux (Marc Prud'hommeaux) | GitHubAnnouncements
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skip.tools (@[email protected]) - mas.toskipapp-showcaseskiptools/skipapp-showcase: Sample Skip app demonstrating SkipUI components for iOS and AndroidSkip Showcase - Apps on Google PlaySwift Everywhere: Bringing Swift Packages to AndroidSwift on Android Working Group - Community Showcase - Swift ForumsFOSDEM 2025 - A Free Software App Store for iOS: the App Fair Project's perspective on the DMARelated Episodes
Swift Toolkit with Natan RolnikSwift, Server Side, Serverless with Sébastien StormacqLudicrous Types with Nick LockwoodWe Have All The Heroes with Stefano MondinoSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosSwift Package Manager Super Powers with Marco EidingerObjective-C Today with Graham LeeSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Origins of Skip.Tools(07:59) - Technical Deep Dive: Swift to Kotlin(27:31) - Swift on Android Working Group(31:37) - Transpiled vs. Natively Compiled Swift(42:32) - Skip Showcase and Practical Applications(51:33) - What is FOSDEM?Thanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
What a wild ride 2024 was - from big life changes to surprising shifts in Apple development, I'm sharing the story of what went down this year. After navigating job hunts, tech trends, and some unexpected wins (and losses), I've got some insights about where we're headed in 2025, plus some exciting opportunities for you Swift folks!
Join Bushel BetaJoin our Patreon!Newsletters | BrightDigitNow Hiring! macOS, watchOS, HealthKit and more...!Links
Being Sendable with SwiftDataUsing ModelActor in SwiftDataSwiftData CRUD Operations with ModelActorbrightdigit/DataThespian: Concurrency-Friendly SwiftDataApple is pausing notification summaries for news in the latest iOS 18.3 betaEven Apple wasn’t able to make VR headsets mainstream in 2024How does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo DionSwift & Interoperability - Tony Parker & Ben CohenRelated Episodes
Swift Toolkit with Natan RolnikChatGPTovski with Kris SlazinskiIt Depends with Brandon WilliamsSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosSwiftUI Field Guide with Chris EidhofFear of the Main Thread with Matt MasicottePosture Island with Jordi BruinSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Introduction(01:07) - Job Market(04:13) - Apple Stuff(08:51) - Analytics Review(11:10) - Future PlansThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Mangler du episoder?
Matt Masicotte comes on the show to clear up all our misconceptions about concurrency in Swift 6. 😑
Matt Massicotte - @[email protected] | I write stuff here.Matt Massicotte (@massicotte.org) — Blueskymattmassicotte (Matt Massicotte)Matt Massicotte | LinkedInMatt Massicotte (@mattie) / XAnnouncements
BrightDigit 103 - 🎁 Early Black Friday Deals50% off first year of Bushel Pro25% off Patreon Membership - Use Code 64632Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Newsletters | BrightDigitLinks
[Pitch] Inherit isolation by default for async functions - Evolution / Pitches - Swift ForumsSwift concurrency: Behind the scenes - WWDC21 - Videos - Apple DeveloperConcurrency Step-by-Step: A Network RequestConcurrency Step-by-Step: Reading from StorageMaking Mistakes with Swift ConcurrencyBeing Sendable with SwiftDataSwift 6 Incomplete Migration Guide for DummiesUsing ModelActor in SwiftDataNon-Sendable types are cool too you knowProblematic Swift Concurrency PatternsSE-0430: sending parameter and result valuesSE-0431: @isolated(any) Function TypesSE-0434: Usability of global-actor-isolated typesSo how does this whole @preconcurrency thing work?Related Episodes
Async, Await, and Combine with Marin TodorovAwaiting for Async with Vincent PradeillesEdge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteOpen and Extensible with Matt MassicottePractical Year - Part 1 with Donny WalsPractical Year - Part 2 with Donny WalsThe Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel SteinbergWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Concurrency in Swift 6: Challenges and Adoption(16:47) - Swift 6.1(25:47) - Understanding Sendable Types(36:31) - Future of Swift and Xcode EnhancementsThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Part 2 of our chat with Donny - we discuss the job market, AI, Vision Pro, and of course Swift UI.
Donny WalsDonny Wals 👾 (@donnywals.bsky.social) — BlueskyDonny Wals 👾 (@DonnyWals) / Xdonny wals - YouTubeDonny Wals (@[email protected]) - chaos.socialDonny Wals | LinkedInAnnouncements
BrightDigit 103 - 🎁 Early Black Friday Deals50% off first year of Bushel Pro25% off Patreon Membership - Use Code 64632Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Newsletters | BrightDigitLinks
Practical Swift Concurrency - Make the most out of Concurrency in Swift 6 and beyondSwiftData | Fatbobman's Blogbrightdigit/DataThespian: Concurrency-Friendly SwiftDataMan vs Machine: Can ChatGPT write better SwiftUI than you? - iOS Conf SG 2023Related Episodes
Practical Entrepreneur with Donny WalsDebugging Your Job Search with Jaim ZuberThe Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 2 with Ben ScheirmanThe Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 1 with Ben ScheirmanThe Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel SteinbergEdge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteIt Depends with Brandon WilliamsPractical Combine with Donny WalsSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - SwiftUI(03:02) - Vision Pro(08:22) - AI(14:26) - Job MarketThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Donny comes on yet again to give his thoughts on 2024 - Swift Data, Swift Testing and Swift Macros while we mourn the death of Combine.
Donny WalsDonny Wals 👾 (@donnywals.bsky.social) — BlueskyDonny Wals 👾 (@DonnyWals) / Xdonny wals - YouTubeDonny Wals (@[email protected]) - chaos.socialDonny Wals | LinkedInAnnouncements
BrightDigit 103 - 🎁 Early Black Friday Deals50% off first year of Bushel Pro25% off Patreon Membership - Use Code 64632Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Newsletters | BrightDigitLinks
Practical Swift Concurrency - Make the most out of Concurrency in Swift 6 and beyondSwiftData | Fatbobman's Blogbrightdigit/DataThespian: Concurrency-Friendly SwiftDataRelated Episodes
Practical Entrepreneur with Donny WalsDebugging Your Job Search with Jaim ZuberThe Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 2 with Ben ScheirmanThe Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 1 with Ben ScheirmanThe Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel SteinbergEdge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteIt Depends with Brandon WilliamsPractical Combine with Donny WalsSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Bushel 2.0(00:37) - Swift Data(09:37) - Swift Testing and Macros(14:37) - Swift Concurrency(25:33) - Combine ☠️Thanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Sébastien Stormacq joins us to talk about AWS Lambda and Swift - what does "Serverless" mean, how deployment works, and how to get started.
Sébastien ☁ Stormacq 🇺🇦 (@sebsto) / XSeb @ AWS (@sebsto.bsky.social) — BlueskySébastien ☁ (Seb) Stormacq | LinkedInGithub - sebsto (Sébastien Stormacq)Sebastien Stormacq (@sebstormacq) • Threads, Say moreSebastien Stormacq (@[email protected]) - AWSCommunity.socialAnnouncements
BrightDigit 103 - 🎁 Early Black Friday Deals50% off first year of Bushel Pro25% off Patreon Membership - Use Code 64632Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Newsletters | BrightDigitLinks
swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime: Swift implementation of AWS Lambda RuntimeGetting started with IAM - AWS Identity and Access ManagementSwift, Server-Side, Serverless - Sébastien StormacqJust Save a File, It's Easy, Right?! - Mikaela CaronRelated Episodes
Full Stack Lyriq with Adegboyega OlusunmadeLudicrous Types with Nick LockwoodVoice in a Can with Damian MehersSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosPixelBlitz in Public with Martin LasekSwift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven SchmidtBackend Decisions with Mikaela CaronSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Understanding AWS Lambda and Serverless Computin(12:07) - Getting Started with AWS Lambda in Swift(21:17) - Understanding AWS Security and Authorization(27:36) - Developing and Deploying Swift on AWS Lambda(32:42) - Testing and Integration with AWS ServicesThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Natan Rolnik from swifttoolkit.dev and I chatted about building tools in Swift, ArgumentParser, Swift Package Manager, and more.
Natan RolnikNatan Rolnik (@natanrolnik) / XNatan Rolnik (@[email protected]) - MastodonNatan Rolnik | KodecoNatan Rolnik | LinkedInNatan Rolnik (@natanrolnik) • Instagram photos and videosnatanrolnik (Natan Rolnik) | GithubAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!BrightDigit #100 - Top 10 Emails Ever! 🎉🚀Newsletters | BrightDigitSwift LiveCoding - Adding Screen Recording to BushelHow does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo DionLinks
SwiftToolkit.devSwift Toolkit.dev (@[email protected]) - Mastodon@SwiftToolkit (X)Swift Toolkit | GithubA Different Approach Using the Swift Argument ParserCopy On Write and the Swift-CowBox MacroSupporting Interactive Input in CLI Tools Using Property WrappersUnderstanding Colors and Styles in Terminal Outputapple/swift-argument-parser: Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swiftvapor/console-kit: 💻 APIs for creating interactive CLI tools.patriksvensson/spectre-kit: A Swift framework that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications.rensbreur/SwiftTUI: SwiftUI for terminal applicationsbrightdigit/PackageDSL: Simplify the management of your Package.swift file with PackageDSLRelated Episodes
Ludicrous Types with Nick LockwoodWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzHacking with Ignite with Paul HudsonWe Have All The Heroes with Stefano MondinoSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosSupercharged with Pedro PiñeraSwift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven SchmidtBackend Decisions with Mikaela CaronDeveloper Productivity with Rudrank RiyamSwift Package Manager Super Powers with Marco EidingerExpert Swift with Shai MishaliSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Nathan's Work and Contribution(05:14) - Deep Dive into Swift CLI Tools(19:09) - Understanding Copy-on-Write in Swift(23:42) - Practical Applications and Performance Considerations(26:30) - Swift Package Manager and Development ToolsThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Adegboyega Olusunmade joins to talk about building his Full Stack Swift app Lyriq and what did he learn along the way: the differences between building an iOS app and a server app to deploying a server application.
Adegboyega Olusunmade (@AdeOlusunmade) / XAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!BrightDigit #100 - Top 10 Emails Ever! 🎉🚀Newsletters | BrightDigitSwift LiveCoding - Adding Screen Recording to BushelHow does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo DionLinks
Doforlove & Co.LyriqLyriq on the App StoreGlad MindGlad Mind on the App StoreThe Adventures and Misadventures of Building a Trivia app with Vapor - Adegboyega OlusunmadeVaporDeploy app servers close to your users · FlyCloud Application Platform | HerokuRelated Episodes
Ludicrous Types with Nick LockwoodVoice in a Can with Damian MehersCan you Vision Pro in Objective-C with Danielle LewisSwift Student Challenge with Dezmond BlairPlinky with Joe FabisevichSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosSwift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven SchmidtHow to Learn New APIs with Stewart Lynch - Part 2Social Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Building Lyriq: Challenges and Decisions(16:55) - Exploring Swift and Database Management(22:24) - Transitioning from iOS to Server-Side SwiftThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Nick Lockwood of SwiftFormat (not dash) joins the show to talk about the server side Swift conference, quirks of Swift you didn't know about, language design, and the future of Swift.
Nick Lockwood@nicklockwood (Github)Nick Lockwood (@[email protected])Nick Lockwood | LinkedInAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!BrightDigit #100 - Top 10 Emails Ever! 🎉🚀Newsletters | BrightDigitSwift LiveCoding - Adding Screen Recording to BushelHow does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo DionLinks
So You Think You Know Swift? - Nick Lockwood - YouTubeGenericsManifesto.md · redstrike/swift-programming-languageTyped throws – available from Swift 6.0nicklockwood/SwiftFormat: A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift codeswiftlang/swift-format: Formatting technology for Swift source coderealm/SwiftLint: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.jpsim/SourceKitten: An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.swiftlang/swift-syntax: A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.Vector, a fixed-size array - Evolution / Pitches - Swift ForumsRelated Episodes
Edge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteThe Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel SteinbergSwiftUI Field Guide with Chris EidhofWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzHacking with Ignite with Paul HudsonWe Have All The Heroes with Stefano MondinoSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosSupercharged with Pedro PiñeraSwift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven SchmidtXcode Tips with Dominik HauserObjective-C Today with Graham LeeA Swiftly Year in Review with Antoine van der LeeSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Server-Side Swift Conference(02:55) - So You Think You Know Swift? (07:51) - Maintaining and Evolving Swift Format(30:49) - Challenges with Swift Language Design(46:02) - Future of SwiftThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Jaim Zuber returns after over 5 years to give us an overview of looking for a job in iOS development in 2024, how has it changed, what are some things you can do now, and when becoming a manager is the right call.
Jaim Zuber@sharpfive (GitHub)Jaim Zuber (LinkedIn)@[email protected] (Mastodon)Announcements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!BrightDigit #100 - Top 10 Emails Ever! 🎉🚀Newsletters | BrightDigitSwift LiveCoding - Adding Screen Recording to BushelHow does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo DionLinks
The Engineer/Manager Pendulum – charity.wtfThe Pragmatic Engineer's Resume Template - The Pragmatic EngineerAmazon.com: The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and ChangeResilient Management 1, Hogan, Lara, eBook - Amazon.comSwift 6 Incomplete Migration Guide for DummiesMigrating to Swift 6Convert Resume Github WorkflowRelated Episodes
Edge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteGoing Pro with Sean AllenHumane Development with Jill ScottImpactful Development with Maxim CramerPractical Entrepreneur with Donny WalsLarge Scale Teams with Joe FabisevichUpgrading Your Skills in 2020 with Paul HudsonExternal Developers with Jaim ZuberTriple Glazed Apple Development with Malin Sundberg and Kai DombrowskiSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Welcome and Announcements(02:18) - Navigating the Job Market(20:51) - Transitioning from Engineering to Management(24:09) - Challenges and Strategies in Management(29:50) - Swift Concurrency and Career ReflectionsThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Ben Scheirman is back for part 2 of our interview on SwiftUI Migration. In this episode we focus on navigation, data handling and Swift packages.
Ben Scheirman | Ben is an experienced software engineer from Houston, TX. Currently focused on Swift, iOS, Ruby, and Rust.Ben Scheirman (@[email protected]) - Mastodonsubdigital (Ben Scheirman)NSScreencast: Bite-sized Screencasts for iOS DevelopmentCombine SwiftAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Links
Episode #288: Modern UIKit: Stack Navigation, Part 2pointfreeco/swift-perception: Observable tools, backported.brightdigit/Sublimation: Enable automatic discovery of your local development server on the fly. Turn your Server-Side Swift app from a mysterious vapor to a tangible solid server.krzysztofzablocki/LifetimeTracker: Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.siteline/swiftui-introspect: Introspect underlying UIKit/AppKit components from SwiftUIPresenting Coordinators - Soroush Khanlou on VimeoRelated Episodes
The Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 1 with Ben ScheirmanSwiftUI Field Guide with Chris EidhofSOTU 2024 with Peter WithamSwiftUI Tips and Tricks with Craig ClaytonSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaIt Depends with Brandon WilliamsMy Taylor Deep Dish Swift Heroes World TourMobile System Design with Tjeerd in 't VeenThe Composable Architecture with Zev EisenbergBehind the Scenes of SwiftUI with Aviel GrossWWDC 2022 - SwiftUI and UIKit with Evan StoneSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
Patreon - brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Discussing Data Handling in Swift UI(01:22) - Observable Objects and View Models(04:20) - The Power of Previews in Swift UI(06:36) - Combining Combine and Async/Await(10:29) - Interfacing Between UIKit and Swift UI(17:12) - Challenges with Swift Package ManagerThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Ben Scheirman of NSScreenCast comes on to talk about migrating apps such as a Nike's Sneakers app from UIKit to SwiftUI and all the little things you don't think about. This is part 1 of a 2 part interview.
Ben Scheirman | Ben is an experienced software engineer from Houston, TX. Currently focused on Swift, iOS, Ruby, and Rust.Ben Scheirman (@[email protected]) - Mastodonsubdigital (Ben Scheirman)NSScreencast: Bite-sized Screencasts for iOS DevelopmentCombine SwiftAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Links
Episode #288: Modern UIKit: Stack Navigation, Part 2pointfreeco/swift-perception: Observable tools, backported.brightdigit/Sublimation: Enable automatic discovery of your local development server on the fly. Turn your Server-Side Swift app from a mysterious vapor to a tangible solid server.krzysztofzablocki/LifetimeTracker: Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.siteline/swiftui-introspect: Introspect underlying UIKit/AppKit components from SwiftUIPresenting Coordinators - Soroush Khanlou on VimeoRelated Episodes
SwiftUI Field Guide with Chris EidhofSOTU 2024 with Peter WithamSwiftUI Tips and Tricks with Craig ClaytonSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaIt Depends with Brandon WilliamsMy Taylor Deep Dish Swift Heroes World TourMobile System Design with Tjeerd in 't VeenThe Composable Architecture with Zev EisenbergBehind the Scenes of SwiftUI with Aviel GrossWWDC 2022 - SwiftUI and UIKit with Evan StoneSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Who is Ben Scherman(02:38) - Migrating Apps to Swift UI(07:03) - Challenges with Swift UI and iOS Versions(10:24) - Using Introspect for Swift UI(16:44) - Implementing Collection View in Swift UI(25:05) - Exploring iOS 18 Scroll View API(25:30) - SwiftUI vs UIKit: Productivity and Constraints(26:38) - Design and Engineering Collaboration(29:43) - Stages of Migrating to SwiftUI(34:14) - SwiftUI Navigation and Environment Bindings(39:44) - Retain Cycles and Memory ManagementThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Daniel Steinberg comes in the podcast to talk about his latest book on Swift Testing as well as the state of Swift development in 2024.
Dim Sum Thinkingdimsumthinking (@[email protected]) - MastodonDaniel Steinberg | LinkedInAnnouncements
Come see me and Daniel at Server-Side Swift Conference. 26th-27th September 2024. London, UKuse EMPOWERAPPS to get 15% offNeed help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Links
The Case of the Crimson Test SuiteThe Case of the Vanishing BodiesThe Curious Case of the Async CafeKeynote: A Mathematician Muses about Macros, @Models, and ML - Daniel H Steinberg - SwiftCraft 2024 - YouTubeRelated Episodes
Functional Programming with Daniel SteinbergWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzSOTU 2024 with Peter WithamHacking with Ignite with Paul HudsonWe Have All The Heroes with Stefano MondinoSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaEdge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteSupercharged with Pedro PiñeraMicroapps Architecture with Majid JabrayilovTest-Driven Development in Swift with Gio LodiSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - What is Swift Testing(10:04) - Benefits of Swift Testing(17:22) - Parameterized Tests(20:30) - Swift 6(24:47) - WWDC 2024(31:20) - Swift Data(35:10) - Swift Data 🙃 Sendable(37:02) - Swift Macros(41:44) - Books and ConferencesThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Damian Mehers shares the story of his app Voice in a Can from inception to shutdown. We talk customer stories and the future of voice assistants.
Damian Mehers’ blog | Swift, SwiftUI and .NET from SwitzerlandDamian Mehers (@[email protected]) - FosstodonDamian Mehers (@DamianMehers) / XDamian Mehers - YouTubeDamianMehers (Github)Damian Mehers | LinkedInAnnouncements
Come see me at Server-Side Swift Conference. 26th-27th September 2024. London, UKuse EMPOWERAPPS to get 15% offNeed help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!Links
End of life for Voice in a CanAlexa Presentation LanguageZX81 - WikipediaRelated Episodes
Plinky with Joe FabisevichTriple Glazed Apple Development with Malin Sundberg and Kai DombrowskiPixelBlitz in Public with Martin LasekThe Making of Callsheet with Casey LissPosture Island with Jordi BruinRevisiting Third-Party APIs with Christian SeligSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - What is Voice in a Can?(11:46) - Working with the Alexa Voice Service(16:25) - Customer Stories and Shutting Down(21:21) - Future of Voice AssistantsThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
I had a great time chatting with Chris Eidhof about his work with objc.io and his latest project, the SwiftUI Field Guide. We discussed SwiftUI's layout system and the exciting new features from WWDC 2024.
Chris EidhofChris Eidhof (@[email protected]) - objc.ioAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaLiveStreaming on YouTube Join our Brand New Patreon Page!Links
SwiftUI Field Guideobjc.ioCreate custom visual effects with SwiftUI - WWDC24 - Videos - Apple DeveloperMarin Todorov - A 100% SwiftUI App | Swift Heroes 2023 talk - YouTubeThe Other VM AppRelated Episodes
WWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzSOTU 2024 with Peter WithamSwiftUI Tips and Tricks with Craig ClaytonAction Button for Ring Tones with Evan StoneIt Depends with Brandon WilliamsBehind the Scenes of SwiftUI with Aviel GrossHow to Learn New APIs with Stewart Lynch - Part 1How to Learn New APIs with Stewart Lynch - Part 2Social Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Chris's Journey in iOS Development(03:39) - SwiftUI Field Guide(24:11) - WWDC 2024(36:14) - Is SwiftUI Production Ready?Thanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
I had great time chatting with Danielle Lewis about her experience becoming a Swift developer, learning to develop for the Vision Pro, and getting the Magical world of Objective-C.
Danielle LewisDanielle (@dlewisdev) / XDanielle Lewis - YouTubeDanielle Lewis - DEV CommunityAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaLiveStreaming on YouTube Join our Brand New Patreon Page!Related Episodes
Swift Student Challenge with Dezmond Blair | BrightDigitWWDC Notes with Cihat Gündüz | BrightDigitSOTU 2024 with Peter Witham | BrightDigitApple's App Vision with Kyle Lee | BrightDigitPixelBlitz in Public with Martin Lasek | BrightDigitSpatial Experiences of the Wild with Adrian Eves | BrightDigitObjective-C Today with Graham Lee | BrightDigitSocial Media
[email protected]
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Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Getting into visionOS Development(07:09) - WWDC, visionOS, and LLMs(15:44) - Getting into Objective-C(24:42) - Building in PublicThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
I'm excited to have on the show Michigan's own Swift Student Challenge Distinguished Winner Dezmond Blair on to talk about everything from his learning and mentoring experience at the Apple Developer Academy to his experience at WWDC 2024.
Dezmond Blair (@dezdoesiOS) / XDezmond (Dez) Blair | LinkedIndezdoesit (Dezmond Blair) - GitHubdezdoesit/MTBXTREME: Swift Student Challenge - Distinguished Winner - Mountain Biking App I made so eveyone can experience MTB!Announcements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaLiveStreaming on YouTube Join our Brand New Patreon Page!Related Episodes
SOTU 2024 with Peter WithamWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzTriple Glazed Apple Development with Malin Sundberg and Kai DombrowskiThe Making of Callsheet with Casey LissNow You Know What I'm Doing This SummerSpatial Experiences of the Wild with Adrian EvesSwift Playgrounds with Steve LiptonApple Developer Academy with Sarah Gretter, PhDSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - Who is Dezmond Blair?(03:06) - Apple Developer Academy(09:29) - Coding Mentor(14:41) - Swift Student Challenge(26:19) - Call for StudentsThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Cihat Gündüz comes on to talk about how his WWDC 2024 wish list went, Multilingual Apps, and more.
Cihat Gündüz (@Jeehut) / XCihat Gündüz (@[email protected]) - iOS Dev SpaceCihat Gündüz (@jeehut) on ThreadsFlineDevAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaLiveStreaming on YouTube Join our Brand New Patreon Page!Related Links
BrightDigit #96 - From California to Keynotes: My WWDC 2024 JourneyMy Top 10 Wishes for WWDC24onScrollGeometryChange(for:of:action:) | Apple Developer DocumentationWWDC Notes | DocumentationSwift Evolution Monthly | Cihat Gündüz | SubstackBuild multilingual-ready apps | DocumentationMeet the Translation API | DocumentationTranslateKit: App LocalizerFreemiumKit | DocumentationRelated Episodes
SOTU 2024 with Peter Witham | BrightDigitApple's App Vision with Kyle Lee | BrightDigitWhat's Next with Adam Rush | BrightDigitSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella Abadia | BrightDigitSpatial Experiences of the Wild with Adrian Eves | BrightDigitSupercharged with Pedro Piñera | BrightDigitSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - WWDC In Person Thoughts(06:13) - Cihat's Wish List Evaluation(21:16) - WWDC Notes(27:17) - Swift 6 Migration(31:58) - Multilingual Apps and TranslateKitThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Peter comes on and we use our Apple Intelligence to speak about the greatness of the WWDC 2024 Platforms State of the Union.
Peter Witham - Compileswift.com - TwitterRelated Episodes
Episode 151 - Platforms State of Union 2023 with Peter WithamCompileSwift - Apple WWDC23 Keynote reactions and analysis with Leo G. DionEpisode 149 - How to WWDC with Peter WithamEpisode 124 - WWDC 2022 - Platforms State of the Union with Peter WithamWe talked about
(00:00) - Privacy and User Control in AI(04:56) - The Vision Pro Device and its Potential(14:35) - Apple Intelligence(21:57) - Swift Turns 10(25:15) - Expanding Swift's Reach: Linux and Windows Support(29:18) - Advancements in Swift 6: Typed Throws and Non-Copyable Structs(35:41) - Enhancing Code Safety with Data Race Detection(37:15) - Apple's Use of Swift Internally and the Impact on SwiftUI(40:17) - Satisfaction with the Announcements and Anticipation for the FutureSocial Media
Twitter Leo - @leogdion
Twitter BrightDigit - @brightdigit
LinkedIn - @leogdion
GitHub - @brightdigit
GitHub - @leogdion
TikTok - @brightdigit
Mastodon - @[email protected]
Youtube - @brightdigitCredits
Music from https://filmmusic.io
Thanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Joe Fabisevich is back on the show to talk about his new app Plinky from developing and designing as well as advice on 💍 choosing your next spouse for better marketing advice. 💒📈
Joe Fabisevich :verified: (@[email protected]) - Macaw-SocialGithub (@mergesort)https://www.threads.net/@mergesortfabisevi.chBuild.msAnnouncements
Need help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaLiveStreaming on YouTube Join our Brand New Patreon Page!Related Links
PlinkyPlinky App StoreIntroducing Plinky: My Love Letter To Linksmergesort/Boutique: ✨ A magical persistence library (and so much more) for state-driven iOS and Mac apps ✨VaporVapor DiscordWishKit | In-App Feature Requests. Made Easy.EmailOctopus – Email marketing made easyButtondownRelated Episodes
Triple Glazed Apple Development with Malin Sundberg and Kai DombrowskiChatGPTovski with Kris SlazinskiPixelBlitz in Public with Martin LasekThe Making of Callsheet with Casey LissMy Taylor Deep Dish Swift Heroes World TourPlatforms State of Union 2023 with Peter WithamApples, Glasses, and HAL, Oh My!Posture Island with Jordi BruinBackend Decisions with Mikaela CaronPractical Entrepreneur with Donny WalsSocial Media
[email protected]
GitHub - @brightdigitTwitter
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdionLinkedIn
LeoPatreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
(00:00) - What is Plinky?(05:33) - Designing and Developing Plinky(16:32) - Marry a Product Marketer(22:47) - WWDC 2024 and AI(26:25) - Future PlansThanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) - Se mer