
  • Overcommitted: to promise, undertake, or allocate more than the available resources justify: (source: collinsdictionnary.com)

    Overwhelmed: completely overcome or overpowered by thought or feeling (merriam-webster.com)

    Taking on the topic of overcommitting and feeling overwhelmed by it all.  As single moms, we often feel the pressure to be everything to everyone, especially our kids.  Supermoms! Liza and Wendy, both single moms talk about their own experiences trying to do everything and how it has affected them.

    Doing too much for other people can prevent us from getting what we want or need. We often will put our own self-care to the bottom of the list in favour of helping others meet their needs.  Always volunteering for the school trips?  Answering work texts on your day off? Feeling like you can never get everything you want done?   This is what we are referring to.  Wendy tells how recently she made a conscientious decision to put away the phone and spend quality time with her kids.  It was difficult but in the end, worth it.

    We discuss:

    Setting priorities and sticking to them
    Losing the feeling of “guilt”
    Releasing the doubt
    Learning how to add self-care to the list
    Choice and compromise

    Connect with Empowering Single Mothers:

    Facebook: @empoweringsinglemothers2012


    Email: powerfulmomstogether@gmail.com

  • Let’s celebrate!

    In this episode Liza and Wendy take time to acknowledge and celebrate recent wins.  Life is a journey and it is important to appreciate the successes, big and small that we experience.

    We also celebrate our past guest, Carrie Arrand who has set up her own business ‘Country Cabin Yoga’.  Liza shows off some merch and it’s pretty great!

    We discuss future topic possibilities such as ‘gaslighting’ and related ‘love bombing’.  We’d love to hear your thoughts, reactions and questions about these sensitive topics.

    As always, we welcome you to connect with us!

    Connect with Empowering Single Mothers:

    Facebook: @empoweringsinglemothers2012


    Email: powerfulmomstogether@gmail.com

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  • “Sisterhood”: an association, society, or community of women linked by a common interest, religion, or trade.

    Our special guest, Shireen Fakira, is a single mother to two beautiful girls.  For the past 15 years, she has been navigating the world of single-parenthood, learning about her own strengths and becoming empowered to make life choices to benefit her and her daughters.

    When Shireen became a single mother she felt alone.  Having married earlier than her friends, she found herself in a different stage of life than her friends..  No one in her circle could share in the experience of divorce and raising a child alone.  As an esthetician, Shireen was privileged to work with women from all walks of life.  She learned that for every woman who “has it together” there is an incredible story of resilience and strength.  In these women, Shireen found her “Sisterhood”.

    Recently Shireen has another significant decision to become a mortgage specialist.  This change has allowed her to work from home and be more present for her daughters.  She is currently working on balancing the needs of her family, her work and her own needs.

    In this episode we discuss the idea of ‘Sisterhood”.

    Connect with Shireen:

    Instagram: @mortgagesbyshireen

    Connect with Empowering Single Mothers:

    Facebook: @empoweringsinglemothers2012


    Email: powerfulmomstogether@gmail.com

  • In this episode we talk about the great balancing act that is Motherhood.  As moms, we try to always present our strong side, the resiliency, but there are times when it’s okay to show our vulnerable side.  It is particularly important to balance during times of transition, such as when going through a separation or divorce.

    We are joined by special guest Tara Mandarano, a Best of the Net–nominated writer and editor, and an advocate for patients in the mental health and chronic illness communities. She is also a newly single mother with a seven-year-old daughter. Her work is featured in the anthology BIG: Stories About Life in Plus-Sized Bodies, and she has also been published in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Week, Reader's Digest, Motherwell, and Today's Parent.

    Connect with Tara:

    Instagram and Twitter @taramandarano.

    Website: https://www.taramandarano.com/

    If you are interested in reading The Spoon Theory:


    For more information about the Families in Transition services, please check out:


    According to healthline.com, chronic pain is defined as “pain that lasts at least 12 weeks. The pain may feel sharp or dull, causing a burning or aching sensation in the affected areas. It may be steady or intermittent, coming and going without any apparent reason. Chronic pain can occur in nearly any part of your body. The pain can feel different in the various affected areas.”

    For more information about Fybromyalgia, please visit:


  • So much of life is spent reacting to the situations that arise, dealing with issues in the moment.

    In this chat, Wendy Bluhm and Liza Magcale tackle the idea that in order to “become unstuck” one has to:

    Recognizing the situation is temporary.
    Acknowledging that it is not how you want it to be.
    Figuring out where you want to go.

    Liza talks about how she manages conflict with her daughter that has changed the dynamics in their relationship.

    Wendy discusses how making choices to feel better about herself has made her much better able to deal with an uncomfortable situation with a male coworker.

    As a bonus, they divulge their personal experiences with recent cleanses, the Cambiati Cleanse and the Tony Robbins’ Cleanse.  We advise speaking with your healthcare practitioner prior to embarking on a cleanse.

    Wendy and Liza explore these topics by way of their own life experiences.  They encourage each other in their personal journeys and hope that the listener will benefit from their discussion.

    Please follow Empowering Single Mothers on:

    Facebook: @empoweringsinglemothers2012

    Instagram: @empoweringsinglemothers

    Email: powerfulmomstogether@gmail.com

  • “Be intentional with your time”

    It can be difficult to stick to a plan or schedule as a mom. Often we are reacting to things that come up instead of thinking about what that action is taking away from.

    In this chat, Wendy Bluhm and Liza Magcale, both single mothers, discuss the importance of being intentional with time.  By making small adjustments, one can continue to work towards bigger long term goals, while still dealing with the daily stressors in life.

    Some of the topics covered:

    The importance of establishing healthy routines for both parents and kids
    Dealing with the changes this pandemic life has thrown at us.
    Setting goals and sticking to them

    Wendy and Liza explore these topics by way of their own life experiences.  They encourage each other in their personal journeys and hope that the listener will benefit from their discussion.

    You can find Empowering Single Mothers on:

    Facebook: empoweringsinglemothers2012

    Instagram: empoweringsinglemothers

    Email: powerfulmomstogether@gmail.com

  • Leigh-Anne Nugent joins Liza Magcale and Wendy Bluhm to continue their discussion about family dynamics.   

    Know someone who would be a great guest on Empowering Single Mothers? Email us at: powerfulmomstogether@gmail.com  

    Find us on Facebook at: EmpoweringSingleMothers2012 

    Or on Instagram: EmpoweringSingleMothers

  • Changing family situations bring changing living situations.  Liza and Wendy talk with Leigh-Anne Nugent about going from married life, to post married life and how to add new partners to the mix. All three share their different living situations and how they make it work.  

    1- When is the right time to add a partner to your household?

    2- How to discuss this with your children.

    3- How the dynamics shift when members of your household change.

    4- Building your children's trust in a new partner but also teaching that it's ok if someone chooses to leave. 

    There is so much to cover we had to split the chat into two parts!!  We hope you enjoy part 1.

  • We've all been there, doubting ourselves, doubting our worth in a work setting or in a relationship.  Liza and Wendy discuss events that have recently lead them to question the idea of feeling worthy.    

    Topics include: 

    1- Where does self-care come in to your decision making? 

    2- Which decision is going to optimize your ability to self-care? 

    3- How much is too much?  Deciding your worth.

     4- What is stopping you from asking what you want?  

    Carrying stress is a burden that many of us endure.  The reasons vary, but often we carry stress to avoid putting it on to others.  How can we share the burden?  The co-hosts work through these issues together, coming to a decision.  What next?

  • Nourish your mind, body and soul.  Taking time for yourself can be extremely difficult, especially when you are a single mother.  We talk about what self-care really means and why it is so important to carve out time or it.    By caring for ourselves, we are better equipped to care for others. Our children learn that it is important to value our own self, lessons they take with them throughout life.    

    Today we are joined by Jenni Garcia - single mom to a beautiful daughter while also managing a successful career in graphic design.  After years of watching her own mother put aside her needs for those of her children, Jenni decided that in order to be the mother she wanted to be, she needed to set aside time to her own well-being.  She describes how it can be tough but by carving out small amounts of time, as little as three minutes, she has been able to nourish her own soul so that she is better equipped to handle the challenges presented in every day life.    

    Wendy and Liza provide us with insight into their own challenges with self-care and how they are working toward instilling the practice into their own lives. 

    Join us as we chat Self-Care in this episode of Empowering Single Mothers!

  • Today we chat with Carrie Arand about gratitude.   Carrie is the mother of two young boys and the owner/operator of Country Cabin Yoga. Since becoming a single mother, Carrie has built a support network that goes beyond the traditional parent roles.  She has learned to practice self-care when possible and feels that when she takes that time, she is teaching her children to love and respect themselves. 

    In this episode we also talk about the idea of random acts of kindness and teaching our kids to be good, kind people.

  • Liza welcomes her new co-host Wendy Bluhm!  We have fun talking about what it's like to be a single mom.  The challenges, the rewards and why everyone needs a village.    If you are a single mom, or know one, we'd love for you to join our community!