Amid rapid decarbonization and skyrocketing demand, America’s power grid is straining to continue providing homes and businesses with reliable electricity. What technologies are innovators investing in to combat these challenges? Covarrubia Energy Chairman and CEO Russell Covarrubia joined us for this episode to break down what exactly pyrolysis means – and why it’s opened a door for reducing plastic waste while adding much needed power to the grid.
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What does a previous federal energy regulator have to say about markets, reliability, and the current state of the energy grid today? We got the scoop from Joseph T. Kelliher, former chairman and commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and former NextEra energy executive. Joe helped shape how competitive power markets function today, establishing structures that guard against market manipulation, encourage reliability, and protect consumers. He also oversaw the implementation of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Listen as Joe sits down with EPSA President and CEO Todd Snitchler and highlights some of the key moments in his career at the Commission – and how they inform today’s challenges.
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What energy priorities do policymakers and decisionmakers need to have no matter what side of the aisle they’re on? In this episode, American Clean Power Association CEO Jason Grumet joins Todd to debrief the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on energy infrastructure investment, why power system reliability needs to be #1, and the ways clean power can combine with all resources to serve the nation’s demand for electricity.
This is part of our special series featuring four fireside chats from EPSA’s 3rd Annual Competitive Power Summit on March 26. Listen in for audio from the day’s conversations, featuring grid reliability experts, top energy executives, trade association leaders, and competitive power generators, as they discuss reliability, innovation to deliver the energy expansion, state energy priorities, ways to integrate clean power into the grid, and more.
Ep 38(a): NERC’s Jim Robb on Power Grid Reliability and Security: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(b): Power Generators CPV and GE Vernova Talk new Tech to for Reliable Energy Expansion: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(c): What Have the top Utility Regulators Been Up To? NARUC President Fedorchak Shares Priorities: Competitive Power Summit Fireside ChatsLiked this episode? Share it on X @EPSANews or LinkedIn at Electric Power Supply Association. Want more competitive power updates? Sign up for our monthly Power Moves newsletter.
How are state utility commissioners addressing big power system questions like resource adequacy, a changing energy mix, and balancing individual state needs and federal authority? Plus, what’s the latest on NARUC’s new initiative to address gas-electric harmonization, GEAR? North Dakota Public Service Commissioner and NARUC President Julie Fedorchak joins us in this episode to discuss.
This is part of our special series featuring four fireside chats from EPSA’s 3rd Annual Competitive Power Summit on March 26. Listen in for audio from the day’s conversations, featuring grid reliability experts, top energy executives, trade association leaders, and competitive power generators, as they discuss reliability, innovation to deliver the energy expansion, state energy priorities, ways to integrate clean power into the grid, and more.
Ep 38(a): NERC’s Jim Robb on Power Grid Reliability and Security: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(b): Power Generators CPV and GE Vernova Talk new Tech to for Reliable Energy Expansion: Competitive Power Summit Fireside ChatsEp 38(d): Clean Power and Reliability With ACP’s Jason Grumet: Competitive Power Summit Fireside ChatsLiked this episode? Share it on X @EPSANews or LinkedIn at Electric Power Supply Association. Want more competitive power updates? Sign up for our monthly Power Moves newsletter.
How is technology enabling greater efficiency and performance in power generation? In this episode, Tom Rumsey from Competitive Power Ventures and Roger Martella from GE Vernova discuss the launch of a new highly efficient combined-cycle gas turbine in Illinois, along with other new developments.
Ep 38(a): NERC’s Jim Robb on Power Grid Reliability and Security: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(c): What Have the top Utility Regulators Been Up To? NARUC President Fedorchak Shares Priorities: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(d): Clean Power and Reliability With ACP’s Jason Grumet: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats
This is part of our special series featuring four fireside chats from EPSA’s 3rd Annual Competitive Power Summit on March 26. Listen in for audio from the day’s conversations, featuring grid reliability experts, top energy executives, trade association leaders, and competitive power generators, as they discuss reliability, innovation to deliver the energy expansion, state energy priorities, ways to integrate clean power into the grid, and more.Liked this episode? Share it on X @EPSANews or LinkedIn at Electric Power Supply Association. Want more competitive power updates? Sign up for our monthly Power Moves newsletter.
In this episode, the head of the nation’s regulatory authority for power system reliability gives an update on the reliability and security of the grid – discussing steps to improve performance after 2022’s Winter Storm Elliott and other extreme weather events, the top reliability risks for the power system, and progress on gas-electric harmonization. Listen in to NERC and EPSA Presidents and CEOs Jim Robb and Todd Snitchler’s conversation.
This is part of our special series featuring four fireside chats from EPSA’s 3rd Annual Competitive Power Summit on March 26. Listen in for audio from the day’s conversations, featuring grid reliability experts, top energy executives, trade association leaders, and competitive power generators, as they discuss reliability, innovation to deliver the energy expansion, state energy priorities, ways to integrate clean power into the grid, and more.
Ep 38(b): Power Generators CPV and GE Vernova Talk new Tech to for Reliable Energy Expansion: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(c): What Have the top Utility Regulators Been Up To? NARUC President Fedorchak Shares Priorities: Competitive Power Summit Fireside Chats Ep 38(d): Clean Power and Reliability With ACP’s Jason Grumet: Competitive Power Summit Fireside ChatsLiked this episode? Share it on X @EPSANews or LinkedIn at Electric Power Supply Association. Want more competitive power updates? Sign up for our monthly Power Moves newsletter.
EPSA’s 3rd annual Competitive Power Summit is just over a week away. What better way to gear up for the Summit than to hear from our speakers themselves? We brought our four panel moderators onto the pod—Politico's Catherine Morehouse, the Forum Consulting’s Ben Marter, former WSJ and Washington Post reporter Tim Puko, and Bloomberg’s Daniel Moore—to discuss the thoughts and questions they’re most looking forward to bringing to their panels.
Want to see them in person? Register here for the Competitive Power Summit on Tuesday, March 26 in Washington, DC: bit.ly/epsa24register
Find this episode's guests on X/Twitter:
Catherine Morehouse: @cmorehouse10
Tim Puko: @TimPuko
Ben Marter: @BenMarter
Daniel Moore: @bydanielmooreLiked this episode? Share it on X @EPSANews or LinkedIn at Electric Power Supply Association. Want more competitive power updates? Sign up for our monthly Power Moves newsletter.
What will it take to meet the nation’s rising power demand? NARUC President and North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Julie Fedorchak joins EPSA President and CEO Todd Snitchler for this episode, where she shares the initiatives that she has taken to solve the challenges facing a system being asked to perform in ways it has never had to before. Fedorchak unpacks her concerns for power grid reliability amidst a changing resource mix, and why the Peace Garden State continues to prioritize dispatchable generation.
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Electricity demand is growing for the first time in years. Are grid operators and competitive power suppliers prepared to maintain reliability while balancing decarbonization mandates? Nathan Hanson, President of LS Power Generation, believes that maintaining a healthy market for firm generation resources will be essential to meet the growing demand from data centers, manufacturing, and transportation electrification. How stakeholders address these challenges could mean the difference between economic progress or dislocation.
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From New York to California, what are the top issues facing America’s electric grid? We gather leaders from the organizations representing competitive power suppliers in RTOs and ISOs throughout the nation to discuss the top stories from the past year – and what to expect in 2024 when it comes to delivering reliable electricity while reducing carbon emissions, serving rapidly rising demand, and mitigating consumer costs.
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Winter is coming. Is America’s power grid ready? That’s top of mind for Chairman Willie Phillips, who heads the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In this episode, he addresses infrastructure development and streamlining to meet growing energy demand, making sure the power system can weather extreme heat and cold, and the importance of affordability and environmental justice. But as you’ll hear, reliability remains the top priority.
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Wyoming is the top coal-producing state in the U.S. But like much of the country, the state is transitioning to new sources of energy. This comes as the region faces reliability challenges from heat, drought, and other factors. How are Wyoming and other Western states balancing the growth of lower carbon power sources with the need for a reliable grid and continued economic growth? The University of Wyoming’s Kara Fornstrom, formerly Director of State Regulatory Policy for the Southwest Power Pool and Chair of the Wyoming Public Service Commission, weighs in.
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From wildfires to winter storms to cyber and physical attacks, the power system is under greater stress than ever – all while under pressure to transition rapidly to new sources of electricity. In this episode, Todd speaks with Katherine Blunt, reporter for The Wall Street Journal and author of California Burning, a look at PG&E operations and the fallout from 2017 and 2018’s tragic wildfires. Katherine discusses the state of America’s changing electric grid and mounting reliability concerns – and the power we rely on is impacted by efforts to reduce emissions, extreme weather and climate change, and the business decisions utilities and power companies make.
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How did Ohio go from the 41st to the 7th best state for business in the nation? Among other factors, a foundation of reliable and cost-effective energy drove economic growth and helped attract businesses and employers to invest in the Buckeye State. Meanwhile, emissions have dropped while competitive energy markets have grown. In this episode, Dana Saucier of Jobs Ohio shares how energy keeps Ohio’s economic engine running.
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New York has ambitious climate goals. But its electric grid operator has also recently signaled reliability warnings as power plants are driven into retirement. Diane Burman has served on the New York State Public Service Commission for nearly ten years. She joined Energy Solutions to talk about the current energy policy landscape in New York, her priorities as a regulator, and what other policymakers can learn from the Empire State.
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The Western states have seen their share of challenges in recent years when it comes to electric reliability – with rolling blackouts in California, extreme drought and wildfires, and political differences across a broad geographic expanse. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation included the region on its watch list for areas that could experience electric shortages this summer should temperatures spike. We check in with Scott Miller, Executive Director of the Western Power Trading Forum, to hear what’s unique about America’s frontier, what’s ahead this summer for the region’s power grid, and how efforts to enhance reliability, cost savings, and emissions reductions by expanding organized power markets are progressing.
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As the world rapidly changes and new challenges emerge, many are questioning the best way to continue providing safe, reliable, cost-effective, and cleaner power. For some, that means reforming electric power markets. For others, it could mean doing away with competition entirely. In this episode, Lynne Kiesling, an economist and expert on electric competition unpacks the complex world of power markets, their benefits as compared to a vertically integrated model, what critics get wrong, and what’s on the horizon for new energy solutions.
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How is a major natural gas power provider preparing for a decarbonized future while working to protect against reliability challenges like those faced during Winter Storms Uri and Elliott? This month, we’re rolling out audio from EPSA’s 2023 Competitive Power Summit in a special series. In this episode, hear a fireside chat with Calpine President and CEO Thad Hill and EPSA President and CEO Todd Snitchler. Calpine owns and operates the nation’s largest natural gas power generation fleet, in addition to the world’s largest geothermal power facility, while also building and planning battery storage and carbon capture and sequestration technology. Hill shares lessons from recent extreme weather events, the role for natural gas generation going forward, and needed energy market changes to enhance reliability.
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What is needed to manage a reliable power grid in today’s current landscape? Nate Hanson, president of power generation at LS Power, says we’re on the tip of doing so effectively – and calls for policies and competitive market constructs to meet rising electric demand, even as his company builds low-and-zero carbon solutions including EV charging and competitive transmission. This month, we’re rolling out audio from EPSA’s 2023 Competitive Power Summit in a special series. In this episode, hear a fireside chat with Hanson and EPSA President and CEO Todd Snitchler.
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How is major global energy company Shell preparing for a decarbonized future while meeting reliability needs today? What needs to be considered when it comes to cost, sustainability, emissions, and diversity and inclusion? This month, we’re rolling out audio from EPSA’s 2023 Competitive Power Summit in a special series. In this episode, hear a fireside chat with Shell Energy North America President and SVP of Shell Energy Americas Carolyn Comer and EPSA President and CEO Todd Snitchler.
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