The adoption of the EEG led directly to the phenomenally successful German feed-in tariff policy. The EEG is the foundation for the technological developments in photovoltaics, biogas, wind power and geothermal energy in Germany, which are admired throughout the world. The underlying principle of the EEG has now been copied in dozens of countries, as well as most Australian states and territories.
Dr Dan Arvizu, the Director of the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) provides an overview of US and global technical and market trends with renewable energy. This will include a review of progress with renewable energy research and development and deployment along with the technical and economic potential of these technologies.He will also highlight examples of success stories with renewable energy research and market penetration. In addition, he will describe NREL’s research, analysis, commercialization, and deployment programs.NREL (http://www.nrel.gov/) is the USA’s primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D), and has a budget of approximately $540 million. NREL's R&D areas of expertise are:• Renewable electricity• Renewable fuels• Integrated energy system engineering and testing• Strategic energy analysis
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NASA’s vision is to reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what it doesand what it learns will benefit all humankind.What is NASA’s vision for space communication in the 21st Century?As we explore more of the unknown, how do we manage the vast volumes of data that new flight projects produce in the quest to explore our own solar system, and the systems beyond that?What is NASA’s vision for robotic space exploration?It’s a year of launches in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at NASA: a major Earth satellite, Aquarius; a mission to Jupiter, Juno; twin spacecraft called GRAIL that will study the gravity of Earth’s moon; NASA’s next-generation rover, Mars Science Laboratory; and the Dawn spacecraft will go into orbit around the protoplanet Vesta this summer.
Dr Fanson speaks about the Kepler project, NASA's first mission capable of discovering Earth-size planets orbiting other stars in our galaxy. Scheduled for launch in early 2009, Kepler seeks to answer an age-old question: Are there other habitable worlds in the cosmos? The centuries-old quest for other worlds like our Earth has been rejuvenated by the intense excitement and popular interest surrounding the discovery of giant planets like Jupiter orbiting stars beyond our solar system. With the exception of the pulsar planets, all of the extrasolar planets detected so far are gas giants, approximately 150 as of 2005. The challenge now is to find terrestrial planets (habitable planets like Earth), which are 30 to 600 times less massive than Jupiter. The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone. The habitable zone encompasses the distances from a star where liquid water can exist on a planet's surface. Results from this mission will allow us to place our solar system within the continuum of planetary systems in the Galaxy.
Google is increasingly being perceived as the company that will follow
IBM and Microsoft in dominating the IT industry. In this presentation,
Professor Clarke will outline the many business lines that Google is
endeavouring to build, and then focus on what has become the major part
of its business - knowing a lot about people. -
The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) leads theInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) industry in Australia.AIIA comprises almost 500 member companies that generate combinedannual revenues of more than $40 billion, employ 100,000 Australians,and export more than $2 billion in goods and services each year.This public lecture discusses the strategic direction of the AustralianICT industry and the changes in public policy that are needed toaccelerate business growth.