Have you ever wondered what happened to ‘cowboys and indians’, cap guns, stamp collecting, kick the can, etc.? In this episode we discuss the things WE played as kids, what was different, what we should bring back to todays children and what we should leave back in the ’70s. Here is the quick summary: Cowboys […]
We all know how important it is to spend time with our special ladies (you know who you are). This is one of those things that we all agree is important, but that is still difficult to do. Here are some of the ideas we had: It is great to set a consistent time (hopefully […]
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When is your child old enough to stay home alone? When is your child old enough to babysit? We discuss these and other issues relating to children and independence. Sort of a fourth or July special… This is Mark’s topic. Alex (age 12) stays alone after school sometimes and now that the summer has started […]
Obesity is a real problem with kids today. We go through and give our ‘guys opinion’ on how to keep kids healthy and happy. As dads it all seems simple. Make them go outside and dont let them eat too much much. It all comes down to this – ‘Be the Parent!’ We are oversimplifying […]
Barefoot and pregnant – That’s how we like em! Have I got your attention now? Who does the dishes in your house? How about the laundry? Who cleans the toilets? Do men do as much of the dirty work as the wee womenfolk do? All this and more in our Household Chores episode. Some interesting […]
The big political episode. Can you handle it! Actually it wasnt all that crazy. We went ‘lightning round’ and tore through topics in ‘town hall’ style. Here were the hot topics we covered: Gun Control – Matt and John are pro gun and therefore anti gun control. Mark hates guns, but realizes that the laws […]
We finally brought in an expert! Dr. Bob Cook, professor of Computer Science at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Bob has been teaching college students about technology for over 35 years! In addition to GSU, Dr. Bob has taught at Ole Miss, UVa and the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Cook’s take on the issue of women […]
Have you had trouble getting your child to sleep? Have you ever had trouble KEEPING you child asleep? Have you ever had trouble waking your child up? These answers and more! Just tune in. Getting them to sleep: Some children (John’s) needed background noise such as running water. Letting the kids into your bed can […]
Welcome to 2013! Hear about the best toys of Christmas by age. Did you know that power wheels (battery powered kids vehicles – Jeeps in our cases) are actually motorized vehicles in the eyes of the law? That means they must obey the speed limit of course. And as the safety nerd points out, they […]
Merry Christmas from EF HQ! We talk about Christmas preparations, Christmas letter dos and don’ts, how great Amazon is and all that. Oh and that dratted elf! Tune in for some quick dorky fun. Also, listen to our moments and rants. We Owens Brothers thank you for listening all year and wish you a very dorky […]
Matt and I were arguing about who would write this, but I (Mark) won…HA! Its mine… All mine! (I am doing the final edit … it’s mine (Matt)) Sibling rivalry is not simply when your children are competitive, it is when they bug each other senselessly and thus argue and thus annoying you, the parent. We listened […]
Announcing Andrew Paul Owens – Hurricane Baby. He blew in to Matt’s house on October 27 and we hear all about it. It sounds like all went well and he is a good baby. Still ‘three under four’ is a challenge. Mark chimed in with some goofy stuff from parenting.com and we had three weeks […]
Justin Wosham joins us on this episode. What a blast! We talk to him about being a comedian and being a father, but mostly we just had a bunch of laughs. We also talk about how Mary is about to pop and John’s injury prone weekend. All this was comedy gold when Justin got ahold of […]
Sage advice on raising children (especially boys) in the age of video games. There are several major problems with video games They cost a lot of money (Here at EF we are nothing if not frugal…) They are usually antisocial activities. They can contain serious violence They can cause an addiction A lot of this […]
Bill tells us about having an only child and Matt and Mark mock him for how ‘hard’ it must be. Bill is also inundated with pets… I hear changing a hermit crab’s diaper can be dicey… We learn how to avoid over drama. Why we don’t let our daughters get tattoos and that iPhones can […]
College costs way too much! There is the sticker price and then the real price, just like cars. Is the traditional college approach worth it? Is it really the parent’s responsibility to pay for it? Aren’t some majors totally dumb! Government subsidizes colleges heavily. Should they? What are the effects. This was a great discussion […]
Sorry for the hiatus. Our excuse – summers are busy. Also, see the top ten list below! Give us a listen for an update on the EF Summer activities. Mark’s list of beer selling gimmicks. What beer makes cold mountains turn blue? What beer has a ‘specially lined can?’ Answers to these and other universal […]
This is a list of movies that lie in the intersection of Child Love and Parental Love on a Venn diagram: Cars Lion King Finding Nemo Incredibles How to Train Your Dragon Monster’s Inc. (Dory Rocks!) Alladin (the Genie Rocks!) We also mentioned some classics: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Mary Poppins Bedknobs and broomsticks Watership […]
Have your kids ever had an ‘incident’ in the bath? In Matt’s family they call that a ‘CODE BROWN’. This is all made even more fun with our special guest, Pete Loomis. We tell all the fun stories about our kids in the bath: how to wash their hair never to run to the convenience […]
Tonight’s discussion – Kids sleeping in YOUR bed! Do your kids wangle their way into your bed? Aren’t they cozy? Have you ever tried to get them out of your bed after? Getting them back in their own bed isn’t so easy is it? Matt’s single night rule – Never let them sleep in your bed […]
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