How many English accents are there in the world? Let me guess; you're thinking American, British, Australian, or Canadian? And what about grammar and vocabulary? Does it change in each country you visit? Let me introduce myself: my name is Kimberley Law, and I've created this podcast for people to continue learning English by being exposed to multiple accents in real-life conversations.
Welcome to “Yo Hablo Español.” This is a podcast for those of you who have an intermediate or advanced level in Spanish. In this podcast, you have an opportunity to hear people around the world who have learned Spanish, and they share their journey, their story and how Spanish has become part of their lives. In this podcast we can also learn about cultural differences, routines and curiosities between the Spanish speaking world and the rest of the world and you participate on the podcast if you would like to share your own story, your journey and your experience learning Spanish.
Word Book is an entertaining and educational English language learning podcast. The hosts, Ria and Alisha - both native speakers of the English language, select a random word, talk about its definition and talk about its different forms like nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. And the best part is the engaged, and often funny, creative storytelling where the listener gets to learn how to use the word in day-to-day conversation in various forms. And did we mention the small quiz we play in each episode?
It is a weekly podcast that not only helps expand your English vocabulary but also makes the learning process enjoyable. So if you are finding learning English hard and/or boring, then probably this is the best podcast to brush up your language skills for a new to intermediate user.
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: www.tsubasacantonese.com | Vocabulary videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpdgw4DSofVUo63ZTZBagCgWOV-4pRSC
You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com
Boost your fluency in Japanese with LinguaBoost!
Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just single words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. -
Get ready for all things speech pathology: AAC, ADHD, Apraxia, Articulation Therapy, Autism, Behavior, Early Intervention, Executive Function, Evidence-Based Practice, Gestalt Language, Literacy Intervention, Movement, Multi-Modal Cueing, Narratives, Partnerships, Phonological Awareness, Sensory, Speech Strategies, Target Selection, Technology, Telehealth, and Self-care. Be better. Do better. Create better. Make the world a better place, one person at a time. You're first. Join Kelly every Thursday and at the drawing board.
Do better with easy step-by-step 'how-to's' with ready-for-use printables and over 100 video clips of best practices, check out Kelly's book "Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment." It is available at Amazon and major booksellers internationally.
If you learn from doing and work with children with special needs, join Kelly's Sparkle in School Membership. Make intervention EASY with weekly ready-for-use materials and Google Slides Decks sent to your inbox. Check it out today at kellyvess.com.
Thoughts to share? Email: [email protected]
アスク出版刊「合格奪取! 新HSK6級トレーニングブック〈リスニング問題編〉」の音声配信です。ISBN:978-4-86639-293-6
《英文留聲機》是一個舒適又有趣的英語學習節目,以聆聽的方式享受原創英文情境劇、經典文學作品、和國內外經驗分享。目前已推出【聽故事學英文】、【英文放大鏡】和語音互動特集,讓你輕鬆加強英語聽力,也有助於提升英語語感。主持人Ralph和Hannah致力於營造一個優質的英語學習空間,配合英語學習者的步調,以適中的語速、標準的發音,搭配精緻的故事篇幅,幫助你加強對英語的聽覺敏感度。節目將在每週日晚間九點,推出最新一集節目,請記得準時收聽!【訂閱方案】正式推出「季費制」和「年費制」的訂閱方案,只要使用折扣碼即可享有最多85折的優惠價喔!另外,預約一對一諮詢也可以獲得驚喜優惠碼呦~快點這裡看優惠詳情: https://mb3.pse.is/3eeejp 【一對一諮詢】有任何職場英語、英式發音、生活英語、托福雅思考試等問題,開放預約一對一諮詢: https://mb3.pse.is/3eeejp Hannah老師:生活英語、面試英語、托福雅思口說、學習技巧和解惑Ralph老師:英式英語發音、職場英語、面試英語、托福雅思口說【故事原文 · 深度解析】免費加入官方網站會員,即可進入故事原文和深度解析專頁,邊聽節目邊跟讀,學習精選單字和語意解析,學習效果加倍喔!馬上加入Ralph & Hannah Podcast家族吧,點這裡:https://ralphxhannah.wixsite.com/learning-english * EP10以後的故事原文與深度解析,將在每周一以pdf的形式寄送到「英文歐兜邁」方案和「英文私房車」方案參與者的Email信箱,請記得查看信件才不會漏掉喔~想加入方案的聽眾,請上活動頁面:https://mb3.pse.is/3eeejp【節目更新】每周日晚上9點準時更新【請我們一杯拿鐵,讓我們創作更多優質內容吧!】MixerBox贊助方案和線上課程班:https://mb3.pse.is/3eeejp SoundOn連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f50a8666-add3-4b59-b54d-9555adbb48ae綠界連結:https://p.ecpay.com.tw/DE84BF2【觀眾投稿、合作邀約】Email: [email protected]意見表: https://forms.gle/6s1fthW2rc8XGAWx8 Facebook粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/hannahxralph/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ralphxhannah/關鍵字請搜尋:英文留聲機--聽節目點這裡:SoundOn聲浪: https://bit.ly/3csTddtKKBOX: https://bit.ly/3bGUTRiSpotify: https://spoti.fi/3lgLTFYApple Podcast: https://apple.co/3exLdufListen Notes: https://bit.ly/3le6hHtGoogle Podcast: https://bit.ly/3lbA2syPocket Casts: https://pca.st/mlb9cqoc --Hosting provided by SoundOn
アスク出版刊「合格奪取! 新HSK6級トレーニングブック〈リスニング問題編〉」第2刷以降の音声配信です。ISBN:978-4-86639-293-6
Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.
Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.
But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.
Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.
今天开始,借助我们的中文故事来提升你的听力理解能力! -
合格奪取! 新HSK6級単語 トレーニングブック
パッと見てわかる!中国語単語イラスト図鑑 動詞・形容詞600
新HSK 4級 トレーニングブック 読解・作文問題編 問題文音声
Welcome to the Ace Talks Language Podcast! Here you'll find me, Ace, chatting about language, language learning and linguistics!
Langwich explores all things language related! Including: Language learning experiences, benefits of multilingualism in society & individual health, supporting minority languages in Australia, discussing new research and interviews with expert guest speakers in the field of linguistics! Hosted by Isabella Schulz & Lissara Bergamaschi | Edited by Raia Pinhati | Music by Doppel | Proudly supported by Griffith University, Australia.
Selamat mendengarkan 😊🙏
Greetings, this is Joshua.
Welcome to "Learn Traditional Chinese in 3 min".
I am a business writer in Taiwan.
I hope to share the real Chinese used by the Chinese nation for over 5000 years, and practice speaking and writing English by the way.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, may God bless you.
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