Insplay produtseerib iga kuu oma arengust ja kasvamisest huvitatud lapsevanematele ja elukestvatele õppijatele saadet Einstein3000. Igal saatel on üks põnev ja hariv peateema, kaks üksteise vaateid täiendavat põhikülalist ja üks inspireeriv vaheklipp üllatuskülalisega. Saadet juhib Andres Sirel - Insplay tegevjuht ja Nutika Vanema Klubi algataja.
Here we dive into how to raise emotionally healthy and confidently driven kids alongside mental illness in your home.
It can feel impossible to try and create something different, especially when you are already doing EVERYTHING you can to give your kids the very best. Tune in to find the inspiration you’re looking for ways to move forward.
I interview successful entrepreneurial parents to uncover the simple traditions that have helped them raise successful kids as well as professionals that provide alternative solutions to mental health so you can find everything you need in one spot.
I believe that God never intended for us to thrive in one area of life and suffer in another. YOU WERE BORN TO THRIVE IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE!
P.S. Mental illness is your secret weapon to thriving! -
Not finding the right answers? I am Dr. Lisa, a Psychologist. Join me on Wednesdays at 7:00pm for ”Happy Hour with Dr. Lisa,” where we will talk in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Let’s explore solutions for common life challenges, along with my guests, and take a break from our daily lives. But remember, this is not a therapy!
Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?
Welcome to Mom University.
If you ever feel like you’re living the same day over and over…
If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…
You’re not alone.
For every other thing we do in life there’s training, but for the most important job, we’re just figuring it out as we go.
Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.
Instagram @universityformoms -
Podcastide sari "Käpapatrulli podcast", mille peamiseks fookuseks on koerad ja nende omanikud. Räägime paljudel erinevatel teemadel nagu kasvatus, areng, käitumine, naljakad juhtumid, aktuaalsed teemad ja palju muud. Saatejuhtideks on Siim Oja, kes on omanimelise kooli koolitus- ja arendusjuht ning Karl Kalme, kes on Käpajuht nõustamisagentuuri asutaja. Kahe peale kokku on meil üle 20 aasta koerte käitumismuredega tegelemise kogemust.
«Так себя ведут» — это аудио-сериал о нормальных чувствах двойняшек Василисы и Кирилла — или Васи и Киры, как их называют папа с мамой. Истории, в которых оказываются Вася и Кира, могут приключиться с каждым. Из небольших рассказов мы узнаем, почему в нас появляются разные эмоции, как с ними познакомиться и подружиться.
Помните: любые эмоции — это нормально и классно, и чтобы выразить их, можно вести себя по-разному.
Авторки идеи и ведущие — Ксения Красильникова и Мария Карнович-Валуа, «Никакого правильно»
Сценарии эпизодов — Кирилл Карнович-Валуа, Мария Карнович-Валуа и Ксения Красильникова
Консультантка — психолог Алина Рябый
Продюсерки — Гульнара Делекторская, Лиля Чеснова
Композитор и звукорежиссер — Ильдар Фаттахов
Дизайнерка обложки — Наташа Полякова
Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо» —
Instagram студии —
Telegram студии — -
Edmund Burke’i Selts on kodanikeühendus, mille liikmed peavad oluliseks lääne tsivilisatsiooni alusväärtusi – üksikisiku vabadust ja vastutust, turumajandust ning riigivõimule seatud konstitutsioonilisi piiranguid. Seltsi liikmed astuvad vastu ohule, mida kujutavad endast nii poliitilise spektri vasak- kui paremtiivalt pärit totalitaarsed ideoloogiad. Oma seisukohtade tutvustamiseks ja selgitamiseks annab selts välja oma raamatusarja, korraldab loenguid ja kasutab muid haritud avalikkuseni jõudmise vahendeid.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Saa tuttavaks Elis Liivaruga, särtsakas enesearengu entusiast, kes juhib Ausad Naised podcasti. Ausad Mehed podcasti inspiratsioonil jagan kuulajatele ausat, autentset ja ehedat olemist, mis inspireeriks ka teisi hingelisi olema oma elus teadlikum, tundma elu täisväärtuslikku naudingut ja liikuma enesearengu radadel.
Selleks, et minuga koos saaks nii nutta, kui naerda, olen alati samm mugavustsoonist väljas seda koos täieliku läbipaistvusega. -
We cover all things about the Sigma Male mindset & lifestyle.In society we have a social hierarchy. Think of it as a pyramid with the Alpha male at the top. Beta males beneath the Alpha. But then we have the lone wolf of society which is the Sigma male. Sigma is the introverted Alpha. Sigma exists outside of the social hierarchy pyramid. And this is because the Sigma chooses not to participate in the social pyramid. The Sigma is the guy that always does his own thing. Although the Sigma exists outside of the pyramid, he is equal to the Alpha in social ranking and attractiveness to women.
Kaks beebiemmet Aveliis ja Lilyjan on otsustanud saada kokku ja rääkida hingelt asjad ära. Vahepeal jutustame kahekesi, vahepeal spetsialistidega ja vahepeal puistame südant koos tuntumate eesti emmedega. Kindlasti mine jälgi meie tegemisi ja igapäevaelu instagramis Beebipuhvet.
Join Vinny Welsby (they/them), TEDx speaker, best-selling author, and certified Fierce Fatty as they teach you how to love your fat body without going on yet another ever again. 95-99% of diets fail, it’s not your fault you’ve never succeeded at losing weight! Wear the damn bikini, rock that crop top, and embrace that curvy body. Break down limiting negative self-beliefs and root out the reasons why you think your plus-size body is not ok. Episodes topics include - fatphobia, diet culture, intuitive eating, how to be confident, dating while plus-size, health at every size, overcoming stigma and shame, and taking over the world one fatty at a time!
With the wide product breadth Parker Hannifin has to offer, wrapping your head around everything motion systems and controls can be daunting. Join two of Parker's engineers, Brian Baranek and Mitch Eichler, as they try to de-mystify everything hydraulic valves and their applications. Tune in as they review products, discuss applications, interview market experts, unveil division programs and showcase Parker promotions and partners. If you are looking for a reliable source for hydraulic valves and learning -- this podcast is for you!