When marketing your product or service, you need to have a good understanding of your audience, the message you want to deliver, the offer you’re willing to make, and the optimal timing for your marketing campaign.
In today's episode, we talk about the 7 most common marketing mistakes, and how they can be avoided with adequate planning, attention to detail, and ongoing measurement and evaluation!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
You want to start up a business, but it just hasn’t happened yet. What can you do to put yourself on the journey to success? You can identify what is stopping you and take steps to overcome these 7 common, but deadly, barriers to success!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
¿Faltan episodios?
In today's episode, we continue with the final five top entrepreneurial mistakes! If you didn't hear the first five, make sure you listen to episode 62.
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
As an Entrepreneur, It can be hard to avoid certain mistakes, especially when you face a situation for the first time. In
fact, many mistakes are hard to avoid even if you've been in business for a while!
In today's episode, I discuss the first 5 common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, and how you can recognize, and hopefully avoid them!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
If you're like me, you've had plenty of experience with BAD customer service. Just think about the last time you had a bad experience with a product or a service. Perhaps the product or service did not live up to the sales pitch. Maybe the company was unresponsive to your calls or emails. Maybe they did not do what they said they were going to do. Or they gave you the runaround when you called to report a problem or ask a question.
In today's episode, I share 10 simple steps you can implement in your business to make sure your company provides an excellent customer experience every time!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
At some point in your business journey, you hopefully will begin growing to the point where you need to hire employees! One of the biggest challenges an employer can face is how to keep the workforce motivated after the newness wears off.
In today's episode, I share some tips on what actually helps motivate people, and how you can implement these easy suggestions into your business!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
Almost everyone feels a bit nervous about delivering a presentation before a group. Some people would rather undergo a root canal than experience the anxiety of giving a speech.
In today's episode, I share some basic guidelines for preparation and delivery, that can help transform your
nervousness into positive energy that achieves the results you desire!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
Most of us are creatures of habit. It's our habits that help form the person we become. My question to you is, if your life was a garden, would you say your habits are planting more weeds or flowers in your garden of life?
In today's episode, we look at strategies to help you replace those habits that are growing weeds in your life, with flowers that will help you bloom into the success you are striving to become!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
In today's episode, I talk about two things that most of us have in common; time & stress. One of them we never seem to have enough of, and the other one we always seem to have too damn much of! I am going to share 10 strategies you can use to reverse this phenomenon!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
There seems to be a lot of misconceptions of what a “Brand” really is. A brand is more than just your company’s name or logo. It’s more than just a particular type of product you offer. It’s more than just the look of the packaging of your product.
In today's episode, we take a deep dive into what exactly goes into your 'brand'!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
Would you like to start being more productive? Want to stop wasting precious time and move your projects to completion?
This episode of the podcast will focus on how to be more productive from this point forward, so you can start getting closer to turning that dream of business ownership into reality!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
One of the most common mistakes business owners make is advertising and marketing based on personal opinions and perceptions. We get caught up in trying to convince the potential customer how great our product or service is, and totally miss the reason they may be looking to purchase in the first place!
In today's episode, I share a technique on how to start thinking like a customer and not a business owner!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
At some point in ours lives, we all want to be successful at something. Regardless of what that something is, there are certain principles that successful men and women have followed throughout history, that has helped lead them to success.
In today's episode, I share 10 Success principles from Jack Canfield's book 'The Success Principles'.
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
There’s a great line in Alice in Wonderland when the Queen says, “Sometimes I think of 6 impossible things before breakfast.” I think you’ll agree that this has to be creativity at its best!
As a small business owner this is an ideal you really need to strive for … but how on earth can you open up your mind to get to the point where ideas just spill out?
In today's episode, I share so tips on how you can start thinking outside the box to get those creative juices flowing!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
There are many differences that separate the winners in business and life from those who are struggling and falling by the wayside. One big difference is how they handle failure. In today's episode, I share tips on how to recognize what you're really afraid of, and offer strategies you can use to help you get past your fears, and get back on track to turning your dreams of business ownership into a reality!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
In this day and age we are so inundated with choice and opportunity that you might even say we are spoiled for choice. There is just so much that we could do that we often end up not doing anything at all. Procrastination is one of the biggest dream killers. In todays episode, I share strategies for overcoming procrastination, designed to help you push past short term obstacles in order to create a life of fulfillment and success!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
Everyone wants to know the secret's to success. In today's episode, I'm going to share with you the 5 things you need in order to become successful in everything you do!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time. Since it tends to feel uncomfortable, if not downright unpleasant, we tend to view it as negative and as a weakness. We don’t dare to admit we are overwhelmed or dare to talk about it, which can leave us feeling isolated and alone. In today's episode, I go over some strategies that can help diminish feelings of being overwhelmed so you can refocus on making some work/life balance decisions, and get back on your path to success!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteQuestionnaire: Should I Become An Entrepreneur?Email: [email protected] -
If you want to get paid what you're worth, you need to start learning to sell value - not price. In today's episode, I share 7 strategies you can use to help you stand out from your competitors, and start earning what you're worth!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteEmail: [email protected]: Should I Become An Entrepreneur? -
Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you?
In today's episode, I share 10 tips to help you manage your time more effectively, and walk away feeling more accomplished at the end of the day!
Contact Reggie B: Podcast Host
Website: https://www.ecinstitute.caFacebook: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteInstagram: @entrepreneurcoachinginstituteEmail: [email protected]: Should I Become An Entrepreneur? - Mostrar más