I ramble about the spirit of christmas, lipstick on a pig, kindness vs human nature, Tarantino's film The Heightful Eight, being on the wagon, trusting your intuition and other related tangents.
Featured artists in order of appearance:
"I Will Spite Survive" by Deer Hoof
"Wasteland" by Redhead Match
I take you on a fictional journey through space which features ambient music by various artists:
"Light Years" by Stellardrone
"Hollow Window" by Cinema Within
"pale fire" by r beny
"Unhinged 3" by Synflict
¿Faltan episodios?
I take a break from the typical podcast format to analyse, question, explore and rant a little bit (but not too much) about a candid photo I have on my smart phone of a middle-aged man I saw in a wheelchair waiting at a bus stop during the first snow of winter 2017-2018.
Who is he? Was he in fact waiting for the bus? How did he end up in a wheelchair? Is he happy or deal with depression? What are the challenges that he faces every day? Should he be thankful that he has a wheel chair and a bus to get around? Does he live alone or have someone waiting for him at home? Why is no one stopping to ask if he needs a ride? Why didn't I stop and ask? Is this what we've become? ......
I ramble about the Justice League, getting sick of male & female stereotypes in movies, comic books, move trailers A Quiet Place and Rampage, Star Wars, being too dependent on the system, the first snow of winter, fear and anxiety, Sunshine Hotel documentary, capitalism and the value of people, taxes kill, why some men have issues, avoiding reality, supporting big business then crying when it takes away our toys, and The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8.
Featured artists in order of appearance:
"A New Hope" by Woodhawk
"Silence" by fuvk
"Graphic Repulsion" by Deceased
"Blow Up Santa" by Stefan Kartenberg
I ramble about electronic music, pursuing various creative outlets, stoner metal, smoking marijuana, when I bought marijuana from a coworker at an office job, being on and off the wagon, people doing what they want with their own bodies, my suit pants are too tight, i lied: i own 3 pairs of shoes not 2, being a non-exploitative opportunist, doing what it takes to survive, manicuring the earth, rehashing how i think we should be living, who do we support every day, if the internet goes away we'll be fine, how we relaxed and got jobs before the internet, indigenous people, voluntary faith versus coerced dogma, and various related tangents.
Featured artists in order of appearance:
"Odyssey" by Amethystium
"Back to Zero" by Ol' Time Moonshine
"Smiling Dogs" by Man's Gin
"One" by Nice Legs
"Brainwasher" by Hash
Topics include the lethargy of depression vs laziness, art vs junk, the Bethlehem Pennsylvania Christkindlmarkt, the type of indie art festival I would like to see, land ownership, tv commercials, and Season 8 Episode 7 of The Walking Dead.
Featured music in order of appearance:
"Backswimmer" by A Deer A Horse
"Class Dismissed" by Hans Atom
"A Stone That Bleeds" by Mourning Dawn
"Cover the Holes" by Alien She
"Ethereal Blindness" by Rise of Avernus
"Two Hearted River" by Snake Oil Salesman
I ramble about xmas and maintaining happiness (more detailed discussion about the holiday and its history in another episode and/or video), briefly touch on Anarchism (detailed discussion in the near future), our violent human nature, experience required for marriage and other tangents.
Artists in order of appearance:
"Dissect Me" by Sap
"Through the Atmosphere" by Mindseye
"Visions of Awakening" by Lör
"Fuckin Ride" by Govier
"Farewell Navigator" by Naomi Pop
I ramble about concerts I've attended and bands I haven't seen, cassettes still being relevant, the plethora of music available today across various genres, and The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 6 "The King, The Widow and Rick".
Music in order of appearance:
"Fire Whiplash" by Outline (Demo Debut released 11/30/2017)
Topics include: people are the problem not the systems guns or religions, is there a "right" system, questioning if a utopian soceity can truly be achieved, there are no intrinsic morals, exploring music genres, how acoustic neuroma affects enjoyment of sound and music, how we can take the power back into our own hands, and net neutrality.
Music credits in order of appearance:
"My Mind" by PeacefuldMind ASMR
"Masked Laughter (Nothing's Left)" by Dälek
"Coming Down from Outer Space" by Acid King
"Riverchrist" by zhOra
"Tiw" by Bulsch
"Blind" by Masses
"Oogha Boogha" by Magic City
"Methods of Survival" by Atrox
I start off this episode with some news regarding potential to play more indie music on the podcast beyond ccmixter and freemusicarchive; ramble about the holidays and having off from work; winter and remote car starters; incentives for the every day worker & taxpayer much like pro sports players; movies from the 80's starting with Big; discussing episodes 4 & 5 of The Walking Dead Season 8.
This week's music in order of appearance:
Folksy song by Phoenician Sailor
"Beauty Over Industry" by Unwoman at freemusicarchive.org
"Deportee" by Michael Chapman and The Woopiles at freemusicarhive.org
"Nadeya" by reiswork at ccmixter.org
"Work These Hands" by Cletus Got Shot at freemusicarhive.org
In this episode I ramble about treating yourself well in regards to what you think of yourself and what you feed your mind and body; how you should always be yourself; being aggravated by annoying drivers; and some news and weather from the U.S. cities of Allentown, Salt Lake City, and Oklahoma.
Music credits in order of appearance:
"Relatively Human" by Jacob Haller at freemusicarhive.org
"The Weather Hip Hop Blues Remix" by Xalpheric at ccmixter.org
"You Can Do It" by Evie Sands at freemusicarchive.org
"Making Monkeys" by Bluemillenium at ccmixter.org
In this episode I ramble about the sleepy effect of dentist offices and hospital waiting rooms; share my experiences of having cavities, wearing braces and a retainer; mention the stand up comedy of Bill Cosby, Brian Reagan and black comedy TV shows from the 70's and 80's; and finish with weather & news from the U.S. for Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Trenton.
This episode's music:
"We'll get ourselves in tv-news" by Break the Bans at freemusicarchive.org
"I don't know what i want" by Dememphis at freemusicarchive.org
"Chances" by Stefan Kartenberg at ccmixter.org
"Optimismo Irracional" by VicthorA3 at bandcamp.com
Starting with this podcast going forward I will now be interjecting select music works from both ccmixter.org and freemusicarchive.org (links below) in order to freshen up the episodes a little bit so it's not just me constantly talking, and because I also enjoy showcasing creative folks out there, especially from these websites where they offer their art for free (ie. under a Creative Commons license).
In this episode I ramble about how we're living in The Upside Down in regards to how poor people suffer and those that have it easy don't struggle as much; how you should try not to worry much about anything; how I believe we can truly end poverty if we come together; takeaways from a previous podcast regarding poaching and the significance of the number 3, new movie releases opening this weekend; and global weather and news from 3 international locations of Pago Pago and Kwajalein in the South Pacific, and Traralgon Australia.
Music credits in order of appearance:
"What the hell" by Texasradiofish
"Hello good hello evil - live" by Scomber
"How can things get better" by panu
"Fire darer" by saqsquarenoise
"Hymen" by Oedipussy
"Democrazy" by Kara Square
I start off the episode rambling about getting sick then move into talking about video games namely Dark Souls 3, The Last of Us 2 Trailer and The Walking Dead Video Game by Telltale games, then move onto The Walking Dead TV show Season 8 episode 3, Stranger Things Season 2 finale, and finish up with the global weather & news from Amsterdam, Norway and Finland.
I start off rambling about community and how people living in apartments are often strangers to each other, then move on to The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2, Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 1-7, PBS Nature show on Otters, and finish up with the international news and weather from three locales in South America.
I talk about halloween and related tangents such as trying to stay true to who you are and manifesting your personal philosophy into the real world, the international news & weather of three cities in Africa, and then white people and three specific aggravating experiences with tangents such as the ratios of good vs bad people among various races and cultures.
I start the podcast off talking about how we cannot rid ourselves of fear, anxiety and anger, but can learn to manage them by turning that energy into something constructive; random global news from Santander Spain, Cranbrook Canada and Warsaw Poland (more like a visitor's guide on the latter); some upcoming independent films; my visit to Wooden Shoe Books, the anarchist book store in Philadelphia; the upcoming new second season of Stranger Things on Netflix; burials and where our poop goes.
Upcoming movies in major theaters this week, the weather and local news for a few cities across the globe, public executions, medieval torture, the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, cosleeping, PBS Nature series and The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 1.
I talk about Ricketts Glen State Park in Pennsylvania and the importance of nature, The Walking Dead video game and upcoming season 8 of the TV show, being lawful good to solicitors and NPC's, and quick thoughts about Bladerunner 2049.
I talk about the problems with YouTube regarding its lack of both organized subject matter and lesser known folks in the spotlight, technological tools such as TV not being used for far greater purposes, invisible dog fences, being off and on the wagon, the Arkham Horror card game and pets.
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