Each of us do and say things because of the culture we grew up in. Is that wrong? No. However, we as God’s children need to look beyond our culture and try to look through other cultures’ glasses. God is not bound to culture, and all of us can be thankful that the Bible is not culturally bound. John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
We need to offer the gospel to the world. We need to offer the gospel without contaminating it with our own culture. We need to offer truth that will inform, confront, and change every culture. There is nothing wrong with our culture as long as we do not make it the gospel. The gospel will change individuals, and it will change entire cultures.
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Roseanne’s experiences challenge each of us to be the Good Samaritan to others even when it is hard. Jesus showers love and mercy on us even when we are unlovely; we as His children should do the same.
Essay originally published 08/2020.
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God delights to pardon and save. He delights to bring life from death. But we are sometimes tempted to mock God and to think that we can claim the benefits of pardon while opting out of God’s plan to free us from the actual grip of sin.
In this first essay of a 3-part series, Roseanne Bauman speaks from her personal experience about teaching an ethnically diverse group of students. While Roseanne was the teacher, she quickly realized that she was also a student. In this post, you will read about the many valuable lessons that Roseanne learned from her students.
Essay originally published 08/2020. Audio narration just released.
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Many faithful believers rejected the sword and positions of earthly rule because they were convinced from the Scriptures that these were not part of God’s design, whether in the Garden of Eden or in the establishment of Christ’s church. If we choose to depart from God’s ways, we become like killdeer birds suddenly deciding to nest in the trees. It seems, then, that we have two traditions to choose from: the true, original design God created, or pervasive, normalized evil.
A business person should steward his business abilities and roles. Stewardship is not limited to managing profits that may be gained through business. Marlin Sommers reflects on job creation, business investment in general, and concludes with a few words about the steward mindset in business.
Essay originally published 04/2020. Audio narration just released.
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We want the entire world to understand who Jesus is. But what are we to be doing and how is this message supposed to spread? Is serving the poor part of Jesus’ commission to the church? Or is humanitarian aid a second-class ministry or, even worse, a distraction from our real mission? Gary Miller reminds us that God wants people to flourish, both physically and spiritually, and that this should be our desire as well. Like Jesus, we are representatives of the character of God. Like Jesus, we should be known for doing good.
What does it mean to be a steward of business giftings and abilities, and of business roles and opportunities? Marlin Sommers explores some biblical points, focusing on business applications, and encouraging business people to recognize themselves as servant-managers of both a set of giftings and abilities and of certain roles and opportunities.
Essay originally published 04/2020. Audio narration just released.
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“Our own attentive openness to the world around us and the generations before us is what prepares us to educate. If we are not attentive, humble, and learning, we are left either neglecting education or simply trying to pass on what we think we know.”
Did you ever consider that not everyone grew up like you did? How would your life be different if God had placed you in a different home?
Essay originally published 03/2020. Audio narration just released.
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In his essay "Schism is Heresy", Frank Reed exhorts the church of Jesus Christ to be unified as a body, not falling prey to the many divisions of the world. In clear and simple language, he shares principle truths from Scripture regarding how the body of believers should view unity. "Principles transcend policies. If we are led by the same Spirit, we will walk the path together. If we allow personal preferences to divide us, we are not part of the body of Christ. "
Loving your enemies can be hard. Many people do not understand how it is possible to love even when being attacked. Even though it is hard, Jesus gives his followers the answers for this subject. Marlin Sommers wrote this blog about a conversation that he had with his college students, and he discusses the reasons that followers of Jesus should love their enemies.
Essay originally published 07/2020. Audio narration just released.
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Many Anabaptists have been more scared of education than money. Brian Martin calls us to examine that assumption and approach both with fear and trembling (and wisdom and courage). We must not forget the biblical call to wisdom and knowledge and the avenues of service that can be opened by study.
It is not always easy to invest your time into another person. However, as Keeshon Wasington expressed in his life’s story, he is very grateful and thankful to God that someone took the time for him. Are we willing to let God use us to help those in need?
To read more of Keeshon’s writing, check out his blog at: https://urbanitemusingskw.wordpress.com/
Essay originally published 12/2020. Audio narration just released.
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Is an investment a gamble? Does it matter? In this essay, Marlin Sommers seeks to clearly differentiate between gambling and investing, to call us to a positive moral ethos for investing, and to give some tools for how to think about borderline cases.
Stephen Russell’s episodes on Usury and Distributism
How Should We Then Money?
Usury and the Historic Church
Marlin’s two-part essay on Business as Stewardship
Business People among God’s “Servant-Managers”
Entrepreneurs as Servant-Managers
Life is not always easy, but having kind friends that are ready and willing to help and be there for you always makes those rough bumps easier. Keeshon continues writing his experiences in getting beat up, forgiving those guys and ultimately giving his life to Jesus.
To read more of Keeshon’s writing, check out his blog at: https://urbanitemusingskw.wordpress.com/
Essay originally published 12/2020. Audio narration just released.
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“We know we should sing, but what kind of song is most appropriate in public worship?” James S. Martin helps us think about five main questions that have plagued discussions about congregational singing over the centuries. He does not attempt to build theological bulwarks around a particular singing style. “If the musicians among us drink deeply and work with integrity and discipline, new songs will arise in wonderful offerings of sound and sense”
A little kindness will go a long way. Doing good to others is always worth it. Keeshon Washington experienced the receiving side of this as he continues telling us his story in his four-part series.
To read more of Keeshon’s writing, check out his blog at: https://urbanitemusingskw.wordpress.com/.
Essay originally published 12/2020. Audio narration just released.
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Confusion around assurance of salvation often stems from inadequate understandings of faith and works. Milo Zehr explains how people who want to emphasize either the importance of good works or the unimportance of good works often make overstatements that fail to take all scripture into account. Milo contrasts these inadequate views with scriptural teaching.
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