What would happen if every member of your team came to work focused on finding solutions and creating better results? Based on ground-breaking new research in innovation and problem-solving, you'll learn what leaders like you are doing to build more creative and solutions-oriented teams. On this show we talk to Karin Hurt & David Dye to explore how this research will change the way you lead.
How many hours a day are you on a video or Zoom meeting? Make the most of that meeting with proper intentional planning. Author of Engaging Virtual Meetings and CEO of Geoteaming John Chen tells us how a little bit of mindfulness can increase the success of online meetings by 10x.
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I am love, I am in my heart, I am listening. In this episode, Holly interviews Juha Riverhill, spiritual teacher from Finland. Juha's inspiration comes from a lifetime of difficulties, from being bullied as a child to a tumultuous divorce in his later years. out of the worst moment of his life. A difficult divorce, overwhelm of the aftermath and the whisper from his spirit guide, Cecelia, led him to channel/write his book, The Golden Book of Humanity. Questions Holly and Juha explore include: • How did you come to the understanding of spirit guides? • What is something that you may be resisting in your life that gives you an opportunity to find a greater guide in your own life? • Where do you start and how can you implement a sense of curiosity in your daily life? • How can we ponder and practice the mantra I am love, I am in my heart, I am receiving? • The Divine approached Juha in many ways from the time he was a child. He asked to be shown the way to communicate on a deeper level with his spirit guides. • During a time in Paris, his time with Cecelia and other guides gained clarity and understanding the gifts they could help him bring to the world. He set a goal of becoming a spiritual teacher. Coming from a Christian background, he always had an understanding of the Holy Spirit, but he came to crave more of a spiritual exploration to a connection with unconditional love. He found this by bringing his living from his head to living in his heart. Through this it fulfilled an aching heart and created a raised vibrational state of sending and receiving perfect unconditional love with his life. Find out more about Juha's book here.
Greg Williams is The Master Negotiator. His experience and proven results in negotiation skills and body language, combined with his knowledge of emotional intelligence, make him a sought-after speaker andconsultant. He is a dynamic speaker who engages and motivates audiences by using real life examples from the negotiations he’s participated in to illustrate the principles he shares. Questions that Holly and Greg discuss: · What are you top two or three tips for people to discuss the topics in today’s environment? · How do we iterate our master skills to meet the needs of today’s changes? · How insights can be gained by paying attention to body language during negotiations? · What are some introductory things that people can refine in today’s video environments? · Are you finding that you’re able to connect with a sense of oneness through body language? Everything I engage in works! Find more about Greg at https://www.themasternegotiator.com/ or email him at [email protected]. Remember, mindfulness matters and so do YOU! Find more resources at https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
A New view on ROI (Return in Intention) Holly interviews Jane Stevenson, Managing Director of Magnetic Minds in South Africa. The two shared a connection through stories that flowed together on stage at a South Africa conference in 2019. As the managing director of Magnetic Minds, Jane’s company helps reframe mindfulness in ways that serve organizations in planning for their teams goals and future big picture. Her purpose: Finding True North. Personalized business solutions that equip leaders and teams to magnify results and impact. Magnetic Minds brings teams together to help them shift their mindsets in safe spaces to have conversations about where they want their teams to go. Some of the questions that Holly and Jane unpack are: How do conversations within ourselves magnetize the right people to us? Who am I? Why does success in business not feel like success in my heart? Are you showing up and following the plan that you committed to? What is your purpose on earth? Am I winning? How to Reframe what success means - no more winners or losers. We are all wanting to feel like more than just the jobs that we do. We tend to focus on our jobs as the centers of our lives, but is this the most mindful way to live? Purpose is far bigger than profit! Jane mentions Elan Musk and his opening up his intellectual property to the world, and how his example of sustainability over profit is the perfect example of living with purpose. Collaboration brings a much higher influence than working alone and in isolation. Holly and Jane discuss global challenges such as violence against women. More questions that they address are: How can we use the negative stories and build purpose driven collaboration around these? What are we doing to affect change? How do we become part of the solutions? How could anger create the answer? Sometimes we need anger to move into a state of brilliant action. Jane actually uses Holly’s book, Everyday Mindfulness, https://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Mindfulness-Chaos-Crazy-World-ebook/dp/B07KDVFL8S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=everyday+mindfulness+holly+duckworth&qid=1576620104&sr=8-1 as one of her tools to give herself a framework for setting daily intentions. Jane leaves listeners with “Don’t ever think of it as a failure, but as a revelation of how to not do things in the future.” Find out more about Jane’s work at http://www.magneticminds.co.za/ or email her at [email protected]
Holly interviews Justin Foster about his work with Root and River Marketing. He and his team have cultivated blending spiritual and practical for mission-driven brands. His company helps define ways for every great brand to have a spiritual experience. A brand is how others experience what you believe. They philosophy behind their strategy is humanistic marketing practices. Do not market unto others the way you would not be marketed to. “Root” is the intrinsic mission, brand and message. “River” is how your message shows up in the world and these need to be congruent. Some of the questions they explore are: · What makes a “Mystical friendship”? · What thoughts do you have for navigating the deep roots of the changes happening right now? · What does consciousness mean to you? Justin pronounces that “Nature kills pretense!” These times are causing people to really examine what is really important. He also shares his belief that consciousness is the space between thoughts and feelings and YOU, your true self. Justin recommends that we be willing to ask more questions and incorporate “this is what it means to me.” His philosophy is to have a self-intervention practice. This involved three things to ask yourself: 1. When you react to something ask yourself “is that true? “Don’t trust your thoughts and feelings completely. Listen to them, but don’t trust them completely. 2. What are you feeling called to do, or action to take, that you haven’t been called to do before? 3. What is something you can’t go back to? Justin says that something he is not going back to borrowing energy from other people. See more about Justin’s work at https://rootandriver.com/ or his personal work at https://fosterthinking.com/ Remember – Mindful Matters and so do YOU!! https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
In Honor of National Hair Loss Awareness Month in August, Holly hosts an interview with The Alopecia Angel, Johanna Dahlman. After having alopecia and recovering through holistic and organic methods, Johanna created books, programs and a site that is filled with empowering information, healthy alternatives and side effect free results for hair and health. Health is the greatest form of wealth. She helps people reduce anxiety, depression, stress, weight gain, health problems that arise due to neglect and reduce the toxic burden you are potentially enabling, even unknowingly. Correcting steps now, avoids potential health risks and increases productivity along with prosperity. Questions Holly and Johanna explore: How do we have the conversation with employers when a health situation comes up? What are practices that can be done to start listening to the body? What are symptoms of alopecia? Where can we start to evaluate our lifestyles? The power is in your hands to improve your health! Visit www.alopeciaangel.com for more information. Remember, Mindful Matters and So Do YOU! For more resources go to https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
Enjoy this rebroadcast with Dr. Jud Brewer. DrJud.com was created by Dr. Jud Brewer (MD PhD) and the team at MindSciences, based on his work in the field of habit change and the “science of self-mastery”, combining over 20 years of experience with mindfulness training and a career in scientific research. He is passionate about understanding how our brains work, and how to use that knowledge to help people make deep, permanent change in their lives — with the goal of reducing suffering in the world at large. Learn more about your ad choices.
Mark Sanborn holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association (NSA) and is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was recently honored with the Cavett Award, the highest honor the NSA bestows on its members, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the speaking profession. In 2019, Global Gurus named Mark the #5 Leadership Authority in the world. In his latest keynote, The Intention Imperative, based on 33 years of working with organizations globally, teaching leaders and observing powerful shifts, Mark has identified three essential areas of focus for leaders in the world: Inspiration: motivation to the power of purpose Culture: creating an engine that sustains vision and values while achieving desired results Emotion: designing and delivering positive emotions for customers and employees You don’t have to have a title to be a leader! If you take care of the moments the moments become your life. If you daydream, choose to do it and don’t do it accidentally. Mark’s personal practice is to focus. Morning meditations and prayer and setting his intentions wherever you’re at, be there. His current read is The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. He’s highly recommends taking the time to slow down to the point of purposefulness. Questions Holly and Mark explore: How can you deliver positive emotions to customers during this time? How can we reconstruct how we connect to others? What is a surprise lesson outside North America that you have learned? Post COVID-19, people are now worried about security and safety. It’s imperative that companies, particularly restaurants, engineer around secure. Being at home more, Mark learned that he really liked being at home. After a long career of travelling extensively, he hadn’t gotten much of a chance to be home. The lifestyle change helped him look at his underlying values. Reinvent yourself every day. One of the tools that Mark offers is The Extraordinary Living Journal, which is a combination of two pages a day journaling, goal setting, examining purposes and important relationships. Recount what happened the day before, find three good things and examine them and then write and plan for the day. Find more about Mark at https://marksanborn.com/ Mark Sanborn is an award winning speaker and Leadership Expert in Residence at High Point University, the Premier Life Skills University. For more information about his work, visit www.marksanborn.com. He also teaches professional speakers and leaders how to increase their messaging and public speaking effectiveness. Learn more here. Remember Mindful Matters and so do YOU! Find more mindful resources at https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
Please enjoy this rebroadcast of Episode 126! Holly interviews Jean Marie DiGiovanna, President and CEO of Workshop University who shares her personal practice of creating mindfulness for her own life and helping companies become Renaissance Leaders™ who untap hidden talent and unlock ideas to create a Renaissance Culture™ that recognizes hidden talent, inspires original thinking and brings the heart & soul back into their organization. Some of the questions Holly and Jean Marie explore: How do you use grounding practices to inform work and personal life through tapping into intuition? How can we be more curious by asking more powerful questions? Jean Marie shares her new tool, Stop Talking, Start Asking. She expresses the importance of the concept of Silence is Attractive. She also touches on the 5 Principles of Creating a Renaissance Culture™ where these principles can live and grow. Find out more at www.jeanmariespeaks.com. Also be on the lookout for her upcoming app to help your organization at stoptalkingstartasking.com.
Failing to plan for problems is planning to fail.
Known as the Disaster Avoidance Expert, Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is on a mission to protect leaders from dangerous judgment errors known as cognitive biases, which devastate bottom lines and bring down high-flying careers. His expertise and passion is developing the most effective and profitable decision-making strategies, based on pragmatic business experience and cutting-edge behavioral economics and cognitive neuroscience, to empower leaders to avoid business disasters and maximize their bottom lines.
A best-selling author, he wrote he wrote Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (2019), The Truth Seeker’s Handbook: A Science-Based Guide (2017), and The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships (2020). Dr. Tsipursky’s cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 400 articles and 350 interviews in Fast Company, CBS News, Time, Scientific American, Psychology Today, The Conversation, Business Insider, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Government Executive, Inc. Magazine, and elsewhere.
Questions Holly explores with Dr. Tsipursky:
· How can we navigate decisions from a place of higher awareness during this time?
· How does resilience pertain to the current situations?
· What are the six issues to think about during transition times?
· What are some tips for navigating awkward?
Decisions are 80-90% driven by emotions. Going by gut responses, or the fight or flight responses, do not serve appropriately in today’s world. With the situation today, the world situation of Coronaviras and Covid-19, people’s responses are not built to deal with this situation appropriately. People are still functioning in emergency mode and need to adjust to a new “abnormal.”
Dr. Tsipursky’s business was deeply impacted during this challenging time. As a speaker and trainer, all of his events around his book tour were cancelled. His father also contracted Covid-19! His mother, having medical training, was able to keep him from going to the hospital.
With so many layers of crisis occurring right now, people may believe they are better at communicating than they are. We all operating through different lenses. It’s important to ask oneself, What kind of values and information does the other person have? What kind of filters are they operating with? How can your communication fail? How can you address the ways they can fail? With the advent of virtual communications there are many different aspects that need to be addressed and being aware of body language and other aspects of how one comes off on video.
His daily mindfulness practice mornings include yoga, John Cabbot Zen school of evidence-based meditation which have been evaluated by academic research and in the afternoon he does Zazen empty mind meditation.
See more of Dr. Gleb’s work at https://disasteravoidanceexperts.com/ and read his book Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Remember, Mindful Matters and So Do YOU!
Find more mindful resourses at https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/.
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“You really miss something when we equate success to money. Balance and presence is the key to success.”
Peter Taunton is a pioneer in the fitness industry. In 2003, he had a vision for Snap Fitness to create an affordable, 24-7, results driven gym differentiated from the impersonal, expensive big box experience. Today there are Snap Fitness franchises in 2500 locations in 26 countries. And Taunton, CEO of Lift Brands, didn't stop there.
Taunton is a expert at understanding consumer desires and fulfilling them. In recent years, he has acquired and founded several brands to round out the consumer fitness experience: 9Round, Farrell's, YogaFit, STEELE Fitness, Fitness on Demand. Together with the Snap Fitness they comprise one of the world's largest wellness franchise organizations with over 6000 locations across multiple brands serving 165 million workouts and counting.
Peter's accomplishments have been well recognized by the business community. In 2010, he was named an Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of The Year.
For Taunton it comes down to one word: passion. He has it, he teaches it and the results speak for themselves. Even as his operations expand, he remains ever committed to providing owners and members with the tools and programs they need to reach life changing goals.
Some of the questions that Holly and Peter explore:
· How did you create a vision of growing a wellness franchise?
· What are tips and strategies get you into the flow and keep you there?
· What is your daily mindfulness and physical fitness practice?
· How are you building your CBD business?
Peter says “I love my life!” And in his life the common thread is wellness, physical and mental. Having the right mindset and being prepared to do the work by setting up a chronological order to set up new businesses. Take small bites and work your way through it. Thin yourself from the herd to be visible and impactful.
He found himself finding that money doesn’t buy happiness. He was wealthy, but single, and focused on philanthropy in order to create a life that made him happy. He started posting his daily devotionals and gained a following
Luck and hope is not a business plan. Along with his daily devotional, he has a to do list that he’s kept since he was twelve years old. Social media has become an avenue for him to express himself – if you see four guys in a meeting, three in suits and one in jeans and flip flops – he’s the one with the money.
He rides his bike around Miami to meetings. He prays with those he meets with. Known as Pistol Peet, even the homeless community leans on Peter to bring smiles and connection.
Peter looks back at his life and asks “What did I miss? What would I have done differently?” And, responds, “I wish I would have danced more. He wishes he’s spent more time with his family, church and friends. He built 377 stores in a year! He was able to hire the right talent and get them to stay in their lanes. He has used the same systems and processes over the years and they have worked successfully whether he was opening 5 stores a month or 377 a year.
Peter started working out when he was thirteen and just never stopped. He manages his weight and body fat and can do more pullups today than when he was in his twenties!
You really miss something when we equate success to money. Balance and presence is the key to success. Peter gives 10% of his profits in his CBD sales to charity. He is in it for the challenge of building a consciously run company.
Follow Peter on Instagram @Peter_taunton or on Twitter @petertaunton. For more information on Peter’s CBD Business, go to www.elevarelabs.com.
Remember Mindful Matters and So Do You!
For more mindful resources go to https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/.
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In this episode, Holly interviews Richard and Charly Jaffe, father and daughter co-authors of
Turning Crisis Into Success: A Serial Entrepreneur’s Lessons on Overcoming Challenge While Keeping Your Sh*t Together
Richard Jaffe was the co-founder of Nutri-Foods International (frozen novelties) and SafeSkin Corp (medical devices), both of which he took public on NASDAQ and sold to Fortune 100 companies. Both companies developed #1 selling products in their categories nationwide. He currently writes, speaks and mentors young entrepreneurs on starting and scaling new ventures.
Charly Jaffe is a writer, storyteller and captivating advocate for mental and emotional health. With a background spanning industries and continents, Charly produced stories for BBC News, ran an Australian yoga school and was an award-winning Google strategist. She is currently a crisis counselor and graduate student in Columbia University’s Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology.
Richard shares his most memorable advice from his father. “I didn’t find crisis, crisis found me. Just remember crisis is only change over a very short period of time. Will it hold you back or catapult your growth?”
Charly found that when her dad faced a big crisis, asking for help was a key part of getting out of it. The belief that we can do it by ourselves doesn’t get very far in the face of big crisis. They suggest getting over your pride and ego and ask for help to reframe true strength!
When we feel like we can only make the decisions ourselves, we can only go with the choices we see. When we ask for help, we have many more alternatives and can make better decisions. We have to learn how to respond and not react.
Some of the questions they explore are:
· What are some tips to getting through crisis?
· How do you respond to “hope is not a strategy”?
· What are some powerful stories that you’ve from a father/daughter relationship viewpoint?
· What are some thoughts for leaders that have a business they’re trying to recalibrate?
Hope is the only positive emotion that requires negativity and uncertainty to exist. The first step is assessing the situation. Becoming present with our assessments includes asking for help. Being able to assess what resources are available, who is available to help, and finding hope through learned hopefulness. Hopeful action is one of the most effective tools that allow us to thrive and adapt.
Richard and Charly reveal that the ability to be vulnerable was one of the biggest lessons that shared with each other the process of writing their book, throughout which they share many stories of asking for help from each other.
Richard’s advice for businesses in today’s climate - everything starts with what the customers need. Be where the customer is going to be when we come out of this. He says that when we come out of this, things are going to be different. Some people are not going to make it without changing. They need to learn to separate achievements from self-worth.
Charly, in her work with suicide prevention, …. There is a part of you that needs to die, but not all the parts of you. What do I need to let go of and what needs to remain in the past? We do have the ability to dance with crisis and asking for help is vital = other people have been there and how to cope. Being able to see models of what works inspires others to get through crisis. We live in a society that skews reality by only showing the end result.
Learn more about Richard and Charly’s work at https://www.crisisintosuccess.com/
If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800.273.8255.
Remember, Mindful Matters and So Do YOU!!
For more mindful resources, visit https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/.
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“One of the key aspects of leading a curated workplace, is knowing yourself well enough to seek out leadership roles hour abilities and passions, offering the best you have to your coworkers, and you won’t be getting in their way. as they try to offer their best back to you.”
Holly interviews Gail Golden, Principal of Gail Golden Consulting, LLC. As a psychologist and consultant for over twenty-five years, she has developed deep expertise in helping businesses to build better leaders. Her experience as an entrepreneur, business owner, and consultant to senior leaders of both Fortune 1000 and non-profit organizations informs her approach to executive selection and development.
As a therapist and coach for over twenty years she realized that the constant situations was people trying to do too much and feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Nobody she knew had a balanced life.
Out of this realization came the inspiration for her book Curating Your Life: Ending the Struggle for Work-Life Balance.
In it she brings to life the idea of curating your life as you would an art exhibit. Decide what is the exhibit about – what belongs in the exhibit and what doesn’t. It means that you have to make decisions about the handful of items to highlight, while letting other things be in the background. Focus on the greatness and where talents lie.
The culture of being “on” 24/7 isn’t healthy and it isn’t working. It isn’t helpful for family commitments. Business leaders have a responsibility to actively create a culture that supports and cultivates the curated life.
Questions Holly and Gail explore include:
· Does my exhibit need to include mindfulness?
· How will I find the energy to include it – and make the space for it?
· How do you help people trying to figure out how to curate their job around a job description and a boss’s expectations?
· How do you educate someone on starting the conversation with a boss about curating?
· How can we inspire ourselves to risk having these conversations?
· What inspired you to move from a therapy role to an entrepreneurial role and working with business leaders?
· How can we make virtual communications more effective?
· How can leaders help people have more career balance as they build their families?
Gail encourages listeners to embrace mediocrity. There are things we do that we’re just good enough, and Gail advises that “if you try to be great and perfect at everything, you’ll end up being great and perfect at NOTHING.” For a well curated life, focus on those choice talents in order for them to thrive. Your exhibit will change over the course of your life based on things that happen – or you happen to things.
Find out more about Gail’s work at www.gailgoldenconsulting.com and buy the book her book Curating Your Life: Ending the Struggle for Work-Life Balance.
Remember, Mindful Matters and So Do YOU!
Find more mindful resources at www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com
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Holly interviews Sean Fargo – the hardest working man in the mindfulness field. With over 12,000 hours on the meditation pillow and an incredible journey from there to being a leading entrepreneur, Sean’s background includes:
· Certified Instructor, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (the mindfulness program born at Google)
· Chief Zen Officer & Director of Mindfulness Program Development, WellBrain
· Certified Integral Coach, New Ventures West
· Buddhist Monk For 2 Years (2008-2010), Thai Theravada Tradition
· Founder & Teacher, Mindfulness Exercises
· Mindfulness Teacher for San Francisco & Silicon Valley, Refresh Body
· Advisory Board Member, ID8TE
· Mindfulness Teacher, Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Questions Holly and Sean cover:
· How are you merging the religious background into the secular world?
· What is one of the exercises you’re most passionate about?
· How do you distinguish mindfulness from meditation?
· What do you tell someone who claims “I just can’t meditate.”?
· What do you think the future of mindfulness in a business context?
With over 2000 mindfulness exercises and courses on https://mindfulnessexercises.com/, Sean says that one of his most favorite is “Just Like Me” which brings awareness to a particular person and the guided meditation to reflect on how the person is a human being just like me. This exercise fosters compassion and empathy, tapping into that person’s experience. He does admit that many people may not have the courage to step into this exercise because it can create discomfort.
Mindfulness in business creates an advantage for morale, the bottom line, mental health, comradery and communication practices.
Join Sean in his teachings at https://mindfulnessmastermind.com/, https://mindfulnessexercises.com/ and https://seanfargo.com/
Remember – Mindful Matters and So Do YOU!
Find more resources at https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
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Mike Robbins is the author of five books, Focus on the Good Stuff, Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, Nothing Changes Until You Do, and, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, which have been translated into fifteen different languages.
His fifth book, We're All in This Together: Creating a Team Culture of High Performance, Trust, and Belonging, was just released. He admits that writing books is not his favorite thing to do, but he keeps getting downloads and ideas for new books.
Every team has a chemistry – egos and ambitions included – that makes them special.
After playing baseball he got interested in the dynamics of teams. There really isn’t a “them” it’s all “us.” And when we can stop the us vs. them mindset…
Some questions they explore:
· What are some ways we can bring mindfulness to our work?
· Are you actually able to articulate what you’re feeling?
· How has the question “Hey, how are you?” changed in recent times?
He learned about meditation when he was in college back in the mid-90’s. His girlfriend at the time introduced him to a teacher who had come in to help her swim team. He found that he was better able to connect mind, body and spirit, and he knew it was going to be a path he would travel in his life. These days, his now wife even asks him “Are you meditating?” when he seems out of alignment.
Mike recommends to meditate in whatever manner you choose, that works for you. His personal practice has him meditating in bed in the morning to start his day. Find ways in the midst of your lives to spend a few minutes in mindfulness.
Focus on the Good Stuff
He keeps a gratitude journal for about twenty years. He not only writes down what he’s grateful for but what he needs to forgive himself for. Self compassion and gratitude.
We have an opportunity to bring our whole selves to work these days. We are experiencing something globally, at the same time. The ups and downs are very stressful right now, and he recommends just being present with the experience and whatever we’re feeling right now. Be present with sadness, anger or fear – Then move through it! Also, meet others where they are and be present without judgements – Then move through it!
The power of curiosity and compassion with ears on our heart – we could be more present with each other. Collectively sharing what each person is going through is recognition of being honest about where we are in the moment. It’s also ok to take breaks when you need to!
Check out Mike’s work at https://mike-robbins.com/
Remember Mindful Matters and So Do You!
Find more mindful resources at https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
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Give up on perfect – give up on getting it right. The point is how fast can you get to the learning!! Focus on doing something that helps and serves.
Tricia Benn is an Executive at the C-Suite Network and the General Manager of The Hero Club, a group of CEOs, founders, and investors who commit to a life balance of hard work while giving back to the communities in which they serve.
Questions that Holly and Tricia explore:
How do you prioritize mindfulness?
What are your conditions of satisfactions?
What does hero leadership mean to you?
In order to great impact you must have great leadership, great business, and great heart
Tricia doesn’t believe in having a “balanced” life. Our lives are integrated conditions of satisfaction. One of her conditions is reaching for her great day and helping others reach theirs.
She recommends that In this time of challenge, be mindful of the basic “hygiene” of business, core aspects of what you’re invested in – measure what matters. Build your tribe. Eliminate limiting beliefs.
In this time of a level playing field, people need what you have to offer and you can create opportunity by being a first responder and focusing on personal gifts at this time. There are many ways to create connection and opening up new avenues to potential clients is crucial right now.
Find out more about Tricia at https://c-suitenetwork.com/news/speakers/tricia-benn/or https://heroceoclub.com/
Remember, Mindful Matters and So Do YOU!! Find more mindful resources at https://www.everydaymindfulnessshow.com/
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Mindfulness is the quality of attention.
Holly hosts a special episode as she interviews Rob Beemer about The Mindfulness Movement documentary now available for rental or purchase.
Rob is an Emmy-nominated and award-winning television and film documentary producer, director and writer. He has been making documentaries for more than 25 years, including several feature length documentaries and more than 200 hours of network and cable TV programming in a variety of documentary and reality genres. He is the CEO of Interesting Stuff Entertainment
On May 22, 2020, join Holly along with Eric Szymanski of Leadership Solutions International for a special VIP screening with a Q&A session with Rob and some of the participants from the movie. Click here to rent the movie and register for the VIP screening.
Rob shares much of his experience with mindfulness, meditation and how the movie came to be. His best advice is “Our minds are going to wander – be gentle with yourself as you navigate building your own practice.” And, watch the movie!
The VIP session is brought to you by the C-Suite Network Mindful Leadership Council.
Remember, Mindfulness Matters and so do YOU.
Find more resources at The Everyday Mindfulness Show.
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