In this episode, we explore the relationship between the two pillars of Torah: written and spoken. The interpretive structure that mediates all communication, the necessity of an oral category, language as a sharing of minds, genotype-phenotype metaphors, and more.
Journey with us in our exploration of the relationship between the book of Torah and the book of Nature, modernity’s scientific reductionism and its sociological impact, the mapping of timeless presentations to modern discovery, what speaking in “the language of man” could mean, and more.
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With this release, we explore the concept of the Torah and its “technology”, morality’s is-ought problem, the “Tao” of Jewish law, and more. We end this special edition with a little Chanukah dessert.
In this episode, we explore the unfolding order in our cosmos, the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic teleology, how unity and complexity grow together, the Jewish conception of Mashiach, and more.
Join us as we explore the "foundation of foundations, and the pillar of all wisdoms". God, the discovery of monotheism, Rambam's negative theology, metaphysical schisms between the East and the West, the deep implicit assumption in our search for science, and more.