Explaining the prayer of Adon Olam
How do we pronounce God’s name? What does it mean?
Episodi mancanti?
What does preparing for prayer mean? Can it change how I pray?
We don’t loose from praying. If something comes up, should we continue praying as usual?
Who made the prayers? How were they made? Are they truly powerful?
Making God bright through our prayers
How many things need to be done whilst praying? Does one need to have intent, or can one just say the words?
What is the foundation of prayer, what does prayer do to a person, and how does prayer work?
Does Hashem have anything to do with us? Can He really hear us? Is it even right to limit God?
Who are we praying to? Can we even try to understand Hashem / God?
Something prayed for is always worth more. Is something that comes through prayers different?
Is there a good time to pray, or are all times equal?
Do all prayers get answered? Many times I don’t see the answers, what happens then?
What’s the idea behind repeatedly praying? Should we ask for the same thing again and again? Is there really a point?
The essence behind prayer. What exactly is prayer all about?
Why do we stand in prayer? Is there a special significance?
Why do Jews sway whilst praying? Why can’t we just stand still? Is there something more to the swaying (shokeling)?
When is it good to pray? Are sometimes better than others?
Why do we pray with others? Can we pray alone? Why do we go to the synagogue?
The prayer of Shacharit. What is behind the first prayer we say every morning?
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