Step into the Intentional Reset Project podcast, a bi-weekly journey led by hosts Colleen and Jamie into the realm of intentional living and self-care. Join us as we share a candid glimpse into what it truly looks like to reset your life with purpose. This practical guide is tailored for those navigating a mid-life acknowledgment, offering insights into experiences, setbacks, and victories on the quest to live a purpose-filled life.
In my podcast, you'll hear me share from my life journey - the good, the bad, and the "oh my god I'm not alone in this"...and hopefully you'll laugh, find a piece of yourself in my stories, or have a takeaway you share with someone in need in your life.
You can expect me to talk about things related to my personal as well as professional life - as the two are hard to separate for me.
You can find me on Facebook or LinkedIn:
Facebook Podcast Page, where you're welcome to follow along and even message me with your thoughts, feedback, questions:
Me, in my professional space:
The music in my podcast is from:, titled "Cold Funk" by Kevin MacLeod (
Used with permission via: License: CC BY ( -
السلام، معاك ريم.
و مرحبا بيك فهاد البودكاست اللي غادي تلقا فيه بزاف ديال النصائح و التجارب اللي تقدر تفيدك شي نهار. يقدر يبان ليك بودكاست عادي، و لكن الأفكار و وجهات النظر اللي هنا ماشي نمطية و اللا منقولة. افكار اصلية و بعيدة كل البعد على المثالية.
المهم مرحبا بيك.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
مهند مجيد، محاور وصاحب فكرة بودكاست "شنو القصة؟" وهي منصة حوارية تستضيف نخبة من المختصين والخبراء والفنانين والمؤثرين من العالم العربي، بهدف نشر المعرفة والفائدة من خلال تسليط الضوء على المواضيع المهمة و الأقل نقاشاً في الوطن العربي، نسعى لفتح آفاق جديدة تسهم في إثراء الفكر العربي.
Mohannad Majeed is the host and creator of the podcast "Sheno Al Qussa?, which is an engaging platform that features elite specialists, experts, artists, and influencers from the Arab world. Our mission is to spread knowledge and benefit by shedding light on significant and underrepresented topics in the Arab world. We strive to open new horizons that contribute to enriching Arab thought.
للتواصل معنا من خلال الايميل:
حساب بودكاست شنو القصة؟ على الانستغرام
/ shenoalqussa
للتواصل مع مهند مجيد:
Instagram: / mohannedmaj. .
TikTok: / mohanned.majeed
Snapchat: @mohannedmajeed -
الحياة دروس و عبر، ليس عيبا أن نفشل في بعضها لأننا نتعلم منها كل يوم. Support this podcast:
Please note that this show is currently on hiatus. In the meantime, we hope you that you will enjoy the past episodes.
This show features the clear-thinking and articulate philosopher, Dr. David Schenk. After teaching philosophy at college for over twenty years, Dr. Schenk now offers his gentle but hard-hitting analysis of the classical tradition of education and philosophy as it engages contemporary culture and thought. -
c’est l’histoire d’un mec de 21 ans qui fait des vlogs et qui se lance du jour au lendemain dans la création d’un podcast alors qu’il en a écouté 3 dans sa vie. c’est l’histoire d’un mec de 21 ans qui parle de ses expériences, ses peurs, ses interrogations, ses petites victoires… c’est l’histoire d’un mec qui parle de sa vie finalement… vous parler de ma vie… vous dire un peu d’où je viens… je suis une femmmme de couleurs ok j’arrête wesh
ps: je n’ai jamais fait les scouts malgré ce que mon sweat en dit, ni de guitare d’ailleurs.
on se retrouve sur mes réseaux @cocowww_ :)
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
In a society where the demands of professional life often clash with the responsibilities of motherhood, Empowering the Working Mom (EWM) Podcast emerges as a beacon of hope and support. Rooted in faith and driven by a passion for uplifting narratives, EWM Podcast represents a bold commitment to serving working mothers with integrity, compassion, and authenticity. Through candid conversations with leaders and fellow working moms, we aim to cultivate a supportive network that encourages working moms to pursue their dreams with unwavering confidence and grace. Support this podcast:
Exploring Horror & Hedonistic pursuits of the inner psyche of mankind. The Violence and the sex. The Libido and Thanos. The ego and the ID versus the super ego. Journeys through chaos and the asinine and egregious...All is explored explicitly. Support this podcast:
—خواطر منً الروح✍️ —
اشارك معكمً كل مايخطر في بالي ، كلام و احاسيس من وحي اللحضه لعلني ارتاح و لعل خواطري تحدثك ما تنتتضر….
حلقه كل يوم سبت و خميس الساعه الثامنه بتوقيت غرينتش
الساعه التاسعه بتوقيت تونس 🌹
مرحبا بكم 🌹
—-Amani chebbi—-
⬇️⬇️Follow Me⬇️⬇️
كل الراوبط للتواصل معي هنا👇 -
Gaming, pop culture, relationships, horror stories, questionable recommendations and a whole lot of queer people! Whether it's Reddit AITA, weird confessions sent in by you, stories about our lives, or even movies and music reviews, we've got something for everyone and we'd love for you to come on this chaotic ride with us!
Welcome to This Week with Bea (hosted by Beatrice Elizabeth, aka BeaPlays and her Friends!), where we literally talk about anything and everything, all while being our extremely strange and quirky selves! -
THE SILVIE CELIZ TRUTH podcast featuring Silvie Celiz, is your weekly Love and Relationships truth serum show that brings you higher knowledge, disruptive perspectives, and insights to elevate your consciousness and optimize all your relationships starting with the one with your authentic self.
Silvie Celiz is the Creator of MOVEbit Alchemy, a source player,
love expert, relationship mentor, and intuitive development and manifestation educator,
with her favorite roles of all time being: unschooling mom to her seven year old son and a SourceMate to her partner in all husband, with whom she has been for almost 20 years, masterminding, growing and dream-building life
together as a source team in the sacred union and conscious marriage.
In each episode Silvie shares what she has learned and experienced, in 40 years of developing and using her intuitive system and psychic abilities to optimize her self, her relationships and her life. Usually a solo show and she will also feature some of her favorite people to dive deep into some of her favorite topics that have transformed and awakened her entire being like intuition, love, consciousness, self-mastery, inner alchemy, spiritual growth, relationship mechanics, conscious marriage, self-healing, the supernatural and manifestation to name a few.
Subscribe to Silvie's FREE newsletter to be the first in the know on upcoming programs to transform, optimize and elevate yourself, your life and all of your relationships @ -
Reef explores the many topics, questions, ideas and conversations that come with the human experience. Led with vulnerability, curiosity and critical thinking, Reef aims to create a safe space for free thought and open discussion around the thing that connect us all -- life. Episodes 2x week: Thursday & Sundays