
  • Democrats in Congress, the media, and all over the country are still reeling from the horrific debate performance given by President Biden Thursday evening. Headlines on Friday were filled with questions about his future and whether the Party could even replace him on the ballot at this point. Donald Trump lied his way through the debate, but Biden's glassy-eyed, open jawed stares are what voters will likely remember the most.

    Also, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell had a meltdown this week when his latest attempt to punish those who don't believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump failed. Lindell had been pushing for a recall of Wisconsin's Republican assembly speaker Robin Vos, but the effort went down in flames. So Lindell ran crying to Steve Bannon, claiming that this was somehow "illegal" and he promised that he's not done trying to punish the man who wouldn't throw out the state's results.

    And a skeptical Judge Aileen Cannon recently told special prosecutor Jack Smith that he would have to prove that Donald Trump's statements directly led to threats against witnesses in the past, and Smith delivered that and more. In a massive filing this week, Smith turned over all sorts of information, including social media posts from Trump, that perfectly laid out how vile he is and how his comments lead to threats against anyone that opposes him.

    Finally, during Thursday night's debate, Donald Trump claimed that he never "had sex with a porn star," directly contradicting Stormy Daniels' account of the affair that the two engaged in many years ago. This is similar to his denial in the E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit, which could mean that Daniels may have enough fodder to go after Trump in court for lying about their relationship. Several other witnesses have confirmed Daniels' account, which means there's no shortage of evidence that Trump is lying about her claims.

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  • A group of drag performers went to Congress this week to lobby lawmakers to include protections for the LGBTQ community in federal civil rights legislation. This didn't sit well with Marjorie Taylor Greene, and she got on social media to cry about the "scary" drag performers who she continues to accuse of manipulating children, although that doesn't happen. Greene is just showing off her ignorance and bigotry.

    Also, Republicans in the House of Representatives have launched a plan to prevent Steve Bannon from going to prison this coming Monday. They are a little behind the mark on this one, as Bannon will be reporting to jail in a few days. But their plan actually involves rewriting history by doing away with the legal filing the Democratic-controlled Congress used to justify not putting all of Kevin McCarthy's Republican picks on the January 6th Commission.

    And during her primary victory party on Tuesday evening, Lauren Boebert took a moment to remind her supporters in the room with her that she doesn't even know who her father is. This was a very weird thing to say to the group, and it wasn't part of any conversation that was currently taking place. Boebert simply offered up that one-liner in an attempt to gain even more sympathy from the disgusting voters who looked past her atrocious behavior and pathetic Congressional record.

    Finally, a recent story by ProPublica revealed that Donald Trump, through his company and his campaign, paid huge sums of money and granted enormous favors to individuals that have been called to either testify against him in court or that have been subpoenaed for information relating to his criminal trials. ProPublica never said that these payments were bribes or even accused Trump of breaking the law, but the former President is threatening to sue the publication anyway. This is what will happen if Trump gets back into office.

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  • Donald Trump woke up on the wrong side of the bed on Wednesday morning, and he immediately got on Truth Social to let the world know how angry he is at life. In his post, Trump falsely claimed that President Biden is the "walking lying machine," and said that the lack of fact checkers at the debate would benefit him. This is all projection, as Trump is the one who can't stop himself from lying about everything all the time.

    Also, Judge Juan Merchan has agreed to roll back the gag order that he had put on Donald Trump during the hush money, freeing up Trump to attack both the witnesses in the case, as well as the jurors. But this comes with a catch for Trump - depending on the nature of his attacks, should he level them, he could open himself up for massive defamation lawsuits from anyone in his crosshairs. This might be even more dangerous for Trump than having the order in place.

    And, Kari Lake has been smacked down by yet another court after she tried to revive a lawsuit against Maricopa County that had already been shot down by multiple courts in the past two years. This lawsuit was attempting to get the vote tabulators removed from Maricopa County because Lake's legal team claimed they were "hackable," but they were never able to provide evidence to back up that claim. The Appeals Court where Lake tried to revive the suit issued a two sentence ruling telling her that it wasn't going to happen.

    Finally, Donald Trump's cognitive impairment has gotten so bad that he apparently can't even remember what he did minutes ago. During his recent trip to Philadelphia, Trump stopped for a Philly cheesesteak at a restaurant called "Tony and Nick's Steaks." But when asked by reporters a short time later if he had gotten a cheesesteak in the city yet, Trump said that he did not. This may not seem like a big deal, but the former President literally forgot that he had already eaten a cheesesteak just moments before speaking to reporters, and that's a serious problem.

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  • Donald Trump is so nervous about his debate with President Biden on Thursday that he is now demanding that the President take a drug test before the debate. Trump says that he'll gladly take one, too, but no drug tests are going to happen. Instead, Trump is setting up an excuse for a potentially poor performance at the debate so that he won't have to admit defeat if Biden over-performs on Thursday.

    Also, election workers in Georgia are facing an unprecedented number of threats from Trump supporters, but the local sheriff says that these threats of death and violence aren't actually crimes. Threatening speech is actually not protected by the First Amendment, which means that these threats are actually criminal acts, but right wing cops don't want to have to prosecute their fellow Trump supporters.

    And in a campaign email to his supporters this week, Donald Trump claimed that he was "tortured" in a Georgia prison. The only problem with this claim is that it is completely untrue, as Trump only spent enough time in Fulton County jail to get a mugshot and have his fingerprints taken - a process that he said was pleasant at the time. He even said at the time that some of the jail workers were crying as they processed him.

    Finally, more incriminating evidence against Donald Trump has emerged in the documents case, and this time it came from his own lawyer. Evan Corcoran, who worked with Trump to provide documents and information to the government before the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, kept detailed notes of his meetings with Trump. It has now been revealed that those notes include mentions of Trump being afraid to turn over the documents because he thought he would be criminally charged if he did. This is called "consciousness of guilt," and usually guarantees a conviction.

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  • Donald Trump is still trying to scare Americans into thinking that immigrants are going to harm them, but in two speeches over the weekend, Trump came up with a new plan to handle immigration. He said that proposed the idea of a "Migrant Fight League" to rival the Ultimate Fighting League, and the winner of each league would fight each other at the end of the year. This is the kind of statement that would have gotten someone blacklisted from politics just a few years ago.

    Also, according to a new report from Axios, Melania Trump isn't too keen on returning to Washington, D.C., and it is highly likely that she'll sit out a second term for her husband. Melania was relatively quiet for the most part during the first administration, minus a few public blunders, and she has been nonexistent on the campaign trail with her husband. Could she actually pass on the duties of the First Lady to someone else?

    And while those closest to Donald Trump keep telling him that his criminal convictions are helping him, Republicans in the real world are freaking out because they aren't trapped in that alternative reality bubble. Polls show that Trump is getting crushed since the conviction, and Republicans in DC are starting to panic as they watch Trump's prospects dwindle, along with the potential damage that he'll do to down-ballot races.

    Finally, Brian Glenn, the boyfriend of Marjorie Taylor Greene, made the disastrous decision to talk to reporter Adam Mockler from Meidas Touch on Sunday, and Glenn became enraged when Mockler asked him about Donald Trump's convictions. Glenn launched into a tirade against the reporter and tried to get the tiny crowd to back him up, but it was to no avail. Glenn eventually became so angry that he stormed away, making a complete fool of himself.

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  • Lauren Boebert's much-anticipated primary is tomorrow, and we could know by the end of the day if her career in Congress is finally over. But before we get to that point, her rivals on both sides of the political aisle are trying to get a few more shots in. One of her Democratic rivals posted a video of himself sitting in the same exact seat at the theater where she was removed during a performance of Beetlejuice The Musical in an attempt to both humiliate her and get donations.

    Also, Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. did not meet the criteria for participating in this week's presidential debate, and his campaign is not taking the news very well. The campaign released a statement that essentially accuses CNN of breaking the law by excluding him, and they went as far as to suggest that a conviction could result in jail time. That's not going to happen because they don't even realize that their whole claim is invalid.

    And Steve Bannon is desperate to stay out of prison, but he keeps striking out with the Appeals Court. A three-judge panel ruled on Thursday that Bannon cannot stay out of jail as he continues with the appeals process, meaning he has no choice but to report for his sentence on July 1st. But it was the opinion of the dissenting judge that should be getting attention, as the Trump-appointed jurist tried to protect Bannon by throwing the entire legal system in the trash.

    Finally, Donald Trump's campaign has spent years telling us that President Biden is so cognitively impaired that he can barely function, and now they are starting to regret those comments. With the first debate just days away, Trump's campaign is now freaking out that they may have set the bar too low for Biden and that any performance from Biden that doesn't portray him as demented will be a huge victory for the Democrats.

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  • MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has now lost all of the lawyers that were representing him in his "Prove Mike Wrong" challenge, where a court ordered him to pay $5 million to a man who accepted his challenge and proved that his data from the 2020 election doesn't show any malfeasance. Lindell is struggling to maintain legal representation as he faces serious defamation lawsuits that threaten his entire pillow empire.

    Also, Fox News host Gillian Turner was left nearly speechless this week when she saw the results of a new Fox poll showing that President Biden has gotten a significant boost with Independent voters and is now beating Trump with that group. She couldn't fathom why this would be happening, and both her and her guest said that they can't make any sense of it. This is what happens when you live in that Fox News bubble.

    And disgraced former Republican Congressman George Santos has come up with a new way to get the attention that he so desperately craves by announcing that he was joining the adult content website OnlyFans. Santos insists that his page will not have "adult content," which begs the question as to why he chose that platform instead of any other pay-for-content sites. The answer is because he needs attention to survive.

    Finally, Donald Trump may have set a new record for the number of lies that he has told in a single speech. During a rally in Racine, Wisconsin this week, CNN fact checker Daniel Dale was able to identify at least 30 lies in the 90-minute speech, giving Trump a one lie every 3 minutes record. The problem isn't just THAT he lies, it is that he lies about everything, including things that don't even matter to anyone but him. But this is his coping mechanism to protect his fragile ego.

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  • Marjorie Taylor Greene, along with a few other extremists in Congress, is working on a bonkers plan to prevent Steve Bannon from going to prison next month. Greene is co-sponsoring legislation that would rescind Bannon's subpoena from Congress, which would then cause his conviction to be invalidated because he can't defy a subpoena that doesn't exist - or at least, that's what she thinks. The truth is that this plan couldn't work even if it had the full support of the House.

    Also, wannabe dictator Donald Trump made a proclamation this week saying that any business leader who doesn't support him in this year's election should be fired. This is more frightening than his desire to prosecute his enemies, as it opens the doors for businesses to do away with employees who don't blindly follow Trump (or the political ideology of those in charge.) It won't stop here, either.

    And Donald Trump held a rally in Wisconsin this week, and his supporters that attended the rambling speech seemed to love the idea of voting for a convicted felon. Reporters at the Right Side Broadcast Network reported seeing tons of t-shirts that said "I'm Voting For A Felon", and they proceeded to talk about how much the convictions are helping Trump. His supporters were never going to abandon him, but polls show that everyone else is, so those convictions aren't doing what conservatives think.

    Finally, during a speech this week, Donald Trump proclaimed that President Biden will be "pumped up" full of drugs so that he can perform better during their upcoming debate. This is the same claim that Trump and others have made about Biden's State of the Union performance, even though there is no evidence to suggest this has happened. But shortly after Trump made these comments, Sean Hannity echoed them on Fox News during an interview with Lara Trump. They are trying to prep the base for Trump losing the debate.

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  • Matt Gaetz says that the House Ethics Committee has opened up even more investigations into him, and he is not happy. Gaetz took to social media to rail against the fact that he's still under investigation, and claimed that he will soon be "exonerated" from this attack that he still maintains is being orchestrated by Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz might be a little too optimistic about his chances.

    Also, according to new reports, Donald Trump has been voicing concerns to those around him about what kind of prison he could be sent to following his upcoming sentencing. While the chances of Trump actually spending time behind bars are slim, they still exist, and that reality is apparently setting in for the former president behind the scenes. The RNC apparently thinks this is a real possibility, too, and they are preparing for a convention with an incarcerated nominee.

    And investors in the Trump Media company, which owns Truth Social, were repeatedly warned about the risks of investing in the company, yet they moved forward anyway. But they weren't just being warned by smarter investors - the company itself told them that there was a substantial risk that the stock would tank due to Trump's multiple criminal trials. The investors ignored these warnings and many have now lost fortunes, according to reports.

    Finally, Donald Trump's campaign sent out a fundraising text message on Monday where donors were invited to enter for a chance to not only meet the convicted felon, but also to watch the "bloodbath" unfold at a Trump watch Party. It wasn't immediately clear if this is referring to the upcoming debate or the night of the election, but Trump's language throughout the text certainly raised eyebrows due to the violent nature of his words.

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  • Donald Trump managed to steal the headlines during another holiday with his deranged Truth Social post on Father's Day. Trump called out the "degenerate Left" that is, according to him, turning America into a "Third world country," which is similar to his Memorial Day and Easter posts. This man is filled with nothing but hate and rage, and his posts are proof of that. It is also telling that he didn't mention his own children who made him a father.

    Also, during his speech at this past weekend's Turning Point Conference, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell unveiled what he said was "God's plan" to "deputize" Trump supporters on election day. His plan might be the most insane and incomprehensible thing that this man has ever said, as it makes no sense whatsoever. But this is the guy that Republicans apparently look up to these days.

    And Donald Trump paid a visit to Republicans on Capitol Hill last week, and during their meeting he reportedly took a swipe at Marjorie Taylor Greene for trying to oust Republican Speaker Mike Johnson. Once the media got wind of the story, Greene flipped out on social media, claiming that the whole thing was fake news and that the media refused to talk about the good things that Trump said about her. Greene can't stand the fact that she isn't Trump's favorite person.

    Finally, during a recent speech in Detroit, Donald Trump not only bragged about the cognitive test that he allegedly "aced," but also challenged President Biden to take one, as well. The only problem is that Trump then repeatedly flubbed the name of the doctor that performed the test. He continuously referred to Dr. Ronny Jackson as Dr. Ronny JOHNSON during the speech, which is incredibly ironic considering that he's bragging about his memory.

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  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is still in the running to be president, and with Donald Trump's criminal conviction, he could end up stealing away even more Republican votes. The question is whether or not Kennedy could win a single state - and if he does, would that prevent either President Biden or Donald Trump from getting to 270 electoral votes?

    Also, Marjorie Taylor Greene has proven to be the gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats. With her nonstop stream of insanity, she has given the Democratic Party the perfect foil to highlight the Republican Party's extremism. Additionally, Democrats could learn a thing or two from the politicians that have had so much success in going after Greene.

    And multiple Republican members of the House and Senate have made it clear that they are prepared to reject the results of this year's elections if things don't go their way. This feeling is shared with the voters of the MAGA movement who will never believe that Trump can't win an election, no matter what. And with Trump's conviction hurting his chances of winning, it only feeds into the lie that Democrats are stealing the election.

    Finally, supporters of convicted felon Donald Trump have been posting threats of violence ever since the jury verdict came in. But the real threat could emerge after Trump is sentenced on July 11. If his supporters decided to make good on any of their threats, it would not only be a disaster for the country, but it would be a political disaster for the entire Republican Party.

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  • Like it or not, Donald Trump is going away any time soon. In fact, as long as he has a pulse and a voice we're going to continue hearing from him and about him. But that doesn't necessarily mean that we have to pay attention, and the media needs to do a better job of tuning out that lunatic once he's no longer running for office.

    Also, Donald Trump is so enraged by his criminal conviction and his upcoming sentencing date that he could end up skipping his debate with President Biden. He even has a pretty good excuse for bowing out of the debates that he demanded, if he's smart enough to use that excuse. But showing up to the debate could hand Biden some easy ammunition against the convicted felon.

    And the RNC passed a rule several years ago that prevents them from being able to accept votes for a candidate who didn't receive a majority of votes in a particular state. This means that Donald Trump is stuck being their nominee. They could easily change the rule, obviously, but that's why Trump wanted to get his hand-picked cronies in charge of the Party so the rule stayed in place.

    Finally, the average age for members of Congress is 58, while the average age of US Senators is 64. On top of that, the top 3 people running for President this year are all over the age of 70. We definitely have an aging ruling class that is out of touch with the rest of the country, so is it time to enact age limits for members of Congress?

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  • It is possible that the bulk of the MAGA movement disappears after convicted felon Donald Trump is no longer in the picture, but parts of it are likely here to stay. The reason for this is because the movement is fueled by hatred and anger, and those feelings have been around since the dawn of time, and plenty of other Republican politicians are capitalizing on those feelings today.

    Also, the Republican Party has no plans available for what they will do if they win this year's elections. The same was true for the last election...and the one before it...and so on and so on. In fact, Republicans have had no new ideas for decades, and instead rely on the use of buzzwords and key phrases to con voters into supporting them.

    And ever since his criminal conviction, Donald Trump's campaign has seemingly been frozen in fear of what will come next. The Republican nominee isn't shying away from interviews, but he's mostly been holed up in his golf resort. At the same time, his poll numbers are continuing to get worse, suggesting that his campaign could slowly be falling apart.

    Finally, Donald Trump loves to repeat the same phrases over and over again, and he's been that way for many years - though not always. Many mental health professionals believe that his constant repetition of words and phrases could be a sign of serious cognitive decline. But the answer may be even simpler than that.

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  • In a normal world, Republican politicians would be disgusted by the fact that they are going to have a convicted felon at the top of their ticket. But in Republican world, they are embracing Donald Trump even harder after his 34 felony convictions. They believe that this loyalty will be rewarded in the future.

    Also, the Constitution has minimal requirements for someone to be able to run for President, and many Americans are shocked that being a convicted felon doesn't make someone ineligible to run. The only way to fix that is to amend the Constitution, and that is easier said than done. Farron explains what it would take to change the rules.

    And Donald Trump is anxiously awaiting his sentencing on July 11th, but he should also be concerned about the fact that he still has 3 pending criminal trials. While most of those trials won't happen before the election, there is still a very good chance that he'll end up with multiple criminal sentences before it is all over.

    Finally, based on the polling data that has come out since his criminal convictions, Donald Trump's political career could finally be coming to an end. There is little chance that a loss in this year's election would lead to Trump running again in 2028, but that doesn't mean that he's going to slink away quietly for the rest of his days.

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  • According to Republican pollster Frank Luntz, he's hearing some bad news for Donald Trump while talking to Independent voters. These voters are telling Luntz that under no circumstances will they vote for someone that is a convicted felon. Many of these sentiments have been echoed in recent polling data, but hearing the quote from the voters themselves takes it to a whole new level.

    Also, the latest polls show that Donald Trump is not doing a good job with his "political persecution" talking points. A new poll has found that a plurality of Americans want to see Trump go to jail after being convicted, a shocking number that shows how unpopular he is becoming. Plenty of Americans still believe that he should serve some other kind of sentence, but the general consensus is that he needs to be punished.

    And Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is sucking away enough support from Donald Trump in key swing states that President Biden is now pulling ahead. This is likely going to continue as the public comes to terms with Trump's criminal convictions, and moderate Republicans move away from him. They likely won't end up in the Democratic Party, so supporting the Independent who sounds like a Republican will be their next best option.

    Finally, supporters of convicted felon Donald Trump are begging him to throw Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in prison if he wins back The White House. And it isn't just the members of the MAGA base - even people like convicted criminal Steve Bannon are making the suggestion to Donald Trump. Trump has made it clear that he'll seek retribution if he gets back in office, and Bragg is definitely one of his top targets.

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  • Donald Trump's lead criminal defense attorney, Todd Blanche, gave an interview this week where he may have said more than he should have. The lawyer described the disgusting fast food hillbilly buffet that Trump had every day during his trial, which consisted of McDonald's, pizzas, and Hostess snack cakes. Blanche claims he actually lost weight by avoiding the food, but Trump pigged out on a daily basis.

    Also, Republican Representative Victoria Spartz is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over reports that she is abusive to her staff. Reports suggest that Spartz has used slurs like the R-word to her staff, while dropping "about a million" f-bombs at them. But it goes beyond the verbal abuse - some staffers claim that she's actually violating the law by asking official staffers for campaign advice.

    And a new poll has found that Republican voters' attitudes towards having a convicted felon running for president have suddenly changed. In April, only 17% of Republicans said that they were ok with it, but a new poll found that 58% of Republicans now say they are fine with having a felon on the ticket. That number is actually still pretty low, and it doesn't change the other polls that show Trump hemorrhaging support since his conviction.

    Finally, Judge Aileen Cannon has scheduled a hearing for later this month where she's going to allow the unprecedented step of having some of Donald Trump's friends and allies come in and make arguments about why Jack Smith shouldn't be allowed to prosecute Trump. This is nothing short of insanity, as these people are not connected to the case in any way and should not even be given the courtesy of a response from the court - let alone the chance to speak against the prosecutor. Cannon needs to be impeached and removed from the bench due to her behavior.

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  • Marjorie Taylor Greene put her mental issues on display for the entire world this week as she went off crazier than usual about everything you could imagine. The Georgia lawmaker said that she wants an "exorcism" of the Republican Party to get "the demons out," and then she encouraged Republicans to abuse their power in order to protect Trump. That doesn't even include her insane attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci or her love letter to Donald Trump.

    Also, former Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro, along with two other Trump allies, were hit with indictments in the state of Wisconsin this week for their role in the fake elector scheme in the state. Specifically, the three men were each charged with one felony count of forgery. These indictments are a bit of a surprise considering the fact that Chesebro had been cooperating with the investigators for quite some time - much like in Arizona.

    And Fox News host Jesse Watters thinks there could be a sexy silver lining in sending Donald Trump to prison. The host believes that Trump is going to come out of the slammer with a totally ripped "prison body," and then the liberals will all be sorry about putting him in jail. It isn't clear if Watters was just excited about seeing Trump with actual muscles, or if he thinks Trump is going to start beating each of us up, but either way it was beyond creepy.

    Finally, Donald Trump got even more bad news from polls this week, with the latest showing that one-third of Republicans believe that he is the wrong candidate for the Party this year. This is an absolutely devastating blow because these are his people, and now they appear to be turning against him in far larger numbers than previously thought. If Trump can't get 100% of his Republican base to support him, then he has no shot at winning in November.

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  • Marjorie Taylor Greene is pushing an amendment to an appropriations bill in the House that would "defund" the entire state of New York. Not to be outdone, Jim Jordan is trying to one-up Greene by attaching an amendment that would defund the FBI, the DOJ, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, and Alvin Bragg. These Republicans have done nothing but run interference for Donald Trump since they retook the House in 2022, and their latest efforts to sabotage a must-pass bill are just further proof of that.

    Also, Republican Congressman John Rose gave the most memorial speech in recent history on the House floor on Monday. But the speech won't be remembered for what he said - it will be remembered because his 6-year old son was behind him the whole time making funny faces for the cameras. This is probably the best thing that could happen to Rose, as it drew attention away from the idiotic things he was saying in the speech.

    And the Court of Appeals for the state of Georgia has just given Donald Trump the biggest gift imaginable. The court has agreed to hear Trump's appeal to a lower court's decision to NOT remove Fani Willis from the case, but they set the hearing for October of this year - four months down the road. This means that there is no way that Willis can possibly get to trial before the election. But that's not the only problem. Willis is also up for reelection, so delaying the trial until after HER election could mean that the case gets tossed altogether.

    Finally, Donald Trump's interview with Fox & Friends that aired over the weekend was apparently heavily edited, based on some very sloppy cuts and weird audio transitions that occurred during the segment. This didn't go unnoticed by video editors on the internet, and they were quick to point out that things like this aren't normal. It is possible that Trump went so completely off the rails that Fox had to edit the interview to make him sound less crazy.

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  • Multiple polls have been conducted since the guilty verdict came back against Donald Trump on Thursday, and every one of these new polls offers some really bad news for Trump. Not only do the polls show that most people believe the trial was fair and the verdict was correct, but they also show that a significant number of people (Republicans and Independents) are now much less likely to vote for him in November.

    Also, Lauren Boebert had another primary debate a few days ago, and things went off the rails very quickly when she was asked about the Beetlejuice theater incident. Boebert stuttered and stammered her way through her response, and things proceeded to get worse when another candidate called her out for continuing to lie about what happened that evening - even though it is all on tape and we can literally see that she's lying to us.

    And Donald Trump's lawyer / spokesperson Alina Habba said during an interview with the BBC over the weekend that he would continue to run for president from prison this year, if that is what he has to do after his felony convictions. But that's exactly the problem that Habba doesn't understand - the optics of having a man sitting in a jail cell running for president are going to be a complete disaster for the Republican Party, and yet they still remain defiant of reality itself.

    Finally, Donald Trump doesn't just need to be worrying about his freedom following his felony convictions - he needs to be worried about his finances. Following the verdict last week, shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, which owns Truth Social, began to plummet, wiping hundreds of millions of dollars of Trump's net worth from existence. While the stock has seen falls like this before, this one could be more permanent as the fate of the company is tied directly to the fate of the felon that started it.

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  • The Trump Media and Technology Group released their first quarter numbers for this year, and they are nothing short of jaw-dropping. The company posted a revenue of just $770,000 while posting losses of more than $327 MILLION in the first three months of this year. The stock for the company - which had recently seen a surprise spike - is about to bottom out like we've never seen before with this new information.

    Also, Trump lawyer and spokesperson Alina Habba is supposed to be doing damage control in the media, but all she's really doing is proving to the world that she doesn't know how trials work. In an interview with Fox News this week, Habba falsely claimed that Donald Trump was forbidden from talking about other witnesses in the case if he takes the stand to testify, but that's about as far away from the truth as possible. Trump can't say things in public, but he is more than able to say them on the stand if he's man enough to testify.

    And last Friday, Rudy Giuliani was finally served with his Arizona indictment while celebrating his 80th birthday. That part of the story has already been widely reported, but new information makes the whole thing even funnier. According to reports, Giuliani was actually bragging to his party guests about how he had avoided being served with the indictment - just moments before he was served. On top of that, Arizona officials said that they were able to track him down based on the location of his daily live streams.

    Finally, Donald Trump shared a video to his Truth Social account this week that sent shivers down the spines of normal Americans. The video, which was produced to look like vintage World War II newspaper clippings, featured the phrase "unified Reich" following a fictitious Trump victory in the election. This is Nazi language, there's no doubt about it. But Trump's campaign insists that they didn't make the video, they just shared it, but that doesn't make the situation any better.

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