Join infection preventionists as they have conversations with authors of the latest research in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) about how to advance the science and practice of infection prevention and control. While learning how to put the latest science into practice, maybe you will be inspired to take the next steps to develop your own research projects.
الدكتور رشيد الرشيد والدكتور حاتم أبوزيد طبيبي طب عائلة يناقشان جميع المواضيع الطبية بشكل سهل ومبسط، مع جرعة عالية من المواضيع الغير طبية التي تهمهم في جميع النواحي الحياتية
بودكاست لكل من يتمنى أن يحصل على زبدة المعلومات الصحية من غير كوليسترول
شاركونا آراءكم واقتراحاتكم على ايميل :
[email protected] -
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Multiple Sclerosis, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape (https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/977030). The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
Every month we take you behind one of the most feared medical diagnoses; Cancer. Oncologist Dr. Vaughn brings in patients, caregivers, colleagues, and subject matter experts who turn down the fear and turn up the understanding. We are redefining conversations about cancer through the lens of an independent community oncology practice, Hematology Oncology Associates of Fredericksburg. Learn more about our approach at www.hoafredericksburg.com
Join Dr Lin Chang for Medscape InDiscussion: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape (https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/987258). The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
مجموعة من الكتب الصوتية الكاملة وأشهر المؤلفات للدكتور مصطفى محمود
مصطفى محمود (27 ديسمبر 1921 - 31 أكتوبر 2009)، فيلسوف وطبيب وكاتب مصري. هو مصطفى كمال محمود حسين آل محفوظ، من الأشراف وينتهي نسبه إلى علي زين العابدين. توفي والده عام 1939 بعد سنوات من الشلل، درس الطب وتخرج عام 1953 وتخصَّص في الأمراض الصدرية، ولكنه تفرغ للكتابة والبحث عام 1960. تزوج عام 1961 وانتهى الزواج بالطلاق عام 1973. رزق بولدين هما "أمل" و"أدهم". تزوج ثانية عام 1983 من السيدة زينب حمدى وانتهى هذا الزواج أيضا بالطلاق عام 1987.
ألف 89 كتاباً منها الكتب العلمية والدينية والفلسفية والاجتماعية والسياسية إضافة إلى الحكايات والمسرحيات وقصص الرحلات، ويتميز أسلوبه بالجاذبية مع العمق والبساطة. -
عشان نعيش بشكل أفضل، نحتاج نفهم بشكل أفضل. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sameralnemary/support
If you’re a woman in medicine, by definition you are a badass. But juggling work and life responsibilities can be challenging. Join Psychologist and Success Coach, Dr. Sharon Grossman, each week as she shares practical tips to address the real-life struggles you are facing so that you can be unstoppable.
This Workshop aims at providing an opportunity for young scientists, especially from least developed countries in endemic areas, for advanced training on the related topics by leading scientists in the field, as well as to establish collaborations with fellow researchers. Topics: Overview of Leishmaniasis and its epidemiology,
Computer based analysis of the Leishmania Genome, The Sandfly vector and transmission, Virulence factors involved in infection.
Recent advances in therapy and vaccine development -
National Geographic en Español podcast. Aftersight is a media organization that serves individuals with barriers to print. This podcast is produced by AINC under the Chafee Amendment to the Copyright Act which states that authorized nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is to provide copyrighted works in specialized formats to individuals with barriers to print are exempt. By continuing to listen, you verify you have an eligible print-reading impairment. AINC es uno de los más importantes recursos que tienen las personas ciegas, con impedimentos visuales, o quienes no pueden leer materiales impresos. Esta grabación está destinada a ser utilizada únicamente por personas con impedimentos para leer medios impresos.
The Beyond the Pearls podcast, based on the Morning Report series from Elsevier, has been adapted for audio in collaboration with series editor, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, InsideTheBoards, and the volume editors of the Morning Report series’ five volumes covering Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery.
Like the books in the series, the podcast uses an in-depth case dissection format and aims to deliver practical, concise and easy to digest information that is especially relevant for those studying for the USMLE Step 3, but students or others revising other USMLE or COMLEX exams will also find value.
Most episodes present a high-yield topic in a morning report or grand rounds format, and include must-know "pearls," an in-depth discussion of differentials and treatment, and assessment questions that support exam preparation. The Beyond the Pearls podcast also offers bonus episodes based on some of Dr. Raj’s most popular, highly-rated lectures.
Visit beyondthepearls.net to become part of the BTP community and get the Beyond the Pearls books and more ultra high yield, entertaining educational content from Dr. Raj. -
Welcome to UCL Brain Stories, the monthly podcast series from the UCL Neuroscience Domain presented by Caswell Barry (UCL Division of Biosciences), Steve Fleming (UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences) and Selina Wray (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology). UCL Brain Stories aims to showcase the best of UCL Neuroscience, highlighting the wide range of cutting-edge research going on within the Neuroscience Domain as well as bringing you the people behind the research to share their journey of how they ended up here. Each month we’ll be joined by a leading neuroscientist to offer their perspective on the big questions and challenges in Neuroscience research, to find out what stimulated their fascination with the brain and hear how they ended up becoming part of the UCL Neuroscience community.
For more information and to access the transcript: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/research/domains/neuroscience/brain-stories-podcast