Dyma ddiwrnod olaf y cynllun rhedeg, ac unwaith eto fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella amser i chi gwblhau'r her 5K. Barod?
Today is the last day of the sofa to 5K plan, and once again you'll try and improve your time. Ready? -
Unwaith eto heddiw, fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella eich amser o redeg y 5K. Yr her fydd i geisio rhedeg yr holl ffordd - ydych chi'n barod?
Again, you'll try and improve your time of running the 5K today. The challenge will be to try and run the whole distance - are you ready? -
¿Faltan episodios?
Ar ôl llwyddo i redeg 5K, yr her nawr yw gwella eich amser o gwblhau'r pellter. Beth am geisio rhedeg yr holl ffordd?
After running the 5K, the challenge now is to improve your time. How about trying to run the whole distance? -
Mae'r diwrnod mawr wedi cyrraedd! Ceisiwch redeg am 20 munud, cerdded am 1 munud a rhedeg heb stopio nes eich bod chi wedi cwblhau pellter o 5K.
The big day has arrived! Try to run for 20 minutes, walk for 1 minute and run without stopping until you've completed the 5K. -
Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded am 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto. Mi fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd cyn gorffen. Ydych chi'n barod?
Today, you'll run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once more. To finish, you'll run for an extra 5 minutes. Are you ready? -
Gyda'r sialens 5K dydd Sadwrn yma, eich her ar gyfer heddiw fydd i redeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto.
With the 5K run this Saturday, your challenge for today is to run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once again. -
Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau. Cyfanswm o hanner awr.
Run for 8 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and do this 3 times. -
Rhedeg am 12 munud, cerdded am 2 munud . Gwneud hyn 2 waith a wedyn gorffen gyda redeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd.
Run for 12 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. Do this twice and then run for 5 more minutes at the end. -
Rhedeg 9 munud, cerdded am 1 munud a gwneud hyn 3 gwaith.
Run for 9 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat this 3 times. -
Dim ond pythefnos i fynd nes eich her 5K. Felly heddiw, bydd Rae yn eich gwthio i redeg am 8 munud a cherdded am 2 munud x 3 gwaith.
Just two weeks to go until the 5K run. Today, Rae will be pushing you to run for 8 minutes and walk for 2 minutes. Do this 3 times. -
Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 8 munud, cerdded am ddau funud, ac ail adrodd hyn dair gwaith.
It's back to running 8 minutes today, then walk for two minutes and repeating this three times. -
Rhywbeth newydd heddiw wrth i’r patrwm rhedeg newid. Mae Rae yn eich gwthio chi i redeg am ddeng munud, cerdded am ddau funud, gwneud hynny dwywaith, ac yna rhedeg am bum munud heb stopio. Ydych chi'n barod am yr her?
Something new today, with a change in the running pattern. Rae encourages you to run for 10 minutes, walk for two minutes, repeat and then run for 5 minutes without stopping. Are you ready? -
Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau
Run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3 -
Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau
Run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3 -
Rhedeg am 7 munud, cerdded 2 munud x 3 o weithiau
Run for 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3 -
Bydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos. Felly byddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ac yn cerdded am 3 munud x 3 gwaith.
In this episode, Rae will be pushing you further in your last cardio session of the week. You'll run for 5 minutes and walk for 3 minutes x 3 times. -
Mae hi'n tynnu at derfyn yr ail wythnos, felly mi fydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos!
Byddwch yn rhedeg am 3 munud ac yn cerdded am 3 munud x 4 gwaith.
As week two draws to an end, Rae wants you to push harder before the weekend!
You'll be running for 3 minutes and walking for 3 minutes x 4 times. -
Dyma'r ail wythnos o ymarferion cardio felly mi fydd pethau fymryn yn anoddach yr wythnos hon!
Byddwch yn rhedeg am 2 funud, cerdded am 4 munud x 5 o weithiau
With the first week of FFIT Cymru completed, it's time to take it up a notch on cardio day!
You'll be running for 2 minutes and walking for 4 minutes x 5 times -
Diwrnod 4
Rhedeg 2 funud
Cerdded 4 munud
x5 o weithiau
Day 4
Run 2 minutes
Walk 4 minutes
5 x times -
Heddiw, byddwch chi'n rhedeg neu jogio am 1 munud, wedyn cerdded am 1 munud x 10 o weithiau .
Today you will begin by jogging or running for a minute, followed by walking for one minute, and you'll repeat this ten times. (This is a Welsh language podcast. ) - Mostrar más