
  • Content Warning: graphic descriptions of STIs, death, some sprinkling of thinking too much about how much of a horror bodies are.

    Koala's are well known for being disease ridden (at least in our circles) so lets talk about it. Chlamydia is highly contagious and deadly in koalas as well as birds, cows, and many other animals. This is a trip down sex education memory lane and details the horrible death that is untreated STIs.

    Rachel's Primary Sources:

    Wang, H., Jensen, J.-K., Olsson, A., Vorimore, F., Aaziz, R., Guy, L., Ellström, P., Laroucau, K., & Herrmann, B. (2020). Chlamydia psittaci in Fulmars on the Faroe Islands: A causative link to South American psittacines eight decades after a severe epidemic. Microbes and Infection, 22(8), 356–359. Phillips, S., Quigley, B. L., Aziz, A., Bergen, W., Booth, R., Pyne, M., & Timms, P. (2019). Antibiotic treatment of chlamydia-induced cystitis in the koala is linked to expression of key inflammatory genes in reactive oxygen pathways. PLOS ONE, 14(8). Van Wettere, A. J. (2020, February). Avian chlamydiosis - avian chlamydiosis. Merck Veterinary Manual.Chen, C.-J., Casteriano, A., Green, A. C., & Govendir, M. (2023). A retrospective study on antibacterial treatments for koalas infected with chlamydia pecorum. Scientific Reports, 13(1). Willson, G., & Cimon, K. Y. (2024, June 3). Bursa - cyst. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

    Secondary Sources:

    Li, Z., Liu, P., Hou, J., Xu, G., Zhang, J., Lei, Y., Lou, Z., Liang, L., Wen, Y., & Zhou, J. (2020). Detection of Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia ibidis in the endangered crested ibis (nipponia nippon). Epidemiology and Infection, 148. Marti, I., Pisano, S. R. R., & Wehrle, M. (2019). Severe conjunctivitis associated with chlamydia felis infection in a free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 55(2), 522. Laroucau, K., Aaziz, R., Lécu, A., Laidebeure, S., et al. (2020). A cluster of Chlamydia Serpentis cases in captive snakes. Veterinary Microbiology, 240, 108499. Laroucau, K., Ortega, N., Vorimore, F., et al. (2020). Detection of a novel chlamydia species in captive spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo Graeca) in southeastern Spain and proposal of Candidatus Chlamydia Testudinis. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 43(2), 126071. Laroucau, K., Vorimore, F., Aaziz, R., Solmonson, L., et al. (2019). Chlamydia buteonis, a new chlamydia species isolated from a red-shouldered hawk. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 42(5), 125997. Santoro M, Iaccarino D, Di Nocera F, Degli Uberti B et al. (2019). Molecular detection of Chlamydia abortus in a stranded Mediterranean striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba. Dis Aquat Org 132:203-208.

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  • Content Warning: graphic descriptions of sex, violent acts

    Turns out lots of animals just wait around till maturity and then turn into horny little guys. The genus Antechinus is no exception as males will mate over and over until exhaustion.

    Allan's Sources:

    Book: “The Secret Lives of Carnivorous Marsupials” by Andrew Baker and Chris Dickman.Kraaijeveld, K. et al. (2006) Does female mortality drive male semelparity in dasyurid marsupials? Proc Biol Sci. 2003 Nov 7; 270(Suppl 2): S251–S253. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2003.0082Holleley CE et al. (2006). Size breeds success: multiple paternity, multivariate selection and male semelparity in a small marsupial, Antechinus stuartii. Mol Ecol. 2006 Oct;15(11):3439-48. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.03001.x. PMID: 16968281.Brandies, P.A. et al. (2020). The first Antechinus reference genome provides a resource for pinvestigating the genetic basis of semelparity and age-related neuropathologies. GigaByte. 2020; 2020: gigabyte7. Published online 2020 Nov 5. doi: 10.46471/gigabyte.7Zangrandi, P.L., Vieira, E.M. (2023). Semelparous Reproductive Strategy in New World Marsupials. In: Cáceres, N.C., Dickman, C.R. (eds) American and Australasian Marsupials. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08419-5_19

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    Thanks for the support! Grassland Groupies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and we couldn't do this without you.

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  • Content Warning: This episode is WEIRDLY explicit for an episode about plants. Contains explicit discussions about sex, sexual acts, and genitalia.

    Nicole's Notable Sources:

    Heiduk, A., Brake, I., Tolasch, T., Frank, J., Jurgens, A., Meve, U., Dotterl, S. 2010. Scent chemistry and pollinator attraction in the deceptive trap flowers of Ceropegia dolichophylla. South African Journal of Botany. Greenhood orchid. YouTube. Shows trap mechanism.

    +++ Contact Us +++Text/Call: 316-512-8933TikTok: @grasslandsruleX: @GrasslandsRuleFacebook: Grassland Groupies

  • Content Warning: descriptions of sexual acts and genitalia, mild body horror

    Rachel's Sources:

    Arikawa, K. 2001. Hindsight of Butterflies: The Papilio butterfly has light sensitivity in the genitalia, which appears to be crucial for reproductive behavior. BioScience.Arikawa, K. 2009. Genital Photoreceptors Have Crucial Role in Oviposition in Japanese Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio xuthus. Zoological Science.

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  • Content Warning: descriptions of sexual acts and genitalia

    Allan's Sources:

    De Waal, Franz. Bonobos: The Forgotten Ape. 1st ed., published 1997.De Waal, Franz. “Bonobo Sex and Society”, Scientific American. June 1, 2006.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bonobo-sex-and-society-2006-06/Annicchiarico, G., Bertini, M., Cordoni, G., & Palagi, E. (2020). Look at me while having sex! Eye-to-eye contact affects homosexual behaviour in bonobo females. Behaviour, 157(10-11), 949-970. https://doi.org/10.1163/1568539X-bja10034Gruber T, Clay Z. A Comparison Between Bonobos and Chimpanzees: A Review and Update. Evol Anthropol. 2016 Sep;25(5):239-252. doi: 10.1002/evan.21501. PMID: 27753219.

    +++ Contact Us +++Text/Call: 316-512-8933TikTok: @grasslandsruleX: @GrasslandsRuleFacebook: Grassland Groupies

  • Filthy Animals is an ecology podcast for adults. Episodes may contain strong language and graphic descriptions of natural phenomena. A more detailed list of content warnings is included in each episode description.

    Science educators will talk about the unusual adult activities of the natural world that we believe you need to know about. Every month, we’ll expose you to the latest research on all the filthy topics your high school science teacher was too embarrassed to talk about.

    This podcast is produced by Grassland Groupies, and the music for this trailer is from Haydn London Trios, Hob. IV:1-3, accessed through MusOpen.

    See you on April 25!