
  • In today's episode I discuss the psychology of change and how to stay inspired throughout the phases. I break down the stages of change, emphasizing the importance of shifting from feeling deprived to feeling empowered. I explain how subconscious programming and brain chemistry can hinder progress and offer insights on how to overcome these challenges. By visualizing a healthier future self and focusing on the benefits of change, listeners can rewire their brains for success. I recommend finding a community of like minded people to change your environment both internally and externally, in order to help you get outside your comfort zone and help you sustain momentum towards positive change.

    If you're looking for a community to support your positive change, The Balance Challenge starts July 3rd-31st. This is a 28 day challenge to reclaim your health by balancing your hormones. Sign up at HERE.

  • This episode features a profound discussion with Taylor Lechner, who specializes in functional nutrition and women's health, specifically transitioning off of birth control. Taylor shares her story of being put on birth control after her period disappeared at 18 from an undiagnosed eating disorder. Upon learning of the terrible side effects 10 years later, she quit cold turkey and suffered terrible side effects. Her work is now informed by this experience and she aims to help other women better prepare for this transition. She explains the concept of a 'fake cycle' induced by hormonal contraceptives and how they disrupt the body's natural hormone production. Taylor advocates for a root cause approach to hormone health and highlights the empowering potential of cycle syncing, promoting a balanced and holistic lifestyle for women seeking to reclaim their well-being.

    Here is where you find Taylor's resources:

    Healthy Hormone Recipe book: https://nourishedbytaylor.myflodesk.com/uj3lyn5402

    Hormone Mineral Testing Bundle: https://my.practicebetter.io/#/65aebef6ff6594058b74f12f/bookings?r=66197954d6417fb1c6295919&step=services

    Application to work 1:1 with me: https://share.hsforms.com/1sLndoanLTdSb1BvUPRMcWAqrznl

    Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/nourishedbytay/

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  • Today my guest Dr. Ami Kunimura, founder of the Self Care Institute and a PhD in mind-body medicine, joins me to discuss the science behind mind-body medicine. Ami shares her expertise in burnout prevention, stress management, and self-care, especially for professionals and organizations. She emphasizes the importance of morning and bedtime self-care practices, such as hydrating, deep breathing, and setting boundaries with technology. Ami highlights the concept of 'pseudo self-care' and the need to differentiate between true self-care and behaviors that manifest from avoidance or perfectionism. The episode also explores the challenges faced by mothers in prioritizing self-care and the role of societal norms in shaping beliefs about self-worth and "enoughness". Listeners gain valuable insights and practical tips for incorporating mind-body practices into their daily lives and nurturing a healthier relationship with themselves.

    Connect with Dr. Ami and her offerings at www.selfcareinstitute.com and join her weekly newsletter "Take a Moment".

    Find Myself Free Resources:

    To kick start your break from alcohol, get my free guide, the Top 10 Tips to Kick Start Your Break.

    If you're ready for more, check out my BRAVE course where I provide all of the lessons that took me from a daily drinker, to 3 years alcohol free and thriving.

    I'm with you, you got this!


  • Summer is the season of endless possibilities and joy, and it's the perfect time to discover a life free from alcohol. By taking a break from drinking during summer, you can truly embrace adventure and experience the pleasures of life without relying on a drink. Summer offers opportunities for travel, lower stress levels, and the chance to look and feel your best. Cutting alcohol allows you to improve sleep quality, support weight loss goals, and rebalance your hormones. By reframing your mindset around alcohol and challenging the belief that you can't have fun without it, you open yourself up to a healthier, purpose-filled life. Instead of using alcohol as a crutch for stress relief and entertainment, summer offers a chance to explore new activities and create lasting memories. Embrace the freedom of an alcohol-free summer and unlock your true potential. It's time to choose joy and adventure over alcohol.

    To kick start your break, get my free guide, the Top 10 Tips to Kick Start Your Break.

    If you're ready for more, check out my BRAVE course where I provide all of the lessons that took me from a daily drinker, to 3 years alcohol free and thriving.

    I'm with you, you got this!


  • Discover the spiritual playground that is Wellspring Studio. Join me as I welcome Dr. Kelly Waggoner and Farnaz Reneker, co-owners of Wellspring 88, a wellness studio located in Redondo Beach, California, that serves the community as a place of gathering, support, education, and expression. Check them out HERE

    I frequent this studio for plant guided meditation and special events like Shamanic Gong Baths, and Hape Plant ceremonies. I absolutely love the community and am so fortunate to have access to their studio that offers so many exciting modalities. Hear how this community hub is creating connections and friendships among its members, fostering self-discovery, and providing support on the journey of personal growth and transformation. In this discussion, we explore the value of experimenting with different healing modalities, like meditation, sound healing, breath work, qigong, while including the foundational neuroscience and psychology behind them. I believe most women are missing this in in their lives and this is my invitation to rediscover the power of community and connection in nurturing mind, body, and spirit for a healthier, purpose-filled life.

    If you'd like to hear more about their immersive course, The Path of Mastery: Embodiment of the Authentic Self, please click HERE. I personally would love to join this course and hope I can!

  • In this episode, I do my best to clearly break down the top 6 strategies for managing your perimenopausal health. They are prioritizing your sleep, stress managment, cutting alcohol, becoming aware of your cycle and hormonal needs, nutrition and movement. It may sound like a lot, but efforts at one of these will impact the others in a positive way and vice versa. They are intertwined and I explain how they impact one another, and how the improvement of one will impact the other. These are the key priorities every woman should be focusing on in her perimenopausal years. I invite my listeners who are motivated and inspired by this episode to join my Balance Challenge. It's only $28 for 28 days of cycle syncing training. Learn all the basics we should've learned as teens, from hormones 101 to the art of cycle syncing to biohacking designed specifically for women.

  • In this episode I break down the 3 reasons I see cycle syncing as being superior to dieting.  I discuss how the mindset of cycle syncing and the language we use while syncing our nutrition is far healthier and motivating than that of dieting.  I also detail why it's more effective at acheiving improved health overall, being that it works directly on the hormone system which impacts every other system in our body.  Lastly, I cover why the end goal of cycle sycning, to acheive hormone balance, is far better for us than the end goal of being skinny.  I invite my listeneners who are motivated and inspired by this episode to join my Balance Challenge.  It's only $28 for 28 days of cycle syncing training.  Learn all the basics we should've learned as teens, from hormones 101 to the art of cycle syncing to biohacking designed specifically for women.



  • I recorded this episode after my retreat to the jungles of Costa Rica for expansion and purpose.  I came back having shed so many layers of insecurity and with renewed passion to fuel my next coaching course, the Balance Challenge.  This is a 28 day challenge to learn the art of cycle syncing. 

    After getting alcohol free, I found cycle syncing, which is supporting the ebb and flow of your hormones with nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.  I found this to be a north star in my healing as it put me back in touch with my body and brain, and allowed me to feel better in my 40s than I ever did in my 30s.  As a woman who wants to empower other women to go alcohol free, balance their hormones and heal years of cellular damage, I created this challenge to share the top strategies I’ve learned over the last 3 years that have me feeling mentally and physically better than ever, at 43! No joke.  I wish I had learned this sooner.   So if you’re interest is peaked, share this with a friend and go to: https://findmyselffree.thrivecart.com/balance/ and sign up for the Balance Challenge together.  There is strength in numbers and who doesn’t want to balance their hormones? It’s only the single biggest thing impacting your health in your forties.  Oh, and  It’s only $28 for 28 days, so you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Share this with a friendI can’t wait to meet you there.

  • This episode I reflect on how I used to celebrate and vacation back when I was drinking, and compare it to the way I reward and treat myself now.  Most people assume alcohol free vacationing and celebrating is boring but I've truly experienced more laughs, more joy, and more adventure than I ever did drinking.  As I head into my 43rd birthday with a trip planned to Costa Rica, it's shaping up to be my best birthday and vacation yet.  Tune in as I share humbling stories of drunk vacations in the past and inspiring stories of growth and transformation.

    If you are out there relating to my story, but you don't know where to start.  I want you to know, it is possible to break free and completely level up your life, and it starts with planting a small seed of change.  Just by listening to this episode, you are doing that!

    For the month of March I'm offering 20% of my Brave challenge.  You must use this link! https://findmyselffree.thrivecart.com/the-brave-challenge/?coupon=20OFF

    If you listen to this episode after March, DM me on Instagram @findmyselffree and I will send you the new discounted link!

    This course will get to the source of behavior change, by changing your subconscious beliefs about alcohol.  This is the most important step!  We can't change our behavior, without first changing our thoughts about alcohol.  Work smarter, not harder with this and walk away THINKING and FEELING differently about alcohol, so your behavior starts to change naturally, no willpower needed!

    This is the exact method I used to break free from daily drinking to now over 3 years alcohol free and thriving.  This course lays a foundation for changing your relationship to alcohol and liberating yourself to live a life beyond the bottle.  

  • Today I sit down with Hadley Sorensen.  I first connected with Hadley on Instagram in the sober community because I related to so much of her story.  She is a mom of 3 boys, a lifelong runner, and a writer whose first book will be coming out soon.  We talk about our similiar journeys, how the mindset of an athlete that is conditioned to push their limits can complicate one's relationship with alcohol, how big alcohol has tried to partner with the fitness space, and how gray area drinking is so normalized among moms.  This is a great conversation that you will most definitely relate to, and you don't want to miss!

    You can find Hadley on Instagram @hadley_sorensen or on her website where she will be updating us on the status of soon to be released book at: www.hadleysorensen.com 

    If you are out there relating to our stories, but you don't know where to start.  I want you to know, it is possible to break free and completely level up your life, and it starts with planting a small seed of change.  Just by listening to this episode, you are doing that!

    If you're ready to take another step, I created a FREE Masterclass: 3 hacks to cut your craving to drink.  Get it here: https://find-myself-free.ck.page/c8bd75a6ec. 

    This 3 part (short) video series will get to the source of behavior change, by changing your subconscious beliefs about alcohol.  This is the most important step!  We can't change our behavior, without first changing our thoughts about alcohol.  Work smarter, not harder with this Masterclass that will allow you to walk away THINKING and FEELING differently about alcohol, so your behavior starts to change naturally, no willpower needed!

    This is the exact method I used to break free from daily drinking to now over 3 years alcohol free and thriving.  This class lays a foundation for changing your relationship to alcohol and liberating yourself to live a life beyond the bottle.  To check out my other coaching offers, go to www.findmyselffree.com.

  • Today's podcast is about confronting the fear that is holding you back from taking a break from alcohol.  Drinking is a comfort seeking ritual and whether you drink to numb your pain or anxiety, or you drink to have fun and connect, the idea of giving those experiences up can feel scary.  I want to encourage you to lean into that fear, follow it and know that all change lives on the other side of that fear.  I want all women to know, it is possible to break free, and it starts with challenging these fears, and getting outside of their comfort zone.

    I created my BRAVE course to do just this.  Inside the BRAVE, I've created a 3 step method to walk you through this pivotal change.  We start with changing your subconscious beliefs about alcohol, next we hack the physical drinking habit, and lastly, we create a life you don't have to check out from, filled with healing and reconnecting back to self.  This is the exact method I used to break free, lay a foundation for changing my relationship to alcohol and liberating myself to live a life beyond the bottle.  Check it out at www.findmyselffree.com 

  • Today's podcast is personal as I share a moment from my lowest low, and how I view my move to cut out alcohol as a liberation.   I reflect on how far I've come, especially when it comes to how I care for myself during the harder moments of motherhood.  I share this to offer inspiration, to paint a picture of a better future that is possible, and to wake up other women who are stuck in a cycle of drinking as. a form of self care.  I want all women to know, it is possible to break free, and it starts with liberate themselves from the beliefs that alcohol is serving them.

    I created my BRAVE course to do just this.  Inside the BRAVE, I've created a 3 step method to walk you through this pivotal change.  We start with changing your subconscious beliefs about alcohol, next we hack the physical drinking habit, and lastly, we create a life you don't have to check out from, filled with healing and reconnecting back to self.  This is the exact method I used to break free, lay a foundation for changing my relationship to alcohol and liberating myself to live a life beyond the bottle.  Check it out at www.findmyselffree.com 

  • Today I explore the similiarites between cutting alcohol and fasting.  I use fasting as a biohacking tool to heal and reset, and I'm blown away by how similiar the mental cravings I experience during a fast are similiar to the mental cravings when learning to cut alcohol.  The same method that I've used to approach changing my thinking around alcohol can also be applied to fasting.  I also share some personal stories of my relationship with food and my body and how alcohol and fasting have played roles in the evolution of how I treat myself today.

  • Today I explore all of the healing avenues one can tap into after alcohol is out of the way.  Priority number one for most women is hormone balancing.  I go over this and other biohacking strategies to help you heal years of cellular damage.  

    Next up for the Find Myself Free cmmunity is the Love Your Brain and Body Workshop.  This is an exclusive, live 1 hour event to guide you through the essentials of cutting alcohol, unveiling the secrets to hormonal balance, and nurturing your brain's optimal function.  Don't miss this event! Sign up here:  https://findmyselffree.thrivecart.com/love-your-brain-and-body-workshop/

    If you'd like to set up a call with me or check out my other coaching offers, go to findmyselffree.com.   

  • Today I explore the science of why we think we like alcohol, why despite knowing the science of how bad it is for us, we still crave the taste and the pleasure it provides, temporarily.  I share some personal stories of talks with my sister, and husband, both key challengers to my points, as well as some fun studies highlighting the effects marketing has on our experience with wine.

    Next up for the Find Myself Free cmmunity is the Love Your Brain and Body Workshop.  This is an exclusive, live 1 hour event to guide you through the essentials of cutting alcohol, unveiling the secrets to hormonal balance, and nurturing your brain's optimal function.  Don't miss this event! Sign up here:  https://findmyselffree.thrivecart.com/love-your-brain-and-body-workshop/

    If you'd like to set up a call with me or check out my other coaching offers, go to findmyselffree.com.   

  • This week of Dry January is about asking for more.   You've learned how much alcohol is holding you back and perhaps experienced some incredible benefits so far this month.  So what's next?  How do you capitalize on that momentum? And if it was harder than expected, how do you get your actions in alignment with what you really want for yourself moving forward?  I drank 9 times my first Dry January.  It took me learning from that trial and error to get to a place where I was ready for more.  I ended up working with a coach for 4 monts.  Listen as I share more about how a coach can help you materialize those good intentions you have for yourself, lock in your learning and hold you accountable for creating a life you love.

    If you'd like to set up a call with me or check out my other coaching offers, go to findmyselffree.com.   

  • This week of Dry January is about leveling up.    Beyond the physical benefits of cutting alcohol, the less visible benefits of self esteem, self love, self worth and your ability to listen to and follow your intuiton are where next level healing and growth start to occur.  Listen as I dive deep into the steps of healing that led me to follow my passions and build a business.

  • This week of Dry January is recognizing how much we've looked to alcohol to take care of us.  We use it in all areas of our lives and we've lost touch with how to listen and take care of ourselves.  I share some personal stories of how I've changed now that I no longer meet my needs with alcohol but have tuned in to my brain and body and created clarity on how to better live my life.

  • Today is all about motivating you for Dry January.  Don't let all your other health and wellness efforts get wiped out because you're still rewarding yourself with alcohol.  Tap into the latest tactics from neuroscience and positive psychology to set you up for success this year.  You don't have to work harder, just smarter and these methods will help you do just that.

  • Today I discuss a topic near and dear to my heart.  I have a 12 year old on the cusp of the party scene so today I cover some of the common myths about the "right" way to introduce alcohol to teens and if it's effective (spoiler alert! It's not).  I discuss how genetics and epigenetics play a factor, how to evaluate your child's risk factors, and most importantly how to cultivate protective factors.