Let's get real. Really bothered. What drives you crazy first date, first hookup, first forever. Whether its years into a marriage or minutes into a meeting - in this episode we discuss all things that make us cringe, or if you're Bobby, get up and leave the room. Welcome.
Let's check in. As we get swept up in this tornado called life and lost in the hustle & bustle, let's remember to check in with our selves and those around us.
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Today we discuss the three dosha types and how you can apply them to your daily schedule.
Deepak Chopra, The Perfect Weight
Sahara Rose, Idiots Guide to Ayurveda
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Instagram: TarynPietsch -
Have you ever thought to thank your body for what it does for you everyday? Ever taken a moment to recognize the physical vessel that allows us to do and experience so many things? Drop in as we discuss our relationships with our bodies.