Barak works as a private S&C coach for professional basketball players in Israel but has also worked as an S&C coach for the some of the top teams Euro League teams.
Topics Discussed:
-Specific considerations he makes when training basketball players from an exercise selection, periodization standpoint.-Some of the pros and cons of working for a pro team as an S&C coach VS working in the private sector.
-The considerations he makes when training former NBA players compared to gen pop or youth athletes from a psychological perspective.
-The main things Barak has learned in the last couple years of coaching that he wishes he could have told young Barak
-His main strategy he uses to build his brand -
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Flight 2.0 is open! Our brand new facility is in waltham on 13 wall st and we are ready to take new people! Dylan and Jared spend this podcast reflecting on some of the mistakes they made in the past when they opened the old flight facility as well as looking into the details of what is truly needed to be successful in opening and running a new fitness business. Hope you all enjoy!
Topics Discussed:
-Mistakes we made when opening the first Flight Facility.
-Main things that need to be in place before you open a gym.
-The team that is needed to be successful when you open.
- Things that we did differently opening Flight 2.0 -
Mike Reinhardt is a performance-based physical therapist who thrives in helping others achieve their performance and health related pursuits. Mike has a passion for integrating strength and conditioning principles with the intricacies of human performance and rehabilitation to help realize an individual’s true potential. He enjoys the art of blending the multi-faceted nature of human movement into a progressive and individualized plan to build resiliency and maximize an individual’s capabilities.
With over 10 years of strength and conditioning experience, Mike has worked with diverse populations of athletes and active individuals from both rehabilitation and performance perspectives. He has worked with a variety of athletes, civilian and military service members, CrossFit, powerlifting, and weightlifting athletes.
Born and raised in Rochester, NY, Mike earned his B.S. in Exercise Science and his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University at Buffalo. Mike completed Strength & Conditioning and PT internships at IFAST (Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training). Prior to Resilient, Mike served as a clinic director for Rehab 2 Perform in Maryland.
Mike has competed in Olympic style weightlifting for the last 8 years and remains involved in numerous weightlifting and strength sport communities. He enjoys the beautiful complexity of the sport of weightlifting – a perfect blend of speed, strength, power, mobility, and coordination required to execute at one’s max potential.
Topics Discussed:
-How creating mental models can help influence decision making as a clinician or a coach.
-Teaching new coaches concepts of strength and conditioning and rehab.
-Energy system progressions for return to sport athletes.
- Why "just load it" might be a flawed thought process with performance and rehab.
-The application of partial reps in performance and rehab. -
Dan Pope, a Doctor of Physical Therapy and strength coach and has an enormous passion for fitness, rehabilitation and optimizing human performance. Dan’s background in athletic performance is extensive, leading to his unique knowledge of rehabilitation as it applies to sport.
Dan was also a strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer for 6 years prior to beginning his journey into physical therapy and has continued to be a trainer or coach to this date. Given this unique background he has a special talent for helping individuals in the strength and fitness world who need either rehabilitation or tips on optimizing performance.
Dan specializes in treating Crossfit, olympic lifting and strength based athletes. As much as he likes working with athletes, Dan loves working with regular people looking to enjoy their fitness pain free.
Topics Discussed:
-Dan's model for rehab and performance.- Navigating psychological factors in rehab
-Strategies and modalities that Dan has changed his perspective on over the years.
-Dan's strategy for building an online following while remaining authentic.
-The biggest lessons Dan has learned in the last couple years.
Topics Discussed:
-Kristi's journey into rugby.
-The sacrifices of playing for the national team.
-What it means to her to play for her country.
-Feelings about being a role model for young woman coming up in the sport.
-How her training has changed over the years.
-Experience playing for the olympics.
- Favorite moments playing for the national team. -
Jared and Dylan sit down to talk about the use of olympic lifts with athletes.
Topics discussed:
-General biases with olympic lifts.
-Pros and cons of olympic lifts.
-Where they stand on olympic lifting for athletes right now.
-The prerequisites for programming olympic lifts for athletes.
- Programming and periodizing olympic lifts
-Alternatives to olympic lifts -
David Woolson is a national champion powerlifter and a great powerlifting coach who has the american record deadlift at 822lbs.
Topics Discussed:
-Owning a gym
- Guidelines for volume and load for powerlifting.
-Amount of variation and accessories in powerlifting programs.
- What makes Dave unique as a coach.
-Issues with the sport of powerlifting.
-Characteristics of a successful powerlifter. -
Today I sat down with Bobby Villarreal, owner of RReal Fitness and Wellness in Brookline, MA. Bobby has had a unique journey into the fitness industry. The obstacles that bobby has perserviered though in his life have really shaped him into the person and coach he is today and it is inspiring to listen too.
Topics Discussed:
-Bobby's story and what led him to opening Rreal Fitness and Wellness
-Overcoming addiction and the lessons he learned from it.
-The business of fitness.
-The realities of owning a fitness studio.
- How to get real results for clients and make more of an impact on their lives. -
Today we sat down with Ryan Martin, the Head Coach of the New England Free jacks professional rugby team. Martin has an impressive coaching pedigree and as an expert in skill acquisition, a creator of novel attacking systems, and an experienced educator with a 17-year background in teaching. Previous to coaching the Free Jacks, Martin has experience at all levels of the game . Martin was Super Rugby’s Melbourne Rebels Skills and Kick Strategy Coach, Mitre 10’s Otago Attack Coach, Global Rapid Rugby’s Asia Pacific Dragons Head Coach, New Zealand Barbarians’ Schools Head Coach, and powerhouse Otago Boys’ High School 1st XV Head Coach.
Topics Discussed:
- What Ryan considers the most important characteristics of a good coach.
-The strategies that Ryan uses to get buy in from difficult personalities.
-How Ryan looks to separate himself as a coach through his development in methods of building better skill acquisition for athletes.
-The biggest mistakes Ryan made earlier in his career.
-The book that made the biggest impact on him in the last year.
Dylan and Jared discuss how they have adapted their programming for their athletes while dealing with the space and time restrictions of Covid.
- Use of low intensity acceleration and change of direction drills/exercises to build overall skill acquisition and capacity.
-Increased volume of short distance change of direction drills.
- Making weight room exercises more specific from a velocity/ tempo standpoint to get more carryover. -
Ashley Jones is the head strength and conditioning coach for the Houston SaberCats major league rugby team.
Topics Discussed :
- Precautions/ Changes made with incoming players as a result of covid.
-The Systems that Ashley has put in place in the weight room.
-Ashley's big rocks for training.
-The future of the MLR. -
Trevor Rappa is a Co-Owner, Physical Therapist, and Performance Coach at Resilient Performance Physical Therapy in Chatham, NJ.
Main Topics Discussed:
-Trevors new product that covers return to sport with acceleration and agility
-What markers Trevor uses to track load with change of direction and speed work during the rehab process.
- Strength exercises as a means to build force production and hypertrophy in specific tissues versus using strength exercises to mimic sport positions.
-Biggest mistakes and best decisions as a business owner. -
Anthony is a DPT and site director at Rehab to Perform in Bethesda , MD. Anthony is also involved in the Rehab to Perform acadamy which is a continuing education company giving PT's and strength coaches a blueprint for treating patients and clients in a rehab setting.
Main topics discussed:
-Hamstring strain rehab. Stages, goals, and specific exercises.
-The process of communication with expectations with patients.
- The stock in movement competency versus pure tissue resiliency in end stage rehab.
-Advice for DPT's coming out of school.
- Where Anthony turn for continuing education. -
Jon Maneen is a physical therapist at Connecticut Children's Hospital. Jon has over 10 years of experience in the trenches as a strength and conditioning coach, elite powerlifter, and now a physical therapist.
Main topics discussed:
- Jon's journey from being a strength and conditioning coach to becoming a physical therapist. .
-How much Jon's background in strength and conditioning influences his practice.
-Where physical therapy can do better in the healthcare delivery model.
-Jon's training right now. -
Matt Crush is the head strength coach for Ethos Fitness and Performance in Boston. Matt has a ton of experience in strength and conditioning including interning with Umass and USA Rugby. Matt was a coach at flight performance for couple years and is one of the most genuine people you will ever meet.
Main Topics Discussed:
-Matt's journey to becoming head strength and conditioning coach for ethos fitness and performance.
-How his business has pivoted to deal with COVID.
-The challenges of managing other employees compared to just coaching.
- Matt's process for integrating continuing education into practice.
-The most important qualities of a good coach. -
Sylvia Bratten is a former USA Rugby Eagle and is the USA woman's rugby head strength and conditioning coach. Sylvia has a wealth of knowledge in strength and conditioning and the specifics of training rugby players.
Main topics discussed:
- Sylvia's journey to being the head strength and conditioning for the USA woman's rugby team.
- The USA Woman's preparation for the upcoming World Cup.
-How to manage athletes programs while they are working remote.
-Individual differences with programming between athletes.
- Objective measures used to assess strength and weaknesses.
- How COVID has effected the her role as a strength coach. - Show more