Episodi mancanti?
Today I talk about not being someone’s cup of tea. When the naysayers try to creep into your community and space. don’t let them silence you and remember your story and existence is valuable, precious and needed
Don’t hold on so tightly to the things that don’t support us that we cannot let go and allow in more of the things and people that value what we have to offer
Not everyone is going to be our cup of tea and that’s OK!
Today I talk about the overwhelming feelings I’ve had this week of “feeling stuck“ leaning into them, and allowing them rather than trying to push them away and fight the bumpy current that I feel like I am currently facing
The practice of allowing and offering ourselves, grace and compassion in our struggling allows us to move forward more easily when we are ready. If you are currently feeling stuck, I invite you to lean in
today I talk about ableism how it affects society, both for disabled and non-disabled people how it affects and has affected me personally examples
How we all engage in ableism often unintentionally, and steps, we can all take to decrease ableism in society
Join me on a lightning discussion filled with speech imperfections, but always from the heart
Ableism definition taken from WWW. Access.living.org
we don’t forget things. our bodies remember part of healing is allowing ourselves to feel the fullness of our experience and pain, even though the societal message is often “get over it“
Healing is moving through the pain, not ignoring it. Here is a gentle message on allowing yourself to feel and process whatever is stored in your body.
Sometimes life is just hard. I don’t know about you, but sometimes life is just overwhelming and the hits just keep on coming. This week has been a challenging and emotional week and so I share my thoughts on when life is hard with gentle reminders that you are not alone, my thoughts on taking care of ourselves during those hard moments and working to create a community so that we feel less alone and isolated