グローバルニュース DAILY BRIEF supported by GRIC2024
ビジネスに役立つグローバルニュースを毎日3回アップデート。「DAILY BRIEF」は、最新のグローバルニュースを通して"あなたと世界を近づける"ニュースポッドキャストです。 アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アフリカ、中東でその日報じられたグローバルニュースをいち早く、そしてお手軽に、声でお届けします。
■DAILY BRIEF+ Apple Podcasts
▼フードエッセイスト・平野紗季子がおいしいものをご紹介!味マート BASE支店はこちらから!
Listen to America’s #1 morning show, “Good Morning America,” and “GMA3: What You Need to Know” on-demand. ABC News’ Robin Roberts, George Stephanopoulos, Michael Strahan and chief meteorologist Ginger Zee deliver a daily mix of breaking news, hard-hitting interviews, exclusive investigations, cutting-edge medical updates, and financial reporting. And now catch up on all the latest news, lifestyle and entertainment headlines with “GMA3.”
USA TODAY’s daily news podcast, The Excerpt (formerly 5 Things), brings you a curated mix of the most important headlines seven mornings a week. We also deliver special deep-dive episodes on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons on the most compelling topics in culture, entertainment, sports, politics, and more. Give us fifteen minutes a day, we'll give you all of the headlines, none of the chaos. Hosted by Taylor Wilson and Dana Taylor.
A selection of highlights from The Australian newspaper's multimedia gallery. Please visit the gallery for a closer look at our full multimedia range.
The Australian and The Weekend Australian offers national and international news, with indepth business sections including The Australian IT, Higher Education, Media, and Aviation. Also lifestyle, arts and sports. -
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