Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Teddy: https://twitter.com/TeddyEMoss
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Teddy: https://twitter.com/TeddyEMoss
Missing episodes?
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Teddy: https://twitter.com/TeddyEMoss
Chapters -
0:00 - Ranking Every Item
1:12:50 - New POI thoughts
1:27:29 - Game Show Time
2:30:00 - Super Thanks
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
To play in fantasy with us:
Go to https://app.weclutchup.com/ and create an account
Create your team in the upcoming tournament section for EU MAJOR 1 Finals and NA MAJOR 1 Finals
Go to the private league section Join private league
EU Finals Code: FNEUF1
NA Finals Code: FNNAF1
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
0:00 - Tier List
1:51:03 - FNCS Hot Takes
1:57:05 - Super Thanks
1:59:50 - Fantasy Fortnite
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
To play in fantasy with us:
Go to https://app.weclutchup.com/ and create an account
Create your team in the upcoming tournament section for EU MAJOR 1 Finals and NA MAJOR 1 Finals
Go to the private league section Join private league
EU Finals Code: FNEUF1
NA Finals Code: FNNAF1
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
0:00 - Tier List
1:51:03 - FNCS Hot Takes
1:57:05 - Super Thanks
1:59:50 - Fantasy Fortnite
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Sorry about this ep people :(
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
VOTING IS LIVE AND YOU CAN VOTE FOR US HERE: https://competitive-awards.prodigyanalytics.com/vote
Vote Leven2k Caster of the year
Vote Reisshub Male Content Creator of the year
Vote Boop Streamer of the year
Voing closes on Friday so get your votes in + You can vote twice!
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
0:00 - Is Bugha Retiring?
9:42 - Comp Awards Nominations
1:12:57 - Category Game
1:41:40 - Super Thankers
2:02:00 - FNCS talk/Outro
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Chapters -
0:00 - 2025 Wild Predictions
1:23:30 - Super Thanks
1:37:55 - Fortnite Competitive Awards
1:44:30 - Guess the Category Game
FN Comp Rankings - https://fncomprankings.com
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Chapters -
0:00 - Chapter 6 Competitive Blogpost Breakdown
34:00 - Chapter 6 Wishlist
39:25 - Top 5 Game!
47:55 - Super Thanks
1:16:03 - Dreamhack Stockholm
1:28:32 - How Good Was Fortnite Remix?
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
Stay up to date with FNtasia:
Follow all the the guys on twitter:
Leven2k: https://twitter.com/Leven2k
Reisshub: https://twitter.com/Reisshub
Boop: https://twitter.com/BoopNL_
Coach Harry: https://twitter.com/CoachHarry_
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