Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
This episode shifts focus to the Traction side of the V/TO®, emphasizing the creation of a clear 1-Year Plan as the driving force for the team’s next steps.
We outline the three essential steps for setting up your 1-Year Plan: selecting a future date, determining Measurables, and prioritizing goals for your organization.
Although this looks simple, it’s not easy to get the leadership team on the same page and rowing in the same direction.
Moving forward, you’ll start to define financial goals, accountability, cash flow analysis, budgeting, and a clear Scorecard to measure the plan’s progress. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
This episode kicks off the Vision portion of the series. In this first episode, we’ll introduce the Entrepreneurial Operating System® and show how committing to it can give you the structure and support you need to achieve your goals.
We’ll also share some great insights into what successful organizations are doing to gain traction and succeed. -
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Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
Credit where credit’s due! As we wrap up this series, we want to acknowledge the valuable insights from the many individuals and the resources they’ve shared with the EOS Community.
Of the countless clients and colleagues who have had a major impact on Gino’s life – and on EOS®, six stand out as the most significant for their roles in building EOS into what it is today. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
Let’s pull things together. In this episode, we recap how you can get everything you want from your business using the tools and disciplines we covered throughout the series.
We talked about using The Accountability Chart® for clarity, Rocks to focus on goals, the Meeting Pulse and Level 10 Meeting™ agenda for effective meetings, and the Scorecard to get an absolute pulse on your business.
Start using these tools gradually to gain the clarity, priority, communication, and right Measurables to gain traction in your company. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®
In this episode, we cover establishing The Meeting Pulse® for your business and how to make the most of your annual, quarterly, and weekly meetings.
We’ll show you how to run more structured weekly meetings using the Level 10 Meeting™ agenda. This specific agenda helps your team share headlines, review Measurables and Rocks, and solve issues forever during IDS® (Identify, Discuss, Solve).
The Meeting Pulse will help you increase accountability, improve communication, create a healthier culture, and gain traction toward your vision. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of prioritizing quarterly tasks to advance your organization’s long-term goals, what we at EOS call Rocks. .
We review where the term “Rock” comes from (credit where credit’s due!) and how to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) goals.
We’ll walk through how to identify the three to seven key priorities for your business, assign owners to each Rock, and maintain a laser focus on completing them to achieve organizational goals. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
This episode, as well as the entire series, would not have been possible without the valuable insights from many individuals and the resources they’ve shared with the EOS Community.
Many influential people have had a significant impact on EOS founder Gino Wickman’s life. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we’ll provide tips for how to get your leadership team aligned when answering the eight questions of the V/TO®
We also cover why you shouldn’t aim for 100% alignment (because it’s unattainable). However, reaching 80% alignment puts your team ahead of most organizations. By letting your vision serve as a guiding force, you’ll find that your team can overcome challenges and ensure that your vision is Shared By All in the organization.
People live in a 90-Day World® that requires your leadership team to hold quarterly meetings to maintain alignment. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we cover the final section of the V/TO®: how to address issues in your business.
We discuss how to create an Issues List and how to identify everything holding you back from achieving your vision. The success of your business is directly linked to your leadership team’s ability to Identify, Discuss, Solve (IDS®) these issues.
We explain why we recommend conducting an annual SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to identify significant issues and how to tackle them in your weekly Level 10 Meetings™. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we focus on the seventh section of the V/TO®: What are your Quarterly Rocks?
To establish Rocks, look 90 days into the future and identify the crucial tasks your organization must accomplish to stay on track with your 1-Year Plan.
Through this process, you’ll set a future date tied to each quarter, determine measurable goals, extract major issues from your 1-Year Plan, assign Rock ownership to individuals on the leadership team, and potentially decide on a quarter theme or focus. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
This episode focuses on the fifth section of the V/TO®: What is your 3-Year Picture? Developing the 3-Year Picture involves choosing a time frame (usually three to seven years), determining specific Measurables, such as revenues and profits, and then having each leadership team member outline what the organization looks like in that time frame.
Once you achieve consensus among the leadership team, where everyone sees and desires the 3-Year Picture, you’re ready to move forward and translate it into a clear 1-Year Plan. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we focus on the fourth section of the V/TO®: Marketing Strategy.
We’ll break the exercise into four key sections: Target Market, 3 Uniques™, proven process, and guarantee.
Having a clear marketing strategy will simplify and laser-focus sales efforts, aligning with the 80/20 rule. By defining 3 Uniques, creating a measurable guarantee, developing a visual representation of a proven process, and identifying the target market, you’ll enhance focus and clarity in your sales and marketing efforts. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we shift to your organization’s future vision by answering the third question on the V/TO®: “What is your 10-Year Target?”
The significance of a 10-Year Target goes beyond a standard goal, providing a clear direction for the entire organization. Drawing inspiration from Jim Collins’ concept of a “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal” (BHAG), we encourage leadership teams to collaboratively set a compelling and ambitious target that aligns everyone in the organization behind a common vision. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we talk about how to identify and maintain an organization’s Core Focus™ using the Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO®). Every leader faces countless distractions, but it’s important to stay focused on the core of the business.
We introduce a two-step exercise for defining your Core Focus: identifying your purpose/cause/passion and getting clear on your niche. You’ll hear real-world examples and cautionary tales that emphasize how avoiding distractions and staying true to your Core Focus enables sustained business success. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of the leadership team having a shared organizational vision. The two-day Vision Building® process will simplify and clarify the vision, getting everyone on the Leadership Team on the same page.
We introduce the Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO®), a tool with eight key sections concentrating on Core Values, Core Focus™, 10-Year Target™, marketing strategy, 3-Year Picture™, 1-Year Plan, Quarterly Rocks, and Issue identification.
Achieving 100% alignment on the vision within the leadership team leads to more efficient issue resolution and organizational success. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
In this episode, we focus on discovering and defining Core Values for your organization, which is the first question on the Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO®).
We’ll introduce the “Discovering Your Core Values” exercise that emphasizes the importance of clarity and simplicity. We guide you through a four-step process to list exemplary individuals, identify characteristics, narrow down Core Values, and use The People Analyzer® tool to assess if team members embody these values.
Ultimately, Core Values shape organizational culture, hiring decisions, and overall success. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
Are you ready? Because in this episode, we set the stage for your EOS Journey.
Be warned: The EOS Tools are simple, but implementing them is not easy. We invite you to step outside the chaos of your businesses, commit to the EOS Process®, and aim for increased clarity and control.
Finally, be careful what you wish for, as the EOS Process delivers tangible results. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
We introduce the Scorecard in this episode. The Scorecard is a tool that focuses on the 5–15 Measurables that are critical to getting an absolute pulse on your business. Reviewing these numbers regularly will help you better predict outcomes and ensure your processes are on track.
You may have heard them called dashboard or key performance indicators, but at EOS we call it the Scorecard. It may take some trial and error, but finding the right Measurables can help you foster accountability and inform decision-making for your business. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
We build on the previous Hitting the Ceiling discussion in this episode, by focusing on one of The Five Leadership Abilities™: Structure.
We’ll cover how to use The Accountability Chart® to create the right organizational structure tailored to your business needs. You want to identify clear accountabilities and place the right people in the right seats to achieve organizational clarity and accountability.
We’ll review the three major functions – sales and marketing, operations, and finance – and why they all report to the Integrator™. -
Welcome to Focus and Vision with Gino Wickman, where we help you master EOS®.
Hitting the ceiling in your business is inevitable. In this episode, we cover the key to breaking through the ceiling: mastering The Five Leadership Abilities™. - Mehr anzeigen