A brief talk about using Phoenix colour (C41) film to photograph my new born son, black and white infrared film experience, hacked account and finally competition comments.
A brief summary and then a short talk about what has happened to aesthetics and beauty in art.
Missing episodes?
A brief mini-podcast where I talk about my choice of film to capture the autumn colours.
Just a bit of an update on what's been happening since the last broadcast regarding film photography.
Just to say I'm still hear and talk a little bit about summer 2022.
A brief summary since the last podcast with a focus upon lumen and cyanotype printing.
Examples on the Facebook page.
Discussing a bit about my experiences during a photo walk with film sponsored by ILFORD and organised by Beau Photo in Vancouver, BC. And notes from the field for World Pinhole Photography Day (WPPD) 2022, the last Sunday in April.
A modest beginning exploration of the cognitive and emotional components that bear upon the art of film photography.
We begin our exploration by asking various photographers two questions:
1. Why is film photography a component of your creative output amidst all the other avenues available to artists?
2. Has film photography changed you in anyway, if so, how?
A brief history of some of the photographic equipment I use.
I'll also be sharing a short review of the Mamiya 645 Pro TL.
Explorations on the Canadian Prairie a place I call home.
A short little episode where I share about my experience using and processing C41 type colour print film.
A little about my first good SLR camera and the Frugal Film Project
In this episode we talk with Bruce McCaughey about his work in alternative processes.
This episode is simply some recordings I made whilst out on a photography outing. The related images can be found on the podcast facebook page.
A short episode where I reveal a couple of important discoveries I made after taking two online workshops with Alan Ross.
In this episode, we talk with architect Dominik Oczkowsk about his soon-to-launch Kickstarter campaign for a new stereo pinhole camera.
Season 02
Episode 02
Today's special guest shares with us his background in chemistry, photography and teaching. - Show more