
  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we have a hard, honest conversation about what truly happens to your weight when working on recovering your relationship with food. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she sheds light on the truth, common trends at the start of your recovery and all about set point theory.

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    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we unpack what emotional eating is and help you understand whether it's happening to you or not. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she helps you identify the difference between emotional and physical hunger, whether it is a problem for you and gives you 3 tangible strategies to help you tackle emotional eating you can implement today!

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE Binge Busting Breakfasts Cheat Sheet!

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    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





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  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we're doing something slightly different and I'm sharing a podcast I did with Grace from Be Brave Podcast! We talk all things food guilt - where it stems from, how to cope with it and lots of other tangible tips to help you navigate this space!

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted - Don't miss out on the a bonus discount in the episode too! )

    👉 Download my FREE Binge Busting Breakfasts Cheat Sheet!

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

    👉 Follow Grace on Instagram @grace_annesley for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we walk you through 8 crucial ingredients you need to cook up a successful and sustainable meal prep system! Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she explains each ingredient and how it can help support you to stay on track with your meal prep goals. 

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted - Don't miss out on the a bonus discount in the episode too! )

    👉 Download my FREE Binge Busting Breakfasts Cheat Sheet!

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we walk through the very common all-or-nothing thinking pattern that occurs - especially if you are one to lose control around food. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she helps you understand where it stems from, why it occurs, the physical and mental effects it can have on your body and 4 tangible strategies you can use today to distance yourself from this thinking style!

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE Binge Busting Breakfasts Cheat Sheet!

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we walk through why the common fear that you're addicted to sugar is a myth. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she unpacks 4 reasons you might feel like you're addicted to sugar, why it's happening and what you can do to combat it!

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE Binge Busting Breakfasts Cheat Sheet!

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we discuss the often less discussed hidden costs that can come with rigid meal plans. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she unpacks why the common 'gold standard' rigid meal planning methods might NOT be the perfect method for you and how it might be sabotaging your success. 

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE lunch builder

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we discuss two of the TOP mistakes we see yoyo-dieters continuously make that keeps them stuck. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she delves into what these two mistakes are, how they backfire on yoyo dieters and WHAT to do instead!

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE lunch builder

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we discuss the different stages of the yoyo cycle. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she brings some fun to this episode by using the inside out 2 characters to help us understand this cycle! 

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE lunch builder

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 





  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we dive into all things intermittent fasting. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she delves into the research behind intermittent fasting, who might benefit from it and who might not and how a history of disordered eating may impact on how helpful intermittent fasting is for you. 

    👉 Register for my NEW updated mini course Meal Mastery! (Currently heavily discounted!!!)

    👉 Download my FREE lunch builder

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 


    References for this episode:

    Templeman I, Smith HA, Chowdhury E, Chen YC, Carroll H, Johnson-Bonson D, et al. A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults. Sci Transl Med. 2021 Jun 16;13(598):eabd8034. Abstract available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34135111/

    Dietitians of Canada. What are the effects of intermittent fasting compared to an energy-restricted diet on weight loss, body composition, cardiometabolic outcomes and quality of life? In Practice-Based Evidence in Nutrition [PEN]. 2021 Nov 26. Available from: https://www.pennutrition.com/KnowledgePathway.aspx?kpid=15329&pqcatid=146&pqid=29135. 

    Dietitians of Canada. What are the effects of time-restricted eating compared to a three meal a day eating pattern on weight loss, body composition, cardiometabolic outcomes and physical activity? 2021 Nov 26. Available from: https://www.pennutrition.com/KnowledgePathway.aspx?kpid=15329&pqcatid=146&pqid=29136

    Obesity Canada. Medical nutrition therapy. 2021. Available from: https://obesitycanada.ca/guidelines/nutrition/

    Health Canada. Canada’s Dietary Guidelines. 2019. Available from: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/guidelines/

    Pellergrini M, Cioffi I, Evangelista A, Ponzo V, Goitre I, Ciccone G, Ghigo E, Bo S. Effects of time-restricted feeding on body weight and metabolism. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2020 March 21;17-33. Abstract available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31808043/

    Lowe DA, Wu N , Rohdin-Bibby L, Holliston Moore A, Kelly N, En Liu Y, et al. Effects of time-restricted eating on weight loss and other metabolic parameters in women and men with overweight and obesity: The TREAT randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med 2020 Sep 28;180(11):1-9. Abstract available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32986097


  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we dive a little deeper into the WHY's and various reasons we potentially binge eat. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she helps you unpack and unravel why you may potentially feel out of control around food and what you might need to work on FIRST. 

    Want to unpack whether or not you're bingeing first?! Click here to go to that episode!

    👉 Download my FREE lunch builder

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we decipher through the usual 'black or white' thinking around calorie counting and dissect whether it is ACTUALLY for you or not Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she explores the reasons we can't always take everything we see online as GOOD advice for us personally and how to tackle this one specifically for yourself. 

    👉 Download my FREE lunch builder

    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we unmask the more sinister and lesser known eating disorder; Orthorexia. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she explores the role the Fitness Industry plays with this eating disorder, how it can often be missed amongst the health and wellness noise and signs you might be in its grips!

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    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we talk through the reasons for potential 'failed' new years resolutions as we head into February and help you reframe how to properly reset. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as she explores her own changes to her goals and intentions for 2024 when it comes to movement and exercise and how this has changed over the years, while giving you the low down on how to do the same!

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    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • My new mini course 'Meal Mastery' is about to drop! If you're listening LIVE and join before 18th January 2024, you can get access to this course for FREE (this round only!). Listen to find out if you're the right fit for it ❤️ Link to register here or find it @ https://emma-kwok.mykajabi.com/meal-mastery

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we talk all things Christmas day and guilt-free foods! Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as we explore four ways that you can start to implement or be aware of this Christmas to help you beat the built and stay in control. 

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    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast I explore 4 tangible strategies you can implement TODAY to help foster a better body image. Join me, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as I delve into these 4 things which include mapping and diffusing negative thoughts, how to practice body gratitude, bringing in mindful self-care and changing up your compliment game to benefit everyone!

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    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast I explore what the heck body image is, the lie we've all been sold and why you should care about it. Join me, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as I delve into the intricacies of body image, how the before and after photo is doing us more harm than good and why not addressing this is likely impacting on your health and goals.

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    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast I explore what the nutrition hierarchy pyramid is and the importance of building out the foundations. Join me, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as I delve into the 5 layers of the pyramid to help you identify what level you are currently focusing on (and whether it's the RIGHT one for you!) 

    If you're a visual learner like me, find an image of the pyramid here

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    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more! 

  • 👉 Overview: In this episode of the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, we delve into the bad date that might be calorie counting. Join your host, Emma, a registered dietitian specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders, as we explore six potential signs that you’ve held onto calorie counting a WEE bit long and it might be time to break-up. We also go over 3 tips you can use TODAY if these red flags are waving at you. 

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    👉 Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed this episode and the Food Guilt to Food Freedom podcast, I have a favour to ask! Please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and write a review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here. If you're an Android user, you can follow the podcast on Spotify here. Your actions will help me reach more people, and I’d be truly grateful. Thank you so much for your support! <3

    👉 Follow me on Instagram @emmakwok.dietitian for more!