In this episode I'm breaking down why you have sugar cravings, what your body is telling you it needs (carbs :) yay you'll like that, and how you can instantly shift your focus to be able to drop your addiction to eating added sugar and start to see your body in a whole new light, one where it's working *with* you always.
Break Up & Make Up with Sugar: like no other sugar detox, this is a 21 (actually 28 day) go all in get to the root of sugar cravings for good so this isn't just a sugar detox you did once upon a time but then went back to eating cake or fill in your cravings that are making you feel bad on day 22.
Get Your Body Back Intensive: a single 90 minute session where I help you see what's in the way of the body and health you want and walk away with an individualized blueprint that covers mindset and nutrition + 30 days of messenger support.
DM me: I want my body back (now) for details.
Ok we’re going all the way in on this episode and you get to hear what I really think about health, food and why there wee so many paths to take. You are FREE and you get to do health the way you want and choose to believe in 🤍✨🌱
Puuttuva jakso?
I'm so happy to be back on the podcast with you! In this episode I am talking about the ever controversial food: eggs. This episode is short but the bigger message is really important.
Whenever you're questioning whether or not to do something (or eat something in this case), you want to ask yourself deeper questions. The very fact that you're questioning a food can be good, because it means you care about your body and health. AND, in order to know the answer to a question like "should I eat eggs?" is do you know what happens within your body when you eat them?
Health can be simple when you know the way it works, or you decide the way it works for you. We deserve to have health yes for sure, and we deserve to know how our body works so that we can lovingly take care of it and choose the foods that feed health and make us feel our very best.
The entire point of eating well and creating a healthy body is so that you're free. Free to live the life you want, unlimited, unrestricted, not held back from doing or being the version of yourself who is so happy and fulfilled and loving how you feel and get to live each day.
I know how foods work and don't work for me. It's so important to know how they work for you.
Here's the You Tube video I mention in the podcast: How I simplified Health
If you're ready to go all in on understanding true health, your body and how you are uniquely wired to thrive with food, join me in Fueled & Focused, my signature program on how to eat to be Healthy, Happy, Lean and Free in your body. You can join anytime!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Take any label or feedback or diagnosis you've been given as information. That's all it is. It's not who you ARE (unless you claim it but don't do that...) This is the attittude:
I am healing.
I am getting healthier every day.
I take this information and use it to get crystal clear on the method I will take and use with food, nutrition and my lifestyle to clear it away and get what I want.
My body is strong. My body knows what to do.
I get to have a baby if I want to have a baby.
Check out how to prepare your body to get pregnant: Baby Body Ready!
Follow my You Tube Channel!
This episode is what I call, things every human who eats food needs to know. Gluten doesn't just affect 'unlucky' people with sensitivities to it or Celiac disease, it affects all of us.
I'm breaking down:
*How it affects our bodies
*What foods contain gluten
*What grains you CAN consume safely that are gluten free
*How to look at labels to choose safe foods
*The easiest way to eat a gluten free diet
If you're ready for support in creating your healthiest, most vibrant body, check out my private Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Hey guys!
Today we're talking about willpower. Will power vs. inspiration and being self motivated to create new, healthier habits. Will power isn't required, it simply means you are forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do, or do it in a way you don't like. There is ALWAYS a way for you to move forward and feel better and reach your goals. ALWAYS.
Enjoy the episode and please share!
For private coaching check out my Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Oh my gosh you guys!
I kept getting this message of Get your ENERGY UP! and had to share it in a way you could HEAR my voice so you could translate the energy I'm in and explaining on this topic.
I've worked with so many women who want to lose weight but....and whatever the but is, when you let that thing dictate what happens or how you feel, it's so hard to budge your body into what you want.
In this episode we're talking about:
* What is a state and why it's everything about what happens in and for your body
* How to know what state you're in
* Actions for weight loss and why they do or don't work
* What you do to do to move the needle for your own body!
We're getting ready for the Light & Lean 2 Week Bootcamp!
This bootcamp is all about creating momentum and getting you into the energy of knowing you're on the right path and doing the things that matter to release excess weight.
We're digging in to both mind and body stuff. Check it out here! It's a CRAZY insane low investment. Walk away feeling confident and certain of your ability to do this:
Light & Lean Bootcamp!
You Tube Video mentioned in the episode: Own your desires. If you want to lose weight you GET to
Talk to you so soon!
Private coaching: Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Instead of living in the hard side of the story, be willing to look at things differently. I intend for you to see fertility the way I do now, as clear, straight forward, simple, and available for you.
You will know what path to take, AND I want you to know that you can choose.
If this fascinates you like it does me, check out my Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Health comes from consistent elimination, aka detoxification. It's all about your liver. In order to feel good, we have to take care of our bodies in a way that allows them to let go of toxins, and crud that isn't meant to be in our bodies.
In this episode we talk about:
* Eating to cleanse daily
* The most important way we cleanse with food
* What to do morning and night to boost detoxification
* Lymphatic drainage and how it shows up as holding onto weight
* How to use saunas for detoxification
* Fascia Blasting
* Walking for detox
Links mentioned in the podcast:
My Sunlighten Sauna: check out options here!
Ashley Black Fascia Blasters: see options here!
**I am an affiliate for both Sunlighten and Fascia Blasters**
IGTV mentioned in episode, The Power in Remembering how food works: click here to watch!
If this fascinates you like it does me, check out my Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Fueled & Focused - details coming soon!
This episode is for real coaching for you guys!
These are the pillars I use to coach my private clients in finding their own unique path, or formula with food, working out, eating the way that feels RIGHT AND the whole time making it yours.
In this episode we talk about using:
What you know already to do
What feels good (literally) to your body when you eat it
What makes you feel FREE
Your human design and digestive profiles
Where you are and where you really want to be and how to use this to get there
Finding things you LOVE now about food, health and your body
All of this gets to add up to not only creating the healthiest body you love and feel amazing in, but it leads you on the path you are having so much fun doing and growing through.
I hope this helps you so much!
If this fascinates you like it does me, check out my Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Today I’m sharing literally what I eat these days from morning to night and more importantly why I eat like this and what I believe about food that allows me to own how I eat so that I am always healthy and feeling amazing 🤩
If this fascinates you like it does me, check out my Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Today we’re talking about how you have all the say as to what works for you. Ultimately the food ‘truths’ I know and believe in are from what feels freeing and expansive and allows me to always have my health. That is why I share them with you.
Your beliefs = your rules. Change them if they aren’t serving you.
Podcast mentioned: Health is the Energy of Relief
Find Your Flow with Food Coaching Packages
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel (for the upcoming video mentioned in this episode!)
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Today's episode is about my FAVORITE: Human Design
Human Design is the energy blueprint you and each of us are born with that shows us how to best exchange our energy with the world. This applies to everything you have a relationship with including, your body, your health and food.
Food Matters. AND. so does your energy. You can use your human design type and digestive profiles to completely understand how your body best will relate to your highest expression of health.
Today we talk about the importance of:
* Honoring your sacral
*Saying yes to what you want
*Saying NO to what you don't and why this is insanely important for your health
*How doing things you hate 'holds' heavy energy to you
If this fascinates you like it does me, check out my Find Your Flow with Food coaching packages which all include your human design and how you will most easily move toward your healthiest, most free feeling and amazing looking body!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Baby Body Ready: details here!
Today's episode is a must listen. I am aware in the internet world, I preach to you guys FOOD MATTERS because duh it does. AND....there is so much more depth to this, to creating health, to creating what you want in your health, body, and anything in your life.
The reason I am healthy is because I believe in it fully, with every cell of my being. Today we talk through how to actually align to what you want. These aspects are foundational for everyone who wants to make a change, and to keep that change.
You can't skip out on any of the steps, like I always say with health conditions - you have to go to the ROOT. The root with the physical body and the ROOT in your mind.
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Private Coaching Options! Check out the options here!
Baby Body Ready course, jump in here! (this is all there is to know)
This came up in a client session last week and I really wanted to clarify what I mean when I say, 'your body is always working.'
If you wonder what in the heck this means when you have a condition, symptoms, a diagnosis or inflammation listen in and I explain.
You body has an energy capacity and at a certain point, it hits it and then....it's on US to make the next move.
BABY BODY READY course is open now!
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Private Coaching Options! Check out details here!
Oh the fun conversation today!
Today's message is really about having what you want the way you want it, in a way you truly believe in.
We're talking babies, botox and life, I hope you love this episode and chatting with me!
* You are so powerful you can have what you want
* Your body is responding to YOU
* There is always a way that feels like a yes for you
* It doesn't matter if it's about wrinkles or a wrinkly baby, there is a way
I forgot to mention in the podcast but I have a Baby Body Ready coaching package if you are on the path to bringing your baby into the world.
Here are some links I mention in the podcast:
Fascia Blasters Affiliate link
My January kick your butt jumpstart 30 day coaching package: Intensive + 30 days Voxer
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Private Coaching Options! Check out details here!
Hey all!
The Food Rebel EATS podcast is back for 2022!
I really intend for this year to be the healthiest year of your life yet! Today's podcast is a little story time with me about how even as a health coach I still sometimes have struggled with the idea that healthy has to be hard. LIES.
In order to see the real life results in your body and health you simply have to move. And do it over and over again. We fundamentally will not show up for a program or plan or anything that sucks the life out of us or we feel is zero percent fun. Agree? You literally don't have a choice in this, you MUST make your healthy lifestyle EASY, fun and doable.
I'm not saying it's easy to start new habits day one, but they have to become easy and you don't want to sign yourself up for something you actually don't want to do.
Listen in, let me know your thoughts!
Check out my January 30 day coaching package special!
30 days to Find your Flow with Food aka create your own perfect plan for food, lifestyle, workouts that you are excited to show up for and know will get you the results you want.
The bonus? A free 90 minute intensive with me to lay it all out, make is super clear and all you need to do is show up for it.
See you on the socials! :)
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Private Coaching Options! Check out details here!
Committing to your health means you mean business.
I'm not kidding when I say that deciding to be healthy is way easier when you just go all in. When you decide to do everything in your power to make it happen you don't leave room for negotiating - negotiating with your own self = not all in.
This quote is from Jack Canfield, success coach and he's so right. 99% is a bitch, 100% is a breeze.
Sometimes going all in means doing what you know how to do. Sometimes it means getting support from someone who will keep you focused there. If you are looking for coaching support, I'm really good at accountability and not letting you believe you won't get what you want.
Options below: These options are open through July!
Private Coaching options
Follow me on Instagram:
Find me on You Tube!
Hi. I am sarcastic.
But honestly, the amount of things I see people doing/eating/drinking thinking they make a difference in health outcomes is sort of kind of silly. Save your money, just eat real food. This is a short and sweet episode because I am over it :)
I hope this gives you a little clarity and helps you remember, it's about the food, the real foods.
Baby Body Ready Private Coaching - Message me to apply (8 weeks 1:1)
Follow me on Instagram: @jodi.bullock
Subscribe and follow on You Tube here!
The number one top food I would recommend you drop from your diet is: DAIRY. Yep ‘Got Milk’ is out and you’ll see why when you listen to this episode!
Look at the funding that comes with the Dairy Industry. Look at all foods this way. Why is there such a push?
It's actually easy to drop dairy when you know how to swap it. Check out my Whole Food Grocery Store Tour bundle and Swap It To Drop It Guide for help!
Here's the Alkaline Food Chart I mentioned in the episode!
Homework: Yes I am giving you homework, actually it's a challenge, or a dare. I dare you to eliminate dairy. Like all the way out, all of it and see how you feel. Remove it from your diet, your kids, or family's diet. Your body will be SO HAPPY and you will feel the difference.
Connect with me on Instagram @jodi.bullock
Subscribe to my You Tube Channel
Private Coaching Options! Check out details here!
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