
  • Want to raise the bar on your money mindset? It all starts with knowing where your money mindset comes from. In this episode, I share how my parents unknowingly instilled a strong money mindset in me from a young age and the power of normalizing an abundant lifestyle (especially when it’s not your current reality.) Whether you’re a parent looking to shape your child’s mindset or you’re trying to shift your own, get ready to build a wealth-oriented mentality. Tune in for tips that align your mindset with your goals.


    My top tip to make more room for abundance in your.

    How to normalize luxury experiences to expand your money mindset.

    Ways to instill a positive money mindset in your kids.

    Who you should surround yourself with to elevate your expectations and results.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for the final Dinner Series event of 2024 in Laguna Beach.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by your busy schedule? It’s not the workload itself that’s causing the pain — it’s the expectation that you should have more free time than you actually do. In this episode, Lori and I share how to reset your perspective, structure your calendar to prioritize what really matters, and embrace the joy that comes with building something big. You’ll also hear how we manage multiple startups, optimize our schedules, and find time for each other. Let’s break free from the busy trap and find happiness in the hustle.


    How Gloci is boosting our energy and focus while traveling.

    How we’re handling the pressure of building two startups at once.

    Our Monday non-negotiable that sets the tone for a productive week.

    How to keep your creative energy alive while balancing the tactical.

    What it takes to balance business growth with personal time and relationships.


    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

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  • How much more likely would you be to reach a goal if you KNEW it was inevitable? In today's episode, I share the powerful difference between hoping and knowing, and how this difference helps you reach new personal records in your business, finances, and life. I tell the story of one of my Elite Mastermind members, Mike Lemieux, and what led him to crush a goal, making a new personal record—despite facing a major setback. Tune in to learn how your self-talk and determination make all the difference in reaching your next level.


    How certainty impacts your performance in life and business.

    Ways to overcome setbacks and stay committed to your goals.

    The mantra I learned from Mike Lemieux's story, hitting a new personal record.

    How your self-talk is impacting your success.

    How to hit personal records in both life and business.


    Apply for the Elite Mastermind - chrisharder.me/mastermind

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Is your mindset around money holding you back? It costs too much to be poor. Lori shares an example of this from a time in her 20’s when she was trying to save by living in a cheap apartment and her car got stolen. Having a poor money mindset (regardless of how much you have in the bank) is a sure way to stay stuck. In this episode, we share some universal laws about money, how to shift into an abundant mindset, and the most important investment you can make for your financial future.


    How drinking Gloci twice a day is boosting my focus and energy.

    The real cost of a poor mindset.

    What Lori and I did to break free from a poor mindset.

    How shifting to an abundant mindset changes everything.

    Ways to make smart investments in yourself and your business.

    Details for our final Dinner Series of the year in Laguna Beach!


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for our final Dinner Series event of 2024 in Laguna Beach.

    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Want to know one thing that sets apart businesses that take off and become wildly successful? Businesses like Uber, Expedia, and Airbnb have disrupted their industries and I’m doing the same thing with my company Frello, disrupting the lending industry by doing this one major thing. They are all aggregators of their industries. In this episode, I share ways to apply the aggregator model to any size and type of business.


    The best type of business to have.

    How to apply the aggregator model to any size of business.

    How a member of my mastermind is applying the aggregator model to her podcast.


    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Are you finding sales challenging? It’s time to pivot from focusing on features and discounts to building authentic connections with your customers. In this episode, Lori and I are here to share strategies that will not only get eyes on your business, but actually close more sales. You'll learn the habit that will build your confidence in sales, how to leverage social proof, and how to transfer your excitement to potential customers to close the deal. Get ready to sell with confidence and connect with your customers.


    How Glōci influences your decision-making and energy levels.

    The difference between getting eyeballs vs. closing sales.

    Emotional drivers that lead customers to make a purchase.

    Lori and I's personal approach to sales.

    Details on the final Dinner Series event of 2024.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for the final Dinner Series event of 2024 in Laguna Beach.

    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Are you in a major season of growth? For all of us that are pursuing massive goals, like I am with building a billion dollar company like Frello, it’s going to take massive personal growth. In this episode I’m sharing 4 areas of my life I’m working on to expand my vision, and get in the best mental and physical shape of my life.


    4 aspects of your life you should commit to growing right now.

    How to expand your big vision and what you feel is possible for yourself.

    Types of books I’m reading to focus on your goals vs distractions.

    What I’m doing to get in the best shape of my life.

    Who to surround yourself with as you are on your journey to next level goals..


    Apply for the Elite Mastermind - chrisharder.me/mastermind

    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for the Advanced Networking Dinner and Mastermind Day

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Want to have a better relationship with food and your body for good? In this special episode, Lori and I chat with one of our Dinner Series mastermind members and Founder of the Yummy Mummy program, Laura Conley. She has cracked the code on how to have a healthy relationship with food and your body for good. From ways to transform your health, to how Laura has created success in entrepreneurship, we talk about ways to reach your goals in a sustainable way.


    How to transform your relationship with food and your body.

    Ways community helps you see results faster in health and business.

    What led Laura to create The Yummy Mummy program.

    Why we’re all more likely to get results when we invest in mentorship.


    Save $250 OFF with code: LORI, go to lauraconley.com to lose weight for the last time!

    Get your free weight loss plan that works HERE!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Ready for ways to expand your capacity for pressure? In this episode, Lori and I dive into how facing our fears is a superpower as you face the pressures of life and business. We recently celebrated our 19th anniversary and kicked off our trip facing one of my deepest fears. Listen in for major lessons we gained on this trip, the power of taking time to be bored (have zero plans), and our yearly ritual to check in on our goals together.


    How we felt drinking Glōci twice a day on vacation.

    The anniversary ritual we do every year to focus on our goals..

    Lessons from facing my fears scuba diving.

    Ways to calm anxiety under pressure.

    How to get on the advanced notice list for our final Dinner Series event.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for the Advanced Networking Dinner and Mastermind Day

    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Every so often, life throws you a curveball that makes you pause and reflect on what matters. Lori and I recently celebrated our 19th anniversary in Mexico, where I had a conversation with Daniel, a bartender from Riviera Maya, that struck a chord with me. He shared four essential elements that create true fulfillment. In this episode, I break down the formula for achieving this happiness. Plus, I share a story that has made me appreciate the power of a strong support system. Get ready to strive for balance and unlock the door to true happiness.


    A story that made me thankful for our Elite Mastermind Group.

    How money can impact your happiness.

    The people you need to share your success with.

    When you lack this, you'll never have 100% happiness.

    The connection between purpose and true happiness.

    4 essential elements to be truly happy.


    Apply for the Elite Mastermind - chrisharder.me/mastermind

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Market and customer preferences shift CONSTANTLY. It is crucial for your business to continually innovate and adapt. In this episode, Lori and I share four strategies to keep your business from becoming stagnant - from the benefits of studying and learning from your competitors to tips to find the right mentor for your current stage of business. Tune in to stay relevant and operate one step ahead!


    4 ways to go from stuck and stagnant to in momentum.

    Pros of getting feedback from a group of peers (and how to find trusted peers to ask.)

    Ways to gather customer feedback to improve your products and services.

    One thing you should do with your competitors.

    Tips to find the best mentor for your current season and stage of business.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for the our final Dinner Series event of 2024 in Laguna Beach.

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • You'll never go wrong by doing the right thing. I know it sounds obvious, but it can be so easy to make choices out of fear or scarcity that aren't in line with this principle. I recently had an interaction with a contractor that reminded me exactly what it means to operate in integrity and do what's best for your customer, even if that means turning down business opportunities in the short term. At the end of the day, doing the right thing is what's going to keep you busy and in business, when other people are wondering where the customers are.


    An honest check in - are you doing the right thing for your customers?

    Where (and with WHO) people spend their dollars when times are tough.

    Real-world example of integrity in action and why it pays off.

    The value of playing the long game in your business relationships.


    Text the word "dinner" to 310-421-0416 to be the first to gain access to a seat at the Dinner Series in Laguna Beach! Spots are limited!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Are you feeling stuck or stagnant in your current environment? If you’ve tried everything and you feel like you aren’t in an environment that fuels you, it might be time to make a move that can change your life. Lori and I just made the move back to our California home and it’s undeniable how being here impacts our motivation and attracts more opportunities to us. We share how to get clear on the environment you thrive in most, how to navigate this topic with your partner or family, advice on how to navigate seasons of compromise and adjustment periods.


    The glōci ingredient that helps retain moisture and reduce wrinkles.

    How to identify whether you're planted in the right place or not.

    What to do if your dream environment is out of your current budget.

    How to navigate the conversation of a potential big move with your partner.

    Details on our final Dinner Series event of 2024.


    Text DINNER to 310-421-0416 to get on the early VIP access list for the Advanced Networking Dinner and Mastermind Day

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Ready for the secret to selling more of your products in today's distracted, attention-starved world? The buying habits of consumers have completely transformed, and timing is the number one factor in making a sale. I'll share my own experience of being targeted by a product I wanted, but didn't buy right away - and how it applies to selling more of your products. Get ready to discover a proven, multi-platform approach to drive more conversions.


    The #1 factor in making a sale.

    How to get the attention of a potential customer

    The multi-platform, multi-exposure sales strategy you need today.

    Ways to retarget your customers at the right moment.


    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • As entrepreneurs, we're no strangers to challenges and setbacks. But what if I told you that there's a way to overcome these obstacles and propel your business forward? In this episode, Lori and I dive into the importance of cultivating a positive mindset, especially when you’re faced with daily problem-solving in business. We share experiences and practical strategies to help you shift your mindset and attract success. Get ready to attract like-minded people who share your vision, build stronger relationships with partners and clients and increase your confidence and motivation.


    The glōci effect that can maintain your health and well-being during travel.

    The BEST thing you can do when facing daily challenges and problems (in business AND life).

    Strategies and mantras Lori and I used to shift our mindset and vibration.

    The benefits of support system when you navigate challenges.

    Why you need to measure progress over longer time frames vs shorter time frames.


    Apply to for the Elite Mastermind - chrisharder.me/mastermind

    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Let’s talk about 3 vital things that impact the growth and lasting success of your business. In this episode, I dive deep into three factors I believe are vital for sustaining long-term business success. After enhancing her know, like, and trust factor, one of my Elite Mastermind members, Lia Garvin, has been able to grow her podcast to the point where 30% of her business is drive by her show, even though it's only 15 months old. I break down the components and share how consistent exposure and authentic engagement can grow your business. Plus, tune in to get more details for the Elite Mastermind to build a long-term business growth.


    Why you should start with gratitude every day.

    The difference between arrogance and confidence.

    3 Foundations every successful businesses is built on.

    Ways to grow your know, like and trust factor.


    Apply to for the Elite Mastermind - chrisharder.me/mastermind

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • When I want to increase sales or open the door to my next big collaboration, these 3 strategies are what I do. I’m so excited to celebrate Lori as her company Glōci hit a record number of sales in a day, and in looking at the data it proved what we know about marketing, growing your audience, and making win-win collaborations. If you want to know how to get more attention on your business and know the top things to focus on for the biggest ROI - this episode is for you!


    The strategies that created a new record of daily sales for Glōci.

    How to get more eyes on your business.

    Things we’ve done FOR FREE that have helped grow our following and businesses.

    Experiments that will help you figure out what works best for you.

    WHO you need to be connecting with to grow your business.


    Grab your seat at our Girlfriends & Business event in September! ONLY a few seats left!

    Join the waitlist for our final Dinner Series of the year in November!

    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Want to have a happier, more fulfilling life? It’s possible to wake up today and be significantly happier with your life and it doesn’t require a drastic change, a ton of money, or perfect circumstances. It all starts with the daily practices that build your mindset and the lens you see the world through. Listen in for 7 practices I do, most of them on a daily basis, to soak up the joy and abundance I have in my life NOW instead of focusing on what I lack.


    Daily gratitude practices I do to build a positive mindset.

    Ways to manage the pressure and challenges of life.

    How a positive mindset and attitude attracts more opportunities.

    The proven way to have a happier life (and it doesn’t require a drastic change.)


    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • What if failures are actually "divine breadcrumbs" guiding you toward your true purpose? In this episode, Lori and I share this ONE mindset shift that can help you stay in motion and not get stuck when faced with setbacks. Lori shares how she had to experience failures with Lite Pink on her path to create success with Glōci, proving you can pivot from failed launches to extraordinary success. Listen in for ways to trust the process and follow the “breadcrumbs” of failure that lead to success.


    Common reviews we’re seeing from glōci customers.

    How to build momentum and attract ideas, opportunities, and success to you.

    Lori’s biggest lessons from failures with Lite Pink that led to success with glōci.

    What to do when you don't reach your expectations.

    How to use failure as a stepping stone.


    Get glōci HERE Use code: HAPPY at checkout for 25% off!

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app

  • Is it possible to create massive success without reaching burnout? Forbes named today’s guest, Jessica Zweig, a “Personal Branding Expert” and she shares a behind the scenes look at the hustle it took to scale and sell her multi-million dollar branding agency. Listen in for how to rewire your abundance and wealth codes, keep your closest relationships a priority, and pour into yourself and your spiritually as you build life changing wealth.


    00:00 How do you make differences work in a relationship?

    08:15 Tips for how to support your partner on their own journey of personal growth.

    11:00 As opposites, what have you and your husband learned from each other?

    15:00 The journey of building and selling a multi-million dollar agency.

    18:15 Two things that need to be in place to sell a business.

    20:00 What it looked like behind the scenes hustling and hitting burnout as a Founder.

    24:00 How do you rewire your abundance and wealth codes?

    33:45 The event that will help you create a NEW way to scale your business.

    38:00 Why do you need to recognize your uniqueness?

    42:00 The book that will unlock deeper self-exploration.

    45:00 How to get a limited free signed copy of Jessica's book, "The Light Work".


    Get your FREE SIGNED COPY of The Light Work HERE

    Save your spot to Jessica Zweig's Virtual Live Event HERE

    Text DAILY to 310-421-0416 to get daily Money Mantras to boost your day.

    Want to grow your email list - Get Over 240 Free Lead Magnets HERE!

    Check out upcoming events + Masterminds: chrisharder.me


    Jessica Zweig: @jessicazweig

    Chris: @chriswharder

    Lori: @loriharder

    Frello: @frello_app