
  • Our guest today is Janey McGill. She has been a lawyer, a soldier and an art dealer. But not at the same time. She is now a filmmaker, an explorer, a speaker and a designer. After years of experimenting and searching for fulfillment she has crafted a life that brings her joy and purpose.

    She's led a somewhat unconventional life. The ā€˜thingsā€™ society deem important, she often doesn't. Making choices with her heart leads to incredible learning and adventure. The consequences of those decisions and the circumstance of her life prompt much introspection and self-examination. As she says, "Arguably too much" at times.

    Sheā€™s had her back broken from a horse riding accident and came back better. Sheā€™s walked hundreds of miles in the pursuit of meaning and giving back. She recently finished filming a documentary about planning and executing the greatest escape to the Arabian desert with a team of eastern and western strangers to deliver a message that we are ā€˜better togetherā€™ regardless of gender, culture or identityā€¦

    This was such a delightful conversation with a delightful soul. Enjoy the show, please drop a rating or review if you feel moved.

    Website: https://www.janeymcgill.com/

  • This week we welcome my "SISU sister" to the forge. Elisabet and I have so much alignment around the concepts of doing hard things, overcoming adversity, being tough and staying the course. But to also make room for changing course when needed, softness, gentleness, compassion for yourself and those we lead. You will come away with ideas of how we can be both tough and gentle, and why we should. This is the leadership model of the future. We discuss what it means to honor yourself. And that pushing on is not always the best choice.

    Show notes:

    Elisabet is an international presenter on topics related to positive psychology, courage, leadership, and high performance. She is also a transformational mindset coach supporting individuals who are committed to cultivating compassionate leadership and integrity in their daily lives

    She conducted her PhD research for the Finland-based Aalto University School of Science and Technology in which she is pioneered the research on the ancient Finnish construct of sisu, which denotes courage and determination in the face of extreme adversity and the ability to unlock hidden inner strength when it is needed (find the research paper on embodied fortitude here and its press release here).

    ElisabetĀ“s work has been featured by The New Yorker, Business Insider, Scientific American, BBC, and Forbes among others. Elisabet has given talks at Fortune500 companies such as Facebook and Salesforce, as well as Stanford University, The International World Congress on Positive Psychology, The Consciousness Summit, TEDx, and Singularity University at NASA Ames in Mountain View, California, where she also studied futurism and exponential technologies while attending their Global Solutions Programme.

    Elisabet has a master's degree in social psychology from the University of Tampere in Finland and in a master's degree in applied positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, USA. She is a former student of Dr Martin Seligman and began her master thesis work on sisu was advised by research professor Dr Angela Duckworth in 2013.

    Her personal life mission involves being a catalyst for human connection and compassion. She believes it is our collective responsibility to create socially warm, inviting spaces that empower people to reach their fullest potential. Elisabet enjoys facilitating meaningful connections across geographical, cultural, and disciplinary boundaries and has been hosting story circles and women's groups since 2013.

    Website: https://www.sisulab.com/

    Buy the book! https://www.amazon.com/Gentle-Power-Revolution-Succeed-Finnish/dp/1683649699

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  • As the author of a bestselling book with the title, "Deliberate Discomfort," you can imagine our guest today is a perfect fit for the Forging Mettle podcast. Jason Van Camp is a former special forces soldier and now teaches people how to proactively seek out hard things through his company Mission Six Zero. In this discussion I was fascinated by Jason's origin story of his company, how he talks about failure, and what he believes we need to do to live our best lives.

    Show notes:

    Jason B.A. Van Camp is what Malcolm Gladwell would refer to as an Outlier; an exceptional person who is successful not just because of his personal accomplishments but because of his will to win and the unique ability and willingness to unlock the potential of others. A decorated Green Beret, world traveler, entrepreneur, author, and loyal friend, Jason has mastered the art of storytelling that reflects many of his own life adventures.

    Jason is the chairman of ā€œmission six zero.ā€ He is also the executive director of Warrior Rising, which is a non-profit that empowers U.S. military veterans.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-van-camp/

    Mission Six Zero: https://missionsixzero.com/

    Warrior Rising: https://www.warriorrising.org/

    Buy the book: https://www.amazon.com/Deliberate-Discomfort-Operations-Comfortable-Uncomfortable/dp/1733428011

  • Today's guest is our first Army Ranger on the show. Even though she was a trailblazer for women, I purposely left out that "adjective" of being female. Lisa recently published her book, "Delete the Adjective: Soldier's Adventures in Ranger School." I think you are going to find her approach to excellence, raising kids, controlled suffering and doing hard things and facing adversity.

    Show notes:

    Army Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Jaster is a soldier, an engineer, a wife and mother, and a trailblazer. One of only three women to graduate from the first integrated United States Army Ranger programā€”one of the most difficult combat training courses in the worldā€”Lisa was the first female Army Reserve officer to become Ranger qualified.

    Lisa, a fitness fanatic who continues to train CrossFit and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, has a hard-won understanding of the importance of perseverance, as well as a deeply ingrained respect for camaraderie stemming from a seven-year-long active duty career (including tours in Iraq and Afghanistan).

    Website: https://deletetheadjective.com/

    Buy the book: Today's guest is our first Army Ranger on the show. Even though she is was a trailblazer for women, I purposely left out that "adjective." Lisa recently published her book, "Delete the Adjective: Soldier's Adventures in Ranger School." I think you are going to find her approach to excellence, raising kids, controlled suffering and doing hard things and facing adversity.

    Show notes:

    Army Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Jaster is a soldier, an engineer, a wife and mother, and a trailblazer. One of only three women to graduate from the first integrated United States Army Ranger programā€”one of the most difficult combat training courses in the worldā€”Lisa was the first female Army Reserve officer to become Ranger qualified.

    Lisa, a fitness fanatic who continues to train CrossFit and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, has a hard-won understanding of the importance of perseverance, as well as a deeply ingrained respect for camaraderie stemming from a seven-year-long active duty career (including tours in Iraq and Afghanistan).

    Website: ā https://deletetheadjective.com/ā 

    Buy the book: ā https://www.amazon.com/Delete-Adjective-Soldiers-Adventures-Ranger/dp/1544536445

  • In today's show we talk about female aviators forging a path for those who followed. They were instrumental to having the combat aviation exclusion for women finally removed. Our guest, Bev Weintraub, has written the first book detailing their incredible historical journey. This story includes head shaking moments, great courage, humility and perseverance. 

    Show notes: 

    Beverly Weintraub is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and instrument-rated private pilot. As an editorial writer for the New York Daily News, she covered topics including education, social services and aviation. She shared the 2007 Pulitzer for Editorial Writing for an in-depth investigation into the illnesses afflicting World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers after 9/11.

    Her book, ā€œWings of Gold: The Story of the First Women Naval Aviatorsā€ debuts with a meticulous and often infuriating chronicle of the obstacles faced by the first six women to earn their naval aviation wings in the early 1970s.

    Website: https://www.beverlyweintraub.com/

    Book: Wings of Gold: The Story of the First Women Naval Aviators

  • Today's guest is Massimo Pigliucci. In his latest book, "The Quest for Character: What the Story of Socrates and Alcibiades Teaches Us about Our Search for Good Leaders," he looks at lessons of leadership and politics from ancient Greece. What is character? Is it something we are born with or can we develop it? We wade into compelling topics like wealth, power, greed, cooperation and competition. No discussion about character can skip over politics. Enjoy the show! 

    Show notes:

    Massimo has a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Tennessee. 

    He is currently a Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. His research interests include the philosophy of science, the nature of pseudoscience, and practical philosophies like Stoicism and New Skepticism. He is also a prolific author. 

    Buy the book:"The Quest for Character: What the Story of Socrates and Alcibiades Teaches Us about Our Search for Good Leaders"

    Website: https://massimopigliucci.org/

    Documentary (Trailer) mentioned by Massimo..."Young Plato"


  • In today's episode we talk about trauma from someone who has experienced it as a combat aviator and also in his personal life. What he has to share could help us all take a different approach to how trauma affects us. Does it burn us down or heat our house? There are many factors that define trauma for us, but perhaps the most powerful is how we think about it. He has a wonderful "lightning" analogy that I think you will find useful. 

    About Brian:

    One in three will experience a significant trauma in their life. For Army Apache Pilot Brian Slade, his first was in Afghanistan.

    Offering a unique perspective on preparing one's mind for trauma, his book, Cleared Hot puts readers in the cockpit of the most lethal helicopter in the world as Slade learns on the job, flying over an unforgiving landscape.

    Follow Slade as he navigates the ugliness of combat while working to preserve a difficult marriage to a wife suffering from mental illness. Witness the challenges that taught him universal lessons on resilience and coping-and how they equipped him to think fast under pressure and maneuver through a curtain of enemy fire that crippled his aircraft and wounded his co-pilot, ultimately earning him the Distinguished Flying Cross.

    Cleared Hot offers readers an exhilarating ride while giving them tools they can use to survive the traumas of their own lives.

    Brian L. Slade has held command positions in the Army and the Air Force. He has received the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, and fourteen combat air medals. He attended Utah State, where he earned a BA and was commissioned as an Army Aviation second lieutenant. He's also earned an MA in aviation instruction. Brian currently serves as a lieutenant colonel for Air Force Combat Search and Rescue.

    Website: https://www.clearedhot.info/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brian.slade_/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clearedhot/

  • A quick recap of 2022 and looking ahead to 2023. In this solocast, Ron discusses 3 types of goals and which one is most important, strategic planning, work ethic, and how much habits and routines drive our behavior. Don't miss this episode as you prepare to make 2023 your best year yet!  

    Habits and routines (article) 


    "Adventure Psychology: Knowingly Going Into the Unknown" (textbook)


    Principles of Leadership: Leading Oneself (Online course - Coursera)


    "Embracing Adversity to Forge Happiness" (TEDx talk)


    GatorAde Commercial (Hard Work, Work, Work)


  • Today we talk with a mental coach for aviators. You'll get a firsthand account of what it's like to be a female instructor pilot in the U.S. Air Force. But rest assured there is plenty of wisdom in our discussion for the non-pilots among us. We banter about self-confidence, finding root causes, trusting your brain, women in leadership and performing at your best under pressure. Enjoy the show and please leave us a rating and review! 

    Our guest, Tammy Barlette retired from the Air Force in 2018 after 20 years of dedicated service. During her last assignment she was an  instructor pilot in the T-38 Talon. She has more than 3000 total flight hours and over 1500 hours of combat support time in both Iraq and Afghanistan. She is now a motivational speaker with years of experience teaching and empowering others to be their best.

    Show notes:

    Tammy's website: https://tammybarlette.com/

    Athena's Voice: https://www.athenasvoiceusa.com/tammy-g-barlette

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammybarlette/

  • Former Green Beret Fran Racioppi joins us to discuss far ranging topics like quiet quitting, meeting people where they are, properly setting standards for yourself and those that you lead, navigating a complex world and a decision-making process to help you come out ahead more times than not. Thank you for listening. 

    Show notes: 

    Fran served 13 years in the United States Army as a Green Beret, deploying three times to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. In 2013, he deployed to Djibouti, Africa in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, where he coordinated Special Operations combating Al-Shabab throughout East Africa. In 2014, he planned and coordinated the Special Forces response to Boko Haram in West Africa, as well as oversaw the operations of Special Forces teams countering the Lord's Resistance Army in Central Africa and ISIS in North Africa. In 2014, Fran was selected to serve as the advisor and aide to the Commander of Special Operations Command Africa. Fran is a graduate of the US Army Ranger School, Airborne School, and several other Special Operations sponsored certifications.  

    A lifelong sailor, Fran volunteers teaching Veterans to sail as the Race Director for Sailahead a Veterans service organization dedicated to reducing the Veteran suicide rate. Fran has also served as the Treasurer of the United War Veterans Council, a NYC-based non-profit focused on the wellness and healing of transitioning veterans, as well as the host of the annual NYC Veterans Day Parade. 

    Fran's website FRsix: https://frsix.com/about

    Jedburgh Podcast 

    The Ballad of the Green Berets (song mentioned in the podcast)

  • In today's grind-it-out, never ask for help, always on, stuff it down, culture, we need more discussions like this one. We candidly discuss different ways to frame "asking for help" to make it a bit easier to do, and even fun when approached in the right way. We also have a lively back and forth chat about how to better deal with the life trauma we all carry. You're going to find real value in what Abigail has to say about healthy habits and self-limiting beliefs. Thanks for tuning in.

    Show notes:

    Abigail G. Manning is the founder of ā€œCreate Awareness, Change Livesā€ and speaks internationally on professional development and personal empowerment. She is an impactful storyteller, weaving together true life stories with powerful key takeaways. Abigail shares insights from her Indiana University double major in Cognitive, Communication and Behavioral Sciences along with hard lessons learned from the trenches of life. She learned to thrive, not in-spite of, but because of the  obstacles she has faced. It is her mission to offer insights, inspiration and innovative life skills so we each can create the best path forward to lead more effectively and live more powerfully.

    Abigail's website: https://abigailgmanning.com/

    Special Operators Transition Foundation - SOTF (as mentioned in the podcast): https://www.sotf.org/

    Please check out episode #47 with Kim "KC" Campbell


    Please leave us a review so that we may reach more people. We need you...to start a revolution. 

    Thank you for listening and we'll see you next week. 

    Forging Mettle Academy www.forgingmettleacademy.com

  • Today we discuss many topics related to managing the mental side of performance in difficult situations. Our guests train special forces candidates to get through the demanding selection process. What can we learn from those who do hard things? Topics such as the big five personality traits, emotional regulation, using humor to blunt the effects of hardship, and who survives, who fails, and why. 

    Building the Elite 


    If youā€™re reading this, you are likely pursuing a challenging path. BTE was founded to help people like you develop the skills youā€™ll need to overcome those obstacles as efficiently as possible.

    Both of us (Craig and Jonathan) have overcome many needless obstacles that could have been avoided with a more robust approach. As we struggled with these setbacks, we tried to understand why they were happening, and how to avoid or overcome them more effectively in the future.

    After ten years of research and helping thousands of clients with the tools weā€™ve developed along the way, we founded BTE to share that knowledge with people like you.

    The process and principles outlined in our book and throughout our site arenā€™t limited to the small world of military special operations. These principles will help you get more out of every aspect of your life.

    Craig Weller

    Craig is a former USN SWCC (Special Warfare Combatant Crewman). He is also certified under the Department of Stateā€™s Worldwide Personal Protective Service-2, and spent nearly two years on the High-Threat Protection team for the U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad in Iraq. 

    In Special Operations and in subsequent private deployments, Weller held a variety of instructional and diplomatic security roles in locations including Kenya, the Philippines, Central America, South Sudan, and Iraq. 

    Along with Jonathan Pope, he co-founded Ethos Colorado Training Center, a full-service strength and conditioning facility based in Denver. Prior to that, he founded Barefoot Fitness in South Dakota, with two training facilities based on minimalist principles developed while training SOF personnel in austere locations.

    Jonathan Pope

    Jonathan is a strength and conditioning coach based out of Denver, Colorado with over ten years of coaching experience and a BS in Exercise Science. Along with Craig, he co-founded Ethos Colorado Training Center in 2010, where he is the lead coach and oversees operations. 

    When not working he can be found chasing ski mountaineering objectives all over the world or competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

    Buy the book! 


  • Today we talk with psychologist Paul Napper about the power of personal agency. What it is, and how we can cultivate more of it to help us face demanding situations in life. Like a global pandemic. You don't want to miss this fascinating discussion as you'll come away with actionable tools to "steer your ship" better when the storms of life descend upon us. 
    Show notes: 
    Dr. Paul Napper helps business leaders increase their effectiveness through focusing and strengthening their agency as leaders. His professional background includes extensive experience in assessment and the application of psychological principles to improve the performance of people and organizations. His client list includes Fortune 500 companies, financial firms, non-profit organizations, universities, as well as start-ups.
    Dr. Napper launched his career as a Wall Street analyst, first with J.P. Morgan Investment Management in New York and, following that, with Crowell, Weedon and Company in Los Angeles. During his tenure as a securities analyst, he was responsible for research and investment strategy for several major industries. He subsequently launched Performance Psychology, a management psychology consultancy to a wide range of organizations and industries.
    Dr. Napper earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Pennsylvania in International Relations and pursued his master’s degree in the same field at the University of Chicago. He received his doctorate in psychology from William James College in Boston, one of the country’s premier schools of professional psychology. As part of his training he was selected for an advanced fellowship in psychological testing and assessment during a three-year academic appointment at Harvard Medical School.
    Buy the book, "The Power of Agency" 

  • Caleb Campbell achieved his childhood dream. To play football in the NFL. Only to have his world come crashing down around him. His dreams shattered. He now says those shattered dreams are what saved his life. This is a man who knows what it means to be tested by the fire and emerge stronger. Listen in to hear his struggles, triumphs and life lessons so that we can all lead better lives and be better humans. 

    Show notes:

    A short video about Caleb's story: https://vimeo.com/697427004 

    In 2008, I graduated the United States Military Academy at West Point and was commissioned as an officer in the United States Army with 972 other cadets. The difference between me and them is that while the majority of them were sent to war, I went to the NFL. I didnā€™t know it at the time, but I was about to fight my own battleā€”in my own inner warā€”and it almost cost me my life.

    Caleb's website: https://www.calebcampbell.me/

  • Today's guest has walked in the footsteps of Socrates and Plato. Literally. Donald Robertson visits the forge to discuss cognitive behavioral therapy and explain how it was derived from ancient Stoic philosophy. We discuss how our thoughts influence our emotions. Once we can begin to harness how we think, we can begin to unlock the secrets of high performance that ancient philosophers knew well. 
    Show notes:
    Donald is a writer, cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist and trainer.
    Donald specializes in teaching evidence-based psychological skills, and known as an expert on the relationship between modern psychotherapy (CBT) and classical Greek and Roman philosophy. He was born in Irvine, Scotland, and grew up in Ayr.  He worked as a psychotherapist for about twenty years in London, England, where he ran a training school for therapists, before emigrating to Canada in 2013 to focus on his writing and training courses. He now divides his time between Greece and Canada.
    He is an experienced public speaker.  His therapy practice specialised for many years in helping clients with social anxiety and self-confidence issues.  His work, and that of his colleagues, has often featured in the media of different countries, including Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, the BBC, etc.
    Book: "How to Think Like a Roman Emperor" 
    Book: All others

  • How many times have you been told, "you're just not very good at that." Today we discuss how words matter, and to use them carefully. We all have superpowers and they may not be what you think they are. Hidden in what might called a weakness, may actually be a strength. Life is full of paradoxes, we highlight some of those in our chat. 

    Show notes:

    Juliet Hahn grew up in Moorestown, New Jersey, a quaint town just outside of Philadelphia. She had a fulfilling childhood and her parents, Marc and Barbara, showered their five children with love, support, and humor. Juliet enjoyed being active which led to her year-round involvement in sports. She brought her love of athletics to Rowan University where she starred as a two-sport athlete. After graduation, she moved to New York City and began a career in advertising. Juliet embraced New York Cityā€™s culture, diversity, and energy and made it her home for fourteen years. It also happens to be where she met her future husband, Dan. Currently, they reside in Remsenburg, New York with their three children: Montgomery (16), Truman (14), and Penelope (12) and two Boxers.


    "Your Next Stop" podcast

  • How many of us have been directly or indirectly impacted by cancer? My guess is, almost all of us have some form of cancer story. Today's guest wrote a book that looked closely at our relationship with cancer. From all perspectives; survivors, caregivers, friends, and those we've lost. It is a heavy conversation, while inspiring and uplifting at the same time. 

    About David:

    As a former sedentary, overweight, smoker, David knew that he needed to focus not on what others wanted out of him, but on what he wanted out of life. Through lessons learned in business and sport, David introduces the concept of the ā€œmiddle of the packā€ and discusses how to get more out of ourselves than ever imagined. He applies this concept to life and business and adds value to the people he works with coming from the perspective of the ā€œmiddle of the pack.ā€




  • Do we truly know what will deliver happiness to our doorstep? Everyone is searching, but few are finding it. Perhaps our happiness model is broken? I'll discuss this as a teaser of my upcoming TEDx talk. I'll also expand on my thoughts of "empathize and empower" from Julie Lythcott-Haims. 

    If you like the show, please give us a 5-star rating and review. 

    Visit Forging Mettle: www.forgingmettleacademy.com 

  • This is a far ranging, passionate discussion that you are sure to enjoy. We explore topics like free range kids, stranger danger, overprotecting. How to empathize and empower not only our kids but also adults. How to become stronger in the face of the storm. This is a discussion we all need right now. 

    Show notes: 

    I believe in humans.

    Iā€™m rooting for all of us to make it.

    Iā€™ve come to appreciate that despite our innumerable differences, we all want to be treated with dignity and kindness. We all yearn to know that we matter. We all want to be seen, accepted, and loved simply as we are.

    Iā€™m interested in what gets in the way.

    Sometimes the obstacle begins within: our ego, fear, and shame can eat at us and make it difficult for us to be kind even to ourselves let alone to others. Each of us is also implicitly biased in favor of and against groups of humans based upon our upbringing, lived experiences, and the ideas to which we have been exposed. And over the decades and centuries of our modern existence, weā€™ve built societal mores, rules, policies, structures, and systems that preference some while demeaning or excluding others.

    There is so much work to do, at all levels, to build a human community in which we all matter. I want to do my small part.

    As someone who has the privilege of writing and publishing books, Iā€™ve decided that the twin practices endemic in American publishing of describing characteristics of race, class, sexual orientation, and other identities only when deemed ā€œthe other,ā€ and of assuming that all readers belong to a particular demographic group are no longer tolerable. Iā€™m using my newest book Your Turn: How to Be an Adult to demonstrate that we can, and must, write inclusive books. You can read about how Iā€™ve attempted to do that, here.

    Itā€™s up to you and me to treat all humans with dignity and kindness and to inspire others to do the same. We can do this. Itā€™s well past time.




    "How to Raise and Adult: Break Free from the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success"

    "Your Turn: How to be an Adult"

  • What is your philosophy of life? We all have one, but many of us don't give it a second thought. We will discuss what makes a good life, how to cultivate excellence, preparing for the worst, what is a good death, nailing the job interview and surviving the pandemic. All with the guidance of a fascinating 2500 year old philosophy.

    Show notes:

    Prof. Pigliucci has a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Tennessee. He currently is the K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. His research interests include the philosophy of science, the nature of pseudoscience, and practical philosophies like Stoicism and New Skepticism.


    "How to be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life"

    "A Handbook for New Stoics: How to Thrive in a World out of Your Control"

    "How to Live a Good Life: A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy"

    "A Field Guide to a Happy Life: 53 Brief Lessons for Living"


    Philosophy as a way of life