Describing a time when I was in middle school, I made a Google slide with a few of my friends and called ourselves the trio and accidentally predicted what was going to happen next in fortnite's history
Like an episode one this will just be the same thing that will do every single episode
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Basically episode 1 but a lot better
Just like last episode it's basically the same thing but assfart the beautyfly died
Catching random Pokemon on certain routes but not actually random first Pokemon on the route but because I have Dupe's ClausI can catch any Pokemon I have not caught but I do not have species Claus
Fortnite with me
On this podcast we'll be covering mostly games, hidden Easter eggs in those specific games and live gameplay which you won't be able to see, but you'll be able to hear and know what's going on cuz of the audio and me explaining what the hell I'm doing
Fortnite tonight is a mini series of mine and I love it and different guest every episode