More of Woodpeckers Music here: http://woodpeckermusic.com Synopsis: Haunted by the memories of everyone else you've been with doing the same things in that same bedroom running into the same problems you realize that there is only one constant. Your dog. Lyrics: (paste in the lyrics.) Credits: Directed by Susan Buice Starring Josh Stienbauer Produced by Arin Crumley & Isis Masoud Assistant Director Roger Ingraham Cinematography by Arin Crumley Choreography by Isis Masoud Camera Assistant Jon Baskin Edited by Susan Buice & Josh Steinbauer Assistant Editor Niklas Schrimpf Production Coordinator Joe Griffin Production Assistant Gregg Sandler Distributed by The Co-Create Inc CAST: Josh Steinbauer Nadia Anderson Jennie Nau Isis Masoud Pete Fuss Anna Staloch Donovan Helma Laura Haley Erin Stomski Marcus Boyle Kayla Hubert Stephanie Jingle Leanne Trytko Danny Wallace AnthonyRusso Chris Erk Susie Payne Kelsey Brikis Kenny Corrigan Luke Bermingham Ashley Bannish, Nicole Picard Tarynn Wiehahn Kyle Tregurtha Liz rarrick Eugina Williams Gregg Sandler Jason Shymick Ashely Dixon Andy Xue Peter Pearson Niklas Schrimpf Roger Ingraham
TO WATCH OUR FEATURE FILM GO HERE: http://foureyedmonsters.com Music in this episode by: Parenthetical Girls http://www.myspace.com/parentheticalgirls http://www.slendermeanssociety.com/parenthetical/ Ben and Bruno http://www.myspace.com/benandbrunomusic http://www.g-rad.org/benandbruno/ Heather Renee http://www.myspace.com/heatherreneesings http://www.heather-renee.com/live
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WATCH NEXT EPISODE: http://foureyedmonsters.com/13 ARIN'S BLOG ABOUT THIS EPISODE: Why throw the baby out with the bath water? Maybe there are some aspects to a failing relationship that can be salvaged? I'm so persistant that I'll just keep bargaining and negotiating a shittier and shittier deal. When do you walk away from the table? Or is it bad to think of things so black and white, on or off. Is there a gray? If two people are going to be thinking of each other all the time even though they are dating new people, why not also keep in touch and be able to sort of be together as well? Is this a sloppy way to go? Is a clean break really so clean? This episodes is part of our project called Four Eyed Monsters which contains a feature film and 13 episodes plus a compilation of music all available on a DVD/CD combo available online at http://foureyedmonsters.com/dvd Please subscribe to our channels and spread the word about these episodes to those who might enjoy them. Appearances in this episode by: Arin Crumley http://arincrumley.com Susan Buice http://susanbuice.com Music by: Joel Kennedy
WATCH NEXT EPISODE: http://foureyedmonsters.com/12 SUSAN'S BLOG ABOUT EPISODE 11: I am sort of attracted to darkness. I think I'm 90% pretty normal and 'good' but I do have this 10% that's very deviant. Being a stripper and enjoying it was a manifestation of that deviance. I understand how emasculating it must be for a boy to have a girlfriend that spends her time charming and mentally seducing other men while dancing scantaly clad simply because they pay her but I wish that my boyfriend would just understand that I'm devious by nature and that it doesn't change how I feel about him. I wish it didn't cheapen the intimacy that we share. I wish he would look into my heart, see it's dark side and love me anyway. ARIN CRUMLEY'S BLOG ABOUT EPISODE 11: Can intimacy be shared between more then just one other person? What about selling it? Is that the same thing as sharing? Is that cheating? Is it a worse kind of cheating or a better kind of cheating? Who knows? Maybe it was just something she always wanted to do and had nothing to do with me, and at certain points I was totally behind it thinking, "you go girl" but eventually my emotions caught up to the situation and I was not okay. It felt like something actually done as part of a campaign against me. Operation slowly start to screw over Arin and then leave when the time is just right, leave him. Music by: http://maximumsorrow.com http://rocketsurgeryband.com Appearances by Arin Crumley, Susan Buice, Erika Smith, Karl Jacob
WATCH NEXT EPISODE: http://foureyedmonsters.com/11 SUSAN'S BLOG ABOUT EPISODE 10: Things had been tense and strained for Arin and I for a long time. I chalked it up to stress from working on the film 24/7, constantly being in each others' presence and of course the strain of financial crisis. I figured we'd eventually come out of these problems and be able to spend quality time together and perhaps fall in love again but then there was Kyle. Nothing much really happened between us but it was the first time I was tempted to look outside the relationship for what I was missing with Arin instead of working on making it better between us. It opened up the door to the outside world again. It was an exit sign to the world we had created together. ARIN'S BLOG ABOUT EPISODE 10: I was really turned on by helping Susan create this fantasy stripper alter ego. I was in support from the beginning. And for me it was neat to finally get to have sex with the alter ego she'd been creating. It was kind of like cheating in a strange way, hooking up with someone else who is not my girlfriend. But it was her, so it was all okay. Everything, was all just perfectly fine, and the name of this episode is Denial. Music by: http://www.paperjones.com http://brianjonestownmassacre.com Guest Actress: http://erikasmith.net Intro Score by: http://andrewapeterson.wordpress.com Appearances by Arin Crumley, Susan Buice, Erika Smith, Monica West, Bradley Calcaterra Special thanks to The Studio & Students
Watch Episode 10 here: http://foureyedmonsters.com/10 Is love an illusion? Is it something we see happening and feel so magical about but then in reality never happened at all? I don't know. The fact that relationships just begin to deteriorate over time causes me to lean towards the idea the love never really existed to begin with beyond our own delusional experience of feeling that it did. If that is the case, why not just chase that wonderful feeling and when you find it try to keep it as long as possible. But there is fear, you know that everything has an end. What can be done to keep it going? There is one way to extend the reality two people create together. And that's to create something together. Whether it's a child or a film or an album, that process will create a greater purpose and a reason to keep working for it to continue and therefor be the glue of the relationship. So what happens when that takes over? When there is only work and no special magical feeling? When the glue stops working. Or your creation together is done. It's all grown up now and ready to be shipped off to the world. Is there anything now holding two people together other then the idea that they are supposed to stay the way they were? Once in love always in love? We shall see. Episode 9 is one of the 13 episodes on our DVD that also has the film we created together and it can be bought at: http://foureyedmonsters.com/dvd Music in this episode: Francois http://kidfrancois.com/ Dixiescumbag http://www.myspace.com/dixiescumbaguk The Golden Pastime http://www.myspace.com/goldenpastime Animation of illustrations by Susan Buice &: http://mermaidsandunicorns.com/ Appearances by: Arin Crumley, Susan Buice & Kyle
Watch Episode 9 here: http://foureyedmonsters.com/9 Are emotions fact? I feel there for it is? Well in some ways yes. It is a fact you feel the way you do. But also other people may feel differently or may not have intended for you to feel that way. So leaning on emotions as your navigational guide could be inaccurate. You could feel a certain way that is really all in your head and not real. So maybe people should just keep their feelings to themselves until they pass because they aren't based on reality anyway. But then how are they supposed to cope with the fact they feel so terrible and proactively prevent the triggers from occurring more. A confrontation must occur. At this point it does become real. Something must be said. And now that has been said. And now we really are fighting and now some paranoid mental kink has become 100 percent real. And thus the manifestation of inner demons into the outer real world. As shitty as it is, all the positive things that occur also take a similar path from metaphysical into reality, so it's all just the yin and yang of existence. Music by: Apes and Androids http://www.myspace.com/apesandandroids Magdyn Osh http://www.myspace.com/magdynosh Assistant Editor for this Episode: Zachery Milan Artists that drew illustrations for this episode: Susan Buice , Jesse Proia , and Joseph Hung . Models that posed for the illustrations: Dorian Nuskind-Oder , Joe Griffin , Joel Kennedy , Joseph Hung , Matthew Green , Andrew Peterson , and special thanks for help with the photography for the illustrations to Matthew Green , Andrew Peterson , Alexandra Bialkin , Megan White , Jay White , Matthew Emmit and Crissie Twombly. Appearances in this episode by: Susan Buice , Arin Crumley , Marc Scrivo , Dorian Nuskind-Odor , Cassie O'Sullivan , Joe Griffin , Brad Calcaterra , Monica West , Michael Cuomo , Andrew A Peterson , Joseph Hung , Margret Echeverria and Joel Kennedy standing in for "Susan's crush" out at Park City.
Watch Episode 8 at: http://foureyedmonsters.com/8 I know this because I'm this way. Give me an inch and I can't help, I'll slowly start to see if it's possible to have a mile. Especially if what I really needed was a mile but I was just to timid. Asking for an inch is just easier then asking for a mile. But nice guys finish last and always trying to be accommodating of others can leave me feeling completely walked on. When I so kindly give that cookie is it anyone's fault but my own that they go in for the kill asking for that glass of milk they really want? So what do I just never be nice? I don't know but a start would be having self respect and stating clearly my own value. We didn't do that in this episode. Our project is entirely contained in one place on our DVD/CD combo for sale on our site. It has the feature film, these episodes, loads of extras and a CD of music used in the project. It can be purchased off our site: http://foureyedmonsters.com/dvd Music in this episode by: Paper Jones [ myspace.com/paperjones ] Appearances in this episode by: Susan Buice , Arin Crumley , Marc Scrivo , Dorian Nuskind-Odor , Cassie O'Sullivan , Joe , Brad Calcaterra , Monica West , Michael Cuomo , Elizabeth Carmody , Andrew A Peterson , Joseph Hung , Dan Mirvish of Slamdance , John Peterson, Tracey Coogan
Watch Episode 7 at: http://foureyedmonsters.com/7 In life it's good to say yes to everything but in your own way. If something seems like it deserves a no the question is what spin can you put on it to make it a yes. When a new relationship starts I can't help but just say yes to the whole thing. And I just keep adding things to it that make it even more of a Yes. But what about boundaries then? What about things that really deserve a straight up no. What about defining roles and putting people in their place when they step on you? How do you keep saying yes when your starting to be disrespected? This episode is part of our DVD that has all 13 episodes as well as the film that you see us making in this episode called Four Eyed MOnsters. That film is about the entity of a couple. They have 4 eyes, 2 mouths, 8 limbs. Combing the film and the episodes this project ended up being about the birth life and death of our real relationship. Music by: Adriana Krikl [ myspace.com/adriannatunes ] And music by: Golden Pastime [ myspace.com/goldenpastime ] Special thanks to Sally Johnson Acting Studio Special thanks to You Are TV for hosting this episode on their server, check out You Are TV for cool short films and music videos: youare.tv Special thanks to Without a Box Distribution Lab for support in self distribution: withoutabox.com Appearances in this episode by: Susan Buice , Arin Crumley , Marc Scrivo , Dorian Nuskind-Odor , Cassie O'Sullivan , Sarah Elizabeth Greer , Barbie Perun , Bry Thomas Sanders , Joe , Alsion, Alice White, Nino Tavares, Lucie Cuadrado, Claire, Brad Calcaterra , Monica West , Michael Cuomo , Danny Ward , Margret Echeverria , Erika Smith Phil Estera, Bill Apple, Eric Sanchez, Ward Horton , Elizabeth Carmody , Andrew A Peterson , Jon Fordham , Joseph Hung
This episode is about the beauty and glory of being a loser. It's kind of cool in a way to be a fuck up because it emphasizes that what ever your passion is matters way more then being cool. The only problem is when being a loser creates disasters of epic proportions that then leave you in pain. A loser in pain is really a sad scene. The song in Episode 5 is called "The Day I Dies" by Gingerbread Patriots. Appearances in this episode by Arin Crumley, Susan Buice, Marc Scrivo, Dorian Nuskind-Oder, Joe Griffin, Cassie O'Sullivan, Andrew A. Peterson, & Dorian Nuskind-Oder, Farmer John Taylor Neary, Jenny Able, Jeff Hockett, Bob Odenkirk, Roger Ingrahm, Sarah Ingrahm, Brad Calcaterra, Michael Cuomo, Elizabeth Carmody, & Joeseph Hung. Additional DVX-100 camera operating by Joe Griffin, Andrew Peterson & Joeseph Hung
Watch Episode 5: http://foureyedmonsters.com/5 Episode 4 is about sabotaging yourself and your relationships. Why do we do this to ourselves? To have so many abilities but still fall short at the last moment when it really counts is such a tragedy. The song in Episode 4 is by Amanda Casanellas and the score was done by Golden Pastime. For streaming music and more info about songs used in the video podcast go to myspace.com/foureyedmonstersmusic. Appearances in this episode by Arin Crumley, Susan Buice, Marc Scrivo, Dorian Nuskind-Oder, Joe Griffin, Cassie O’Sullivan, Andrew A. Peterson, & Dorian Nuskind-Oder. Additional DVX-100 camera operating by Joe Griffin, Andrew A. Peterson & Joeseph Hung. Edited with Final Cut Pro with a special thanks to Apple Computer for their software.
Watch Next Episode: http://foureyedmonsters.com/4 This episode shows the mistake of an all or nothing attitude and shows us deciding whether to put energy into our relationship or focus more on our work together. Music in this episode by Stone Jack Jones on the label Fictitious Records. Additional camera operating and additional interviews by Marc Scrivo Appearances by Arin Crumley & Susan Buice
Next episode: http://foureyedmonsters.com/e3 This episode was about the fear of what Susan's parents expected of me if I accepted their help. They were giving our relationship their blessing in a way that I wasn't sure I was ready for. The episode is part of our DVD that has 13 episodes plus the feature film in which we try to get the bottom of how relationships work and why they fail all the time. It also comes with a music CD of music used in the episodes. To get a copy of the DVD/CD combo please go to: http://foureyedmonsters.com/dvd Music in this episode by National Eye: http://www.parkthevan.com/nationaleye/ Appearances in this episode by Susan Buice,Arin Crumley, Judith Buice, R. E. Buice and photos of Jon Heder, & Dan Mirvish. Photography by Jonathan Swafford, Defamer, Carolyn Artli & Judith Buice. Additional camera operating and additional interviews by Marc Scrivo.
Next Episode: http://foureyedmonsters.com/e2 This episode was about transforming from strangers with problems into a couple that canceled out each others problems. After that we almost became the same person because we shared the same goals. This episode is part of our DVD that has 13 episodes and a feature film that are all part of this project of us trying to understand the birth, life and death of our real relationship. We've also put together a compilation CD of music used in the project that comes with our DVD that you can get at: http://foureyedmonsters.com/dvd (Support from sales goes to the projects debt and future film projects.) Music in this episode by The Golden Pastime. http://www.myspace.com/goldenpastime Appearances in this episode by Susan Buice, Arin Crumley, Andrew A Peterson, Joe Griffin, Bry Thomas Sanders, Dorian Nuskind-Odor, Jia Liang, Laura Kindred, Marc Scrivo, Cassie O'Sullivan, Brad Calcaterra, Nino, Monica West, Erika Smith, Danny Ward, Michael Cuomo and voice of Sarah Diamond.