So many things have happened in the last couple of months, it was difficult to decide what to feed into the Mind Thing. I chose some of the most important and some of the most fun. Hop on. Let’s go for a ride.
Immunity, Assassination, Ha ha ha, The debate,
Hello, I’m Talking Now, Sound Familiar?
Cats Eating People, Unpresidential, Geese on Steroids,
This Former President, Not Too Nice, Shot,
Blow Up, Loser, Can’t Do Anything,
Star Strangled Banner, Lost By A Whisker,
He Lost, Can’t Do Anything For Black People,
Fake News, Laughing, Trump’s Addled Brain,
Battery vs Shark, Genius, Connect The Dots,
Rambling, Gettysburg, Wow, Fight,
What The Hell? The World Ended,
Think Of It, Execute the Baby, Kill The Birds,
Fraud, Failing Nation
A tree in my neighbor's yard became a stage for a dramatic confrontation between a single hawk and dozens of crows. The best I could figure out was the hawk had his eye on some fledgelings in a crow's nest. The crows seemed to understand the hawk's intention and weren't going to let it fulfill its desire. It was very noisy and intense. The little ones were obviously in serious danger. It was wonderful to watch the much smaller crows work together to thwart the much larger predator's attack. No written plans just a committed group of volunteers working together with purpose. Beautiful.
Episodi mancanti?
According to the Cambridge Dictionary madness is defined as “stupid or dangerous behaviour” and one doesn’t need to look too hard to see it all around us.There is a seemingly endless list of stupid things Americans are doing, all of which seem destined to harm the country. Destroying the environment, ignoring the harm it causes and letting Trump have a chance to return to office are just some of them. Living in a society where nominating and electing cowards and criminals to higher office is a common occurrence is nearly enough to drive a sane person to despair. It is important to remember that the mad and the stupid are not the majority. They are loud and flamboyant and the media tends to give them a disproportionate amount of attention. The sane and the sensible are the majority in this country. If we can avoid despairing and remain focused and motivated we can as a country overcome the serious threat of antidemocratic authoritarianism. Let us not forget to hope, nurture, and laugh. Especially to laugh at the madness and stupidity and carry on.
Nietzsche on the madness of crowds, Sea of Madness,
Insanity is a great virus, Rachel Powell’s media bubble,
Dumb or insane? Rubio strongman, Rebecca Lavernz is going to prison,
Michelle Goldberg on Trump’s projection, Susan Glasser Tu Quoque,
Ulysses S. Grant and the dividing line, Crazy pants bing bing,
Wrestle the deep state, More projection Madness is stupid.
Cambridge definition of Madness, Guns and environmental destruction,
Crazy consumerism, Riding and ranting in the van, Derrick Bonhoeffer on Stupidity,
How ‘bout that?
This one took a while, obviously. Learning of Dave from Knoxville’s death, one of this podcast’s most long term and enthusiastic supporters, took the wind out of my sails for a while. He is deeply missed, but one must carry on. So, I will.
Good luck, Dave from Knoxville,
Trump, DeSantis and their supporters are relentless, Merchandising,
The Republican debate, Indict the M.F.er, Christian Trump supporters,
Christian or Communist, Mug shots, Wheels of justice,
No violent response, Wrong leaders, Stress fear, morality,
Fascism, Failure of the Media, Fascism, top of the list,
DeSantis - cruel, selfish, stupid, Slitting throats,
A.I. morality, Mortality and Hope.
Fight The Woke
This episode has been extremely difficult to complete. It’s a depressing topic and Governor Ron DeSantis and his ilk are constantly doing more provocative things. DeSantis, in particular, with his constant desire to stay in the media spotlight ends up continuously pulling political stunts and passing laws that are harming the state of Florida and many other people as well. While the courts are rejecting most of the worst laws, many people react to them being passed because they don’t have the luxury of hanging around to see if they might be declared unconstitutional. The cruelty, bigotry and overt racism we’re seeing displayed by members of the far-right is intended to provoke their opposition into hating them with the same intensity that the hate others. It’s a trap best avoided. I’d like to ignore the abhorrent behavior, but that seems irresponsible and dangerous. The best thing to do, as far as I can determine, is to stay Woke and remember they are the minority no matter how much attention the media gives to their outlandish antics. Let's act accordingly.
Woke defined-No, not really. Fight The Woke. M.L.K.’s Deathversity.
Woke B.S.. Bethany Mandel. DeSantis’ Woke-ocracy.
Potter Stewart. Wokism is destroying our country.
Persecution complex. I’m Woke. Intentionally vague language.
Parental Rights in Education. Legalistic phase of fascism.
Nazis like Desantis. Take back America by banning history.
Ignorance is bliss? Is our children learning?
Being Woke is being liberal. Tolerate?
CRT is anything that addresses race.
Bud Light-Symbolism and spectacle. They are the minority.
Abortion ban. Culture Wars distract attention from poor governance.
Wasting time. Cruelty is the point.
Jeff Sharlet- Fascism is theater. Performative non-sense.
Big money influence. Amanda Marcotte- Goading the opposition.
Stay Woke!
I recently had an opportunity to interview comedy writer Andy Breckman and the station manager of WFMU Ken Freedman. Together they host the stunt radio program Seven Second Delay on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.. We talk about music, fascism, politics, cancel culture and comedy. It was fun.
Podcasting. The evolutionary ladder. Fascism.
Kapo. Johnny Thunders in Michigan. Ken's Trump prediction.
Cancel Culture. Dave Chappelle. David Feldman.
Sweet memories. Tony Shalhoub. ChatGPT jokes.
Anti-Comedy. High Radio Criticism.
It seems angry people with authoritarian tendencies are asserting themselves everywhere. What is driving their anger and divisiveness? The primary driver appears to be fear inspired by false information. Since the 1960s, the United States has made significant progress is advancing civil rights and acceptance of diversity. New technology has made it much easier to disseminate false information and stir up peoples’ emotions. This is certainly not the first time things like this have happened in this country and odds are it is not the last. We, Americans, must stand together and resist the efforts of those who wish to disrupt our country and destroy democracy.
Bumper sticker guy. Flag wrapped cross. Let’s go Darwin.
Fear. Fearful of what? Tourist visit-Andrew Clyde.
Ignorance is bliss. WOKE. Feelings.
Fascism. Anoracracy. Paradox of Tolerance.
Democracy and Fascism. Failure of the Media.
They got the guns. Not a Cult. Qanon.
Comic books and Rock and Roll. Moral Panic.
Frightened people want to frighten others.
Truth is Weirder than Fiction.
Come On America
So much is happening so quickly that is is difficult to focus on what’s most important. We are bombarded with endless threats both purely imaginary and dangerously real. How much faith should we have in our fellow citizens? Do they see what we see the same way? Lordy, I hope a lot of them do. And they vote Tuesday -if they haven’t already, that is. Come On, America.
Back in the van and recording. Two weeks until the election.
The Trump Distraction. Focus on Fascism. He won’t run again.
Who is not sick of him? The Grift. Trumpheads.
Conserving what? Reactionary republicans.
So long mangroves. Goodbye rainforest. Zombie ideas.
Trickle down. The Rise of Fascism. God, Guns and Trump.
The Party. Positive signs. How Bad the Scum?
Paul Pelosi Attacked. Weird Sympathy. Kari’s Gonna Win.
Doubt Priming. Little Insurrections. Trying to Rule by Spectacle.
Could Lose Democracy. Come On America.
Democracy is designed to allow citizens to present arguments and debate their merits in the marketplace of ideas. Words, ideas and evidence were to be used to determine policy. What we are experiencing currently is the result of one party being bereft of ideas. The lack of ideas forces them use other methods of persuasion. This explains the increase we are seeing in use of misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories as well as threats of/and actual violence. The Republican Party seems to have decided its best course, at this time, is to deny reality, break the rules as needed and threaten those that point out what they are doing. Fortunately, they are not the majority. Unfortunately, that may not be a guaranty that they don’t gain power over the levers of government. As they have been rather successful in gerrymandering, court packing and the taking of key state offices, particularly Secretaries of State, the likelihood of them achieving victory is not slight. If such a victory occurs, it is certain they will take even more steps to reduce the power of the majority.
We are all terrorists. F.B.I. definition, Brian in Palmetto wants the guns.
Civil war over what? Guns, pal. Many shot, many die. I want to kill.
The Big Lie is working. The Bully Minority.
No policy, but a burning desire for power. Riots in the streets.
Not more people just a bigger megaphone. The media is the message.
Enragement. Just say no. I don’t want to know.
Thought terminating cliches. Theodore Roszak on violence.
Most are not evil, just stupid. Stupidity the same as evil.
Performative Moronics. Vote in November while you still can.
The United States seems to be awash in violence, from overzealous police to armed street gangs to determined mass murderers. Who benefits from this situation? Media organizations, certainly, right wing hate groups, as well, but, I'd say, none benefit more than arms manufacturers.
G.W. Bush intro. Buffalo shooting. Stochastic Violence.
This is tyranny. W. Bush was right? Don't say terrorism.
Ominous rant. Guns are not the solution. Heroic fantasies.
Movie watchers led by a "Reality" T.V. guy. Easy prosecutions.
Violent talk leading to violent actions is predictable.
Chaos theory. Why advertisers seem to like anger.
Replacement theory. White supremacy is a hoax. Only one race.
Tucker says, "just say that it's true." Bushmaster Man card.
Ryan Busse- Gun Fight. Diabolical marketing.
For a while, I fell out of the podcast groove, but I’m jumping back in. So much has happened during my absence that I didn’t even touch on the idiot trucker convoy or the idiot Elon Musk maybe-purchase of Twitter. I do address minority rule, performative moronics, gerrymandering, engage in a brief authoritarian rant and end with a playful sound collage.
Shouldn’t record in the van. Judgeships and minority rule (Marty Moore).
Election militia. Enforcing unjust rule. Performative moronics.
Putin/DeSantis- misinformation and ignorance.
Fill the information space with garbage. Authoritarian rant.
Collage- People Are Saying
What a year just was and what a year the next one promises to be. Not a recap show or a prediction show. Just an update.
New Port Richey Christmas Parade -with helicopters.
War on the holidays. Oh Mee Chrone- Covid 19's latest iteration.
Cordyceps. Trump and DeSantis. Madness is spreading.
Concerns about 2022. January 6th and the Big Lie.
Steve Inskeep's Truth Sandwich. Sam Harris and the Impossible Debate.
Conspiracy Theories are now based on repetition not "evidence."
The fascistic minority. Feeling nonplussed.
Democracies have died before. Don't talk about Florida voting laws.
Bad information. Idiot propaganda.
Becky the Robot. An invitation to stop the steal.
You can be sure it is coming without knowing when or how. Violence is being elicited by politicians and certain parts of the media. They appeal to an aggrieved minority of citizens who view violence as an acceptable political tool. Rather than modifying their political approach or adjusting their arguments, they believe they can advance their cause through the use violence and threats thereof. When combined, their obsession with weaponry and their unwillingness to participate in basic health measures presents us with what amounts to an existential threat. A significant segment of the populace display a total disregard for the health and safety of their fellow citizens if they do not share their selfish, destructive and false minority beliefs.
That’s Bullshit. Failed arguments evoke violence. Fight.
Treat them rough. Stochastic violence. Fighting words.
Don’t say terrorism. You Ess Aay. Try to hurt him.
Specific non-specific threats. Disinterested law enforcement.
Rage engagement. Resist normalization.
When do we kill these people? Extreme polarization.
Joining the enemy. Herman Cain confusion.
Absurd analogies. How to respond? Is unity possible?
Democracy may not be the answer. Obstruction confession.
This one took forever. Had trouble keeping ahold of a narrative through-line. There's too many issues.
Tourists or terrorists? Boots on the ground. Don't call them terrorists.
I don't like American tourists. Foul children. Reality denial.
Beliefs so strong they become facts. Not a fact guy.
Too many issues. Almost everyone will get inoculated.
Patriotism. Not a fact guy. Will not comply.
Taliban mirror. Endless conflict for endless purpose.
Truth sandwich. Critical thinking. Save us.
Despite the title, I tried to stick to accurate observations about actual, factual information. As I worked on this episode, I attempted to find glimpses of daylight with only intermittent success. These are dark times we are living in.
Issac Asimov- Cult of Ignorance. The Big Lie and Liz Cheney.
Facebook. Gary Kasparov. No such thing as truth.
Facebook is not a credible news source. Rumble.
A pleasing amount of misinformation. News from advertisers.
Rage engagement. Comfort from conspiracy.
Karl Rove on Reality. False certainty trumps honest uncertainty.
Efficacy vs. effectiveness. Voltaire: Doubt not pleasant.
CDC modified suggestions don’t mean stop washing your hands.
Conspiracy without the theory. No evidence; no problem.
Clown with a flamethrower.
The willfully ignorant using science to dismiss science.
Misinformation harming others. Driving drunk without a seatbelt.
Liz Cheney, Andrew Clyde and Laura Ingraham.
Tired of being owned.
Tried like hell to get this episode up by the 4th of March since there was a potential repeat of the Capitol Siege from January 6th. As this is typed, the Capitol is virtually empty as most business has been shut down for the day due to credible threats of violence.
Information overload short-circuiting brains.
Adults more susceptible to misinformation. President Trump, save us.
Bullshit. Stolen by whom?
Rule of Law Defense Fund Robo-call.
The Siege was planned. Stop the steal.
Ali Alexander. Take the Capitol.
Fight for Trump. Traitor Pence. Let's tell Trump.
Hiding with the maskless. Spreading hatred and Covid.
Insanity. Carol D. Sanders - Science prankster.
Super Bowl prophecy. Republicans hate Trump.
I've had a hard time keeping up with what has been happening. Talk about destroying truth and ruling by spectacle, we have seen it in spades, recently. It feels like we are are in the middle of a very transitional time. It's going to be a while before we see how these events shake out.
Going out with a bang. Chaos and violence. Emotion leads to action.
Trumps signs still up. Violent reaction. Pathocracy.
Dr. Brandy X. Lee. In Trump Country. Disinfect the White House.
Gabriel Sterling. It has all gone too far.
It's just wrong. Bob Good you get the virus.
No sanity. Serious phony pandemic.
New year. Trump, Raffensperge and his lawyer.
How far will they go? Recalculate the vote.
Costly in many ways. The data you have is wrong.
Twitter taken from Trump. The Capitol Siege.
Defile the Capitol. Fighting Democracy.
Law and Order. We love you. You will pay.
Go home now.
The United States 2020 presidential election is almost over, although the current resident of the White House has yet to concede. I'm not thrilled with the with outcome, but am learning to accept it.
The American electorate did the best it could with what it was given to work with. However, a very large percentage of the country's population vehemently disagrees with that sentiment.
Selling Trump gear. No more bullshit. Qanon.
Smash the Delusion. The media says Joe Biden is president.
Mixed reactions. Revolutionary rush. Wow Rudy wow.
Joe Biden is stealing the election. Feeling kinda numb.
Something broken. Status quo Joe.
Trump inspired aggression. Arrogant obnoxiousness.
Qanon. The Great Disappointment.
What's in store for Q's followers?
The desire for belief trumps all. Bent American psyche.
You never know.
Rebellion of the Senseless
Junior calls. Road Noise. Not Gonna take it.
Anti-masker Ann from Zephyrhills. Herd Mentality.
Panic mentality. The lingering thing.
Not Conspiracy theorists. Qanon.
Move forward in a positive direction. Trump is a light worker (Lori Ladd).
Vague assertions and accusations. Proud God Trump.
The word is Q. Antifa doesn’t exist. White Supremacy.
Alice Markwick says. Thugs on a plane.
Republican Party now a cult. BLM.
He’s spreading the virus, disinformation and violence. Vote him OUT!
When addressing misinformation in the modern world there really is no clear place to start documenting it. Nor does there appear to be any end to the supply of inaccurate information. This episode focuses on QAnon, an unknown individual or group, that posts on anonymous message board, sending out vague assertions and meaningless strings of letters and numbers that are presented as secret messages. These assertions are then interpreted by followers as to portend a societal upheaval that will lead to mass arrests and a transformation of society. There is little to no evidence that supports these ideas or claims, but that doesn't stop millions of Americans from believing and acting upon them.
QAnon, Covid 19, Who's Q? Q Drops, The Storm,
Real crimes, Sherlock Holmes' reasoning, Taiwan and Hydroxychloriquine,
Information Age, Herman Cain back from the dead? Caveat Emptor
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