
  • From Ruts to Renaissance: How Style Can Change Your Life

    A style renaissance is not merely about updating your wardrobe or following the latest fashion trends; it is a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In her podcast episode, Tonya Leigh emphasizes that true style comes from within and reflects who you are at your core. A style renaissance can help you rediscover your true self and use style as a powerful tool for self-expression.

    Tonya invites listeners to embark on a transformative journey through their style. She introduces the Style Experience, an annual program designed to help women redefine their approach to fashion and personal expression. Tonya shares her own struggles with understanding style, highlighting a common experience of trying to mimic trends without a true sense of self. The episode emphasizes the importance of an inside-out approach to style, encouraging listeners to explore how their wardrobe can empower and elevate their lives. Tune in to discover how this unique experience can facilitate personal growth and unlock your authentic style.

    Talking Points:

    01:08 - Style Experience Transformation Journey

    02:24 - The Deeper Questions of Style

    04:10 - The Importance of Style in Personal Development

    05:33 - Defining a Style Renaissance

    06:16 - Rediscovering Your True Self Through Style

    06:49 - Sign 1: Major Life Transition

    08:14 - Sign 2: Being in a Rut

    11:16 - Sign 3: Getting Dressed is a Chore

    13:00 - Finding Joy in Getting Dressed

    14:14 - Sign 4: Envy of Other Women's Style

    15:30 - Sign 5: Hitting an Upper Limit

    24:00 - No More Waiting for the Perfect Time

    29:20 - Speeding Up Your Style Journey


    "It never answered the deeper questions that come with a style journey, which is, who are you really?"

    "A style renaissance is a personal awakening, a rejuvenation, a rebirth of who you are in relationship to style."

    "Getting dressed is a form of self-care and self-expression. It shouldn't be a burden."

    "I literally crawled out of my hole. I overcame an upper limit with style as one of the major tools in doing so."

    "I can look back and see how style has been responsible for so many of the opportunities that I have been blessed with."

    "A style journey really is a journey back home to yourself."

    Useful Resources:

    Click HERE to join the 5-Day Style Challenge

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    Click HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

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  • Dressing for You: How to Break Free from Style Myths and Embrace Authenticity

    Many individuals find themselves standing in front of a closet full of clothes, yet feeling as though they have nothing to wear. This common frustration often arises from a mindset that prioritizes an ideal body weight or shape over the current self. The belief that one must wait until they achieve a certain physical state before investing in their style is not only limiting but also counterproductive.

    Tonya Leigh discusses her own experience with what she describbes as the "waiting game." She recalls how she spent years convincing herself that she would invest in her style once she lost a certain amount of weight or reached a specific body shape. This mindset creates a cycle of negativity, where individuals continuously reinforce a narrative rooted in self-doubt and dissatisfaction. As she explores her past and the lessons learned, Tonya encourages listeners to consider their own style choices and what they may have outgrown.

    Join her for an inspiring discussion on embracing your unique style and stepping into your authentic self.

    Talking Points:

    00:00:37 - Tonya's Morning Motivation and Style Journey

    00:01:43 - The Deep Connection Between Style and Self-Image

    00:02:59 - The Style Experience: A Unique Approach

    00:04:05 - Enrollment for The Style Experience

    00:05:08 - Style Mistake #1: The Waiting Game

    00:09:23 - Style Mistake #2: The Numbers Game

    00:13:25 - Style Mistake #3: The Label Trap

    00:18:25 - Style Mistake #4: Trapped by a Self-Image

    00:22:40 - Style Mistake #5: The Knowledge Gap

    00:28:18 - Conclusion: Embrace Your Style Journey


    "Style may seem superficial on the surface, but in reality, it's so deep."

    "Everything you choose is confirming a story about yourself."

    "Waiting for the perfect body is like waiting for a train that never arrives."

    "The moment you stand up and you say, I'm no longer waiting to feel beautiful, to live the life that I want to live, that's when you get all of your power back."

    "Your style isn't defined by the quantity of your clothes, but how well they reflect and serve you."

    "Style is a skill. Like any skill, it can be learned, practiced, and improved upon."

    "True style is about being comfortable in your own skin and your life, not in someone else's expectations."

    Useful Resources:

    Join the 5 Day Style Challenge: https://schoolofselfimage.com/stylechallenge/

    Join the Membership: https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the Weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

    Instagram: @schoolofselfimage

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

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  • Gentle Persistence: A Journey of Sauntering Towards Success

    Sauntering beyond your limits is a powerful approach that involves combining ambition with ease, playfulness with purpose, and approaching obstacles with curiosity rather than frustration. In the podcast episode, Tonya Leigh discusses how sauntering involves walking with purpose yet unhurried, being playful yet focused, and curious yet determined. This approach allows individuals to maintain a sense of calm and gratitude while pursuing their goals, even in the face of challenges.

    By sauntering beyond your limits, you are encouraged to adopt a mindset that values the journey as much as the destination. Instead of constantly pushing yourself to go faster and do more, sauntering allows you to explore your limits with a sense of curiosity and openness. When faced with obstacles, the sauntering approach encourages individuals to stop, assess the situation, and consider alternative paths or solutions. This contrasts with the typical hustle culture that promotes pushing through obstacles without taking the time to reflect or adjust course.

    Join Tonya as she discusses the power of taking a more relaxed and enjoyable approach to personal development and life.

    Talking Points:

    01:41 - The Concept of Sauntering
    02:24 - Visualization Exercise
    03:17 - Sprinting vs. Sauntering
    05:02 - Curiosity Over Frustration
    06:28 - Expanding Limits
    07:43 - Playful Exploration
    08:46 - Creative Problem Solving
    11:02 - Detaching from the Outcome
    16:02 - Lessons from Nature
    20:36 - Micro-Adventures
    22:02 - Style Challenge


    "You know, we live in a world that's always telling us to push harder, go faster, do more. It's all hustle culture and no pain, no gain."

    "What can I learn from this obstacle? How can I work with it rather than against it?"

    "But a lot of successful people in the world have become successful because of their playful approaches to overcoming their limitations."

    "To truly saunter beyond your limits, you must practice detaching from the outcome."

    "You have the power to saunter beyond your limits. You can be ambitious and enjoy your life. You can make progress without burning out. You're capable of so much more than you know."

    Useful Resources:

    Soul Style Quiz: http://schoolofselfimage.com/stylequiz

    Join Now: https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the Weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Follow School of Self-Image on IG: @schoolofselfimage

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Interior Design for the Soul: 5 Life Lessons to Elevate Your Self-Image

    One crucial aspect of embracing contrast in life is recognizing and integrating all facets of oneself, including the shadow side. Tonya Leigh explores the significance of embracing contrast in interior design and how it can be applied to life. Just as in design, where contrasting elements can add depth and richness, embracing the diverse aspects of our personalities enables us to explore neglected or denied facets of ourselves, fostering personal growth and self-acceptance.

    Tonya stresses the concept of the shadow side, a term introduced by psychologist Carl Jung, which refers to the darker, less desirable aspects of our personalities that we often try to conceal or suppress. She underscores the importance of not only showcasing our positive traits but also acknowledging and accepting the parts of ourselves that may not always be bright and cheerful.

    Tune in to explore the parallels between interior design choices and self-image transformation.

    Talking Points:

    00:52 - Chaotic House and Podcast Recording

    01:45 - Interior Design Lessons for Life

    02:06 - First Impressions and Self-Image

    03:09 - Designing Your Environment for Self-Image

    04:40 - Creative Brief and Future Vision

    06:10 - Curating Elements of Life

    07:04 - Intentional Curation Beyond Physical Spaces

    08:19 - Five Key Interior Design Principles

    09:12 - Lesson 1: Embrace Contrast

    13:20 - Lesson 2: Create Focal Points

    19:15 - Lesson 3: Functionality is Essential

    25:00 - Lesson 4: Embrace White Space

    31:07 - Lesson 5: Don't Be Afraid of Making Mistakes

    37:02 - Ongoing Process of Life Design

    38:40 - Conclusion and Application

    38:50 - Invitation to Soul Style Quiz


    "Just as we thoughtfully curate our living spaces, we can intentionally design our lives to reflect our truest selves and support our personal growth."

    "The key is to recognize that these contrasts aren't contradictions. They are complementary aspects of your whole self."

    "We try to be good at so many different things versus really focusing and harnessing on the things that we're naturally good at."

    "Remember, just as white space and design allows important elements to stand out, creating space in your life allows priorities to shine through very clearly."

    Useful Resources:

    Soul Style Quiz: http://schoolofselfimage.com/stylequiz

    Join Now: https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the Weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Follow School of Self-Image on IG: @schoolofselfimage

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Quality Over Quantity: The Key to an Elegant Closet

    An elegant closet transcends mere clothing and accessories; it is about curating a selection that truly embodies your authentic style, meets your lifestyle needs, and brings you joy every time you open its doors. Tonya Leigh stresses the significance of crafting a closet that effortlessly reflects who you are. This involves meticulously choosing pieces that resonate with your personal style and values.

    When curating an elegant closet, it is crucial to consider not only the visual appeal of the items but also their practicality in meeting your daily lifestyle demands. The clothes and accessories in your closet should serve a purpose and align with the activities and occasions you typically engage in. By ensuring that your wardrobe is tailored to your lifestyle, you can feel confident and comfortable in your outfits, knowing that they cater to your needs.

    Get inspired to turn your closet into a personal sanctuary that truly reflects who you are.

    Talking Points:

    00:44 - Tonya's New Home and Office

    01:37 - Designing an Elegant Closet

    03:03 - Four Essentials of an Elegant Closet

    04:19 - Emotional Benefits of an Elegant Closet

    04:30 - Inspiration from a French Friend

    05:33 - Misconceptions About Elegance

    05:55 - Soul Style Quiz

    07:00 - Solving the "Nothing to Wear" Problem

    07:21 - Easier Packing for Trips

    08:25 - Investing in Timeless Pieces

    10:22 - Challenge: Choosing Quality Pieces

    16:02 - Personal Story: High Heels vs. Sneakers

    20:09 - Organizational Tools and Tips

    26:52 - Final Thoughts on Closet Curation


    "When I was designing my closet, what I wanted was an elegant closet. And it turns out elegance isn't big. It's not massive. It's not over the top. It's about curating a closet that allows the beautiful expression of you."

    "An elegant closet eliminates decision fatigue, it boosts your self-esteem, and it sets this positive tone for your day."

    "Because let me tell you, no amount of cheap thrills can fill the space that's meant for true quality pieces that resonate with your soul."

    "It is an intimate journey designed for the discerning woman who knows she's capable of more, but needs that extra guidance and inspiration."

    Useful Resources:

    Soul Style Quiz: http://schoolofselfimage.com/stylequiz

    Join Now: https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the Weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Follow School of Self-Image on IG: @schoolofselfimage

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Creating Harmony: The Art of Morning Rituals

    Creating a beautiful morning routine is not about overwhelming yourself with a long list of tasks but rather about being intentional with small parts of your day. Tonya Leigh believes a healthy morning ritual sets the tone for a successful day and starts with focusing on specific rituals that support your well-being and drive positive energy first thing in the morning.

    Tonya emphasizes the importance of starting the day with a capsule collection of non-negotiable activities that contribute to your overall well-being. These activities can vary from person to person but should be chosen based on what makes you feel better emotionally and sets you up for a successful day.

    Join Tonya as she explores crafting your own beautiful beginnings for a more purposeful day.

    Talking Points:

    01:24 - The Power of Morning Routines

    02:08 - Intentional Small Changes

    02:40 - Soft vs. Hard Mornings

    05:01 - Capsule Collection Concept

    05:33 - No Tech in the Morning

    06:26 - Waking Up Naturally

    07:09 - Better Sleep App

    07:41 - Hydration and Music

    08:46 - Sunshine and Stretching

    09:18 - Honoring Life and Gratitude

    11:51 - Family Time and Journaling

    13:18 - Skincare Routine

    15:05 - Meditation and Breath Work

    17:04 - Soul Style Quiz - http://schoolofselfimage.com/stylequiz

    19:44 - Decadent Breakfasts

    22:04 - Structuring Beautiful Beginnings

    23:11 - Creating Intentional Days


    "I love how it feels when I'm not plugging into the world first thing in the morning because it's coming."

    "I love to honor my life. This is so important."

    "There's something to be said for asking yourself what you can give to your life versus always thinking, what can life give to me?"

    "I really find that my soul is like an old world kind of soul."

    "A beautiful life is nothing more than a collection of beautiful days."

    Useful Resources:

    Soul Style Quiz - http://schoolofselfimage.com/stylequiz

    Join Now! https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the Weekly Edit! http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Follow School of Self-Image on IG: @schoolofselfimage

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • The Art of Becoming: Navigating Life's Transformations

    Embracing the process of becoming involves shedding old identities, beliefs, and habits to align with one's true self. As discussed in the podcast episode, the journey of becoming is likened to a metamorphosis, much like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. This transformation requires individuals to let go of who they have been to become who they truly are or aspire to be.

    Host, Tonya Leigh, shares her personal experiences of going through various stages of becoming, including facing challenges, reevaluating her identity, and making intentional changes to align with her true nature. She emphasizes the importance of letting go of comfortable ways of being, confronting difficult truths about oneself, and being willing to evolve into a new version.

    Join Tonya as she delves into the process of shedding old identities and embracing new versions of ourselves.

    Talking Points:

    02:32 The Art of Becoming

    05:13 Letting Go of Identities and Beliefs

    10:31 The Butterfly Metamorphosis Analogy

    11:26 - Martha Beck's Change Cycle

    16:17 Cocooning Yourself with Self-Care

    19:30 Square One Mantra

    23:34 Reimagining and Nourishing Your Soul

    28:20 Embracing Failure and Obstacles

    32:05 The Promised Land

    36:45 Embracing Constant Change


    "We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

    "This is the part of the butterflies metamorphosis where it's literally dissolving into what she calls a person soup."

    "Coming from the truest part of you, that takes a lot of courage and a lot of people will never do that."

    "I don't know what the hell is going on and that's okay."

    "I don't regret any of this, not a single part of it. I don't believe in regret."

    "You need to give yourself permission to daydream. Let it run wild."

    "That obstacle is there to grow me, not to back away from, not to run from, but to run towards."

    Useful Resources:

    Join Now! https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the Weekly Edit! http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Creating a Lasting Impression with Your Soul Style

    Understanding your soul style involves aligning your values, personality, passions, and dreams with your outward appearance. Host Tonya Leigh stresses the importance of knowing and embracing your soul style, which transcends mere clothing choices. She breaks down the components of soul style into four key elements: values, personality, passions, and dreams.

    By paying attention to how you feel in different outfits and embracing the evolution of your style, you can create a wardrobe that truly reflects your inner essence and makes you feel confident, comfortable, and authentic.

    Join Tonya as she delves into the journey of self-discovery and the significance of expressing your inner self through your personal style.

    Talking Points:

    00:00:51 - Personal Update from Tonya

    00:01:45 - Reflecting on Life and Belongings

    00:03:00 - Understanding Soul Style

    00:05:45 - Components of Soul Style

    00:06:32 - Values and Their Impact on Style

    00:10:05 - Personality and Style Expression

    00:12:54 - Dreams and Future Self in Style

    00:16:16 - Creating Your Style Cocktail

    00:17:09 - Primary Style Archetypes

    00:21:03 - Reflecting and Experimenting with Style


    "It's more about shedding layers to reveal the truth of who you are, the truth of your essence, the truth of your soul."

    "I love taking care of my beauty, and I have been ridiculed for that, and that's okay."

    "What I want for you all is that you are showing up in a way that truly represents who you are at your deepest level, at your core."

    "Your soul style should make you feel confident, comfortable, and like you. It should feel like freedom."

    Useful Resources:

    12-Week Private Podcast Series: https://schoolofselfimage.com/why/

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after/

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: https://schoolofselfimage.com/edit/

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • From Overwhelmed to Empowered: Transforming Your Style with Five Key Habits

    Celebrating 400 episodes! In this special episode, Tonya reflects on her podcast journey, starting from her first nervous recording to reaching this significant milestone. She shares the importance of pushing past self-doubt and critical voices to keep going. A heartfelt thank you to listeners and her team for the support.

    Then, Tonya dives into ‘The Five Style Habits That Transformed My Life’.

    Intentional style habits play a crucial role in enhancing personal style, saving time, money, and energy, while boosting confidence and authenticity. In a podcast episode, Tonya Leigh discusses five key style habits that have elevated her life, highlighting their positive impact on overall well-being.

    Intentional Shopping with a Style Vision: Developing a clear style vision helps individuals make intentional shopping decisions, reducing impulse purchases and ensuring every item aligns with their personal style.

    Daily Outfit Photos: Taking daily outfit photos and analyzing them with curiosity rather than criticism helps individuals understand what works for them.

    Quarterly Closet Edits: Regularly reviewing and organizing the closet allows individuals to assess their wardrobe, identify items that no longer serve them, and make room for new pieces that align with their style vision.

    Keeping Everything in Sight: Organizing the closet for maximum visibility helps individuals see and appreciate all their clothing items, reducing the feeling of having nothing to wear.

    Practicing Gratitude for the Wardrobe: Cultivating gratitude for the current wardrobe fosters a positive relationship with clothing, leading to contentment and authenticity.

    Tune in for an inspiring episode filled with gratitude, motivation, and style inspiration.

    Talking Points:

    03:09 Style as form of self-care.

    05:56 Relationship with clothing and style.

    11:09 Style habits for elevated life.

    13:15 Creating a style vision.

    18:36 Elevating style with daily photos.

    26:36 Quarterly Closet Edits

    31:47 Creating a sense of abundance.

    35:30 Gratitude in building a wardrobe.

    42:17 Elevating personal style and confidence.


    "I want to encourage you, I want to challenge you to think about style as a form of self-care."

    "Style has this trickle effect. Because it's not even about the clothes, it's about you and how you feel."

    "Clothing has helped me create the life that I'm living today."

    "I love the mantra of I'm letting this go so that something else better can take its place."

    "Gratitude can help us enjoy the process of evolving our style."

    Useful Resources:

    12-Week Private Podcast Series: https://schoolofselfimage.com/why/

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after/

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: https://schoolofselfimage.com/edit/

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Challenging the Status Quo: The Power of Asking Why

    One of the key themes discussed in the podcast episode is the importance of challenging the status quo by asking why and questioning what we have accepted as normal. Tonya Leigh emphasizes the significance of questioning the beliefs and norms that have been ingrained in us without critical examination.

    Tonya shares a personal anecdote from her childhood where she questioned the teachings in Sunday school, demonstrating her early inclination to challenge the status quo. She highlights how questioning the norms around her led her to develop a mindset of curiosity and critical thinking, which ultimately shaped her ability to challenge societal norms and expectations.

    Join her at the School of Self-Image where personal development meets style, and learn how the audacity to ask can open unexpected doors in your life and career.

    Talking Points:

    01:00 - Gratitude Amidst Chaos

    02:31 - Childhood Memories and Aspirations

    04:17 - The Power of Asking: Transforming Lives

    06:00 - Questioning Societal Rules and Norms

    09:53 - Questioning Religious Teachings

    10:12 - Fighting for Possibilities: How Can I?

    12:27 - The Importance of Quality Questions

    14:45 - Shifting Focus: From Limitations to Possibilities

    16:08 - Overcoming Self-Sufficiency and Asking for Help

    18:29 - The Role of Rejection in Asking

    20:36 - Observing Others: The Power of Asking

    23:02 - The ATM Machine Analogy

    24:11 - Expansive Energy: The Audacity to Ask and Receive

    25:09 - Invitation to Join the Private Podcast Series


    "Learning to ask the right questions of yourself and others can open doors you never knew existed."

    "If you have the audacity to ask, your life will begin to change in the most beautiful of ways."

    "Energy is everything, my friends, everything. Where your attention goes is where your energy is flowing."

    "I ask for help. I ask for what I want."

    "The more willing you are to ask for what you want, are you also more willing to give without any kind of resentment?"

    "I want you to see you as an ATM machine."

    "A beautiful life requires you."

    Useful Resources:

    12-Week Private Podcast Series: https://schoolofselfimage.com/why/

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after/

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: https://schoolofselfimage.com/edit/

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Failing Forward: Lessons in Style and Business

    Failure is often viewed negatively, but in this episode, Carmin and Sherry Black share with host Tonya Leigh their stories of failure and how they turned it into a stepping stone to success. Carmin explained how her business, Half United, faced a setback due to a manufacturing defect that resulted in a lawsuit. She realized that the failure was not solely due to external factors but also stemmed from her own decisions and priorities.

    Similarly, Sherry Black shared her experiences of encountering obstacles and setbacks in her career as an interior and furniture designer. From relocating from Hawaii to Alaska to launching restaurants in Raleigh, Sherry faced various challenges along the way. However, she emphasized the importance of embracing failure and using it as a learning experience.

    Both Carmen and Sherry's narratives illustrate the significance of embracing failure as a stepping stone toward success. By acknowledging their mistakes, learning from them, and making necessary adjustments, they were able to evolve, grow, and ultimately achieve their goals. Their stories serve as a reminder that failure is not the end but a valuable opportunity for growth and improvement in future endeavors.

    Talking Points:

    02:45 Stylish careers.

    05:15 Childhood fascination with glamorous decor.

    09:42 Fashion faux pas anecdote.

    14:32 Individuality and self-expression.

    18:34 Starting a business with $200.

    24:05 Bullets turned into jewelry.

    28:39 Overcoming failure and resilience.

    30:40 Manufacturing challenges and growth decisions.

    38:33 Embracing challenges for growth.

    44:25 The impact of personal style.

    52:13 Taking risks in business.

    59:25 Experience stacking.

    01:05: Entrepreneurial mindset and resiliency.

    01:16: Signature style preferences.

    01:22: Mr. Rogers obsession.

    01:23: The value of simplicity.

    01:27: Setting daily goals for success.

    01:30:58 Imagine possibilities beyond limits.


    "Yeah. Yeah, Christian, my brother and I, when we started our first brand, we had no money. I am talking no money. Big money buying mugs from Salvation Army."

    "You can still look chic in your workout Clothes, you know a cute little ponytail and put on some lip gloss and you've changed the whole vibe."

    "Style is timeless and it starts with you."

    Useful Resources:

    12-Week Private Podcast Series: https://schoolofselfimage.com/why

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: https://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Unleashing Your Inner Style: My Summer of Self-Expression

    Style is not just about clothing and accessories; it is a powerful tool for self-expression that can transform how we experience the world. In the podcast episode, Tonya Leigh discusses how style goes beyond fashion choices and can impact various aspects of our lives. She emphasizes that style is a mindset that can influence how we express ourselves and interact with the world around us.

    Tonya Leigh shares her personal journey of how embracing style has changed her life and helped her become more confident and intentional in her self-expression. By paying attention to the details of her style choices, she has been able to rewrite her story and create a more joyful and fulfilling life.

    Join Tonya on this journey of self-discovery and learn how style can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

    Talking Points:

    00:52 - Designing Your Dream Summer
    01:46 - How Style Changed My Life
    03:01 - A Decade of Study and Exploration
    03:23 - Diana Vreeland: Inspiration and Creativity
    04:18 - Why Don't You: New Private Podcast Series
    06:05 - Joyful Self-Expression
    07:20 - Attracting Like-Minded People
    08:18 - Dressing with Intention
    12:45 - Telling Your Story Through Style
    16:26 - Style Evolution and Growth
    18:03 - Daily Attention to Details


    "What if the secret to a more joyful, confident life was hidden in the details you've been overlooking?"

    "I want to use style to help birth this next version of me."

    "You have to be willing to repel people."

    "Your style choices are telling a story about who you are and who you aspire to be. Style is your visual autobiography."

    "I used to think happiness was a fairy tale forever, just out of reach. I felt stuck a lot of the times helpless and like I was constantly failing."

    "Perhaps that last point is the most important because I've found that if we're not mindful, we can get so caught up in the big, the big goals."

    Useful Resources:

    12 Week Private Podcast Series: https://schoolofselfimage.com/why

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: https://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Emotional Residency: Packing Up Your Life for Joyful Reinvention

    Assessing what parts of our lives we are ready to leave behind and what we want to bring along as we move forward is a crucial aspect of personal growth and transformation. In a podcast episode, Tonya Leigh discusses the process of packing up her belongings as she prepares to move to a new house. This physical act of packing serves as a metaphor for the emotional and mental process of evaluating what serves us and what no longer aligns with our current goals and values.

    She emphasizes the importance of being intentional about what we choose to bring along on our journey. This includes not only physical items but also emotional baggage, old beliefs, and outdated thought patterns. By taking the time to assess these aspects of our lives, we can make conscious decisions about what to let go of and what to hold onto as we move forward.

    Join Tanya as she shares her own emotional journey of packing up her current home and moving into a new chapter.

    Talking Points:

    00:30 - Introduction to Packing Up and Moving On

    05:30 - Emotional Baggage and Letting Go

    10:33 - Sunken Cost Fallacy and Letting Go

    15:19 - Packing Up for the Future

    18:41 - Moving into a New Chapter

    22:47 - Joyful Reinvention through Packing Up and Moving On


    "This has been about me deciding what parts of myself I'm ready to leave behind, what things I'm ready to let go of, and equally, what I'm ready to move towards."

    "I had divorce papers, I had emails, I had things that when I read them, I was like, oh my goodness, like, who was I and who was my ex because we both had grown up."

    "Does this spark joy? Does this belong in my future? Does this excite me? Does this align with my values? Does it represent who I am today?"

    "Your brain doesn't know what it's like to walk through the world feeling like you are deserving."

    "I believe that packing up and moving on, whether it's metaphorically or it's reality, is one of the most powerful tools for joyful reinvention."

    "But then I discovered a simple shift. Or three, that changed everything."

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Creating Magic in Everyday Moments: A Guide to Romanticizing Your Life

    Romanticizing your life involves being mindful and appreciating the present moment. Host and Master Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh emphasizes the importance of being present and mindful to romanticize your life in this weeks School of Self-Image podcast. She highlights the significance of slowing down, being with yourself, and appreciating the details of your life. By being fully present in the moment, you can tend to the details of your life and truly appreciate the joyous moments that may otherwise be overlooked.

    Tonya also stresses the practice of slowing down and being present with oneself or those around you. By taking the time to truly be present with yourself and others, you can cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation for the blessings in your life. This involves not being distracted by worries about the future or regrets about the past, but rather focusing on the beauty and goodness that the present moment offers.

    Tune in to discover how you can infuse your daily life with meaning and enjoy the present moment rather than rushing toward the future.

    Talking Points:

    01:00 - Introduction to Romanticizing Your Life

    05:30 - Philosophical Perspectives on Romanticizing Your Life

    08:32 - Benefits of Romanticizing Your Life

    09:16 - Embracing Adventure in Everyday Situations

    11:34 - Importance of Mindfulness in Romanticizing Your Life

    17:06 - Morning Routine for Romanticizing Your Life

    21:18 - Importance of Self-Appreciation in Romanticizing Your Life

    25:38 - Balancing Idealism and Realism in Romanticizing Your Life

    29:03 - Finding Joy in Work and Daily Activities

    31:31 - Building Meaningful Connections and Appreciating Moments

    32:45 - Slowing Down and Being Present in Your Life


    "Romance is not something that you have to wait until one day to have. In fact, to create a romantic life, it requires that you start right now."

    "I will tell you, learning to romanticize my life has been one of the biggest gifts that I've given myself."

    "You can filter it in a way that makes you feel optimistic, that makes you feel full of gratitude, that makes you feel abundant."

    "I chose to create this alternative universe that I could live in. That's full of adventure. That's full of opportunities. It's full of surprises."

    "Looking for the blessing, looking for the joy, looking for the love, looking for the abundance. It's there if you're looking for it."

    "Love on yourself more if you want to romanticize your life."

    "Really, romanticizing your life is not that hard. It's about you being awake. It's about you appreciating. It's about you tending to the details of your life. And most importantly, it's about loving yourself."

    "Appreciate all of the goodness that life offers."

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • The Truth About Confidence: 5 Myths Exposed

    Confidence is often misunderstood, and host Tonya Leigh debunks five prevalent myths surrounding it in this episode. I encourage listeners to build a confident relationship with themselves and to understand that doubt is a natural part of the journey. Confidence in your abilities will grow over time through repeated actions and experiences.

    Tonya dives into the topic of confidence, debunking five common myths surrounding it. She shares personal stories about her journey to self-assurance and highlights that while confidence is desirable, it is not mandatory for living an incredible life. Tanya encourages listeners to pursue their dreams even in the face of self-doubt, emphasizing that confidence can be cultivated through thoughts and actions. Tune in to challenge your beliefs about confidence and discover the power of embracing the unknown in your journey towards self-assurance.

    Talking Points:

    00:40 - What is Confidence?
    01:02 - Confidence is Overrated
    01:13 - Action Before Confidence
    01:58 - Myth 1: Confidence is Needed for Amazing Things
    03:16 - Self-Assurance Over Confidence
    04:08 - Personal Story: First Mastermind Retreat
    05:54 - Building Confidence Through Repetition
    07:01 - Myth 2: Confidence Comes from External Validation
    09:02 - Building Self-Trust
    10:32 - Myth 3: Confidence Requires Being the Smartest and Loudest
    11:57 - True Confidence is Comfort with Oneself
    12:29 - Myth 4: Confidence Equals Arrogance
    13:56 - Confidence Has Nothing to Prove
    15:02 - Myth 5: Confident People Never Doubt Themselves
    16:36 - Doubt as a Companion to Confidence


    "And honestly, I sort of think confidence is overrated, even though I want you all to feel it."

    "There is a big difference. And a lot of you are trying to have confidence in something that you've never done before. And it is practically impossible."

    "It becomes this thing that needs to be fed from the outside world."

    "Confidence has nothing to prove."

    "Doubt is not a reason to stop. It's a reason to keep going."

    "Confidence comes from just believing and trusting in yourself."

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Soul Cravings: The Path to Joy and Fulfillment

    Pay attention to your soul cravings and align with your core values, strengths, and passions for deep fulfillment. In the podcast episode, Tonya Leigh emphasizes the importance of listening to your soul's cravings, which originate from the deepest part of you and are in harmony with your core values, strengths, and passions. These cravings differ from societal cravings influenced by external expectations and norms. By paying attention to your soul cravings, you can experience a profound sense of purpose, joy, and alignment in your life.

    Tonya shares her personal journey of discovering her soul cravings, such as a desire to learn about the world, feel at home in different cultures, and explore various cuisines. By following these cravings, she was able to align with her true self and move towards her North Star. She highlights the contrast between societal cravings, which may offer temporary approval or success but lack deep fulfillment, and soul cravings, which lead to a sense of purpose and joy.

    She encourages listeners to pay attention to their own cravings and explore what their soul truly longs for in life.

    Talking Points:

    00:39 - Tanya's New York City Experience
    01:55 - Identifying Your Cravings
    02:36 - Personal Development Journey
    03:08 - Essential Self vs. Social Self
    04:12 - Excavating Your True Self
    05:06 - Following Soul Cravings
    06:08 - Discovering Worldly Cravings
    07:00 - Societal vs. Soul Cravings
    10:03 - Discomfort in Following Cravings
    12:12 - Recognizing Soul Cravings
    13:05 - Creating Space for Soul Cravings
    14:10 - Developing Self-Trust
    15:37 - Paying Attention to Intuition and Body
    21:02 - Practical Exercise: Mood Boards
    24:04 - Energy from Soul Cravings


    "By listening to my soul's cravings, not my societal cravings, but my soul's cravings, has led me towards my North Star."

    "I believe in honoring your soul cravings."

    "You will know a soul craving because it will bring you joy. Even if it's hard, it'll bring you so much joy and satisfaction."

    "You have to be the one that puts up a red velvet rope around your mind, around your soul, so that you can hear you again, so that you can listen and pay attention to what you're being nudged towards and what you're being nudged away from."

    "That's not it. I just moved away from my sweet spot."

    "What is that one thing that your soul is craving right now? Listen, it's trying to speak to you. Pay attention."

    "Unleash your inner powerhouse."

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Overcoming Overwhelm: What to Do When You're Drowning in Your To-Do's

    One of the key insights from the podcast episode is the understanding that overwhelm is an emotion created by the thoughts in our heads. Host and Master Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh explains that when we feel overwhelmed, we are often in a state of fight or flight, where our sympathetic nervous system is activated. This heightened state of stress and panic can make it challenging to think clearly and find solutions to our overwhelming to-do lists.

    To manage overwhelm effectively, Tonya suggests accessing the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for rest and digest functions, promoting a state of calm and relaxation. By engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, we can counteract the fight or flight response and regain clarity of thought. She reflects on her own journey through overwhelm and provides tools to help listeners manage and conquer their to-do lists effectively.

    If you've ever felt like you're drowning in tasks, this episode is a must-listen for practical advice and inspiration.

    Talking Points:

    00:00 - Introduction to Feeling Overwhelmed

    05:30 - Overcoming Overwhelm with Self-Care

    0:22 - Filtering To-Do List with the Four D's

    13:04 - Providing Clarity through Scheduling

    4:06 - Releasing Perfectionism for Productivity

    16:28 - Embracing the Journey, Not the Destination

    18:26 - Celebrating Choices and Finding Inner Peace

    20:10 - Empowering Action with Dream Life Masterclass


    "What to do when you feel like you're drowning in your to-do's."

    "I want to be like that bird. I want to be able to find my stillness.

    "Who you're being is up to you."

    "Because if you take action off of guilt and fear over and over, you're just building a life that feels like a prison."

    "Tonya, you're never going to be done. So stop trying to get to that place that doesn't exist and learn to enjoy the day that you're in."

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/after

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Life's Highs and Lows: Discovering Your Path to Alignment

    Being outside of your comfort zone and navigating through that phase successfullly requires curiosity and self-reflection. This episode delves into the concept of embracing life's lows as much as you yearn for the highs. Tonya Leigh stresses that straying from your comfort zone is a natural part of the journey and should not be seen as a setback. Being outside of your comfort zone and navigating through that phase successfullly requires curiosity and self-reflection.

    Tonya underscores the importance of not being too hard on yourself when you're not in your comfort zone. Instead, she urges listeners to embrace it, stay curious about themselves, and extract the lessons that being out of the comfort zone can offer. By embracing the lows, one can savor the highs even more when they arrive.

    The analogy of trying on different outfits is used to illustrate the process of finding what suits you best in life. Just like trying on clothes to find the perfect fit, life is about experimenting and trying new things to discover what resonates with your values and essence. T

    This mindset fosters growth, self-discovery, and the chance to correct course when necessary. Tonya's message inspires listeners to value the contrast between highs and lows, understanding that both experiences contribute to personal growth and a deeper self-awareness.

    Talking Points:

    01:24 Finding your sweet spot.

    04:58 Embracing Life's Ups and Downs.

    11:09 Core values and connection.

    17:12 Living in your sweet spot.

    22:23 Making tough decisions about change.

    30:44 Joyful reinvention and self-image.

    35:08 Embracing life's contrasts.

    39:27 Feeling stuck and stagnant.


    "I'm feeling so at peace. I'm feeling so excited about the future. I'm feeling healthier. I'm feeling vibrant. I feel like I'm in my sweet spot."

    "But unfortunately, what a lot of people do is they just continuously focus on what they don't want."

    "You're more motivated. You're more excited about your life. You feel more aligned."

    "Every moment is a chance to turn back to you."

    "Clarity comes through action."

    "What if you learn to embrace the lows as much as you crave the highs?"

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/powerfully-ever-after/

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • Creating Intentional Self-Image Events for Personal Growth

    Self-image events play a crucial role in shaping our identities, as discussed in the podcast episode. These events can be intentional or unexpected, and reflecting on both types from our past is essential for personal growth and self-awareness.

    Intentional self-image events are experiences or activities that we consciously choose with the purpose of changing our self-image and identity. By setting extraordinary goals and immersing ourselves in new environments, we challenge our existing beliefs, push beyond personal boundaries, and facilitate the development of new skills and perspectives. These intentional events are designed to push us out of our comfort zones and help us evolve into a new way of being in the world. Embracing intentional self-image events can be a catalyst for personal development and lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

    Join in to explore how moments, both intentional and unexpected, shape our identities and help us evolve personally.

    Talking Points:

    02:58 - Understanding Self-Image Events

    04:03 - Childhood and Self-Image Formation

    06:09 - Conflicting Identities: Pageants and Church

    07:03 - Overcoming Negative Self-Image from Bullying

    08:05 - Gaining Power Through Understanding Self-Image

    10:02 - Adult Unexpected Self-Image Event

    12:10 - Cognitive Dissonance and Self-Imag

    14:08 - Adapting Self-Image to New Realities

    17:13 - Negative Self-Image Events and Recover

    19:00 - Compassion in the Face of Self-Image Challenges

    20:05 - Creating Intentional Self-Image Events

    27:45 - Intentional Self-Image Events for Future Growth


    "Life is about all of it. And I've just come to the understanding that embracing that is the secret to true fulfillment."

    "I always felt like I was sinning and I was going to go straight to hell."

    "The scared little girl in me trying to protect herself from the world. But as the adult me, I've got me."

    "This is too good to be true. This surely isn't going to work out. This isn't as good as it seems to be."

    "There's going to be so much cognitive dissonance between your beliefs about yourself and your actions."

    "When I started to look for the commonalities, it lessened the cognitive dissonance, which allowed me to entertain saying yes to this opportunity that would shape my self-image in a whole different way."

    Useful Resources:

    FREE Training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/powerfully-ever-after/

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial

  • You Are Enough: Celebrating the Uniqueness of Motherhood

    Drawing from her personal journey as a mother, Tonya highlights moments of doubt, frustration, and guilt she has faced. Despite these challenges, she stresses the importance of recognizing and celebrating the love and effort that mothers put into raising their children. By acknowledging the sacrifices, hard work, and dedication that mothers invest in their children, they can begin to appreciate and love themselves more.

    The episode also addresses the common feelings of guilt experienced by mothers. Tonya suggests that instead of dwelling on guilt, mothers should embrace innocence - recognizing that their intentions are always rooted in love and care for their children. By letting go of guilt and accepting that they are doing their best, mothers can start showing themselves the same grace and understanding they offer to their children.

    Tune in for a touching tribute to the strength and beauty of motherhood.

    Talking Points:

    02:26 The journey of motherhood.

    05:17 Motherhood and astrology signs.

    12:31 Guilt and Innocence as Options.

    16:18 Your needs matter as a mom.

    20:01 Embracing imperfection as a mom.


    "This is the most hard and beautiful and awful and amazing journey any person could go on. That of being a mother."

    "Can I return her? Because right now, I don't like her."

    "I was a great mother. I decided that everything has happened the way it was supposed to."

    "Guilt is always an option. But do you know what else is an option? Innocence."

    "Your needs matter too."

    "There are times that I wish I could pack my bags and just move away. Yeah, I'd probably come back, but sometimes I fantasize about it. And that's okay."

    "You are enough. Really let that sink in. You are enough."

    Useful Resources:

    Join The School of Self-Image Now: https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

    FREE Download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

    Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

    Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

    Website: https://schoolofselfimage.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyaLeighOfficial