
  • 🏆 Nesestříhaná epizoda je k dispozici na https://herohero.co/furyupyourass a na https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourass🏆 The unedited episode is available at https://herohero.co/furyupyourass and on https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourass

    Šestý díl nejšpinavějšího podcastu je tu! Fury Up Your Ass přináší v dalším dílu rozhovor s Jardou Hažem, bubeníkem kapely Jig-Ai, Perferia a ex-Perfecitizen a Alienation Mental.

    Jaké je hrát s metalovou kapelu ve USA? Jak moc velký rozdíl je mezi mindsetem mladých a old-school metalových muzikantů? A je důležité jméno kapely, nebo hráči v ní?

    To a mnohem víc se dozvíte v této epizodě!

    The sixth episode of the dirtiest podcast is here! Fury Up Your Ass brings in the next episode an interview with Jarda Haž, drummer of Jig-Ai, Perferia and ex-Perfecitizen and Alienation Mental.

    What is it like to play with a metal band in the USA? How much difference is there between the mindset of young and old-school metal musicians? And is the name of the band important, or the players in it?

    Find out that and much more in this episode!

    🎧 Podcast je k dispozici k poslechu také na Spotify a Apple Music

    👍 Fury Production on Facebook: facebook.com/furymsproduction

    ✅ Fury Production on Instagram: instagram.com/fury_merchandise

    ✅ Fury Up Your Ass on Instagram: instagram.com/fury_up_your_ass__podcast

    🧌 Fury Production website: furyprod.com

    📣 Special thanks goes to Tripple Crown Tattoo, Jarda Haž, and Weyška.

  • 🏆 Nesestříhaná epizoda je k dispozici na https://herohero.co/furyupyourass a na https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourass🏆 The unedited episode is available at https://herohero.co/furyupyourass and on https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourassPátý díl nejšpinavějšího podcastu je tu!Fury Up Your Ass přináší v dalším dílu rozhovor s Tomem Vysokým, alias Weyškou (ex-EPICARDIECTOMY a další).Jak vzpomíná na spolupráci se Supercrooo? Vrátí se ještě někdy za mikrofon? A jaká je budoucnost Wombat Café?To a mnohem víc se dozvíte v této epizodě!The fifth episode of the dirtiest podcast is here! Fury Up Your Ass brings in the next episode an interview with Tomas Vysoký, aka Weyška (ex-EPICARDIECTOMY and more)!How did he remember his collaboration with Supercrooo? Will he get back behind the microphone? And what about Wombat Café?Find out that and much more in this episode!🎧 Podcast je k dispozici k poslechu také na YouTube a Apple Podcast👍 Fury Production on Facebook: facebook.com/furymsproduction✅ Fury Production on Instagram: instagram.com/fury_merchandise✅ Fury Up Your Ass on Instagram: instagram.com/fury_up_your_ass__podcast🧌 Fury Production website: furyprod.com📣 Special thanks goes to Hells Bells Rocking Pub and Weyška.

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  • ⚙️ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARE OPTIONAL TO ACTIVATE🏆 Nesestříhaná epizoda je k dispozici na https://herohero.co/furyupyourass a na https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourass🏆 The unedited episode is available at https://herohero.co/furyupyourass and on https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourassČtvrý díl nejšpinavějšího podcastu je tu!Fury Up Your Ass přináší v dalším dílu rozhovor s Brunem Kovaříkem z kapel HYPNOS a KRABATHOR!Jaké jsou jeho aktuální politické postoje? Co pro něj znamená pozvání k hraní na Ukrajinu? A dočkáme se dotisku jeho knihy?To a mnohem víc se dozvíte v této epizodě!The fourth episode of the dirtiest podcast is here! Fury Up Your Ass brings in the next episode an interview with Bruno Kovarik from HYPNOS and KRABATHOR bands!What are his current political positions? What does the invitation to play in Ukraine mean to him? And will we see a reprint of his book?Find out that and much more in this episode!🎧 Podcast je k dispozici k poslechu také na Spotify a Apple Music👍 Follow Fury Up Your Ass! : https://linktr.ee/furyupyourass🧌 Fury Production website: furyprod.com📣 Special thanks goes to Metal Bar ERROR and Bruno Kovarik.

  • 🏆 Nesestříhaná epizoda je k dispozici na herohero.co/furyupyourass a na https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourass🏆 The unedited episode is available at herohero.co/furyupyourass and on https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourassTřetí díl nejšpinavějšího podcastu je tu!Fury Up Your Ass přináší v dalším dílu rozhovor se členy kapel MÖRGHUUL a REFORE!Je tuzemská metalová scéna v lepším stavu, než před deseti lety? Co vedlo REFORE ke spoluráci se Smile Music? A jak dopadl křest MÖRGHUUL?To a mnohem víc se dozvíte v této epizodě!The third episode of the dirtiest podcast is here! Fury Up Your Ass brings in the next episode an interview with members of bands MÖRGHUUL and REFORE.Is the Czech metal scene in a better state than ten years ago? What led REFORE to collaborate with Smile Music? And how did the MÖRGHUUL launch show turn out? Find out that and much more in this episode!🎧 Podcast je k dispozici k poslechu také na Spotify a Apple Music👍 Fury Production on Facebook: facebook.com/furymsproduction✅ Fury Production on Instagram: instagram.com/fury_merchandise✅ Fury Up Your Ass on Instagram: instagram.com/fury_up_your_ass__podcast🧌 Fury Production website: furyprod.com📣 Special thanks goes to Metal Bar ERROR and MÖRGHUUL and REFORE bands

  • 🏆 Nesestříhaná epizoda je k dispozici na hero.co/furyupyourass a na https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourass🏆 The unedited episode is available at hero.co/furyupyourass and on https://www.patreon.com/furyupyourassDruhý díl nejšpinavějšího podcastu je tu!Fury Up Your Ass přináší v dalším dílu rozhovor se zpěvákem a kytaristou Tomášem Skořepou, známého z kapel EXORCIZPHOBIA a FINAL FLAG.Ovlivňují Krkonoše jeho život a hudební tvorbu? Jak důležitá je autenticita v muzice? A vznikne někdy společný projekt kapel EXORCIZPHOBIA a FAÜST?To a mnohem víc se dozvíte v této epizodě! The second episode of the dirtiest podcast is here! Fury Up Your Ass brings in the next episode an interview with singer and guitarist Tomas Skorepa, known from the bands EXORCIZPHOBIA and FINAL FLAG. Do the Krkonoše Mountains influence his life and music? How important is authenticity in music? And will there ever be a joint project between EXORCIZPHOBIA and FAÜST? Find out that and much more in this episode!🎧 Podcast je k dispozici k poslechu také na Spotify a Apple Music👍 Fury Production on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/furymsproduction✅ Fury Production on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fury_merchandise/✅ Fury Up Your Ass on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fury_up_your_ass__podcast/🧌 Fury Production website: furyprod.com📣 Special thanks goes to Metal Bar ERROR and Tomáš Skořepa#furyupyourass #tomasskorepa #exorcizphobia #finalflag

  • První díl nejšpinavějšího podcastu v éteru!

    Fury Up Your Ass přináší v debutovém dílu rozhovor s legendou českého extrémního metalu, bubeníkem Tomášem Cornem, známého dříve z kapel CULT OF FIRE, LYKATHEA AFLAME a dalších.

    Jak se dostal ke hře na bicí? Jak velký je fanoušek série Pán Prstenů? A kdy se dočkáme nové desky LYKATHEA AFLAME?

    To a mnohem víc se dozvíte v této epizodě!

    The first episode of the dirtiest podcast on the air!

    Fury Up Your Ass brings in the debut episode an interview with the legend of Czech extreme metal, drummer Tomas Corn, previously known from CULT OF FIRE, LYKATHEA AFLAME and others.

    How did he get into playing drums? How big a fan of the Lord of the Rings series is he? And when can we expect a new LYKATHEA AFLAME album?

    Find out that and much more in this episode!

    👍 Fury Production on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/furymsproduction

    ✅ Fury Production on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fury_merchandise/

    ✅ Fury Up Your Ass on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fury_up_your_ass__podcast/

    🧌 Fury Production website: furyprod.com

    🎥 This podcast is also available on YouTube with English subtitles

    🍏 Listen to the podcast also on Apple Music