
  • In this episode of Future Chi Jost and Leon are broadcasting from their 4th studio location, and what turns out to be Jost’s 11th clinic since starting his practice in 1991. This leads them into the topics of new beginnings, adaptation, improvisation and paradigm shifts, and the importance of creativity when it comes to creating change and resisting the forces of darkness. They also kick things off with a discussion on Terrence Howard’s recent mind bending podcast with Joe Rogan and its implications on technology, spirituality, Newtonian physics, and Cartesian coordinates, and it’s parallels with Taoism and traditional Chinese Medicine.

    Jost talks about the importance of knowing and living your true nature, the correlations between dark matter and cosmic chi (hint - they are one in the same), how to merge old knowledge with the new, and how the interaction between elements is more important than their individual properties. Jost also talks about the sharp rise in reactive patterns in people, communicating with ascended masters, and how the higher the state of consciousness we reach the less we’re able to talk about it. Leon talks about the value of being light and nimble when it comes to defeating the bad guys, the rebellious nature of true creativity, and removing yourself from the equation when it comes to picking sides. He also talks about alien cloaking devices and the value of creativity in education.

    Jost and Leon also talk about the impact that judgement has on global conflicts, the recent failure of the WHO pandemic treaty, David vs Goliath, St. Germain, using divestment as a tool to create change, and what Spiritual Social Media would look like.

    Every day is a chance to be reborn, and now’s the time to have faith in what you can’t see, react less but interact more, detach from judgement and don’t be afraid to wipe the slate clean and start over.

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • What is real? How do we define real? Is this the real life or is this just fantasy? Thought experiments, debates, and investigations into the nature of reality and whether or not we’re in a simulation have been ongoing for centuries. The further down the technological road we go, the increasingly relevant this discussion becomes. As we bear witness to computer generated worlds indistinguishable from (what we perceive as) reality, the question of illusion vs truth becomes more pressing. What if this is all just a simulation, but not a technological one? What if we aren’t being enslaved by AI overlords but are in fact benefitting from the simulation in order to achieve a higher goal?

    In this episode Jost and Leon get real with a lively discussion on simulations, projections, the ‘afterlife’, and how we can stay connected to reality. Leon gets started (predictably) with pyramids and UFOs, and can’t resist referencing his all-time favourite movie The Matrix (which he may or may not have seen over 40 times). He also wonders if we should look at destiny as a rail or a road, and has a mid-podcast realisation that if you’re busy finding and following your purpose, then you’re less likely to stress about the nature of reality and will instead get busy creating it. Jost talks about the Taoist perspective on simulation and the way laughter, love, and experiences of the heart are ways to access base reality and instantly become real. He also talks about the concept of the higher self, the ‘life between lives’ as described by Michael Newton, what theorists, academics and scientists are missing when it comes to understanding the nature of reality, and how the feeling that there is something missing in ourselves is a result of how much soul energy we bring with us from the other side.

    Jost and Leon also get into the danger of creating simulations within simulations, how negative forces are attempting to centralise their version of reality, and how decentralisation is the way forward in more ways than one. They also talk about mesh networks, quantum healing, the evolutionary leaps of Tai Chi, bar fights, how to properly experience socks, and how to fill voids in the soul.

    That being said, no one can be told what this episode is… you have to listen to it yourself.

    Check out Jost's 'Open the Portal to your Higher Self' video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFvbchAzylE

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

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  • The battle between opposing forces is palpable these days. Good and evil, light and dark, left and right…it’s hard to not become embroiled in who’s right and who’s wrong or to be forced to pick a side, and it feels like the future of everything hangs in the balance. But there’s a difference between feeling our way forward and being internally guided to do the right thing, versus being convinced, bullied or scared into subscribing the latest set of rules and ideologies.

    The good news is we need opposing forces and polar opposites to create a field of reality to operate within…it’s why we’re here. We need challenges, battles to fight, and various fear factors to ignite our purpose and sharpen our skills, but this can take a wrong turn. Fear can also be weaponised and used to derail our journey through life and seperate us from ourselves.

    In this episode Jost and Leon get into all aspects of fear - from a pre-podcast close encounter with a deadly spider to the progression of fear that can lead to anger, hate and ultimately the death of the soul. Jost talks about the confluence of pharmaceuticals, sedentary lifestyles and sugar filled diets that are destroying our bodies, how this detaches us from our inherent ability to heal ourselves, and how anything that is fear inducing must be recognised as a weapon. He also talks about the rise of transhumanism, and how the fear of death and reliance on tech can burn the bridge between us and our higher selves. Leon talks about the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters, Thoth the Atlantean, how to stay on your path despite the people who want to knock you off it, and the amazing abundance of information at our fingertips to help us through this next phase of existence.

    Jost and Leon also talk about the prophetic nature of movies, the inverted nutritional value of Twinkies, boxing kangaroos, the turning tide of a mass awakening, the circus of Australian politics, and how the Taoists define the difference between fear and phobia.

    When it comes to fear and those who want to control us the next steps are simple: laugh it off, build your spirit, access your own divinity and get strong. The more powerful we become, they weaker they get. Fight the fear!

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • What will the future bring? What was once an exciting, optimistic and limitless concept has now become something to be anxious about, fear and even criticise. But the future is a journey, not a destination, and while science fiction stories, movies and the design of everyday things often gives us a glimpse of what’s on the horizon, it’s still always tethered to the past. So how do we detach ourselves from outdated modalities and conditioning, ditch the negative baggage and get aboard the future train?

    While we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, in this week’s episode Jost and Leon talk about all things past, present and future, and how we all need to play a roll in the redesign of everything - especially ourselves. After a muddy experience with his Mini, Jost gets into the reality of levitation, teleportation and telekinesis which even Western research says is within us all. He also talks about the new paradigms that are needed for us to see what’s already there, the timeless origins of Tai Chi, the need to disconnect from the old and tap into new sources of chi, and the importance of feeling good to create good design from the inside out. Leon discusses the late, great automotive designer Marcello Gandini, how futuristic design is still a reflection of the past, the optimism of the space age, and how we should no longer ask the audience’s opinion on anything.

    Jost and Leon also chat about Asimov’s 3 laws of robotics, hoverboards, soul awakenings and the next spiritual revolution, the future of education, the challenges with being a creator, and the dark truth about Star Trek’s teleporters.

    If we expect the future to resemble the past we’ll miss opportunities to create the new that’s desperately needed in the world. We can’t overthink it either, we have to just get out there, do it, and feel our way forward. Don’t fear the future, be the future.

  • The more we attempt to make sense of the world at the moment, the more confusing everything becomes. Up is down, left is right, and it’s feeling a lot like the inmates are running the asylum. But in a mad world is being crazy simply a matter of perspective? What do the words mad, crazy, or insane even mean?

    With aspects of physical reality colliding left, right and centre, Jost and Leon get onboard the crazy train to try and decode not just what’s happening, but what we can do about it. Jost discusses his ‘mad’ past as a drug user, smuggler, hippy and outcast and the baffling recent developments in Germany as they simultaneously enter into a ‘pre-war’ phase and legalise marijuana. He also gets into the need to combine Eastern internal energy development with external Western strength training, how the focus on materiality moves us away from both the self and ultimately the soul, and the power of fear as a catalyst for evolution. Leon talks about the thin line between creativity and craziness, and the importance of being yourself when it comes to cultivating and sharing your passion with the world. Jost and Leon also talk about the superpowers of D3, Rupert Sheldrake and the morphogenetic field, Navy SEALs, and the surprising connection between spirituality and survival skills.

    The more crazy and unstable things become the more fear and uncertainty increase, but these things are necessary for us to discover who we really are and what we’re capable of. We can’t have an incredible gift without a corresponding weakness or liability, so it’s our job to dig deep, face our fears, and become ourselves.

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • In this episode, Jost and Leon chew the fat on all things food - from agriculture, permaculture and industrial food production, to superfoods, alcohol, porridge and the mystery and misunderstandings around the topic of dieting.

    The conversation kicks off on the topic of our unhealthy and unsustainable system of food production, the current uprising of farmers around the world, and how we must find a way forward that unifies technology, spirituality and our own intelligence. Monocultures and processed food are bad for the ecosystem and bad for our health, but there’s a deeper, internal issue that has to be addressed when it comes to food. Beyond just what we eat, the physical and mental state we’re in when we eat have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.

    Jost talks about the metabolic syndrome epidemic affecting 90% of the world, and how the underlying factor is not just poor food choices but stress and a lack of purpose. Jost also discusses the need to target emotionality before diet, how to see the body as its own permaculture system, the concept of happy foods, and his clinical observations of where vegan and raw diets can lead. Leon chats about the problems with one-size-fits-all solutions and the importance of doing what you can, with what you have, where you are.

    Jost and Leon trade their very different experiences with alcohol and have an in-depth chat about what ‘good food’ really is. They also get into the indestructible cars of the 80’s, the correlation between road rage and sandwiches, Jost’s fruit loops breakfast recipe, belly fat, bottled air, and how the beginning of your day dictates the end.

    Eating is about unification, not isolation, so it may be time to rethink your relationship with food. Don’t worry, eat happy!

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Why do some people see through lies while others go along with them? What makes us either blindly follow the rules or challenge the prevailing narrative? What makes us feel safe, helps us make decisions, and allows us to freely and truthfully express ourselves? Turns out these things are all related and are affiliated with the small and humble amygdala. But what happens when it becomes damaged? What happens when we can’t regulate emotions like fear and anxiety? Inexplicable actions and downright chaos ensues, and this means there may very well be a biological basis for the bizarre behaviour over the past few years.

    This week's episode tackles the heady topic of the human brain, with a special focus on the amygdala, which, according to the latest research, has lost its protective layers and is in sharp decline. But in true Future Chi fashion we don’t stay in the head; the rest of the body, mind, and spirit comes along for the ride too.

    Jost and Leon discuss not only the insanity of recent years, but the path leading up to it, and how nutrient deficient foods, sedentary lifestyles and mental weakness left many exposed and susceptible to manipulation. Jost talks about the energy Organs in Chinese medicine and how they must work in concert, the need to upgrade our hardware (body) to deal with life’s challenges, and how Earth is the hardest planet in the multiverse to exist on. Leon talks about cerebral warfare, mental immunity, pushovers, and how to avoid internalising the industrial process.

    Jost and Leon also talk the repetitive cycle of the broken political system and the imperative for personal responsibility and preparedness when dealing with societal challenges. True unity and the evolution of humankind hinge on our actions, rather than faith in a new leader. They also chat about jazz, James Dean, zombie hordes, mass formation phenomenon, fringe living, invisible amygdala monsters and the brain eating chimera from The Relic movie.

    It’s now more important than ever to defend against the fear and negativity that others are spreading, by strengthening your energy armour through how you live: breath work, nutrition, and connecting to the cosmic chi grid. Keep the defences strong, fight off the energy vampires and mindless mobs, and guard your internal world from external chaos. May the chi be with you!

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Welcome to Future Chi, where once again we’re broadcasting from a log cabin, on a nature preserve, somewhere in the hills of Queensland, Australia. Off the bat this leads to a reflection on living in isolation, living free of critique, and how to break through the sheath that surrounds our true selves. This reflection on self reliance leads Jost and Leon to get into the topic of true power; where it comes from, how to cultivate it, and how to tell the difference between imitation and authenticity.

    Jost discusses our vital essence - or ’Jing’ - in Chinese medicine and its critical role in the foundation of life itself; from fertility, energy, and longevity, to its impact on our impulses and sex drive. Jost also talks about the 3 stages of spiritual practice (and their correlating dimensions), the 5 elements, the 12 meridians, and how this relates to the pyramids, DaVinci’s Vitriuvian Man, Chinese Medicine, gold, and Alexander Shulgin (the godfather of Ecstasy). Leon talks about working things out internally before expressing them externally, the dangers of asking focus groups for advice, and how the open-ended loop of mass manufacturing is a slippery slope into downcycling. He also talks about the emptiness of trying to obtain power by proxy instead of doing the hard work.

    Jost and Leon wonder if our physical reality just a prototype, if the Spiritual Hierarchy is considering discontinuing this model, and if so, what comes next? They chat about Elvis, Stalin, and what happens when you're surrounded by yes men, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, global unrest, and cryptocurrency. They also call bullsh*t on the ‘junk DNA’ theory and expose the lack of real power possessed by the ruling class.

    Jost and Leon both share their experiences of the last few years and acknowledge all the reasons to be angry, but emphasise the need to ‘hang up the phone’ and move forward. They also discuss the importance of mourning the loss of the old world and allowing grief to take us to a new starting point; discovering our own power. If you have internal power you will always see a solution, you always have options, and you always know what to do. The people trying to manipulate us want us stupid, weak, and unhealthy, but their power is built on false foundations. It’s time to take the power back by taking charge of ourselves and becoming active participants in forging the future.

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • We’re amidst one of the biggest transitions and most rapid shifts in consciousness we’ve ever seen. Time feels like it’s speeding up (according to quantum physics it’s more than a feeling), and it’s hard to know what to let go of, what to hold on to, and where it’s all headed. It’s time to acknowledge that the old ways are dying and a new reality is emerging.

    This week’s episode kicks off amidst the serenity of a nature preserve where Jost and Leon - Inspired by their surroundings - take a moment question the essence of life and society in response to changing times, with the usual Taoist/designer twist. They discuss the perception of time and consciousness across dimensions, peak periods of awakening from Newton’s apple, to the dawn of quantum physics, to the spiritual movement of the 70’s, right up to the current awakening we find ourselves in now. Jost gets into the crossover between quantum physics and Taoism, and how tai chi, meditation, and acupuncture offer an ability to transcend time and space. He also talks about the world’s first jet fighter, the importance of pushing the envelope, and the cosmic mystery of ideas and their origins. Leon talks about the forgotten ages of innovation, the emerald tablets, the Black Knight satellite and the return of supersonic flight.

    Jost and Leon also chat about encounters with snakes and kangaroos, Vladimir Putin, Niels Bohr, rebel communities, ancient civilisations and the idea that Atlantis wasn’t a city, but an age. Humanity is in a next-level awakening phase, so it’s time to disrupt manipulative narratives and advocate for the creation of a new reality. With every new idea, paradigm shift, advancement, and breakthrough, there always comes resistance from established structures. Our job is to not be stopped by this, but to break through it. It's not the time to get caught up amongst the fear and frenzy of the old world, but take a huge leap forward into a new one.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-46-quantum-leap

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Everything is becoming condensed and compressed; between an information overload, rapid increase in stressors and a looming cloud of uncertainty, it feels more and more like something has to give. But in these dark and heavy times it's important to remember that both darkness and heaviness must always give way to light.

    In this week’s episode, Leon and Jost light up the dark with a luminous discussion on how to keep the flame lit, and how to use density, compression and adversity to our advantage instead of letting it weigh us down. The heavier things get the more difficult life can become, and if we don’t have a daily plan in place to carve ourselves out and tap into our inner luminosity we’ll get dragged along..and down..by the mundane world. Leon talks in depth about the life of Nikola Tesla and how the trials, tribulations, pain and struggle of invention were necessary for us to reach new levels of innovation and technology. He also talks about the hidden aspects of design, engineering and creativity and the invisible efforts that go into shaping the world around us, the origins of the Audi TT, Yoda’s perspective on Zen Buddhism, and how the film Constantine dealt with the battle of light against dark. Jost connects these themes to Chinese medicine and Taoism, and talks about the magic and effort of forging a bond with your soulmate, the downward spiral of seeking external validation, and the importance of maximising our time in the physical realm so that we can return to the spirit world with something worthwhile. He also talks about his experiences with the emptiness of Hollywood, training under a master in Malaysia, how to maintain a connection to the source through spiritual practice, and how to not care about what people think about you.

    Jost and Leon also get into fame, influencers and ego, alchemy, Joan of Arc, the Taoist art of drunkenness, the myth of the 8 hour sleep cycle, the surprising connection between electrical engineering and spirit forces, and Pontiac Firebirds.

    In dark, dense and unpredictable times, stay connected to the spirit source, stay creative and remember that the hottest fire forges the strongest steel.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-45-illumination

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • It feels like we’re sailing further and further out into an ocean of weirdness, uncertainty and instability, with positivity and optimism in short supply. In dark times, when the horizon is hard to see, it's easy to lose hope and become entangled in anger, cynicism and negativity. But dwelling in the dark is not what we’re here to do. We’re here to learn, evolve, and grow, and to do that we need to be excited and inspired about the future.

    In this episode, Jost and Leon shine a light into the dark with an inspiring chat about the challenging times we find ourselves in, and how the end of one age is the dawn of a new one. Jost talks about the 30th anniversary of his first clinic, the Osiris Health Care Centre, and how his bold leap into the unknown - that coincided with the boom of the Mind Body Spirit festival movement - opened up a new cosmic reality to countless people. He also talks about the Hippy era, the New Age, the cycles of boom, commercialisation and dispersion that these movements go through, and how each pulse wave of change reaches a peak before making way for the something better. Jost also chats about the critical importance of tapping into the source of inspiration and excitement which enters us via the Heart, and how now more than ever creativity, optimism and bravery are the vital tools we need to light the path ahead. Leon chats about the benefits of popular culture and its role in introducing meaning if you’re willing to go beneath the surface, and the undeniable spirit that is conveyed in martial arts films like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. He also talks about the over-academisation of design education and the problems of teaching without knowing, and why analysts are the last people we should trust to guide us into the future.

    Jost and Leon also talk about tapping into the pulsating rhythm of the universe, Deepak Chopra vs. Jimmy Barnes, blacksmithing, Bashar and the 5th dimension, Nirvana (the band not the Buddhist concept), hippy surf brands, and the Age of Aquarius. They also talk about how to ride the waves of instability, deal with negative institutions, news and people, and the difference between positive thinking and positive doing.

    The body is an instrument of the soul to execute its mission here on earth, so by participating in the physical world we in turn evolve the soul. That participation comes with trials, tribulations and difficult, dark times. Our job is to not be trapped by this, but to boldly go beyond and help bring forth the next age.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-44-uptimism

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Where do we go when we’ve gone too far? After a tumultuous few years have we hit peak weird, peak ideology, peak excess and peak division? Are we at peak civilisation? All signs suggest we’re near a tipping point and a massive shift in consciousness. But every ending brings a new beginning, and pushing the boundaries has been the mainstay of doers, fighters, creatives, philosophers, leaders and agents of change for thousands of years. The inflection point we’re experiencing now - the tip from Yin to Yang - is an opportunity to be architects of the future, not prisoners of the past.

    In this episode Jost and Leon reach new heights as they discuss the apex era, peak everything, and paradigm shifts by drawing parallels between design and taoism, technology and spirituality, traditional Chinese Medicine and the future of everything…in typical Future Chi fashion.

    Leon delves into the history of automotive design and wonders if the Tesla Cybertruck is the dawn of a new era of design or the death of traditional beauty (or both), how this compares to the gorgeous Citroën DS, and how both are outward expressions of radical innovation in very different ways. He also talks about the past, present, and future of electric vehicles, and what to do now that we have technology that can not only create - but exceed - our vision. Jost joins the dots and discusses how the spark to create comes from the Tao, the ability to create is regulated by Yin and Yang, and how we must always be in the dot of the Yin and Yang - not the mass or mainstream - because this is where the world changing work happens. He also chats about discovering what’s right by doing what’s wrong, the importance of focusing on the inner and not fixating on the outer, how copying success doesn’t work, and how we’re here to act on our ideas - not someone else’s. Jost and Leon also talk about Banksy, Bowie, Zappa and Kraftwerk, the social media recession, how to counteract anti-human and cynical attitudes with creativity and self expression, and the beauty of editing.

    The peak we have reached is a chance to see further, to seek danger and to take risks. Be the change you want to see in the world and most importantly, be the dot!

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-43-apex-era

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • We’re in the midst of a rising mental health crisis, but is there also a crisis of incorrect treatment? What happens when the focus remains on the mental and not holistic aspects of health? A combination of weak guidance, poor quality food, sedentary lifestyles and overuse of medication, minus a constructive, structured, confidence building physical regimen is sending people on a downward spiral. This has devastating ramifications for the future.

    But never fear, Jost and Leon are here with a positive mentality on mental health! Jost talks about his recent, baffling experiences with modern mental health professionals, the completely backwards state of ‘inclusive’ treatment, how the western approach to mental health has changed for the worse, and his decades of experience treating the mind through the body. He also talks about the importance of group dynamics, following the critical path of yin and yang, and how a focus on synergy and holism - not isolationism - is crucial to good mental health. Leon wonders about the connection between the second industrial revolution and the emergence of western psychology in the mid 19th century, and the coining of the term mental health in the early 20th century. Jost and Leon also talk about the pros and cons of analogue technology, the inanity of dieting, the right way to cook oats, how to classify coca cola as a substance (and how this relates to James Bond), and the difference between drives and and intent.

    If we don’t know how to master our own health, the road ahead will be a rocky one. There’s too many choices and too much stimuli designed to make us unhealthy and take us further away from ourselves. A weak body leads to a weak mind that is susceptible to lies, manipulation, and fear, and now is not the time for any of that. Strong body = strong mind.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://www.futurethingy.com/episode-42-mentality

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • According to a recent Harvard study, 43% of the world is currently going through a ‘spiritual awakening’, and yet very few people are talking about it. If this is news to you you’re either in the other 57%, or you’re experiencing something you can’t quite explain (let alone describe to anyone else). In a time of unprecedented upheaval, where more social disruption has occurred in 4 years than in the past 40, having a sudden realisation that there is more to life than what we see in the mundane world is probably a good response.

    The signs are everywhere than an old age is coming to an end and a new age is emerging on planet earth, and we need to consult sources beyond the physical to find the way forward. The pursuit, cultivation and practice of spirituality is a huge part of this critical path, but thanks to the New Age and a lot of other half-assed approaches, the whole ‘being spiritual’ thing has unfortunately lost its street cred.

    In this episode, Jost and Leon have a deeply spiritual talk about the fact that you can’t talk about spirituality; it’s something that you have to do. Jost gets into his background in social pedagogy, current experiences in his clinic, and the challenge of how to treat young people with old souls. He also talks about the links between Chinese Medicine, Taoism and spirituality, and how our energy organs create a roadmap to being truly spiritual. Jost also chats about the the emerging souls with ideas and solutions that the world badly needs. Leon talks about Buckminster Fuller and the importance of microscopic adjustments - in both nautical engineering and martial arts- that can result in massive change.

    Jost and Leon also talk about Lao Tzu’s rebellious writing of the Hua Hu Ching, Jost’s beloved Yamaha FJ1200 and meeting a master, and how to redefine spirituality for the modern age; treating the body, treating the soul, and learning to know what’s there.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-41-waking

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Are we in the midst of some kind of societal dismantling? In an ever increasing rush to take a side, make a stand, and signal to others what we believe, we get more and more caught up in the external world. The more we try and make sense of this via analysis, opinion, and intellectual processes, the more it drains our energy.

    Trying to make sense of the world by solely engaging with the ‘issues' gets us entangled, angry, and depleted, and the more this happens the harder it is to intuit what’s really happening. Unfortunately we can’t just talk things through without fear of treading on someone’s feelings, beliefs, or privacy. We can’t just think positive thoughts and employ solely mental techniques either, because this produces an acquired virtue that takes us further and further away from ourselves.

    In this episode, Jost and Leon try to make as little sense as possible and get into the many issues we face when engaging with…the issues. Jost talks in depth about the rigorous internal work required to develop inner peace, how drugs bring forth what is already within us, and the dangers of trying to correct the physical world instead of first transcending it. He also talks about the critical importance of the Lung function in Chinese medicine and how breathing exercises naturally rejuvenate us and keep us in the here and now, instead of being trapped in the past or fearful of the future and resorting to synthetic interventions. Leon talks about dealing with bullies, maintaining a connection to yourself and forging a path forward no matter what.

    Jost and Leon also talk about the botox epidemic, Monty Python’s absurdist humour, Keith Richard’s frequent trips to Switzerland, Tom Cruise’s death defying stunts and Mission Impossible’s confusing plot line, Steve Irwin and stingrays, and the surreality of redesigning the world - and ourselves - to fit inside the digital box of social media.

    If we don’t feel comfortable in our skin, we can’t be ourselves and we aren’t at peace. If we aren’t at peace we become entangled and easily triggered, and in an attempt to make sense of it all we’re compelled to pick sides. Silence, stillness, and internal work are needed to regroup, reboot, and reestablish the fundamental basis of reality. We can’t talk or think our way out of this, we must choose to do things differently.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-40-nonsense

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Are things getting weirder, worse, and more unstable? Are lies and deceit on the rise? Or is it that are we becoming more attuned to reality and the true nature of life? The answer is…yes! The weirder it gets, the more we need to go within. The chaotic and hostile environments we find ourselves in require us to draw from inside ourselves and to tap into our own spiritual information and destiny. This information tells us not just who we are and what we’re doing here, but also who - and what - to trust. So how do we tap into this wellspring of knowledge? The answer is in the blood.

    Beyond its purely physiological functions, Blood in Traditional Chinese Medicine contains consciousness, information and a direct connection to the 'source'; to the God head or the the Buddha mind. Not only can this guide us, but it gives us direct access to our purpose and mission here on Earth. If we develop a lifestyle that supports the Blood, instructions on how to succeed will be provided to us from within.

    In this episode, Jost and Leon go on another bloody rant about health, teaching, design, AI, spirituality, space travel, Taoism and the necessity of cultivating body and mind. Jost talks about the importance of trauma, trials, challenges and the need to take the path less traveled, the diseases that result from unhealthy blood and its effect on the heart, and how we can’t have a spiritual awakening if we’re unhealthy. Leon talks about director’s cuts, super heroes, sci-fi, and how to fight modern day vampires. Jost and Leon also chat about restaurants on Mars, the sinisterness of safety, keeping your distance and avoiding mundane entanglements, and the role technology will play in the next spiritual revolution.

    If you’re connected to your heart, to the source, and have proper blood flow, you will understand what is real and have the power to act on it accordingly. For those who are here to be explorers, truth seekers, visionaries and risk takers, navigating your way through life is like trying to navigate an alien planet. There are no maps, you don’t know who to trust, and you can’t stop and ask for directions. But you can access your own on-board power and guidance systems. So tune in, turn on, and tap into yourself. After all, it’s in the blood.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-39-blood-code

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • War, what is it good for? It looks and feels like things are getting worse by the day - death, destruction and despondency are out of control, and there's a seemingly daily effort to divide us by any and all means possible. With brewing wars, constant conflict, and global pain and suffering it’s easy to lose hope. How to we counteract this? How do we prevent war, cut through the lies and get to the truth?

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the fundamental nature of life is good, but good things take time and reveal themselves slowly while bad things are amplified, sensationalised and spread quickly. In this episode, Jost and Leon talk about the origins of conflict, the ashes of war, and how to disrupt destructive trajectories (or avoid them entirely).

    Jost talks in depth about his deeply personal experiences of post-war Germany, the destruction and depression that followed, and the emergence of a materialistic and mundane society. Jost’s search for meaning, truth, and transformation ultimately lead him to Chinese culture, martial arts, philosophy and medicine. Jost discusses the spiritual awakening that war can unlock for some and the anger and PTSD it causes for others. He also talks about the dangers of segregation, fear driven narratives and blind conformity of recent years that are all too close to home. Leon gets into toy soldiers, the shallowness of virtue signalling, the dismissiveness of pejoratives used to sideline critical thinkers, and the need to go deeper and transcend the ‘issues’ of the moment. Jost and Leon also talk superhuman fighters, the courage and bravery required to face ourselves, the spontaneity of true virtue, and the difference between being told what is right versus really knowing.

    The prevention of war is up to us. Now more than ever we need to do our practice, align with our own nature, and in doing so we will be good, do good, and become invisible to those who want to control us. The future needs us to work in the present, not live in the past.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-38-war

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • Losing track of what you were doing, thinking, or talking about? Struggling hold your attention on one thing at a time? Productivity in the western world is declining at a rapid rate and brain fog, short attention spans and an inability to stay focused are the easily attributed causes. But what’s the underlying reason for this? Will this decline in mental performance create a knock on effect that will undermine our future?

    Addressing the core of the problem is the only way forward. In this week’s episode Jost and Leon focus in on the root of short attention spans, what’s causing their rapid increase and what we can do about it. Jost talks about the nature of information overload that clogs up our mental hard drives, how the Liver regulates this, and how the Lungs can help us declutter and reboot our systems to ensure we aren’t holding onto unnecessary ‘files’. As it turns out Chinese medicine understood the concept of the computer thousands of years ago, and that ejecting old files - or old energy - was a daily necessity. Jost also talks about the blood, sweat and Chi that goes into creating something new, and how clarity and focus are required to lay the right groundwork and make things happen. Leon talks about how good art, good design, good photography, and good architecture transcend the technological tools of the time, how AI is only a small part of a big future picture we can’t yet see, what sustainable design really is, and the importance of focusing on the details. He also talks about the film Johnny Mnemonic and what happens when your mental hard drive can't handle the input.

    Problems can’t exist without solutions, and we’re all born with the solution. Don’t wake up to external ideas, opinions and information (ie your phone). Wake up instead to breath work, exercise, and grounding. Clear out the old and start anew each day, and get busy doing what we’re here to do.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-37-memory

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • What concerns you and what are you willing to speak up about? Is it a prepackaged ideology or is it what you really think, really feel, and really believe? While it was once common to speak up, express opinions and engage in spirited debates, it’s now difficult to say anything without fear of offending someone. If we can’t speak up about how we really feel, we can’t come together and have a coherent discussion about what really needs to be done. We’re now experiencing unprecedented levels of division, but how did we get here? What’s caused us to identify and attack each other’s differences instead of recognising what unites us?

    A lot of pain was generated over the last few years. Wilfully divisive language, attitudes, and policies came from multiple angles… be it from employers, friends and family, the media, or our leaders. Speaking out was encouraged as long it fit the narrative, and for many others this lead to a spiral of self censorship and suppressed emotions. But no matter what side you found yourself on, it’s becoming increasingly hard to move forward without addressing what happened.

    We need to speak up. If we don’t say what truly matters to us we create underlying patterns that cause problems in our physical and mental health, and the symptoms are now coming to the surface thick and fast.

    In this episode Jost and Leon get into the topic of self censorship, self expression, and the importance of getting to the root of what divides us. Jost talks about his post-pandemic heart healing workshops and the debilitating levels of PTSD they revealed, the connection between immunity and our belief patterns, and how negative thoughtforms (known as Phlegm in Chinese medicine) can spread and stop us from seeing inside ourselves and seeing reality. He also talks about the connection between this and ‘yo-yo flus’, weight gain, and brain fog, and how to begin the healing process and fight for our right to health and happiness. Leon talks about zombie bureaucrats, useful idiots and misguided righteousness, and the connection between thoughtforms and the face-huggers from Alien. Jost and Leon also talk about losing friends, how to view George Orwell’s 1984 from a health perspective, and the importance of understanding the battle before engaging in it.

    Speaking up is essential for our health and our sanity, so let’s start the inner journey of self healing and ensure that what we express outwards is clear, true, and real.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-36-speakingup

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

  • What are dreams and what do they mean? What do they tell us about our true selves? What does it really mean to ‘dream big’? How do we follow up on those dreams and what happens when they become nightmares?

    In this week’s episode Jost and Leon enter the dream world and discuss what happens when we go to sleep, where our soul goes, and the messages our body sends us through dreams. When we sleep our awareness is in the spiritual world and we aren’t impacted by constraints of physical reality. Dreams are associated with freedom, with infinite possibilities, and with the ability to live on our own terms and abide by our own rules. But in the real world realising your dreams is hard work, and when we try to follow outdated constructs (like the Australian or American dream) it’s easy to become disappointed and disillusioned about where we’re headed.

    Jost talks about dream analysis in Traditional Chinese Medicine and how dreams bring symptoms forward that need to be looked at and corrected. He also talks about the soul’s journey during sleep, how it exits the body and what happens when it returns. Jost and Leon discuss possession and creating from within, and how their different experiences in the past set them on their respective paths to the inner world. They also talk about the dream of music and self expression, lucid dreaming, the hard work behind magic, and the pursuit of not perfection - but process.

    To dream we must first experience limitations and restrictions, and be faced with something seemingly impossible. To have a dream then means to uncover what is suppressed, to break free, and to move forward and create the new. So it’s time to reevaluate and redefine dreams, and to resolve the things that are holding us back.

    View the Episode Sketch here: https://futurethingy.com/episode-35-dreams

    For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/

    For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/