We share the weirdest stories from June with you, including the world of secret fungus, the alien intervention in NASA exploration, one weird tip to stop an alien abduction, and much more.
• natalie & drew
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Karl Nell, former U.S. Army Colonel, admits that non-human intelligence is real, and on Earth.
• natalie & drew
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Mangler du episoder?
Scientists agree with what we've been telling you for years: animals are conscious and have subjective experiences! We tell you why they came to this conclusion, along with the tales of animals which not only proved to be conscious - but telepathic. Also, we talk about Mothman, omens and prognostication, the mathematical basis of the universe, entropy, unidentified garbage bag objects, and more.
This is a free public episode, like all our Weird Month episodes, but if you'd like to hear 400+ more episodes and join our patron-only discord, hit us with a subscription at https://patreon.com/garbagebrainuniversity and we'll do the rest.
• natalie & drew
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This month, we explore the return of the monolith in Wales, the brand-new (more realistic) alien bodies in Peru, the alien handwriting disclosed by an American lawyer, and dozens of other topics.
Our Weird Month episodes are free for the public, but if you'd like to hear 400+ more humor-based episodes about aliens, the occult, quantum physics, the paranormal, and so forth, become a Patron. You'll also get access to our private Discord and more. It's all right here:
• natalie & drew
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We recap everything weird that happened this month in the world of aliens, consciousness, quantum physics, and more. Patrons get 400+ Everything Is Real and Garbage Brain University episodes, as well as access to our private subscriber discord, so if you haven't become a patron yet, now's the time!
• natalie & drew
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Today begins our new series, where we examine the UFO, alien, paranormal, and otherwise weird events of the month, and fill you in on what they mean. This month, we talk about the Jellyfish UFO, aliens at the mall in Miami, what real scientists think about Neil Degrasse Tyson, extra dimensions, alien disclosure, the Department of Defense, and more.
This episode is FREE for everyone to listen to, but we’d love your support to keep making Weird Months and our weekly patron-only episodes! Head to https://patreon.com/garbagebrainuniversity to become a paid subscriber, which gives you access to our patron-only Discord server and over 400 episodes you’ve never heard.
• natalie & drew
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The whistleblower David Grusch testified under oath to Congress yesterday that there has been a secret UFO retrieval program going on for decades, and that the US government has retrieved both alien craft and alien bodies. We talk you through the implications of this, along with the question no one else is asking, let alone answering: Is David Grusch an alien himself? Listen now and find out.
If you’re not a patron of GBU yet, this would be an excellent time for you to do so. Our last few months of episodes have been for patrons only, and you’ve missed over 200 patron-only episodes! Your membership also comes with an invitation to our exclusive, patron-only Discord server. Become a patron right here, right now by clicking this button:
• natalie & drew
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This week, whistleblower David Grusch revealed the existence of a secret US program to retrieve crashed alien spacecraft, and it goes back further than you’d think. In today’s episode, we tell you what he revealed, what it means in the context of the post-2019 alien disclosure program, and where all of this is headed.
Today’s episode is free, but this year, we’re saving most of our episodes for patrons only. You can become a patron, enabling you to hear our entire archive (including 170 patron-only episodes of Garbage Brain University and Everything Is Real) for only five bucks by Subscribing here:
• natalie & drew
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What happens when you shoot a UFO 1,400 times and it flies off without complaint, in front of thousands of onlookers? The Battle Of LA took place in 1942, and reveals the bizarre nature of unidentified aerial phenomena. We give you the evidence, including a strikingly similar case from over 400 years ago, and let you decide whether or not it was “just a weather balloon.”
You should really become a patron of GBU / Everything Is Real if you haven’t already, btw! You’ll get 180 episodes you’ve never heard, and membership in our Discord server, where we work together twice a week to answer the standing question in every episode. (Membership is restricted to patrons, so there aren’t any randos.)
• natalie & drew
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Unearthed in Belize in the 1920s, this crystal skull purportedly imbued its owner with powers and enabled her to live to the age of exactly 100. We find out the truth behind this famous skull and others unearthed over time, and reveal the legend of what happens when all 13 of these skulls are reunited.
Becoming a patron of GBU/Everything Is Real gives you access to twice as many episodes as free subscribers, and allows you entrance into the mystical GBU Discord server. Convert your free subscription to a paying patronage by clicking this button, and join us:
• natalie & drew
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In 1984-5, a schoolteacher began receiving messages on his computer from a man living in 1574… and, then, messages from someone in the year 2109. We examine this, and the related paranormal activity surrounding the arrival of Ye Mysticyl Boxxe Of Lightes Upon Which A Manne Can Engrave Lettyrs, in today’s Everything Is Real.
Not a patron? We need your help to continue researching, writing, and recording these episodes! You’ll be rewarded with our secret discussion area as well as over 170 episodes that only paying patrons are allowed to hear. Join us now by pressing this button:
• natalie & drew
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The famous Ziggurat of Ur may contain a wormhole (“stargate”) that allows travel through time and space. Did the US wage the Iraq war to take control of it? Where are the other wormholes? And why did the Sumerians build it in the first place? We investigate these questions, plus what happens when the EMP destroys all of our data, why you can put trash in a wormhole, why Natalie hates outer space, and why Einstein would have hated all of this.
Not a patron? You’ve missed our investigations of the real Men In Black, apes with psychedelic mushrooms, a time-traveling battleship, and instructions on how to summon an alien with sex magic. Become a paying patron now for these as well as 170 episodes you’ve never heard and access to our subscriber Discord to discuss these topics and more.
• natalie & drew
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The Travis Walton abduction case is one of the most well-documented of the 1970s, and today, we dig into the evidence. Why did the aliens heal him aboard their craft? Who was paid off to “debunk” the case? And what was network television’s motive in having him play a game show, decades later? We reveal all this and more in today’s free episode.
Not a paying subscriber? You should become one. Not only will you support us researching, writing, and recording Everything Is Real, but you’ll get access to our entire backcatalogue of over 170 episodes of GBU + EIR and membership in our exclusive Discord server. Join us now.
• natalie & drew
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Today, we bring you the Hopkinsville Goblin case, one of the most compelling extraterrestrial/interdimensional beings discovered in the 20th century. For hours, these goblins tormented a farm family in rural Kentucky. Where were they from? How did they get here? And how did Pokemon take this famous cryptid sighting and turn it into Sableye? We answer these questions and more in today’s Everything Is Real.
You can help us continue to research, write, and record GBU/Everything Is Real by becoming a patron, a sponsor, or a paying subscriber. Not only will you get full access to our discussion channels, but you’ll hear over 170 episodes that are only for paying members. Do it now.
• natalie & drew
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John Titor came from the year 2036 and may have changed our timeline. He was a child soldier who fought in the New American Civil War, and predicted the Y2K disaster, Mad Cow Disease, and World War III. Did he change our timeline? Is the current state of affairs the result of meddling in cosmic destiny by a soldier from the not-so-far-flung future? We reveal everything in today’s episode of Everything Is Real.
We need you to become a paid patron so that we can continue to make GBU/EIR. Please join us using this button or the address at the end of the episode!
• natalie & drew
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After WWII, the Nazis dispersed across the earth like dandelion fluff. Did some of them end up in Antarctica? We investigate today, along with the details on Operation Paperclip, Bob Lazar’s involvement in Nazi technology, foo fighters (the UFOs, not the band,) the Nazi UFO crash in 1965, Operation Highjump, why the toothbrush moustache is coming back, and why people are always so naïve.
Please consider upgrading your subscription to the paid level ($5/mo!) It’s not much money but it will help us continue to research, write, and record Everything Is Real. You’ll get full access to over 170 paid episodes you’ve never heard, plus membership in our secret Discord community.
Have friends? Consider gifting them a year of paid GBU as a present this year, using this very button. Your gift sub lets them get all the benefits of regular membership, but you’ll pay for it instead of them. It sounds wonderful to be your friend.
• natalie & drew
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The portal that Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley opened may have ushered in the age of UFOs... and may have been the first sighting of what most call a "grey alien" today. We went deep on the rituals they used to do this, investigated the links between alien sex rituals and quantum mechanics, and tell you how to summon an alien yourself.
For more Everything Is Real (you haven’t heard 7 of our patron-only episodes!) and Garbage Brain University (165 patron-only episodes,) you’ll need to upgrade to a paid membership. Hit the button and you’ll get all the extras.
• natalie & drew
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What is a Marian apparition? What should you do if one appears to you? And why does the Virgin Mary tell you the same things that aliens do when they appear? We’ve put together compelling evidence that the Virgin Mary apparitions seen around the world are, in fact, extraterrestrial beings. Listen now.
If you missed our episode on why the Galactic Federation is real (#12) that’s because you’re not a patron yet! Convert your subscription from free to paid now (with this button) and you’ll get twice as many episodes as free subscribers, plus access to our private Discord server where you can share your own ratings with hundreds of other Everything Is Real listeners:
• natalie & drew
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Bigfoot has been part of human culture since prehistory, and we dig into the mysteries surrounding this legendary creature in today’s Everything Is Real. If you’re interested in Sasquatch, you’ve already picked apart the Paterson Film and read about Ray Wallace, but we go deeper, investigating Bigfoot’s ties to Hinduism, extraterrestrials, conscious manifestation, and more.
If you’re not a patron yet, join us by converting your free membership (you only hear half our episodes) into a paid sub. Your small contribution entitles you to the full archive of over 160 patron-only episodes, plus access to our private Discord community. See you there.
• natalie & drew
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We investigated the idea that archons are using the negative emotions of Planet Earth (“loosh”) as food. Reptilians, aliens, interdimensional entities, Annunaki, and who knows what else may be sucking down your very own sadness for their own uses. We consulted Robert Monroe, the Nag Hammadi, simulation theory, fractal similarities, biological evidence, and human history to find out more.
Become a patron of GBU and you’ll learn even more, with an extra episode ONLY for patrons for every free episode we release, plus access to our listener community, GBU Bake Off, and group games. Plus, if you want to leave your own score on whether or not you think each episode’s topic is real, you’ve gotta be a member. Slam this button or visit the URL at the end of each episode to become a patron.
• natalie & drew
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